07-31-2004, 04:47 PM
Well I beleive Cloud and Tifa to be the official couple in this game, and I'm hoping that they will finnaly get together in advent Children. Here is a site with various good essays on them, so I'll just paste one here to prove my point.

by: Nibelheim Boy
I'd like to make one final comment before this thread closes. I don't know about the rest of you, but to me, it was very clear that Cloud had special feelings for Tifa. I think for some of us, this debate has become less of a question on "who does Cloud love more", and more of a question on "does Cloud love Tifa at all". This has become quite clear from some of the comments that have obviously been made to dismiss Tifa as a candidate entirely. Albeit, rather vainly.

The lifestream scene is a significant one in that it sheds some light as to the true nature of Cloud's relationship with Tifa. Through this scene, we are able to take a peek at Cloud's inner psyche. His memories. His deeper thoughts. They are all shown to involve Tifa. And although they may not have hinted at a relationship directly "on their own", I think it's important to look at them from a holistic point of view. Singling each one out and looking at them one by one is not adequate. They all merge and mingle together to form Cloud's past and essential personality, so that it's important to look at them as a "whole".

The point isn't that Cloud says "I love you very much, Tifa" in one scene alone. Rather, the point is that his inner thoughts were all about her, and this has been proven in a myriad of scenes. I think she has to be a very special person to qualify for that. Indeed, Cloud loved Aeris. But the memories of his inner psyche did not even involve her once. And I think this speaks a lot for Tifa. I think you have to be really really hateful of Tifa to deny that Cloud ever loved her at all.

And while analysing individual lines of the script may be of some value, it's crucial to acknowledge that individual lines don't mean a great deal "on their own". It's important to look at the context of the dialogue also, as well as the other lines in the entire conversation. This is what I mean by taking a holistic point of view. Some Aeris-supporters seem to have made a habit of ignoring direct evidence, choosing to only analyse individual lines of the script. From memory, it has been said that "many of Cloud's statements in the lifestream scene have been proven to have no relevance to his relationship with Tifa". This, to me, is ludicrous.

If you choose to only look at individual lines in the script, then anything can, in fact, be proven, depending on how far you want to twist things. It can be likened to saying that Squall never loved Rinoa on the basis that he never said so. Or that, throughout the course of the game, the number of times he ignored her exceeded the number of times he devoted his attention to her. And indeed, this is what analysis of individual lines would indicate. Is it adequate? Clearly not.

Some have suggested that Cloud only saw in Tifa a way of being accepted into the groupie. Others have suggested that they were merely close friends. But these are rather misinformed views. From some of Cloud's statements, these views may seem a possibility. But I must emphasise that the analysis of individual lines as pointers to a character's personality is flawed and useless. Other lines in the game have to be included for consideration. To settle the issue about the lifestream scene once and for all, here are a few lines I've selected from that scene. Note that I've chosen several, not just one, to prove my point.

Cloud: "I really wanted to play with everyone, but I was never allowed into the group. Then I began to think that I was different. Then maybe, just maybe, they would invite me in."
Cloud: "That night, I called Tifa out to the well. I thought to myself that Tifa would never come, that she hated me."
Cloud: "If I could just get stronger, then even Tifa would have to notice me."

Cloud: "I was devastated. I wanted to be noticed."
Tifa: "Someone has to notice you? Who?"
Cloud: "Who? You know who! You, that's who."

Cloud: "It's important to me. I hate to say it but it's a very important memory... A sealed up secret... wish... tender memories... no one can ever know."

Tifa: "I used to wonder how Cloud was doing... I started reading the newspapers, thinking that there might be an article about you."
Cloud: "Thanks, Tifa. Tell him what you told me later. He'll probably be so happy."

Tifa: "You were there. You were watching me."
Tifa: "You came. You kept your promise."

Tifa: "Oh Cloud! It's really you, isn't it?"
Cloud: "Yeah, Tifa. We finally meet again."

Together, these lines convey an undeniable romance between Cloud and Tifa. Is it possible that Cloud just wanted friends? No. Together, these lines indicate more than that. Is it possible that Cloud just saw Tifa as a friend? Again, no. Their relationship seems much more personal and exclusive than that, as these lines, together, indicate. Is it possible that Cloud loved Tifa? YES.

As they are memories that have been stored in his inner psyche for all his life, we can deduce that the object of these memories must have been very important to him. Whether it has caused him pain or pleasure, happiness or despair, the object of his greatest desire would be common to all these treasured memories. And clearly, it is Tifa.

It's not the other boys, they don't even qualify as they are only involved in one of the three parts of his mental reality. It's not the well either, it was only present in one part. And it's not the flower pot on Tifa's window sill, though even this beats Aeris in this regard. (I actually have a theory that Cloud's love for flowers is actually what turned him on. Not Aeris. Snicker.)

It's all Tifa. Deep down, Tifa is the object of Cloud's mind. Deep down, Cloud desires her attention. Deep down, Cloud loves her. The argument that it was only a childish infatuation is invalid, because as he grew to adulthood, these memories remained with him, still cherished, and still the cause of his personal problems.

There is more than enough evidence in other parts of the game to support the view that Cloud loved Tifa, and you'll find it if you're willing to see it. I suggest you actually look for it though, and not turn a blind eye to it, as some of you Aeris-supporters have done countless times.

There are several others, but I'm sure you can find them on your own. -___- Eternal love (

07-31-2004, 05:10 PM
I dont really know what to say to this really.
Nice theory i s'pose.

08-01-2004, 07:23 PM
All have their own say as to the true couple in the game.

Personally I think that's its Aerith and Cloud. I remember this topic being in an other site. The point that others made was that at the point when Seph first begins to go crazy at the Nibelheim reactor, after Tifa has been struck down hy Seph all that Cloud does is move her out of the way. At Kalm Cloud said that Tif was hurt so badly that he though that she would die, then why did not try to save her? Why did he go after Seph rather than save the one he loves most?

Not only that but after Aerith dies he goes into a depression. Throughout the whole game all he can think of is Aerith. When Tifa tried to get with him after he was sad he would constantly turn her down.

That's all I"ll say for now but if you want we can continue this futher.

08-01-2004, 11:46 PM
Hey wait a sec..I know this is off topic but are you from FFHybrid forums? Well, of what was left of it. I was Cloud_Is_My_Lover. Seriosly!

08-02-2004, 12:36 AM
yeah I'm still the same labrat. I use that name evcerywhere I go just so that people can recocgnise me. I miss ffhybrid. What happened to it? Yes I'm not alone. Are we alone. I hope not. I miss all of the others that I would chat with over there. When will it be back.

Sorry about getting off topic but I miss my friends.

08-02-2004, 02:10 AM
Last I remember I was searching for Advent children and it was moved to a place called "advent children source" although the page doesnt work..

LOLZ! Back on topic. Heres some eye candy..For the fans..


08-02-2004, 02:28 AM
THE FORUMS ARE BACK!!!! I was just there not five miutes ago. THEY'RE BACK JOY!!! They're not .net anymore it's .com

Btw that's a cool pic

Master Nabeshin
08-02-2004, 02:35 AM
Nice pic. I like it. Very nicely detailed, and done in such a way that you can feel the emotion the artist was trying to express. Unless they're very bizzare and wanted to express pain and impending doom. VERY bizzare. But yeah, I wish I could find pics like that. All my nice, innocent searches have ended up with crappy pics or Hentai. Gets me in trouble sometimes.

08-02-2004, 03:42 AM
LOL! Funny. So you look up Tifa or something and you get hentai? I feel sorry for you.............




Master Nabeshin
08-02-2004, 05:03 AM
I have bad luck that way. I type in Final Fantasy seven, I get the logo, characters drawings, screens, then hentai, hentai, hentai. I type in Tifa, Aerith, or Yuffie, I get hentai, hentai, hentai... I even get hentai with the maximum safesearch settings on. My computer hates me.

08-02-2004, 11:15 AM
Yo tifa i rekon cloud and tifa were meant 2 be,
bcoz tifa looks way better than aerith so i think they should be a couple, if ur lookin for a cloud im ur man,
if ur tifa ur mine lol hehehehhehe
well see ya all laterz

08-02-2004, 11:31 AM
i seen a pic of Loz with a sword to tifa neck so she mit die in the movie
and I hope the evils wins to many times good wins
time for a change Evil need to win in FF for once and once only

mr. Cheese
08-02-2004, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by Yazoo
i seen a pic of Loz with a sword to tifa neck so she mit die in the movie
and I hope the evils wins to many times good wins
time for a change Evil need to win in FF for once and once only

Exactly y cant evil ever win it would be better if evil won imagine in ff10 sin just killed every1 on the airship it would be fun

Yunalesca rox!
08-02-2004, 01:38 PM
Tifa_Martial_Artist....How did I guess this would be your thread huh?
By the way check you Private Messages!

08-02-2004, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by Yazoo
i seen a pic of Loz with a sword to tifa neck so she mit die in the movie
and I hope the evils wins to many times good wins
time for a change Evil need to win in FF for once and once only

Er..Okay first off uh-I did not see anything like that. Don't liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie.

Tifa_Martial_Artist....How did I guess this would be your thread huh?

Hehe. How ever did you know?

08-02-2004, 04:42 PM
As much as I hate to say it, but Tifa has to die. Cloud has already lost one of his loves( two if you count his mom),now its time to lose the other. Another thing that may very well be what reallymotivates him to fight the SHM. I'm not saying that what any of what I said is true but possible.

08-02-2004, 04:52 PM
lol. Why you say that? Poor Cloud will never be happy..:puppydog:

08-02-2004, 04:54 PM
I say it because he is not meant to be happy if you really think about it. All of this shi* happening inthe span of nine years of his life. Think about why I said nine and you'll know all of the shi*.

08-02-2004, 04:57 PM
NO Tifa can't die!!!! SHE is the only one for Cloud!!.

PErsonally, I think that Tifa_Martial_Artist has done a great job on persuading us on the theory that Tifa is for Cloud. Wonderful starting and I must say you must have put in a lot of time and effort into the creation of this thread. You are the man! :-D

And as to that pic of Loz with a knife to Tifa's neck, where in the world is that picture? Can you enlighten us where you saw that picture? If not, Tifa_Martial_Artist is going to be very upset if it comes true.......:D

08-02-2004, 05:05 PM
As I said before this topic was in another site. I only wish that the same info was still on the other site and you would see that Cloud was meant for Aerith.

If Cloud really wanted to be with Tifa then Why did he turn he down whenever she asked him after Aerith died? And another point I made before(as did many others just not here) why was Cloud willing to let her die at Nibelhiem if he loved her so? If you think about it when did Cloud ever, after Nibelheim, try to make a move on her? Aslo did Tifa "force" Cloud to join Avalanche? He would have left Midgar but she asked him to stay. Another thing, when they're in the lifestream Tifa admits that she never really knew Cloud.

08-02-2004, 09:57 PM
I agree with labrat. Cloud and Tifa weren't even close friends on the first place. Tifa was always with her three-some friends ignoring poor Cloud.

08-02-2004, 10:13 PM
Ugh! >.<

Peer pressure is a powerful thing, and you could tell that Tifa cared about Cloud! She was outnumbered by her friends in Nibelheim therefore she probably had a hard time trying to get close to him..

As for Tifa getting wounded in the reactor: Well, lets think about this for a second: His whole time had just been burned down, his mother had been killed, Tifa had been stabbed, and Zack almost had a fatal wound as well. Don't you think that in the midst of all this, you would be really hating that guy who ruined your life right about now? When Tifa approached Sephiroth she wasn't even caring about looking after her dad and making sure he was alright, she ran straight to him becasue he killed the only family left that she had. So naturally Cloud consumed with all his anger and hate, succeded in killing Sephiroth and making him fall into the lifestream.

In Midgar, seven years later: Youv'e got to remember that guys are cold at the beginnings of the game, heh. And he only stayed in Avalanche for Tifa. If it wasn't for her he wouldn't have. Plus when he sees Aeris he really didn't care if she came with him or not. All he cared about was suceeding to rescue Tifa from the clutches of the Don. LOL! It's so cute how he dressed up all for her..

08-02-2004, 10:33 PM
Unfortunately, no, I didn't see Tifa had a peer pressure. Tifa admitted that they weren't THAT close, and she only started thinking about Cloud when he went away to join SOLDIERS.

Anyways, my point is, Tifa and Cloud never did become a couple of FF7 nor Aeris and Cloud. But for moi, I'd better see Cloud and Aeris together because that makes me the happiest girl in the world. Although that didn't happen, I'm quite content that they're together in Kingdom Hearts.

08-02-2004, 10:46 PM
They aren't together in Kingdom Hearts. But either way, if they did then I'm pretty sure Cloud and Tifa will get together in AC.

Muah! XXX

08-02-2004, 11:01 PM
I know, but he's searching for her anyway. *giggles*

Oh well, let's just see if they'll be together in FF7 AC. Tifa's cute in FF7AC. *stares at Tifa* Is she wearing a skirt or a shorts? I swear, she's wearing skirt on the game. And oh, she looks like the female version of Laguna Loire. LOL.

08-02-2004, 11:06 PM
Tifa you're not givung much choice but to shut you down at every possible turn.

Cloud and Aerith weren't together in KH but Cloud was looking for Aerith. How can you tell? Well if you stuck around for all of the ending Video then you would have seen that eventually Cid found Cloud and led him to Aerith . Also Tifa was never in KH becaues they chose not to put her there. If Cloud was meant for Tifa then why not put her in KH?

As for Tifa getting him in AC, Aerith can't do a thing because she is dead. I'm willing to bet that if Aerith was in AC then there would be no AC because AC revolves aoound Cloud's lonliness.

