01-27-2002, 01:52 PM
i made this Graphic the other day on Photoshop, i realy like it and i put alot of effort in.

in a way, its my idea of art. ive focused mainly on the eyes, as you can see (pun not intended :p) and tried to bring across my creative side.

Edit: lol, i forgot to put the graphic up :)

01-27-2002, 02:34 PM
It's...nice. :) I can't kinda "handle" the pics.
I just like to draw them. It's easier for me. But everyone has their style and this is yours.

01-27-2002, 04:14 PM
*claps* That's really good, icey! ^_^ I like your style. :) And, I can't see anything wrong with it.. o.O; Good job! *Hands him a cookie.* :D

01-27-2002, 05:20 PM
Thats pretty good, and I like it alot. Keep up the great work!;)

01-27-2002, 05:43 PM
You're really great, Sir ice!~neko,:) ,mmmm, if you don't mind how about more sense in the right eye, it will be more feminim.Well, that's only my opinion, If you don't wanna to change it, It doesn't matter.Everything is up to you to decide;)

01-27-2002, 06:45 PM
thanx everey one :)

Lab, i dont know what u mean by sense? and which right, hers or mine? ;)

01-27-2002, 08:15 PM
I think it looks great. I wouldn't make any changes. It's just fine the way it is. Pretty good. I like the font at the side.

01-27-2002, 10:59 PM
That is SOOO cool , Ice. I really doubt I could do something like that on photoshop. Great job!
BTW, do you use a graphic tablet?

01-27-2002, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by ShensetsuX
That is SOOO cool , Ice. I really doubt I could do something like that on photoshop. Great job!
BTW, do you use a graphic tablet?

nope, i dont realy see the point, i'm not into CGing things on ps :)

megal: your see a bigger and better version of that in my next sig. its a complecated lightning effect i added to it :D

01-27-2002, 11:30 PM
oohhh! Ice, that is very kool. me think all of it is great, so's don't change nothing ;)