ff7 forever
08-02-2004, 12:29 AM
hey i need help i'm at the part where i need to get the cave women and i'm stuck can any1 help?

hb smokey
08-02-2004, 01:37 AM
Ayla is her name. And it's been a while since I played, so try to explain to me exactly where you are and what you need help with.

ff7 forever
08-02-2004, 09:50 PM
well i haven;t played in a while so i forgot but i fugured some1 might know what i meant. anyways i think i'm at the part where the 65,000,000 bc portal come up and you're suppose to go in it and find ayla that's what i assumed

hb smokey
08-02-2004, 09:55 PM
Don't mind if I'm wrong, but it's been awhile since I played too. But, the first time you travel to 65,000,000 B.C., Ayla automatically rescues your party from those green enemies.

ff7 forever
08-02-2004, 09:57 PM
that didn't happen to me. i wonder why?

08-02-2004, 10:14 PM
You're probably at the part where you CAN first go to 65,000,000, but don't HAVE to do it?
Dunno. Was there any mentioning of the Dream Stone?

And moved.

hb smokey
08-02-2004, 10:17 PM
Originally posted by Tokiko
<B>You're probably at the part where you CAN first go to 65,000,000, but don't HAVE to do it?
Dunno. Was there any mentioning of the Dream Stone?</B>
Ah yes, I forgot to mention that. Thanks Tokiko. If you go to 65,000,000 B.C. before you are supposed to, you will not meet Ayla on the mountain where you enter. But if you go when you are looking for Dream Stone, then an encounter with Ayla is inevitable.

08-11-2004, 05:08 PM
go to frickin gamefaqs.com
end of story

Bahamut ZERO
08-11-2004, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by ninjapunk87
go to frickin gamefaqs.com
end of story

Or, alternatively, don't answer a post with this sort of thing. :( I mean, there is no harm with us helping him, is there? No. So please don't answer like this.

09-24-2004, 01:31 AM
I recently got the last of the 12 endings for this game on Chronicles, so I think I should be of help. Have you gotten the pieces of the Masamune yet? (yes, there are more than one)

09-24-2004, 06:54 PM
My friend just made the same mistake, go back to 600AD and go to zenan bridge

09-27-2004, 11:18 AM
i was just replaying this game, and you need to get back to 600AD (to the bridge and the castle) and the story will go on...

09-27-2004, 08:24 PM
Erh, actually, there's no use repeating what others have already said, especially considering that ff7 forever originally asked this question almost two months ago, and has since got banned, ergo, will likely not be reading this thread anyway.

In other words, this thread can be put to death now. ^.^