Master Nabeshin
08-03-2004, 04:34 AM
if Tifa did die (or was mortally wounded) in AC, I tihnk Cloud would go kick some SHM ass. I'd love to see a nice, gory swordfight (or graphic summon) in AC, where Cloud's on a killing spree. It makes me wonder, though. Cloud is still human, and has emotions. Think he'd cry if Tifa died, too? Or perhaps that's what he was afraid of and that's why he left in hte first place. Maybe he wanted to sever all feelings connected to Tifa so that if anything did happen to her, he wouldn't have to feel the pain. Oh, yeah. I foresee a big ol' catharsis there.

08-03-2004, 09:16 PM
"I'll cry when I'm done killing"
Radio ad for Exploder, GTA Vice City

Just kinda' sums it up. Clouds to much of a man to cry!

08-03-2004, 09:41 PM
Basically, I'll have to disagree on Cloud and Tifa being the official couple. Squaresoft always seems to use a formula for couples ending up together and Tifa doesn't fit in that equation. If you play most of their games, you'll notice the formula.
I'll have to agree with Chelsea , Tifa wasn't exactly peer pressure. More exactly, she join along with the boys too of making fun of Cloud. Little Cloud in the walk back of memory lane admitted himself about how Tifa and her little friends were stupid, always laughing at every single thing...pointing out that Tifa was enjoying it as much as the others. She didn't knew Cloud as well as she thought and only like him when he left to join Soldier. Better yet, she didn't gave a speck of listening to Cloud's dream and only asked if he would be famous one day. And when they met up together, Cloud obviously didn't gave a speck about her in the beginning or wanted to join Avanlanche. He only join because Tifa kept pestering him. That trip down memory lane doesn't defies that Cloud loves Tifa. Cloud admitted of having those secret wishes..tender memories thing..but that was a childhood crush he had on Tifa and something he got over. It's true he join Soldier for her, but it was more of wanting to be accepted by her and her friends. He wanted to impress her, so that he'll be accepted by her and her friends, but of course, it was a bit too late. Its more of a guilty compensation for Tifa to straighten things out with Cloud and setting his memories straight after she kept the truth for Cloud and told him lies. Yeah, real nice 'friend' she was.
Aeris is still someone precious to Cloud...someone that he wanted to be with. That's why he was in KH and in FFT. He was searching for Aeris, because she is his light and the one he loves. If Cloud had love Tifa, he wouldn't end up in two other games and a movie and it would been solved...but it didn't. Cloud and Aeris are the true official couple of FF7, rather fans like it or not. SquareEnix knows this too and stated why Cloud and Aeris were put in KH...and that's because their the couple of FF7.
It look very obvious that Cloud only sees Tifa as a friend or like a 'sister' he would take care of. If the movie ties to the ending of FF7, Cloud left in search of the Promise Land, to look for Aeris and be with her. Yet he can feel it but can't reach for it. Tifa's initial reaction at the end of disk 3 when Cloud said that to her was acceptance of who Cloud's heart spoke for. That's enough to say that Tifa knew that they weren't meant to be and she can't replace Aeris.

08-03-2004, 11:18 PM
Well at least I'm not the only one that is telling Tifa the truth.

Shinra Turk
08-03-2004, 11:23 PM
Did'nt I get finished saying I killed Cloud. Hehehe! J/K

08-03-2004, 11:30 PM
Actually look where you post because that was in another topic.

I'm back too boring over there

Shinra Turk
08-03-2004, 11:33 PM
It's still about Cloud though.
Back so soon are we???

Master Nabeshin
08-04-2004, 02:59 AM
I'm ubiquitous. I CAN SEE EVERYTHING! You can't hide from me! Unless I'm not looking.

08-04-2004, 09:30 PM
Well, labrat,
You are right about that and I agree. The truth may hurt...or not. But the true official couple of FF7 are Cloud and Aeris. Fans of C/T or A/Z can voice their opinions about how they feel or who the couple really were..but its obvious that C/A were the true couple of FF7. Rather fans like it or not, that's how Squaresoft game formulas goes for FF. And even in FFAC, there's a little speculation made by the mags. that Cloud still dreams of meeting Aeris and being with her.:)

08-05-2004, 12:56 AM
To ture aeriscloud. The truth hurts especall if you're not willing to accept it.

08-05-2004, 03:17 AM
i think that squaresoft meant for aeris and cloud to be the true couple of ff7 mainly because of kingdom hearts (i guess that's not much to prove from). but also, in all of the offically artwork of ff7 by Amano, the pictures show aeris and cloud together. there also a few other details that lead me to believe that but some of them have already been explained. i guess the tifa cloud thing can still work...but i believe that squaresoft's intention was on making aeris cloud's main love interest.

08-05-2004, 09:13 PM
Well, there was a little article about KH of why Cloud and Aeris were put in there and if you played the game, you would know who Cloud love and ended with.:)
It's just a matter of acceptance of the truth of where it can't be denied.

Master Nabeshin
08-06-2004, 01:56 AM
Yup, Cloud and Aerith are the official pair. Sorry, Tifa Martial Artist, but it is so. Oh well. There are always fanfics.

08-06-2004, 07:54 PM
this also isn't really much to prove from, but i'm an astrology freak. but cloud is a leo and aeris is an aquarius (she seems more like a picses but i think they made her an aquaris for a reason). and leo and aquarius are polar opposites, therefore being the most compatible.

but like i said, not much to prove from. who knows maybe tifa and cloud will end up together in ac i mean now that aeris is gone and all

08-06-2004, 08:08 PM
It's a logical theory but I doubt it will happen in AC. Cloud stills dreams of Aeris and being with her one day, so its still kept on that Squaresoft formula thing..even though AC isn't a game. I think Cloud has a feeling of where Aeris is, its just the matter of when they will be reunited.:)

08-06-2004, 09:58 PM
Hey there. I'm new.

I love Cloti, but there's no true couple of FF7. Even Nomura said it's up to interpretation, and that there are as many FF7s as there are gamers (or something along those lines). I think it's mainly left up to the player becuase even though the love triangle is cute and fun to debate, love was never the theme of FF7. And it's not the theme of FF7:AC. I doubt they'll ever make anything official, even though right now they seem to be leaning towards Cloti.

KH is AU. It has no bearing on the characters in FF7. Kitase and Nomura both said it was just an AU thing, and you could say that Aeris was Cloud's light or not, they left it open.

Also: Tifa's not going to die. They already had a tragic female lead's death in FF7, to repeat it is just silly and it'll make Cloud some whiny emo Evanescence guy that he's just not. Loz just knocked her out. A Japanese fan on LJ told me Nomura stated on TV he wasn't going to kill her, although I still need to find out which TV show this was.

08-06-2004, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by Zelda
Even Nomura said it's up to interpretation, and that there are as many FF7s as there are gamers (or something along those lines). I think it's mainly left up to the player becuase even though the love triangle is cute and fun to debate, love was never the theme of FF7. And it's not the theme of FF7:AC.

you've got a point there. which is kind of the same way i'm feeling, but i'm sure the had some intention on making one of the girls the true love interest. even if it was a very little intention

08-07-2004, 02:18 AM
you've got a point there. which is kind of the same way i'm feeling, but i'm sure the had some intention on making one of the girls the true love interest. even if it was a very little intention

Probably. But since the love triangle became such a huge deal I think they'd be too afraid to say anything now. ^_^;

08-07-2004, 02:23 AM
oh yes, because then there would be some very disappointed people from either side. you're a smart one. lol

08-10-2004, 08:44 PM
The interpretation may be up to the gamers..but I believe that Squaresoft did had an intention to make one of the girls Cloud's love. It's just not how Squaresoft formulas work. Love was really a theme as it is to all the other FF games, the gamers just have to put the pieces together. It's like Squall and Rinoa. Since Squall is the loner type who doesn't interact much, I always thought he wouldn't get no one. But then the Squaresoft formula kicks in...and Rinoa changes his life and he even admits to himself that he change. KH may have been a totally different piece of game but its no different from the other games that Cloud and Aeris were put in. The FF7 team know this and it has always shown to be known that Cloud and Aeris are the true official couple of FF7.
In other words too, this is a Japanese game. The colors of their clothes that Aeris and Tifa wears, what they're associated with, the meaning of their goes on and on...that's pretty much the aspects of some Japanese customs put into the game. And if you do your research or study Japanese, it clearly still leans on the couple of Cloud and Aeris.

Lunatic HighVII
08-10-2004, 10:01 PM
I agree with EVERYTHING aeriscloud is saying...

Aerith and Cloud are meant to be... once she dies Tifa becomes closer to him, but is still a friend. In AC, if Tifa dies, he will have nothing, but that doesn't mean he loves Tifa in that way.

Master Nabeshin
08-11-2004, 04:23 AM
Just a random passing thought: Cloud seems to be getting so much romance, but what happens to everyone else? Barret? Cid Yuffie? I doubt Vincent is tying the knot anytime soon, though.

08-11-2004, 05:40 AM
Barret's a pimp. i'm sure that he gets plenty of behind the scence action lol. and cid has just gotten too old but hell, i'd do 'em. and yuffie is just too young (well for some). and vincent he's just always depressed about his former love, but i'd do him even if he did call me by the name of his old love.

08-11-2004, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by NightmareKitty223
and cid has just gotten too old

barret is older than cid. barret is 35, cid is 32. so barret is getting old, not cid! ha!

08-11-2004, 02:03 PM
Grr..I'm gone for a few weeks and this is what happens?!?!

I don't have much time to type this but I must say..What was that little flick that they originnaly intended to make starring Cloud and Tifa? For 20 minutes? Hmmm...? Cloud and Aeris is a joke, it's not even realistic, and in my eyes Cloti is more official. Besides, it seems they grow closer in ac.

08-11-2004, 02:05 PM
threads just grow and grow...

08-11-2004, 03:07 PM

08-11-2004, 08:23 PM
If your talking about AC, almost every character played a role in it. Cloud being the most important role and looks like Vincent will played an important role too. Still a support character and will always be. And since Cloud is living all alone and hasn't contact Tifa for two years, yeah, real nice relationship. Looks like Cloud gotton over his childhood crush and sees her as a friend only.
Cloud and Tifa as a couple is a joke and will never be. She and Cloud weren't really friends at all and Cloud missed quite a lot of his childhood thanks to that stuck up moron Tifa and her conceited friends. Along with all the secrets and lies she fed Cloud that push him to his downfall.
Cloud and Aeris are the official couple, rather fans like it or not. That's how Squaresoft makes its formulas work and how the coupling pairing go. If fans can't accept it, then its their problem, not Squaresoft. Every fan has their choice of preference for the coupling but face the facts and accept it.
Your still entitled to your opinion, but the facts are there and if you can't accept, its your problem.

08-11-2004, 08:29 PM
harsh(for cloti fans)...but you have a really good point about that. i never thought of that little detail of them not seeing eachother in 2 yrs.

08-11-2004, 09:29 PM
Shinobiyuffie has a point. It's just a matter of acceptance but fans are still entitled to their opinions. It sorta where I want Squall to be with Quistis but he gets Rinoa. Oh well, it was still a good couple.
If fans can't accept (especially Cloti fans), then they're just denying it. They'll have to face the facts one day, rather fans like it or not.

Lunatic HighVII
08-11-2004, 11:31 PM
As usual I completely agree with aeriscloud and shinoabiyuffie. I dont have anyhting against tifa, but i do prefer aerith a little bit more... and what they say is true. Aerith and cloud are the official couple.

08-12-2004, 12:23 AM
to tell you the truth, i love tifa. she's really cool! but i see aeris and cloud more as the ff7 couple.

08-12-2004, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by aeriscloud
Shinobiyuffie has a point. It's just a matter of acceptance but fans are still entitled to their opinions. It sorta where I want Squall to be with Quistis but he gets Rinoa. Oh well, it was still a good couple.
If fans can't accept (especially Cloti fans), then they're just denying it. They'll have to face the facts one day, rather fans like it or not.

Wtf!??! That's like saying you don't want Aeris with cloud..o.o

Well you guys don't know anything about the movie, it's just assumptions, and you can't say that Tifa ain't playing an important role in's obvious she is. And Tifa did not lie to Cloud, she was just shy to tell him her feelings, since her mother dies. How can she be stuck up? That's a pretty weak argument there. Name one time SHE was stuck up or mean to Aeris..But I bet you can name one time when Aeris is uncaring about Tifa's feelings..

Lunatic HighVII
08-12-2004, 09:49 PM
Tifa_Martial_Artist: You're right, Tifa was never mean to Aerith, but Aerith was also never mean to Tifa. Both of themcan get jealous sometimes, but they were never mean to each other. You know why? They're friends!

I truely think that Aerith and Cloud were the couple of ffVII, but I hold nothing against either of them. Both of them are great people and I love them both. Aerith and Cloud were meant to be the couple, why else would Aerith's death be such a big deal? Tifa might take her place in AC, who knows? All we can do is assume like you said.

08-13-2004, 02:40 AM
Aeris and tifa were clearly best friends. They were never mean to each other. who ever said that must have been confused

08-13-2004, 04:18 PM

I don't know where you guys get this stuff, but they were never BEST friends. All of the group were friends, but they were never close at all. Sorry to say. x_x

08-13-2004, 06:29 PM
well maybe they weren't best friends, but i do know that they were never mean to each other. they were always nice to each other and as far as i'm concerned, i believe that aeris and tifa grew pretty close.

