Lagunas Backup
01-27-2002, 05:54 PM
i cannot beat bohamet at all!!!!. he decimates my ppl. i have squall at level 87 and at max hp and have the loin heart, and zell ,with his ultimate, and quistis are at level 79 and have about 6 or 7 thousand.:confused: :confused: :mad: :mad:

01-27-2002, 06:06 PM
You proberbly need to juction better magic or absorb fire so the dragons do little harm. Use doomtrain on the dragons so he does nothing to you then just use diablos against the dragons. This will leave you with most of you GF's left. I had this problem ages ago before I really understood the junction system once I sussed it I kicked its ass.

Lagunas Backup
01-27-2002, 06:14 PM
i have ultimas junctioned to squall but what i do is use quistis's degenerator and kill em that way because i dont have doom train. and besides if u junction things to absorb fire, fire breath is a physical attack so i cant defend against that unless i use protect or reflect

01-27-2002, 06:25 PM
Which Gfs have you got ? You might need all of them available cos bahamut knocks out lots of em

Lagunas Backup
01-27-2002, 06:28 PM
only ones i dont have are tonberry and doomtrain. what is bohamets weaknesses???

Dark Messenger
01-27-2002, 06:42 PM
When you fight Bahamut you need 100 Firagas junctioned to your defense.

The level you are at does'nt really matter, but if anything its probably better to be at a low level with strong magic junctioned so that you have high health but are on a reasonably low level so Bahamut will have low health.

As you won't have Eden yet (Obviously) the most effective summon against his high defense is a high leveled (60 or so) Cactuar because no matter how high the defense of an enemy is it won't effect the damage done.

You should keep at least one character using healing magic at all times.

Start the fight by casting aura on Squall and hoping he uses lionheart, even though you said you don't have Irvine on a high level, you could have ultima junctioned to his Hp so he has a high HP and have him aura'd, and keep him pumping pulse ammo.

Finally an effective method is to junction Kamikaze as an attack (Cactuar learns it) and when you get him to about 40,000 health then use it on him, as although it KO's the character using it, it is still a great way to finish of weakenend bosses as it deals 50,000+ damage to an enemy/

If you need any more help or don't have some of the items I stated then just PM me and i'm happy to help!