08-13-2004, 08:27 PM
Let's see...aeriscloud was agreeing with my point. If you bother to read the posts made by aeriscloud, aeriscloud do like the couple of Cloris.
Tifa's a support character...just like every other character to be in FF7:AC. They'll just play a minimal role,like in the game also.
So you want to tell me she didn't lie to Cloud? Please, there so many times that Cloud ask her about what happen that day, where was she, did she know Zack....that even made Cloud started to doubt her. That's what led him to his downfall in the first place anyway and don't tell me that she only lie so that Cloud wouldn't be hurt. What an excuse!! She claims to be Cloud's friend when they weren't friends in the first place, Cloud missed quite a lot of his childhood, Cloud ask for the truth and this is what she do to him. Yeah, that was real nice of her. far as I can tell, no. Aeris was never uncaring about Tifa's feelings. Tifa clearly stated that Cloud and her were friends, so pretty much Cloud has no strings attached to her. I don't recall Tifa being mean to Aeris but uncaring, yes, to other characters.
If Cloti fans can't accept, then they're just denying it. They'll have to face the facts one day, rather they like it or not. Play the other FF series and you'll notice the formula that Squaresoft used. Cloud and Aeris being in other games (like KH) is still relating and revolving around the FF7 world. Squaresoft didn't put them in other games for nothing...its to point out who is the official couple of FF7 and that is Cloud and Aeris.

08-13-2004, 08:53 PM
you know this post is going to get out of hand. so let's not get to angry with each other.

08-13-2004, 09:22 PM
I agree but everyone is still entitled to their opinions. What was the point of starting a thread like this if its going the wrong way?

Lunatic HighVII
08-13-2004, 10:51 PM
There wasn't a point i agree with you aeriscloud. (as usual)
this is turning into a tifa vs aeris thread. the title is wrong too, because tifa and cloud rent the official couple of ff VII... sorry! Oh, and this isn't based on opinion... that's how the game goes. why else would aeris be the default date in the game? shes automatic, because thats how the story is supposed to go.

08-14-2004, 05:53 PM
Er..No. She asked for a date at the start of the game, of course it was default.

And if you're going to get angry with me for starting a thread like this, whoopti. Aeris and Cloud were never a couple anyway, and never will be because she's dead. You don't know anything about the plot of AC so it's just assumptions..As Iv'e said already.

Omega sephiroth
08-14-2004, 06:05 PM
I believe cloud was getting together with tifa but got interuppted by aeris(Sorry cant spell it) arrivial.When aeris dies its a big lost for cloud and for the rest of the game feeling sad but it was better for tifa so they could get back were they started but tifa realises she cant ask right away or it would seem like being glad to get rid of her so she waits intill after the meator and sephiroth to ask but gets seperated from her before tifa could ask.

In two years finally they meet back up and then tifa does her stuff and cloud realises he has to get over it.

Thats what i think

08-14-2004, 06:15 PM
I think AC is definetely pointing towards Cloti..If Cloud can get over a dead girl..

Lunatic HighVII
08-14-2004, 09:27 PM
Tifa_martial_artist: im really sorry if you thought i was angry with you for making this thread, im not. i was just saying its turning into a tifa vs aeris thread, your original one was fine, and i know that were just assuming in AC, thats why I said he might get together with Tifa. I just think aeris and cloud were the couple, thats all.

08-15-2004, 04:36 AM
I truely think that Cloud and Aeris are the couple of FF7. But not the official couple though, there really is none for FF7. There is lots of proof. From what I have read in this thread(correct me if im wrong) the Cloti side doesn't have much proof to back up what they think. Also this is the couple of FF7 not AC and you can't use something that hasn't even come out yet. Even if she was with him in AC there still wouldn't be an official couple because Aeris is with Cloud in FF7. Cloud clearly loves Aeris(don't make me make a huge annoying post to prove it!) in FF7. As for AC you could say he is with Aeris or Tifa in that one (him and Aeris in flower field screen shot) we really have no facts, we will just have to wait and see for that.

Originally posted by Tifa_Martial_Artist

Well you guys don't know anything about the movie, it's just assumptions, and you can't say that Tifa ain't playing an important role in's obvious she is. And Tifa did not lie to Cloud, she was just shy to tell him her feelings, since her mother dies. How can she be stuck up? That's a pretty weak argument there. Name one time SHE was stuck up or mean to Aeris..But I bet you can name one time when Aeris is uncaring about Tifa's feelings..

I don't want to start another fight or anything but I honestly want to know when were the times Aeris was uncaring about Tifa's feelings?

Dot Centaur
08-15-2004, 05:21 AM
I agree with Tifa_Martial _Artist! Tifa and Cloud are the official couple of FFVII, hands down! I've debated enough in other threads why I think Cloud and Tifa are the real couple, 'nuff said! I agree with everything the other Tifa said and I'm with her all the way! I'm another Tifa here. Cloud is ours!

08-15-2004, 07:09 AM
Cloud is a player. He be two-timin till the day he die.

Other than that, it's a bit silly to get all ranty about who should go with who. It's a matter of opinion.

Aeris is dead so he has no choice but to go with Tifa since he doesn't have the other to two-time with anymore. They were with eachother since childhood anyway, so it's obvious who is with who in that game.

08-15-2004, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by TifaGirl
I agree with Tifa_Martial _Artist! Tifa and Cloud are the official couple of FFVII, hands down! I've debated enough in other threads why I think Cloud and Tifa are the real couple, 'nuff said! I agree with everything the other Tifa said and I'm with her all the way! I'm another Tifa here. Cloud is ours!

:angel: Plus Cloud needs someone who can take care of herself, not a sissy goodie-two shoes!

Dot Centaur
08-15-2004, 09:37 PM
I know, when Cloud's mother said, " you need an older girlfriend, one that will take care of you.". Tifa can take care of herself running her own business and she took special care of Cloud when he was in the hospital when he got lifestream posioned. That's enough proof right there that Tifa loved and cared about Cloud! You don't have to use words to show you love someone, Tifa made up for that by doing Cloud many favors! Tifa will take care of Cloud, he doesn't have to have an older girlfriend just because his mother said so.

Lunatic HighVII
08-15-2004, 10:38 PM
TifaGirl, you're absolutely right. You don't need words to tell someone you care about them. Tifa and Aerith both care deeply about Cloud. Tifa can take care of Cloud and herself, but I believe Aerith can as well. And just remember, Cloud's mom was sick so don't listen to her ;) If Cloud hadn't met Aerith I believe he would have gotten together with Tifa, but Aerith interrupted them. I don't know who Cloud loves more, but I think he just loves them both. I really can't picture Cloud with either of them, because he wouldn't want to hurt the other one. That's what a love triangle is...

Dot Centaur
08-16-2004, 12:11 AM
I always thought he loved them both equally and that's why the game leaves you to decide whom you think the true couple was.

About KH, I've never played it, but one of my friends has and she told me Aerith and Cloud were nothing more than just friends in that game. That's how it went she told me. Plus in Ehrgeiz, Cloud, Tifa and Yuffie are in it while Aerith isn't and Cloud, Aerith, and Yuffie are in KH while Tifa isn't, so just because Cloud and Aerith are in a game together while Tifa isn't doesn't mean he loves Aerith more. Same goes for what I said about Tifa and Cloud being in Ehrgeiz because I heard that's just a fighting game.

I don't know. Maybe Tetsuya Nomura either wants Cloud and Aerith to be together or Cloud and Tifa to be together, or let's you decide what you believe. I think the story let's you decide on what you want.

Lunatic HighVII
08-16-2004, 02:47 AM
Exactly! Cloud loves both of them, and you decide who he dates, who you want him to show more affection to. Being in other games together doesn't make him love one more than the other. They made it that way, meaning you can believe what ever you want.

08-16-2004, 07:21 AM
Hmm..Well I don't really want him to love both..

Dot Centaur
08-16-2004, 08:03 AM
At least you have a choice in the game on whom he can love:angel: ! I want him too to love Tifa as a girlfriend, but love Aerith just as a friend. At least we get a choice. I don't mind if he loved them both as long as he loves Tifa at all, I'm okay.

Shinobiyuffie, it's not a fact Cloud and Aerith are the couple and Tifa and Cloud aren't. We think Cloud and Tifa loved eacheother and we're just having an opinion, not avoiding facts. Cloud and Tifa can also be a couple and you need to face that fact. Cloud never grew out of loving Tifa. He said so himself that she's been good to him. Cloud loves Tifa whether you like it or not.

Send all those anti-Tifa people to hell!

08-16-2004, 12:18 PM
Heh harhsness haha. Well since this IS a CloudxTifa thread, and not a debating thread, why don't we discuss our favorite parts of the game, quotes, fanfics, and even fanart! ;)

Yesh I know I'm naughty mmyes.

08-16-2004, 12:34 PM
very naughty indeed....;)

Dot Centaur
08-16-2004, 04:59 PM
That's a very beautiful picture Tifa_Martial_Artist! I wish I had a scanner because I have a nice fanart of Cloud and Tifa at there wedding!

08-16-2004, 06:05 PM
Oh nice pic.

08-18-2004, 11:27 PM
Those are facts. Cloud and Aeris are the true couple of FF7 and even if Cloud and Aeris are placed in different games, Squaresoft are still leaning them as the official couple of FF7. If you bother to read my other posts, I did say that fans are still entitled to their opinions about who they want their couple to be but just have to face the truth that Cloud and Aeris are the official couple of FF7. If you wanna say I hate Tifa...of course I do but I still don't mind about Cloti's choice of perferences until they try to rub it the wrong way. I have nothing against that perference unless the Cloti fans are rubbing it the wrong I'm seeing in some posts now.
Cloud and Tifa as a couple is really Cloti's preference not the truth of the game. And Cloud do loves Tifa but only as a friend or like a sister he would take care of. She's distrustful and I seem to remember that Cloud even started doubting her but of course he will always take care of her because he sees her as a friend, nothing more.
Cloud and Aeris were place in more than just KH, they were also in various games that ties loosely and revolve around FF7 world still. The fighting game had nothing to do with FF7 since...its a fighting game with no moral storyline attach besides trying to beat each other up....or sorta like Chocobo racing with Cloud racing in his motorcylce. But in the other games that C/A were in, it stills ties and revolves around the FF7 world.
Anyway, Tifa_Martial_Artist,
What makes you so sure that Cloud will end up with Tifa? Those are also assumptions too. Really, it sorta where both fans are assuming many things. Until the movie comes out, its a lot of assumptions on both side.

Dot Centaur
08-19-2004, 01:32 AM
I'll make a deal with you; if you don't use anything against me of being a Cloti fan, I'll not rub it the wrong way.

Though I strongley disagree with your opinion, I'd rather not fight. I just don't always see any point in hating a character when you can look at them in a different lite, that's all, but I'd rather not fight because later on, I may regret it and I want to stop the Tifa vs. Aerith war, and if I fight you, it may help promoting it.

So what do you say, do we have a deal?

In my opinion, Tifa and Cloud are another official couple.

Invader Talena
08-19-2004, 03:51 AM
Tifa and Cloud for me anyway...

Lunatic HighVII
08-19-2004, 07:08 PM
Tifa AND Aerith are both loved by Cloud. It could be either way. The proof I have of that is this. In all of the ff games, the promises are between the couple. For example, X, tidus and yuna, in IX, between Zidane and Garnet, VIII between Squall and Rinoa. In VII, I see it a promise between both Cloud and Tifa, and Cloud and Aerith. Now we all know that Cloud promised Tifa to rescue her when she was in trouble, so you're probably saying "yeah, so they ARE the couple", but wait. In a way, Cloud promised Aerith to protect her, to always keep her safe. Remember? Cloud said he'd be her body guard, and they didn't forget about that for the rest of while Aerith is still alive. Cloud promised her that he'd be her body guard. These promises could be a sign that you choose who you want Cloud to be with.

Dot Centaur
08-20-2004, 06:47 AM
Couldn't of said it better myself! Cloud never used the word promise for Aerith, but he was true to his word! I still root for Cloud and Tifa!

08-20-2004, 01:09 PM
thats good

08-20-2004, 08:39 PM
Well TifaGirl,
I wasn't really referring to you. Like I say, I do respect that your a cloti fan as long as you don't try to rub it in the wrong way. It's just the other fans rubbing it the wrong way of where I disagree. I read some of your posts and know that you respect Aeris too...but then it could just be me imagining it.
Anyway, I wouldn't see Tifa and Cloud as the official couple because I'm basing it on facts and what I've seen so far but I can say that I will accept your choice of perference without hate. If there were other Cloti fans like you who can accept the truth without rubbing it or rehashing it in the wrong way, it would actully solve the little war. So again, I respect your choice of coupling even if it differs from mine.

Lunatic HighVII
08-20-2004, 08:46 PM
same here, shinobiyuffie, I will always see Aerith and Cloud as the official couple, yet I except all of the tifa fans out theres' opinions.

08-20-2004, 08:51 PM
Me too. I agree with what you say, Lunatic HighVII and also shinobiyuffie. I see C/A as the official couple based on the facts and the formula that Sqare used but will accept fans who prefer Cloti too. I would say it is based on gamer's choice of preference and there is nothing really wrong with that.

Dot Centaur
08-21-2004, 06:42 AM
Shinobiyuffie, Thank You! I'm glad you respect the fandom I have! I respect Aerith too because rather than being jealous over Tifa, she decided to make friends with her and that's strong! That's why I like Aerith and Tifa the best because of that! I really see Aerith/Cloud and Tifa/Cloud as the official couples of FFVII because the points are divided equally. In AC, Aerith stays dead, but I heard Tifa and Cloud decide not to get together because their thoughts of Aerith's death burns inside them and they miss her terribley, so in the movie, I think he ends up with neither of them. In my opinion he loved Tifa and Aerith like a girlfriend. I think he loved her more than just a sister! If he didn't, then I think he would've said something when she fell asleep on his shoulder. The game leaves you to decide I think. Maybee Tetsuya Nomura wanted Aerith because I heard he intended to create her character to die because I heard one of the makers( I don't know who) had a mother who died and made Aerith in memory of her.
I respect you like Aeirth and Cloud as a couple too! I just ssooo obsessed with Cloud and Tifa.

I just think Cloud and Tifa look sexier together because they're both fighters. The story may want it Aerith and Cloud, but I still see different opinions on how the creators want it and those are just my thoughts. I just love Cloud and Tifa as the couple!

We'll see what happens in AC.

08-21-2004, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by TifaGirl
Shinobiyuffie, Thank You! I'm glad you respect the fandom I have! I respect Aerith too because rather than being jealous over Tifa, she decided to make friends with her and that's strong! That's why I like Aerith and Tifa the best because of that! I really see Aerith/Cloud and Tifa/Cloud as the official couples of FFVII because the points are divided equally. In AC, Aerith stays dead, but I heard Tifa and Cloud decide not to get together because their thoughts of Aerith's death burns inside them and they miss her terribley, so in the movie, I think he ends up with neither of them. In my opinion he loved Tifa and Aerith like a girlfriend. I think he loved her more than just a sister! If he didn't, then I think he would've said something when she fell asleep on his shoulder. The game leaves you to decide I think. Maybee Tetsuya Nomura wanted Aerith because I heard he intended to create her character to die because I heard one of the makers( I don't know who) had a mother who died and made Aerith in memory of her.
I respect you like Aeirth and Cloud as a couple too! I just ssooo obsessed with Cloud and Tifa.

I just think Cloud and Tifa look sexier together because they're both fighters. The story may want it Aerith and Cloud, but I still see different opinions on how the creators want it and those are just my thoughts. I just love Cloud and Tifa as the couple!

We'll see what happens in AC.

LOL sexier because they are fighters. Right on.

It's just when you think of Cloud/Aeris, I think of retarded things, that don't match. But when you think of Cloti, it matches so much to me...cuz they are fighters! They mesh well!

Dot Centaur
08-21-2004, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by Tifa_Martial_Artist

LOL sexier because they are fighters. Right on.

It's just when you think of Cloud/Aeris, I think of retarded things, that don't match. But when you think of Cloti, it matches so much to me...cuz they are fighters! They mesh well!

I agree. No offense Aerith/Cloud fans, but when I think of them together, I think of things that are too mushi mushi girley things. Sorry, I just like the way Tifa dresses better and I think it looks sexier with Cloud. I Cloud's happy being with whatever he wants, as long as he's happy, I'm happy! Same with Tifa, as long as she's happy, I'm happy! Besides, I think Aerith and Zack belong together.

Lunatic HighVII
08-22-2004, 01:38 AM
That's a really cool pic, TifaGirl! I understand that you're a cloti fan, and thanks for respecting us Aerith fans :) I don't think she's a girly girl though, because I don't really like girly girls because I'm definately not one, but I wouldn't like her if I pictured her girly. I think she's very brave. After all, she faced sephiroth alone! Sure, se got herself killed, but she was fearless. I admire that. I think Tifa is brave too, and probably tougher because she doesn't scream ;) and that's what I'm like, but for some reason I just support Aerith/Cloud. I'll always defend Tifa, as long as people don't bad-mouth Aerith.

08-22-2004, 10:57 PM
Awesome pic!

08-25-2004, 02:36 AM
Hi this is my first post and i have read this befor i even registerd so umm yeah i beleive that Tifa and Cloud will get together in AC and there most likly the couple of FF7:D

08-26-2004, 10:20 PM
Hmmm...Sorry,if you say that Cloud and Tifa belong together because they're fighters, that's not exactly true. Everyone on the team were fighters, so I guess it would be say that Cloud can end up with anyone since all of them were fighters, including Cait Sith, Sephiroth, Vincent,Aeris...anyone.

Lunatic HighVII
08-26-2004, 10:32 PM
hahaha cloud an cait sith... oh baby.

not really, but funny!

I think he belongs with Aeris... because he needs her to open him up. But cloud and tifa are a good couple too... I think Aeris and cloud are just better.

08-27-2004, 09:06 PM
Well, they gave a reason that C/T only belongs together because their fighters but technically there is a default to that since all of them were fighters, not just Cloud and Tifa. Aeris, Cid, Vincent...all of them. So it can be say that Cloud can really belong to anyone from the group since they're all fighters.
Anyway Lunatic HighVII, I'll have to agree with you on that. I think C/A as a couple is much better and will give Cloud a chance to open up to his full potential. We did get a chance to see him laugh, smile, and cry and be angry...a part we won't see again without Aeris there to cheer him on and tease him in a loving way.:D ;)

Lunatic HighVII
08-27-2004, 10:09 PM
I couldn't agree with you more. Cloud probably wouldn't have shown any kind of personality r emotion if Aeris hadn't come along.

08-27-2004, 11:05 PM
You got that right!! He was basically emotionless until Aeris shows up and change him. After she's gone, he's back to himself again. (The quiet cold Cloud who didn't give a damn about anyone else, I mean.) She brought out a side of him that we will never see again. That's a side of him that should be known and only Aeris got to experience it. Lucky girl she is!:

Dot Centaur
08-28-2004, 03:32 AM
No!! Lucky girl Tifa is!! Cloud's mine! I'd only want him to have Tifa. I think they had Aerith die so she can be with Zack in heaven. Aerith and Zack all the way! Okay, if the story wants Aerith and Cloud together, they would have her ressurected in the movie. But she isn't getting ressurected; so I guess you have your answer. If they have Aerith and Cloud in other games, that Clorith proof. Then the official FFVII saga won't have her ressurected; so you have your answer that the game wanted you to decide whom he ends up with. I think Cloud and Tifa do get together.

Thank You for your Time.

08-30-2004, 02:53 AM
Originally posted by TifaGirl
Okay, if the story wants Aerith and Cloud together, they would have her ressurected in the movie. But she isn't getting ressurected; so I guess you have your answer. If they have Aerith and Cloud in other games, that Clorith proof.

Not nessacarily. Also, you don't know that she won't get ressurected in the movie (she probably won't though). Having Cloud and Aeris together in other games (I love the ending where she sees him in KH!) just furthers the proof of Cloris.

Dot Centaur
08-30-2004, 03:09 AM
Originally posted by Nanaki_Wolf

Not nessacarily. Also, you don't know that she won't get ressurected in the movie (she probably won't though). Having Cloud and Aeris together in other games (I love the ending where she sees him in KH!) just furthers the proof of Cloris.

But I heard they were nothing more than just friends, so there you go. Can you offer a source where it spoils the ending? My friend is a huge fan of KH, and she told me so herself(I know when my friends are lying or not). So I would like to see a source of proof of there "romantic" moment at the end. Even so, that doesn't prove anything of the official FFVII story. It just proves that they are together in KH. Think about it; Yuffie is with Squall while Squall isn't with Rinoa in that game.

08-30-2004, 03:35 AM
hmmm.... I forgot about Squall & Yuffie. I didn't think about it because in the game they called him Leon. From what I played of the game though I really wouldn't say Squall and Yuffie are a couple, even if they are they wouldn't put Cloud and Aeris together for the game for no reason. If you didn't play FF7 you wouldn't understand Cloud finding her because it is irrelivent to KH. KH wasn't the only game with a Cloud and Aeris thing. FF Tactics is kind of like that because Cloud is looking for the promised land. I think that Cloud and Aeris are the couple of FF7. As for AC we can't tell yet...
Cloud for sure loved Aeris. Did he love Tifa too? As much as Aeris? More? Did he even love Tifa? Who knows! It is possible to love two people at the same time. It could be that the only reason Cloud seemed closer to Aeris because she made more moves why tifa didn't do anything. I still beleve that Cloud and Aeris are the couple of FF7. But not the offical couple because there is none.

Dot Centaur
08-30-2004, 04:19 AM
Well, of course I've played FFVII like 6 times already. There, is no official couple, but it is the official love triangle. He didn't love Tifa more, but he also didn't love Aerith more than Tifa and C/A need to get that through there head. At least some C/T fans can.

He is not searching for the promised land because of Aerith; he was just curious about the truth of the crisis of the planet. They were nothing more than just friends in the game(i'm gonna find that out soon because I am at the very end of the game of KG), so that is enough proof that there is no/or they are both the official couple. I still think the story leaves you to decide who is the official couple and no C/A fan not even ShinobiYuffie is going to change my opinion on that. They can argue all they want and go "you're not facing the facts, blah blah blah", or gossip "Tifa hide her feelings, blah blah blah", heard it. I'm not changing my opinions because I like mine the best. I'm not saying you can't have yours, I'm saying people can't change my mind.

They can go on about Clorith proof, but I'll also defend with equall Cloti proof. Each couple has 50/50 proof.

08-30-2004, 04:32 AM
ur... Sorry if you took my post the wrong way but you have a point
that no matter what anyone says you are still going to think the way you do I feel the same way about Cloud and Aeris. And like I said in my last post Cloud could of loved both of them the same amount i was just defending my point and trying not to offend anyone. But i'm still a Cloud & Aeris fan and I'm not a Tifa hater I just like Cloris more.

Dot Centaur
08-30-2004, 05:31 AM
Glad to hear it! I don't mind C/A fans as long as they don't hate Tifa terribly.

08-30-2004, 11:51 PM
hmm...Sorry TifaGirl,
I played at least over 10 times and seeing that this is a Japanese game, its still on Cloud and Aeris. This game wasn't made here in the US but in Japan. Colors, what Aeris and Tifa are associated with, feelings, the list go on and on...its still based on Japanese culture. And when Cloud said that he can meet Aeris at the Promise Land, he really meant what he said. About KH, they may had not had a romantic ending, but it still ties to FFVII world and Cloud was looking for Aeris. The Squaresoft in Japan was working with Disney on this and C/A being put in the game is still revelance to the FFVII World. Your opinion is fine, but this is the truth and maybe a part of yourself just don't want to accept it. I'll still stick to mine, since its a Japanese game, it has hidden meanings that US players seem to ignore. If you study Japanese, you'll find the meanings and what each mean. Its still Cloud and Aeris as the couple.

08-31-2004, 12:22 AM
Why is it I always see the same people posting in here...?

Anyway, from what we've seen of AC so far, Cloud and Tifa don't seem to be together. Cloud also seems rather lonely, and my guess is he is still mourning for Aeris, could that be?
Aeris has the advantage of being dead. Cloud can now dream about all the things that could have been, and glorify her and their relationship. He's the brooding type, and could well do that. He certainly doesn't seem to have moved on to the living, judging by the pictures...?

Dot Centaur
08-31-2004, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by shinobiyuffie
hmm...Sorry TifaGirl,
I played at least over 10 times and seeing that this is a Japanese game, its still on Cloud and Aeris. This game wasn't made here in the US but in Japan. Colors, what Aeris and Tifa are associated with, feelings, the list go on and on...its still based on Japanese culture. And when Cloud said that he can meet Aeris at the Promise Land, he really meant what he said. About KH, they may had not had a romantic ending, but it still ties to FFVII world and Cloud was looking for Aeris. The Squaresoft in Japan was working with Disney on this and C/A being put in the game is still revelance to the FFVII World. Your opinion is fine, but this is the truth and maybe a part of yourself just don't want to accept it. I'll still stick to mine, since its a Japanese game, it has hidden meanings that US players seem to ignore. If you study Japanese, you'll find the meanings and what each mean. Its still Cloud and Aeris as the couple.

Well, I am quiote aware that FF VII was Japanese kowing I'm a true otaku, and dream to acheive studying Japanese one day, but that still won't affect my fandom for Cloud and Tifa. That's still not going to change my mind. No matter how anyone will want to prove to me C/A, it's not wanting to run away from the facts and you need to realize that, but just isn't going to change anything about what I think the best coupling is.

09-02-2004, 12:21 AM
Well, TifaGirl,
I seem to recall that I did say that fans are still entitle to their opinions. And anyway, I was stating facts, not bragging about why.
To use your own words against you, I don't mind if your a Cloti fan, as long as you don't bash or whateva Clorith choice. Your preference is very up to you but whateva you say about Tifa, I don't really care. She's a moron, conceited fake...whateva..I hate her and don't like her at all. Do I give a damn about her, no. So like you say, whateva clorith facts are provived, you are entitled to your choice of perference still. Do I give a damn about what you say about Tifa, No. I'll still stay with my liking and hate for Tifa and nothing you say about her will change my mind as like nothing I state about cloris facts will change your mind. So, don't even bother about telling how I have to look at Tifa at a positive light when she was a fake all along. That's how I see it and that's how it'll be for me, nothing you say or state will change my hate for her.

09-02-2004, 12:50 AM
Hmm...this thread is getting out of hand. Maybe one of the mods should close it up. There are going to be Clorith's fans and Cloti's fans. I think it wouldn't matter since its your own choice of perference, neverless of the facts stated.

09-02-2004, 12:54 AM
i think red xiii and tifa need to hook up and make one badass ugly looking baby, and barrett puts up the manly front to disguise his queerness, i wouldn't be surprised if he hits on cloud in advent children

Dot Centaur
09-02-2004, 04:22 AM
Originally posted by aeriscloud
Hmm...this thread is getting out of hand. Maybe one of the mods should close it up. There are going to be Clorith's fans and Cloti's fans. I think it wouldn't matter since its your own choice of perference, neverless of the facts stated.

I agree. If fighting gets too out of hand, a moderator should probably close it up and Tokiko would be the one who would love to close it up.

09-02-2004, 08:52 AM
That's not true.
Well, maybe it is, but I'd also like to see this thread staying calm, peaceful, with people posting in it considering the facts found in FFVII and (later,) FFVII AC...
If you don't want to argue, don't argue. ^^ Just let other people post their opinions, and if it turns out no one else wants to say anything about this topic, the thread will drop down and disappear, which is just as well...
I mean, there's no need to close a thread if you trust the members to handle it right. ^^

09-02-2004, 09:57 AM
Well I have quite a few things to say: First of all, damn you Tifa Cloud's mine. ::points at sig:: ::bites tifa::

And Shinobi Yuffie, you can say all the mean things you want about Tifa too, becauase she is just a bunch of polygons, and I can obsess about her because she's a fantasy character and that's what people do..obsess about games, game charaters, bla bla bla..

But in my eyes Aerith will never be with Cloud, because there is nothing in AC that points to that, it only shows them back to back..and "OmFg 11111 GiVe HeR a sMooCh!!11" Haha. Whatever. She's ugly and I don't give a damn about her. Don't call me insensitive because I'm poking fun at a game character, it's just personal preference. And my personel preference for FF's couple is Cloti. And umm..last I heard this was a fan thread? So please stop arguing..I DON'T want the damn thread closed.

09-02-2004, 02:27 PM
Yes i agree becasue in adevnt children yes Aeris maybe is still in clouds heart but the fact is shes DEAD so i strongly beleive that cloud will finally hook up with the better girl tifa:)

Dot Centaur
09-02-2004, 04:48 PM
Okay, Tifa_Martial_Artist is right! This thread is for Cloti fans only! Those who hate the coupling so much should stay the hell out . If you hate the coupling, then why are you here?

Tifa_Martial_Artist, calm down. Cloud's just a video game character, so there's no reason to get emotionally jealous of other fans :). I still wanna be your friend because I think you're cool!

09-03-2004, 08:15 AM
You took that seriously? Hehehe. Well first off, check the new POV commercial at It will blow your mind away!:love:

09-03-2004, 09:08 PM
Let's see...I don't like Tifa. So what! Even if other fans or clorith fans doesn't enter and browse, what do we see...lots of crap about how aeris sucks and blah blah blah. And anyway, TifaGirl, I don't think it would matter. The same thing would happen if a clorith thread was impose and you will find likers and haters. End of that.
The movie is not even out yet, so noone wins until they actually see the movie. Cloud is neither with Aeris or Tifa in the movie until its actually released out to see what happens. And if you want to say that there's more pointing out to Tifa in AC, oh yeah, where's the proof? That's mainly trailers, so until the movie come out in its full form, it can be say that its just assumptions until the movie is actually released and then the answers will be out.

09-03-2004, 09:44 PM
You're pretty much right. Both sides of fans are giving theories of what will happen so I guess we just have to wait for the movie to find out.
And TifaGirl, I think shinobiyuffie is right. A thread like this can cause disagreements and everyone will either be a liker or hater of that coupling choice. As I can see, pretty much all the thread titles are open to all users.

Dot Centaur
09-04-2004, 02:47 AM
But this is Tifa_Martial_Artist's thread and is highly recommended for Cloti fans to view only. Cloud and Tifa were the original couple and will always be that way forever.

09-04-2004, 04:54 AM
Hmm i think Cloud is pimpin both of Tifa and Aeris. Why not just have two instead of just choosing one :D .

Dot Centaur
09-04-2004, 05:10 AM
Here's a nice picture I found through google. Oh Yeah, happy wedding Cloud and Tifa Strife!

09-04-2004, 05:36 AM
very nice

09-04-2004, 09:33 AM
Please don't chat in this thread...

Really, I find it regrettable that you (both Cloud/Tifa and Cloud/Aeris fans) cannot seem to post in the same thread without trying to kill each other.
It would be interesting as a peaceful discussion, trying to maybe find out who's really the best partner for Cloud, personal preferences put aside.

From a standpoint that wants Cloud to be happy, it's certainly Tifa, because she's alive after all, unlike Aeris.

From a rather artistic/romantic point of view, it's Aeris, because this qualifies Cloud all the more to be the "sad, solitary person": His girl dead, only a shadow of himself, kind of like that.

Can't you have a discussion, instead of more or less the same people tell themselves all over again how great Cloud/Tifa is, without tolerating a second opinion? :(

Dot Centaur
09-04-2004, 04:19 PM
Tokiko is right. The hate between the fans needs to stop. So I'll I'll add something interesting about Cloti such as sources and images. That should be a more peaceful way of doing it.

09-04-2004, 04:30 PM
Tokiko is right.

And before I have to go I have to say...

TifaGirl, I know a HUGE amount of Cloti fan sites. I'll post them later though. Oh, and another thing. Check There is a new game that has cloud and tifa in it!

the purifyer
09-06-2004, 08:17 AM
Its always gonna be cloud and tifa they're child hood friends
and Cloud made a promise for Tifa anyway
oh yeah cloud and aeris wouldnt work out ...... Aeris is dead remember that now

go Tifa go ^_^

09-09-2004, 02:48 PM
Yeah i would think that Tifa would go with cloud in AC casue cloud cant get the message into his head that aeris is dead

Dot Centaur
09-18-2004, 02:06 AM
Let's not let this thread die out just yet! Let's keep it coming!

09-21-2004, 03:09 PM

::sharpens a spoon:: first I had always thought they had kissed. ?_?

Dot Centaur
09-21-2004, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by Tifa_Martial_Artist

::sharpens a spoon:: first I had always thouhght they had kissed. ?_?

I wish he kissed her. He never even kissed Aerith, so he does have that chance with Tifa in AC!

09-23-2004, 03:13 PM
Yes..You never know, there is always that chance! After all, Aeris is dead and I don't beleive in all that symbolism. A more realistic relashionship is better for Cloud, mind you. His mental and emotional health will go down if he keeps on weeping for AERIS! :(

Dot Centaur
09-23-2004, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Tifa_Martial_Artist
Yes..You never know, there is always that chance! After all, Aeris is dead and I don't beleive in all that symbolism. A more realistic relashionship is better for Cloud, mind you. His mental and emotional health will go down if he keeps on weeping for AERIS! :(

No kidding! Even Aerith wouldn't want that for Cloud. She'd want someone to take care of him when he's in that pain. And that's TIFA!! She always took care of him when in need and shinobiyuffie denies that.

09-23-2004, 08:07 PM
Originally posted by the purifyer
Its always gonna be cloud and tifa they're child hood friends
and Cloud made a promise for Tifa anyway
oh yeah cloud and aeris wouldnt work out ...... Aeris is dead remember that now

go Tifa go ^_^
You should pay attention to the game, cloud and tifa weren't even friends! By the way, tifa force him to make that promise! If it wasn't for sephiroth, aeris wouldn't be dead. I don't think she's really dead anyways because at the end of disk 3, you see her face.

The Joker
09-23-2004, 08:55 PM
Yes, Aeris would not want Cloud to suffer, does nto mean they were nto meant to be. Plenty of movies do this like Titanic, and hope they will go on. But we all know they were "the couple."

Dot Centaur
09-23-2004, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Uyoku

You should pay attention to the game, cloud and tifa weren't even friends! By the way, tifa force him to make that promise! If it wasn't for sephiroth, aeris wouldn't be dead. I don't think she's really dead anyways because at the end of disk 3, you see her face.

Um...that's just Aerith's her spirit Uyoku. And remember, Tifa was only thirteen when she made Cloud promise. She didn't know the right words. She was very young. She didn't really make him promise either, it was really Cloud's choice to agree on it. Tifa was really asking, but didn't know she was making him. Cut her some slack you people!

Why can't you just accept the fact that Aerith is dead?

The Joker
09-23-2004, 11:36 PM
Its not FACT that she is dead, its likely. We see her dead, but there are a few things while not very strong, could be constructed as her being alive. Notice how she says she'll back when this is over before she leaves, notice as Cloud says he can meet her "there" after defeating Sephiroth, and the game ends with Aeris. Aeris is likely dead, but it is not this clear open and shut case.

09-24-2004, 12:05 AM
Exactly as you say, Gandalf. We see her place in the waters..get stabbed...whateva...but the characters still sense that she's alive, somewhere. And even Tifa herself admitted that Aeris would one day pop back in their lives without them knowing. And using what Nanaki's grandpa says, can anyone care to explain why Aeris's life energy wasn't merge with the lifestream? If it did, it would return back to the planet and a new life created...but that never happen for Aeris. Meaning, there's a chance she's alive, in some form or another. This little case of 'Aeris is dead' is still open with no conclusions and visable evindence to point that she's really dead. The only evidence to prove that would be something like, Aeris really did merge with the lifestream and it would be the end of that chapter...but that never even happens.
And anyway, at 13, you're old enough to figure what's right and wrong. Tifa just like the popularity that she had, who wouldn't?. She was never pressure by those boys because she lets them stay at her house. Proving enough that she wasn't force to do things the guys wanted, she did it on her own free will. It's her house and if she didn't like how they treated Cloud, then why invite them in? On another thing, Cloud say straight out to her,"You and your stupid friends were always laughing at every single thing". That's enough evindence from Cloud to point out that Tifa was as much part of the group and hurting him. The real big victim was Cloud and Cloud alone. It was never Tifa, no, only guilt kicked in and she realized that what she was doing was wrong, besides Cloud calling her to meet him at the well.
And anyway, that was a forceful promise. Cloud was excited to tell her his dreams, only to be cut by her asking if he'll become famous one day. Oh yeah, real nice friend, didn't even let him finish telling her his dreams. That was clearly peer pressure made by her and poor little Cloud was too ashamed to face her when he came back since SHE wanted him to become famous.
So TifaRinoa,
Care to explain to me on what I said? Maybe you don't see it as peer pressure, but it clearly was, made by her. Oh, I agree she took care of Cloud,........for her own personal gain and to replace Aeris out of his heart. What Cloud needed was space to grieve, recollect his thoughts and time alone to himself. But did he ever get any of that, no. Cloud spent most of his time with Aeris, so of course jealousy would kicked in for her.

Dot Centaur
09-24-2004, 12:49 AM
And anyway, at 13, you're old enough to figure what's right and wrong. Tifa just like the popularity that she had, who wouldn't?.

First of all shinoiyuffie, 13 may be old enough, but not everyone's going to understand the master's of social situations at that age either. And you have no proof that she liked her popularity; didn't I already say she had her head down when only the boys(and not Tifa) made fun of Cloud? She didn't see Cloud when the boys were covering him up from her, so how can you say Tifa did this and that?

She was never pressure by those boys because she lets them stay at her house. Proving enough that she wasn't force to do things the guys wanted, she did it on her own free will. It's her house and if she didn't like how they treated Cloud, then why invite them in?

It wasn't her owning the house; her parents did. Even after her parents died, thirteen still isn't old enough to make the right decisions. You have no proof that she let them in on her own free will. She never invited them in; did she say she invited them, no! You have no proof that she wanted to manipulated the boys to do what she wants. She never had the greed look on her face; the expression on her face alwasy says; Is this the right decision? She was very unsure of herself. You're just looking for her negative's once again, so you can enjoy your pointless hatred.

On another thing, Cloud say straight out to her,"You and your stupid friends were always laughing at every single thing". That's enough evindence from Cloud to point out that Tifa was as much part of the group and hurting him. The real big victim was Cloud and Cloud alone. It was never Tifa, no, only guilt kicked in and she realized that what she was doing was wrong, besides Cloud calling her to meet him at the well.

I remember that too; Cloud and Tifa were both the victims. Okay, Tifa may have those negative sides and made a mistake from them. But was she sorry.... yes she admits it. Did Cloud forgive her....yes! So if Cloud forgive's her, why can't you just see 1 just one positive thing of Tifa you can think of, for 1 day! For 1 time, why can't you just understand that not 'everything's her fault'. You gotta realize for some people, it takes them alittle longer for them to learn. That's what made Tifa the victim as well; she was so unsure and always looking for the right answer.

And anyway, that was a forceful promise. Cloud was excited to tell her his dreams, only to be cut by her asking if he'll become famous one day. Oh yeah, real nice friend, didn't even let him finish telling her his dreams. That was clearly peer pressure made by her and poor little Cloud was too ashamed to face her when he came back since SHE wanted him to become famous.

Again, you're just playing the game, but refusing to pay any attention Tifa's good sides;Tifa never cut him out in any way. Cloud finished, and she wanted him to do well, because she was trying to cheer him on! Isn't that good enough? If you have a promblem with Tifa, you have a problem with me! Again she didn't want Cloud to be famous for money and out of greed; she wanted him to be happy.

So TifaRinoa,
Care to explain to me on what I said? Maybe you don't see it as peer pressure, but it clearly was, made by her. Oh, I agree she took care of Cloud,........for her own personal gain and to replace Aeris out of his heart. What Cloud needed was space to grieve, recollect his thoughts and time alone to himself. But did he ever get any of that, no. Cloud spent most of his time with Aeris, so of course jealousy would kicked in for her.

Hate to break it to you, but I still see her being peer pressured, and I see you refusing to turn around, and looking at Tifa at a different light, and you continue to look at her dark sides and you think she did all of this out of greed. I think you're just contining to find excuses so you can hate hate hate. Tifa never wanted to replace Aerith, no! She would never wanna do that to a friend. She never took care of Cloud out of greed, and you just love to deny that! Cloud never spent more time with Aerith, you have that option on the game for him to do that.

And shinobiyuffie,
Can we agree that you've had your say here, and you can leave this thread for Cloti fans and take your evidence of Clorith to the Clorith thread, if you think Cloti evidence isn't good enough? I would also like to point out, when I read your post's, 75% of them were always 'Cloud and Aerith', 'I hate Tifa'.

09-24-2004, 12:31 PM
Very good, Tifa! ::Claps hands:: You always get there before I do! And anyway, yes. Stop posting in this thread Gandalf, Yoh-person and Shinobi_Yuffie. We don't CARE! Understand? All you are doing is wasting your time repeating yourself, but sorry, it's not going to work. Why don't you save your issues in the Tifa VS. Aeris thread. ><

So TifaGirl, what would you do if Tifa was real? Would you tackle her? Bite her ankles? Eat her?

Dot Centaur
09-24-2004, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Tifa_Martial_Artist
Very good, Tifa! ::Claps hands:: You always get there before I do! And anyway, yes. Stop posting in this thread Gandalf, Yoh-person and Shinobi_Yuffie. We don't CARE! Understand? All you are doing is wasting your time repeating yourself, but sorry, it's not going to work. Why don't you save your issues in the Tifa VS. Aeris thread. ><

So TifaGirl, what would you do if Tifa was real? Would you tackle her? Bite her ankles? Eat her?

Yes, leave Uyoko and Shinobiyuffie. We've heard enough of your pathetic hatred >:O! Calm down Tifa.......Calm down Tifa.....yeah I was just telling myself to calm down. Yes, if those two wanna hate so much, they need to start a Tifa vs. Aerith thread. Damn they better not! I'm just trying to keep Aerith and Tifa at peace, but mainly will always defend my fellow Cloti fans like yourself TMA!

Thanks again *takes a bow*! Anyway, if I met Tifa, I wouldn't do anything to her. Tifa's my idol(though I'm almost 21), and I would scream and say "OMG it's really Tifa".

Well, back on topic;

If I find some other good Cloti stuff, I'll post them here.

09-24-2004, 05:43 PM
Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Sorry but cloud and Aeris are the couple, if it was cloud and tifa there would be no point in putting aeris into final fantasy at all, except that shes the last cetra.
And we wouldnt want that now, would we?

Dot Centaur
09-24-2004, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by barret.wallace
Nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Sorry but cloud and Aeris are the couple, if it was cloud and tifa there would be no point in putting aeris into final fantasy at all, except that shes the last cetra.
And we wouldnt want that now, would we?

Sorry, but Aerith belong's with Zack! She was origianlly with him and it should stay that way!

As Cloud and Tifa were the original couple, and the originals sould stick together; otherwise it's betrayal.

09-24-2004, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by Tifa Rinoa

Sorry, but Aerith belong's with Zack! She was origianlly with him and it should stay that way!

As Cloud and Tifa were the original couple, and the originals sould stick together; otherwise it's betrayal.

well, the way i see it. Aeris is compadible with cloud and zack.
Aeris didn't betray zack. zack died and aeris didn't know that until later on. By the way, aeris did love zack but she thought he ran away with another girl. AEris did say he was a lady's man.
Oh! cloud and tifa aren't the oringal couple because tifa lied to cloud mutiple times. she was a heartless person. she was never cloud's chilhood friend in the first place. and she was try'n to manipulate him. Just pay more attention to the game you cloti fans. you could go ahead and try to counter back. i could post more evidence than you can.
oh! stop try'n to cover tifa ass!

09-24-2004, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by Tifa Rinoa

Sorry, but Aerith belong's with Zack! She was origianlly with him and it should stay that way!

As Cloud and Tifa were the original couple, and the originals sould stick together; otherwise it's betrayal.

So if I ever break up with my boyfriend, it is betrayal? O_o

Tifa and Cloud was my prefered couple for the game, too... (Well, aside from Vincent and Sephiroth, but who sees that actually happening?) Aeris and Cloud would have done well together, with the way their personalities fit... But it just would have been boring. Not to mention Aeris always annoyed me. Meh.

Dot Centaur
09-24-2004, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by Uyoku

well, the way i see it. Aeris is compadible with cloud and zack.
Aeris didn't betray zack. zack died and aeris didn't know that until later on. By the way, aeris did love zack but she thought he ran away with another girl. AEris did say he was a lady's man.
Oh! cloud and tifa aren't the oringal couple because tifa lied to cloud mutiple times. she was a heartless person. she was never cloud's chilhood friend in the first place. and she was try'n to manipulate him. Just pay more attention to the game you cloti fans. you could go ahead and try to counter back. i could post more evidence than you can.
oh! stop try'n to cover tifa ass!

STFU already! You're the one that need's to pay more attention to the game! NO I WON'T STOP DEFENDING TIFA >:O! She's my favorite character and as long as she's my favorite character, I'm going to defend her whether you like it or not. You and you're stupid theories on Tifa lying to Cloud, and your stupid character bashing. You haters are the one's negleting Tifa's story. She said she was sorry S-O-R-R-Y! And Cloud has forgiven her F-O-R-G-I-V-E-N H-E-R! What are you, 13 years old? and.....


09-24-2004, 08:58 PM
Well I'm not much for making couples out of video game charcters,but what the Hell.:D

I think Tifa and Cloud were more compatible with each other since they are childhood freinds and stuff, as well as seeing how their relationship evolved and how Tifa must've felt for Cloud, even after Aeris' death. Then when they were both in the lifestream, Tifa actually pieced the puzzles of Cloud's mind or memory(whatever the hell it was) and brought him back to normal. So that might prove how much she cares for him. Now for Aeris, since Zack and Cloud had alot in common, she must've used her feelings for Zack and saw Cloud as the same person. Now I'm not saying she just liked Cloud for him being like Zack, just that she needed comfort from someone that resembled someone important to her.

Now that's outta the way, everyone can resume debateing(Remeber it's just my opinion>) :D

Dot Centaur
09-24-2004, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by Ex-SeeD
Well I'm not much for making couples out of video game charcters,but what the Hell.:D

I think Tifa and Cloud were more compatible with each other since they are childhood freinds and stuff, as well as seeing how their relationship evolved and how Tifa must've felt for Cloud, even after Aeris' death. Then when they were both in the lifestream, Tifa actually pieced the puzzles of Cloud's mind or memory(whatever the hell it was) and brought him back to normal. So that might prove how much she cares for him. Now for Aeris, since Zack and Cloud had alot in common, she must've used her feelings for Zack and saw Cloud as the same person. Now I'm not saying she just liked Cloud for him being like Zack, just that she needed comfort from someone that resembled someone important to her.

Now that's outta the way, everyone can resume debateing(Remeber it's just my opinion>) :D

That's how I feel. I would need comfort from someone too, if a loved one of mine died. Especially someone who looks like them. So I understand where Aerith comes from.

Plus, Zack's dead, Aerith's dead, and they have eachother in heaven!

09-24-2004, 11:42 PM
For me i want tifa with cloud and just one thing i hate aeris it made my day when sepheroth killed her i guess hes good for somthin

09-25-2004, 12:14 AM
Well, TifaRinoa,
If you wanna put it that way, sorry. This thread,like everyone else, is open to all users. Unless you own this site, there's nothing you nor TMA can do to stop people from posting how they feel and their point of views. I seem to check on the cloud/aeris thread and getting the same response like this thread. Cloti/tifa fans has posted their views on the cloud/aeris thread without much flaming or foul language from clorith/aeris supporters.......meaning, aeriscloud and others are really keeping their cool unlike some people. So if you can't even respect other peoples opinions, then that foul language you use goes straight back to you. Proving my point that you're both hypocrites who tells,yells, and flames at c/a/aeris supporters along with neutrals when you yourself start posting how you feel in the C/A thread. Yeah, that's real pathetic, of both of you.
Nothing both of you says can stop how other people feel, not all people will feel the same way or sees it differently.

Dot Centaur
09-25-2004, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by shinobiyuffie
Well, TifaRinoa,
If you wanna put it that way, sorry. This thread,like everyone else, is open to all users. Unless you own this site, there's nothing you nor TMA can do to stop people from posting how they feel and their point of views. I seem to check on the cloud/aeris thread and getting the same response like this thread. Cloti/tifa fans has posted their views on the cloud/aeris thread without much flaming or foul language from clorith/aeris supporters.......meaning, aeriscloud and others are really keeping their cool unlike some people. So if you can't even respect other peoples opinions, then that foul language you use goes straight back to you. Proving my point that you're both hypocrites who tells,yells, and flames at c/a/aeris supporters along with neutrals when you yourself start posting how you feel in the C/A thread. Yeah, that's real pathetic, of both of you.
Nothing both of you says can stop how other people feel, not all people will feel the same way or sees it differently.

Bitch, bitch bitch, whine, whine, whine,

is that all you anti-people do?

Is that all you can do is call other people hypocrites and keep repeating yourself?

First of all; I don't flame C/A supporters; I only flame anit-Tifa people like you, because anit-people like you keep reviving this pointless Tifa vs. Aerith war when you know they were good friends! You just deny it. I respect C/A supporters who aren't negative; like aeriscloud for example. I don't mind Cloud and Aerith fans. It's Tifa hateres who hate Tifa fans I don't like.

So; STOP REVIVING A STUPID TIFA VS. AERITH WAR!!! It's getting old, aged, solved! Don't revive it! Everyone's heard it Damn it!

You've made your point and I've made mine! So STFU already.

While you're at it, leave the good characters of Squarsoft alone.$Julie!s!Zhuo$-ff7-tifa_and_cloud-.jpg

09-25-2004, 05:25 AM
Originally posted by Tifa Rinoa

STFU already! You're the one that need's to pay more attention to the game! NO I WON'T STOP DEFENDING TIFA >:O! She's my favorite character and as long as she's my favorite character, I'm going to defend her whether you like it or not. You and you're stupid theories on Tifa lying to Cloud, and your stupid character bashing. You haters are the one's negleting Tifa's story. She said she was sorry S-O-R-R-Y! And Cloud has forgiven her F-O-R-G-I-V-E-N H-E-R! What are you, 13 years old? and.....

Stop telling people to STFU. Pshh, If you won't stop defending tifa then screw you. My Theorys are stupid, they are facts.

Why do you ask my age? Are you 9 or something? You act like a childish Tifa fan and you use harash words in your attacks :P and..............


Since you said "You Haters" so your bashing on not me but all the other Cloud/Aerith Fans.

Dot Centaur
09-25-2004, 05:57 AM
Originally posted by Uyoku

Stop telling people to STFU. Pshh, If you won't stop defending tifa then screw you. My Theorys are stupid, they are facts.

Why do you ask my age? Are you 9 or something? You act like a childish Tifa fan and you use harash words in your attacks :P and..............


Since you said "You Haters" so your bashing on not me but all the other Cloud/Aerith Fans.

I'm 20 and I love Tifa, and I don'thave to be 9 to defend her. I've only bashed Tifa haters as I've said before, not Aeirth/Cloud fans.

Those aren't facts you have about Tifa; they're your opinions on her.

If you're not a Tifa and Cloud fan, then leave me and TMA alone! If you hate her so much, then why the hell are you here? People can be 40 and still curse. It's life, not just children.


Tifa had a pure heart! You either don't get it, or don't wanna get it.

Just stop bashing innocent fictional characers. They're not real, so why let a non-real character get to you?

Sheesh, just stop the freaking hate already! Stop starting fictional love-triangle war conspiracies!

I think Cloud is better off with Tifa, so what? Do I care if you think Aerith is better with Cloud? No.

Also, like TMA said; this isn't a debating thread; it's a thread for Cloti fans. If you love Cloud and Aerith so much, then take it to the Clorith thread!

I can continue to do this until you stop with this; victimizing Cloti fans.

You too shinobiyuffie.

09-26-2004, 11:03 AM
OMG! What she said! Stop fucking posting in here! If you say something else that does not belong here, I'll report you to a mod, so get out!

Dot Centaur
09-26-2004, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Tifa_Martial_Artist
OMG! What she said! Stop fucking posting in here! If you say something else that does not belong here, I'll report you to a mod, so get out!

Whoo Hooo *claps hands* they've been told! Also, here's another cool Cloti site; my favorite of all time! It has all the facts you need to know about why Cloud belong's with Tifa;

and here's something from the same site that'll make the debat even more interesting;

Aerith Gainsborough
09-26-2004, 05:02 PM
quote: Originally posted by Tifa Rinoa

Sorry, but Aerith belong's with Zack! She was origianlly with him and it should stay that way!

Why do people always believe, Aeris belongs to Zack? Because she was with him for a while?

Tifa Rinoa, what would you say, if you had a new love, this love would die, and everybody else would just say things like: Oh, it doesn't matter, because they were not the true couple. The true couple was her and her ex-boyfriend.....

You wouldn't want that, would you? And it doesn't make sense either, does it? :(

(This is just an example, you know, I don't want to offend you. You know me! ;) )

quote: Originally posted by Uyoku

tifa lied to cloud mutiple times. she was a heartless person

Yes, she did. But she didn't want to hurt him. She knew how twisted he was in his mind, she didn't want to make things worse. I don't believe in Tifa being a heartless person.

she was never cloud's chilhood friend in the first place. and she was try'n to manipulate him

Yeah, but this is true. She was always trying to get him somehow. It started with the promise. She forced him making the promise. He promised her, not becaused he loved her, he did, so she'll stop talking to her this way. He was a little boy. He probably thought: If this makes her happy, I'll say it then.

And when they met again, her hope came back, and also the trials to get him.

But Cloud was never acting like he really cares about seeing her again....

Cloud and Tifa were never the true couple, but that doesn't mean, I have to hate Tifa, or the fans of Tifa!

This is no offence to Tifa-fans, only my opinion! :)

09-26-2004, 08:45 PM
Can someone fill me in on what we're talking a bout i'd like to start posting herre cause i finally regained my mind and now i know cloud and tifa are the ones. Just like Neo and Trinity in the Matrix

And damn people stop being so mean to Tifarinoa she's just showing a little compassion and anger.


P.s:I went to those websites Tifarinoa and did you do those? I enjoyed looking at all the fanart

09-26-2004, 09:13 PM
This time thru FF7, I've noticed a few sexual references. They showed up randomly. The first was with when Tifa asks Cloud how he slept and you can say "Next to you, who wouldn't?" Another one I noticed was at the tail end of the date with Yuffie, who says "I'm gonna sleep well tonight!"

Anyway, I was thinking about that scene right at the end of Disc 2 when Cloud and Tifa are on the ground below the highwind and Cloud says "I don't really know how to express myself" or something and Tifa replies, "You don't always have to use words to express yourself, Cloud." Then Cloud responds with an elipses and the screen fades to black. Next you see Tifa with her head resting on Cloud's shoulder, so you're thinking "Aw they cuddled" or something. But I think they porked. Also, when they get on the ship, Cid and Barrett are about to say something when Red XIII jumps in and says "You never know what they'll say later if you tell them" and Tifa freaks, "You were watching..!?" Then she runs to her spot next to the railing and starts writhing around, utterly embarassed.

If Cloud is meant for Aeris, why'd he mess around with Yuffie that night at the Gold Saucer? And sure, Aeris isn't a character yet in that first quote I mentioned, and she's not a character anymore at the end of Disc 2, but still.. makes me think.

09-26-2004, 09:20 PM
Ohh la la.....

Anyways prolly not i mean cmon. "CLOUD DOING IT WITH YUFFIE!"
Never happen. Now cloud and tifa that sounds a little better but still couldn't happen. Whym i don't know.

Dot Centaur
09-27-2004, 03:49 AM
Originally posted by Cloudmeister
Can someone fill me in on what we're talking a bout i'd like to start posting herre cause i finally regained my mind and now i know cloud and tifa are the ones. Just like Neo and Trinity in the Matrix

And damn people stop being so mean to Tifarinoa she's just showing a little compassion and anger.


P.s:I went to those websites Tifarinoa and did you do those? I enjoyed looking at all the fanart

Heh Heh, Lol! You tell 'em! Nope, no stupid war revivers are gonna make me leave a cool forum!

Yes, we're talking about Tifa and Cloud, the original and true couple of FFVII, and why they are so compatible!

Thanks! Yep, I read that site, because it's my favoirite Cloti site of all time!

09-27-2004, 10:43 AM
why is everyone getting so worked up about a fictional!!!! couple on a computer!!! game

So what if aerith thinks cloud is for aeris and so what if tifa_rinoa thinks cloud and tifa are partners they are made up

now i like final fantasy but whats the big arguement in the end he ends up with neither so stop slaging each other of

I think personally aeris is for cloud but you dont see me slaging off all the tifa lovers okay just chill and discuss it like normal human beings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

09-27-2004, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by selphie
why is everyone getting so worked up about a fictional!!!! couple on a computer!!! game

So what if aerith thinks cloud is for aeris and so what if tifa_rinoa thinks cloud and tifa are partners they are made up

now i like final fantasy but whats the big arguement in the end he ends up with neither so stop slaging each other of

I think personally aeris is for cloud but you dont see me slaging off all the tifa lovers okay just chill and discuss it like normal human beings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


If you don't like Cloud and Tifa, then get the fuck out!

TifaRinoa: Just ignore all the AerisxCloud posts. Concentrate on the subject at hand, or else this thread will be closed. By the way, did AngelTifa like, change her site or something? I like the new layout.

But I'd like to say, that night on the highwind, I never once thought they slept together. Rather, I thought that they had kissed. But FFVii definetely IS full of sexual stuff, like Aerith the hoe wanting to meet Cloud. :cool:

Dot Centaur
09-27-2004, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by selphie
why is everyone getting so worked up about a fictional!!!! couple on a computer!!! game

So what if aerith thinks cloud is for aeris and so what if tifa_rinoa thinks cloud and tifa are partners they are made up

now i like final fantasy but whats the big arguement in the end he ends up with neither so stop slaging each other of

I think personally aeris is for cloud but you dont see me slaging off all the tifa lovers okay just chill and discuss it like normal human beings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Lol. Don't worry TMA, I will stay on the subject, but Selphie did make a good point. They're not real, and we shouldn't get too worked up about it.

To do so, I'll just stick with the subject, on Cloti, like you say, and I'll discuss calmly and normally, like Selphie said.

Let's just drop the flamming and stay on the subject positively.

09-28-2004, 08:54 AM
sorry bout that but it is true and then tma sent me this

Sexiest bitch alive

Registered: Jul 2004
Posts: 192
Haha, are you retarded? How many times did you f***k your mom last night

isnt that so nice of her

she cant even spell f#@k right i mean come on

Aerith Gainsborough
09-28-2004, 09:39 AM
Some people should watch their tongue! They shoud also stop acting that immature. A bit more respect please. :mad:

Where the hell are we? Is this a place to talk about Cloud/Tifa, or is this a place to flame others as much as we can? :(

(Selphie, I'm sorry for the mean PM you got. You don't deserve it)

09-28-2004, 12:06 PM
i am not trying to start an argument but does anyone remeber when cait sith reads aeris and clouds fortune in the temple of the ancients she says on no poor tifa so cait sith sees that aeris and cloud are meant to be

Now i am not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! trying to say that tifa is useless or not for cloud but did anyone think about it from that point of view.

please dont ever call me a retard again tma learn to spell and i may take it as an insult ok!!!!!

love selphie

09-28-2004, 03:58 PM
go selpie go selphie

oh yeah thanks 4 the help

i totally agree with selphie but i am not soyin nothing about tifa cus tifa is cool 2

09-28-2004, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by selphie
sorry bout that but it is true and then tma sent me this

Sexiest bitch alive

Registered: Jul 2004
Posts: 192
Haha, are you retarded? How many times did you f***k your mom last night

isnt that so nice of her

she cant even spell f#@k right i mean come on

Jesus fucking Christ, now it's personal attacks? You say I can't say fuck right yet you don't have any puncuating in your posts nor do you capitalize. I sent that PM to you out of fun because I thought that an idiot such as yourself deserved an idiotic reply.

Now then, TifaGirl, if you go to the site called FFhybrid, you'll see that some new Clotis are in town. They do a better job of arguing than me. And they have strong points to back it up, too.

Have you ever read Frank Verderosa's stories? I imagine you have, but I'm just sad that at the end..


Cloud leaves Tifa due to the fact that he has that stupid Ancient disease.

Dot Centaur
09-28-2004, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by selphie
i am not trying to start an argument but does anyone remeber when cait sith reads aeris and clouds fortune in the temple of the ancients she says on no poor tifa so cait sith sees that aeris and cloud are meant to be

Now i am not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! trying to say that tifa is useless or not for cloud but did anyone think about it from that point of view.

please dont ever call me a retard again tma learn to spell and i may take it as an insult ok!!!!!

love selphie

Don't worry Selphie; you're just making a mature debate, and not a flaming arguement.

I'll make a peaceful debate too since you're my friend; well, also, we all know Cait Sith is a bad fortune teller.

And TMA, you're my friend too and I knew I'd get stuck between you and my other Aerith fan friends, but please don't flame my friends just because they like Aerith. Please, I'm not trying to be mean, I just don't want to get stuck between the middle of my friends. Just because you're my friend too TMA, I'll just say if you help keep flaming our favorite thread up, and moderator will find out what's going on and will close it. You don't want this cool Cloti thread close right? Neither do I. Not trying to be mean, but it's my job as a friend to tell you how you can keep this thread from staying open. Okay? I just wanna make peace between us Tifa fans, and Aerith fans. If they got along, so should there fans. C'mon, whadya say? You don't have do like Aerith, but you shouldn't harm her fans, because the fans are real people. Sory again if that offended you.

Also TMA, thinks for the link!

09-29-2004, 12:32 AM
It's true cait sith was a very bad fortune teller except that one time in the gold saucer the third fortune he gave cloud was "You will get what you are looking for but you will lose someone very dear." or something like that. Also I have one theory.

Cloud is in love with bboth Aerith and Tifa.

Cmon it seems logical because you notice that Cloud shows lots of emotions for Aeris like when she died Cloud was crying and saying "I'll never hear her laugh, talk,anything!" or something like that. Also it looked like he enjoyed the date with Aeris at the gold saucer. But Cloud also likes Tifa for various reasons too like she is Cloud's childhoodfriend and also their relationship prolly came up a peg or two when Tifa saved Cloud in the lifestream and that Tifa never left Cloud's side when he had mako poisoning.

But since he does like both of them he could never really show to much emotion to one without hurting the other. So that's why Cloud could never really admit he loved Tifa or Aerith.

And please Cloud/Tifa and Cloud/Aeris fans do not flame me for saying this i'm just saying what i really think. But does anyone agree with me?


Dot Centaur
09-29-2004, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by Cloudmeister
It's true cait sith was a very bad fortune teller except that one time in the gold saucer the third fortune he gave cloud was "You will get what you are looking for but you will lose someone very dear." or something like that. Also I have one theory.

Cloud is in love with bboth Aerith and Tifa.

Cmon it seems logical because you notice that Cloud shows lots of emotions for Aeris like when she died Cloud was crying and saying "I'll never hear her laugh, talk,anything!" or something like that. Also it looked like he enjoyed the date with Aeris at the gold saucer. But Cloud also likes Tifa for various reasons too like she is Cloud's childhoodfriend and also their relationship prolly came up a peg or two when Tifa saved Cloud in the lifestream and that Tifa never left Cloud's side when he had mako poisoning.

But since he does like both of them he could never really show to much emotion to one without hurting the other. So that's why Cloud could never really admit he loved Tifa or Aerith.

And please Cloud/Tifa and Cloud/Aeris fans do not flame me for saying this i'm just saying what i really think. But does anyone agree with me?


Hey Mr. Cloud!

Don't worry, I won't flame you ;). You are right. I alwasy came to the conclusiong that he loved the both of them. So Squar let's you decide whom he ends up. For me who does he end up with? Tifa and only Tifa!

09-29-2004, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Tifa Rinoa

Hey Mr. Cloud!

Don't worry, I won't flame you ;). You are right. I alwasy came to the conclusiong that he loved the both of them. So Squar let's you decide whom he ends up. For me who does he end up with? Tifa and only Tifa!

Thanks. How did squaresoft let us decide who cloud ends up with again?

Dot Centaur
09-29-2004, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by Cloudmeister

Thanks. How did squaresoft let us decide who cloud ends up with again?

They're both the official couples and I always thought the game gives you the choice on whom he ends up with.

09-29-2004, 08:30 AM
well you know what tma she has a point i dont want this thread closed down cause of a stupid argument over aeris/cloud tifa/cloud

as i said before they are fictional

anyway cloudmeister you make a good point he loves them both but everyone will argue who he loved more i dont think there can really be one solid answer where everyone agrees cause if we say he ends up with tifa the aeris fans start brawling and if we say aeris the tifa fans start brawling.

So my theory is he sould end up with yuffie then nobody can complain about who he is with ok

Tma lets not argue cause of a difference in opinions i am sorry for any offence i may have caused you ok

09-29-2004, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Tifa Rinoa

Don't worry Selphie; you're just making a mature debate, and not a flaming arguement.

I'll make a peaceful debate too since you're my friend; well, also, we all know Cait Sith is a bad fortune teller.

And TMA, you're my friend too and I knew I'd get stuck between you and my other Aerith fan friends, but please don't flame my friends just because they like Aerith. Please, I'm not trying to be mean, I just don't want to get stuck between the middle of my friends. Just because you're my friend too TMA, I'll just say if you help keep flaming our favorite thread up, and moderator will find out what's going on and will close it. You don't want this cool Cloti thread close right? Neither do I. Not trying to be mean, but it's my job as a friend to tell you how you can keep this thread from staying open. Okay? I just wanna make peace between us Tifa fans, and Aerith fans. If they got along, so should there fans. C'mon, whadya say? You don't have do like Aerith, but you shouldn't harm her fans, because the fans are real people. Sory again if that offended you.

Also TMA, thinks for the link!

Of course, I agree completely! I flamed Selphi because she did not send me a very nice pm, to be exatc. ::Cough:: But you'rre right. And have you joined FFhybrid yet? Inorganic and Syi are awesome Clotis!

Dot Centaur
09-29-2004, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by Tifa_Martial_Artist

Of course, I agree completely! I flamed Selphi because she did not send me a very nice pm, to be exatc. ::Cough:: But you'rre right. And have you joined FFhybrid yet? Inorganic and Syi are awesome Clotis!

I'd love to, but do you have a link for it?

09-29-2004, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by Tifa Rinoa

STFU already! You're the one that need's to pay more attention to the game! NO I WON'T STOP DEFENDING TIFA >:O! She's my favorite character and as long as she's my favorite character, I'm going to defend her whether you like it or not. You and you're stupid theories on Tifa lying to Cloud, and your stupid character bashing. You haters are the one's negleting Tifa's story. She said she was sorry S-O-R-R-Y! And Cloud has forgiven her F-O-R-G-I-V-E-N H-E-R! What are you, 13 years old? and.....

why don't you try'n STFU! all you try to do is make an innocent image of tifa. By the way, i'm not the only one bashing. if you try to say i'm the only one, then just look twice at yourself!
Oh! my thoeries aren't even theories, their facts. Let's see when tifa lied to cloud. Oh! how bout when cloud ask her what happen five years ago. Oh! and when cloud was telling his long story, all tifa did was agree with him and didn't say anything. she also lied that she didn't know zack. So you call that not lying.and are you even sure cloud have F-O-R-G-I-V-E-N H-E-R!?

Dot Centaur
09-29-2004, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by Uyoku

why don't you try'n STFU! all you try to do is make an innocent image of tifa. By the way, i'm not the only one bashing. if you try to say i'm the only one, then just look twice at yourself!
Oh! my thoeries aren't even theories, their facts. Let's see when tifa lied to cloud. Oh! how bout when cloud ask her what happen five years ago. Oh! and when cloud was telling his long story, all tifa did was agree with him and didn't say anything. she also lied that she didn't know zack. So you call that not lying.and are you even sure cloud have F-O-R-G-I-V-E-N H-E-R!?

Uyouku; Stop repeating yourself, and stop flaming Tifa fans for loving her.

09-29-2004, 11:00 PM
Tifa is probably the most UNinnocent girl on final fantasy, shes always pushing her boobs out to cloud and running up to him and kissing his ass, aeris just walks around like " oh hi, yeah, fun"

But cloud and aeris r still the couple, tifas such a lanky poo.

09-29-2004, 11:46 PM
Originally posted by barret.wallace
Tifa is probably the most UNinnocent girl on final fantasy, shes always pushing her boobs out to cloud and running up to him and kissing his ass, aeris just walks around like " oh hi, yeah, fun"

But cloud and aeris r still the couple, tifas such a lanky poo. There is no way anyone can support the therie or whatever and when did she ever put her boobs in clouds face

09-29-2004, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by DeMoN-mAn
There is no way anyone can support the therie or whatever and when did she ever put her boobs in clouds face

must be the secret ending. lol :D

Dot Centaur
09-30-2004, 03:35 AM
Originally posted by barret.wallace
Tifa is probably the most UNinnocent girl on final fantasy, shes always pushing her boobs out to cloud and running up to him and kissing his ass, aeris just walks around like " oh hi, yeah, fun"

But cloud and aeris r still the couple, tifas such a lanky poo.

Actually Barret, she never did that stuff. She was always alittle shy to do that stuff. Aerith was the one flirting too much, "How 'bout if I go out with you once", or the part when she said, " see how compatible me and Cloud are", so I'm not saying any of them are sluts, but it was actually Aerith who acted the most slutty out of Tifa, Aerith and Yuffie, in my opinion.

Yuffie, was the most uninnocent one; stealing on purpose is worse than white lies. Uyoku, just remember, Tifa only lied to keep Cloud from being hurt, big deal, a white lie. You would do the same thing too to keep a loved one from hurting. Aerith lied too when Cloud said, "something on your face tells me different" not just Tifa, he asked Aerith too. So you can't pick on one character.

Cloud also made a lie too about making it to soldier, for Tifa, while Tifa kept secrets for Cloud. And Uyoku, have you ever heard of white lies? Those are the good lies.

Yuffie was too loud and rude, but at least she learns to like everyone. Tifa's intention were far more noble than Yuffie's. Yuffie only joined Avalance to hunt materia. Not to steal after awhile, but to hunt materia elsewhere. She never really joined to save the planet. It's really Yuffie who is the most uninnocent. So leave Tifa alone people! Poor Tifa, why does she get all the bashing >:O

Aerith Gainsborough
09-30-2004, 09:56 AM
quote: Originally posted by barret.wallace

Tifa is probably the most UNinnocent girl on final fantasy, shes always pushing her boobs out to cloud and running up to him and kissing his ass, aeris just walks around like " oh hi, yeah, fun"

:laugh: That's a good one. That's how I see it too. Tifa is trying everything to get Cloud, and she tries to use her sex appeal too.

Aeris flirts are more of a joking around. It is not a real flirting. She is not the type of person for that. ;)

But still, they are both different, but none of them is a slut to me. Tifa is acting more slutty (shows her breasts, her clothes etc), but she is not. It is just the cheaper way, guys usually like that!

quote: Originally posted by Tifa Rinoa

Actually Barret, she never did that stuff.

Yes, she did. I remember one scene very well. This is, when you go back to Midgar to get Tifas final weapon. Cid is fixing the mashine, and a thing falls down... The way Tifa picks it up..... ;)

Aerith was the one flirting too much, "How 'bout if I go out with you once", or the part when she said, " see how compatible me and Cloud are"

Wow, what a terrible flirting.... :laugh:

Aeris is the older one, and had a boyfriend before. Cloud was still unexperienced in these things. She had to do it somehow. But she did it in a funny way. This doesn't make her to a slut. ;)

And Yuffie? Of course she is the most innocent. She is still a kid! :)

So leave Tifa alone people! Poor Tifa, why does she get all the bashing

People don't leave Aeris alone, do they?

09-30-2004, 12:19 PM
Oh and by the way demon man, i didnt say she pushes her boobs into clouds face, i said towards cloud, so there :laugh:

And tifa rinoa, if "how bout i go out with you once?" is flirting then im the queens shoe polisher, and im not.

09-30-2004, 01:14 PM
I'll say what I said in the Aeris and Cloud thread.

I look at Tifa as Clouds friend and thats all. He may have had a childhood crush on her but things chang.

For various reasons I think that Aeris and Cloud should be together.

But make no mistake about it, I quite like Tifa. I'm not putting her down in anyway I just think that Aeris is better for Cloud then Tifa.

And if saying Aeris is flirting by asking him to be her bodyguard and in return she'll go out with him, then I'd disagree. I think it take a fair bit of courage to do something like that. Thats what I like about Aeris. She's open minded. Tifa has yet to do anything too dramatic.

Dot Centaur
09-30-2004, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Mickrulz
I'll say what I said in the Aeris and Cloud thread.

I look at Tifa as Clouds friend and thats all. He may have had a childhood crush on her but things chang.

For various reasons I think that Aeris and Cloud should be together.

But make no mistake about it, I quite like Tifa. I'm not putting her down in anyway I just think that Aeris is better for Cloud then Tifa.

And if saying Aeris is flirting by asking him to be her bodyguard and in return she'll go out with him, then I'd disagree. I think it take a fair bit of courage to do something like that. Thats what I like about Aeris. She's open minded. Tifa has yet to do anything too dramatic.

Okay Mickrulz, it never states in the game that Cloud grew out of Tifa. He still loves her. Now like I said, this is a fan thread for Cloti fans only, not a debating thread. I always thought Aeirth looked too cute for Cloud the first time I layed eyes on them.

09-30-2004, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by Tifa Rinoa

Uyouku; Stop repeating yourself, and stop flaming Tifa fans for loving her.
Look who's talking. I'm not the only one repeating myself, it's also you. By the way, why should i stop flaming at tifa fans if tifa fans won't stop flaming at cloud and aeris fan.

Dot Centaur
09-30-2004, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by Uyoku

Look who's talking. I'm not the only one repeating myself, it's also you. By the way, why should i stop flaming at tifa fans if tifa fans won't stop flaming at cloud and aeris fan.

You repeated yourself first so you should stop first. Yes, you should stop flaming even if people keep doing it. Because your just gonna help keep up the war. And stop being a brat.

Cloud and Tifa Forever!! Cloud and Tifa: the original and true couple of FFVII will live on forever!

09-30-2004, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by Tifa Rinoa

Okay Mickrulz, it never states in the game that Cloud grew out of Tifa. He still loves her. Now like I said, this is a fan thread for Cloti fans only, not a debating thread. I always thought Aeirth looked too cute for Cloud the first time I layed eyes on them.

Hey I'm just voicing my opinion, I'm not trying to start a debait.

And by the way I never one saw a Dialouge that states that Cloud loves Tifa. And even if they did, that wouldn't be a problem for me.

Dot Centaur
09-30-2004, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Mickrulz

Hey I'm just voicing my opinion, I'm not trying to start a debait.

And by the way I never one saw a Dialouge that states that Cloud loves Tifa. And even if they did, that wouldn't be a problem for me.

Don't worry, it's okay *pat's Mickrulz on the back to reassures him everythings okay*, it's okay! I'm glad you're voicing your opinion without hate towards one another. I also like to state that you do have the option for Cloud to state that he really loves Tifa.

09-30-2004, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by Tifa Rinoa

Don't worry, it's okay *pat's Mickrulz on the back to reassures him everythings okay*, it's okay! I'm glad you're voicing your opinion without hate towards one another. I also like to state that you do have the option for Cloud to state that he really loves Tifa.

Really, you do get the option of saying that (scratches nose).
I must have ether missed something or just forgot. It's been a while since I've played FF7. Hmmm, oh well. But really I don't have a problem with them being together but I don't think there the The couple. To be honest I think he would've ended up with Aeris in the end, but since the slight handycap of being dead, I dunno.

It really dosn't worry me who he goes with.

Dot Centaur
09-30-2004, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by Mickrulz

Really, you do get the option of saying that (scratches nose).
I must have ether missed something or just forgot. It's been a while since I've played FF7. Hmmm, oh well. But really I don't have a problem with them being together but I don't think there the The couple. To be honest I think he would've ended up with Aeris in the end, but since the slight handycap of being dead, I dunno.

It really dosn't worry me who he goes with.

Yeah you do; Tifa asks "did you sleep well", then you can make him say "with you, who wouldn't!", that's him saying he loves her!

09-30-2004, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by Tifa Rinoa

Yeah you do; Tifa asks "did you sleep well", then you can make him say "with you, who wouldn't!", that's him saying he loves her!

No. I ment a dialouge that says "Tifa I love you" or something along the lines of that.

When you have the choice to say: with you, who wouldn't, that dosen't mean you love someone, from my prespective.

But really there's no point in arguing this point, cuz there's no real evidence of him chosing ether. So there for Squaresoft leaves it up to the fans opinion (well at least till Adent Children comes out) and my opinion is different to yours and I can respect that.

10-01-2004, 08:29 AM
Why is this such a debate there is seriously no need to flame each other is ther all beacuse of a diiference in opinions.

Can people acctually discusss things in a humane manner or does it always come down oh that bitch likes tifa lets falme her

or that asshole like aeris lets flame him

I think we are all capable of a more humanised conversation or has does the art of friendly coversation confuse people

Sorry to moan but i dont think it is all that nice over a fictional couple

Sorry again for being a bore but someone has to say it before this thread gets closed ok

love selphie

Dot Centaur
10-01-2004, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by selphie
Why is this such a debate there is seriously no need to flame each other is ther all beacuse of a diiference in opinions.

Can people acctually discusss things in a humane manner or does it always come down oh that bitch likes tifa lets falme her

or that asshole like aeris lets flame him

I think we are all capable of a more humanised conversation or has does the art of friendly coversation confuse people

Sorry to moan but i dont think it is all that nice over a fictional couple

Sorry again for being a bore but someone has to say it before this thread gets closed ok

love selphie

Don't need to apologize! You're right! Even Tokiko told me(through a PM once I think?) "why can't you have a discussion without killing eachother!?". Seriosly, these kids need to stop flaming fans for there love of an innocent fictional character. Why don't they take it to some Anti-Aerith or Anti-Tifa page and join there hate there and not on a fan forum.

Uyoku, stop with this nonsense too.

10-01-2004, 01:31 PM
Well it is a thread that consists of 2 Nemisis sides after all. So all it takes is one Aeris/Tifa fan to say something then the other disagrees with it and before you know it you have people flaming eachother. But what do you expect. It'll probalyalways happen.

Thats why I don't like these kinda threads when they get out of hand. But we are all entitles to our opinions.

10-01-2004, 02:05 PM
true but we could tell each other our opinions without saying f#@k you or p{+s of W#'@~r cant we or is that so hard to do

10-01-2004, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by selphie
true but we could tell each other our opinions without saying f#@k you or p{+s of W#'@~r cant we or is that so hard to do

Yes I would like that very much, but when it comes to this people become very protective of there opinions. So really all it takes is one persons thread or opinion to annoy another person and thats it, were back at square one again.

So really threatning people with "I'll close this thread if it gets to argumentive" won't stop people flaming. You see it's peoples opinions that gets other people agravated, so to stop the flaming, you would have to stop peoples opinions and that whould stop a thread, so really there's no real way to stop but hope that people can be mature about it and not attack other people with such offinsive words.

10-01-2004, 02:41 PM
Alright, clearly you all must be mentally retarded, or you didn't read my post. If you don't have anything to do with this discussion, then why be here at all? I reported every last one of you, so we'll see who gets the last laugh now. ^^

Dot Centaur
10-01-2004, 04:31 PM
I always thought Tifa and Cloud were like Tenchi and Ryoko! She's all over Cloud(Awww!), and so is Ryoko all over Tenchi! Ryoko get's Tenchi and Tifa get's Cloud!

10-02-2004, 05:04 PM
TifaGirl, now please don't act as if you had no part in making this thread a hateful battlefield. I've not managed to read through exactly everything you people throw at one another, but don't think you are the innocent peacekeeper, TifaGirl. You are not, not with comments like "Bitch bitch bitch whine whine whine".
You are also still replying too often without saying anything: Like you would reply after someone posts something you agree with and say "Yes that's exactly what I think", or you post something after someone said something you disagree with, and flame him/her, oftehn enough saying this isn't a place for people who disagree wih your opinion that Tifa/Cloud forever, blah blah.

And I do believe I said before that if this thread cannot stay peaceful, it will be closed. Now, some pages later, you keep repeating yourself, you keep hating one another, you keep bitching and whining, always the same people, the same arguments, the same stupidity, arrogance and immaturity.

If you cannot deal with someone disagreeing with you, if you are unwilling to face flaws in your interpretation of the game and its pairings, then you need to grow up.

So, you've had your share of warnings, decided not to bother about them, or funnily enough, you've decided they only count for the others, not for yourself.

This thread is closed, you know why.