07-31-2004, 05:01 AM
Wow, I Am in shock..I just watched the FMV in which sephiroth killed aeries and cloud lowered her into the water, While I knew she was gonna die (Easy to find out everything about the game from you guys posting junk, even by accident) the FMV just blew me away. I personally think it was too early for her to die, But seriously, Sephiroth coming from above was awesome.

BTW, The most dramatic scene ive seen so far is when Cait Sith goes to save the world. Actuactly, the scene got screwed up since cait sith is a toy. But think about it, What if he wasent, For him to never see those who he journyed with? For him to risk his life for the planet, Even after he betrayed his friends?? Truly heart touching, But hes a toy, so the scene sucked.

07-31-2004, 11:04 AM
if square didn't plan on cait being a toy they wouldn't make it like someone had to be sacrificed in order to get the black materia.
if he wasn't a toy i din't think he would be willing to kill himself for someone else.
that's what i think anyway

07-31-2004, 12:28 PM
aeris all possible ways......

07-31-2004, 12:39 PM
Yea...that scene when Sephia** kills her...would be so shocking to the uninformed indeed was when I was mucking around in the "movies" folder...was the 1st movie I clicked on in fact...

As for Aeris sucking, I kept her in the party for her Healing Wind, you don't get many Megalixers at that stage in the game.

Damn, Great Gospel would be so sweet for the final boss...never tried Aeris, L2-L4 breaks, didn't bother lvling her up since I knew she was a goner.

07-31-2004, 01:15 PM
i'll admit that she was really important plot-wise but in usefullness i agree with you: she sucked i never use her in my party.
don't have the stomach.
no matter how much anyone tells me how good she can be.

07-31-2004, 01:24 PM
We had a very very similar thread about this a while ago, and it was closed eventually after only the same people posted in it and the same things were repeated over and over again.

While I don't see any new things at the moment, I guess this thread can stay open for a few pages, like, until I see these same people posting here again.

(It's not really the topic you can have great discussions about anyway...)

When that happens, it'll be closed. Yeah. ;)

07-31-2004, 02:39 PM
I found out that she died from one of my classmates, and I was ecstatic. I was so happy she died.

07-31-2004, 03:57 PM
Aeries was my second highest level, Personally I loved her. She carried all the magic attacks and heals, And kept my teammates alive in battle. Its probably a bad idea, But I keep all my teamates no further then 5 lvls apart, Should I really do this, Or level a select few. Vincent, Cloud, Cid etc.

I Expected a little more romance between cloud and aeris before she got killed, It was kinda odd.

07-31-2004, 04:07 PM
No way. They were never ment to be.;)

07-31-2004, 04:12 PM
agreed tifa forever says me

08-01-2004, 10:57 AM
To answer your question, Strycker, it doesn't really matter how you level them up. For example, you are never "stuck" with Cait Sith in your party, so why bother leveling him up? I never ever use him, so there's no point.

With Aeris, you've got to get through the who Temple of the Ancients with her. If you have never bought her weapons, and never leveled her up, you'll be stuck with her and her 13 attack, and never get her limit break because she only has 300 hp. I leveled her up especially for the temple and beat it much more easily than I would have done.

HOWEVER, if your other characters are good enough it won't matter.

ALSO, party members levels rise even if they are not in your party, just more slowly.

But back on topic: It is generally agreed that this scene is the most touching in the game, especially for people who have kept her in the party. As for whether or not she is useful, the old arguement returns of whether you use status materia such as time, sleep, confuse. These materia can be a waste of time, since most stronger enemies guard against the materia. Aeris' Limit Breaks are like this: either you always use them, or you never do.

08-01-2004, 06:49 PM
*taps mic* testing 1212

damn *garden snap*

08-01-2004, 07:34 PM
Personally I like the way that Aerith died.

As for her usfulness she is usfull if you keep using her. If you never us her through out the game the ofcourse she is goning to suck. I always kept jer in my party with Tifa and Cloud. They are the party that I used fot the first disc. I always get her L4 limit break. So she is usually around level 40 when she dies but its no real los to my total game play.

Shinra Turk
08-03-2004, 10:36 PM
I liked the fact Aeris died even thoguh she's my fave. It made me like her even more. She's cool

08-04-2004, 03:06 AM
Great Gospel would have been cooler than cool for the final boss.

Another conspiracy theory of mine is that Square erased her because her limit breaks made the game too easy.

Master Nabeshin
08-04-2004, 03:43 AM
Actually, the producer lost someone very dear to him and wanted to express his pain via FFVII. That's why she died. Also, if Cait Sith had died, I think the game would've started on a downhill spiral of everybody but Cloud dying so tragically that most players would've thrown themselves in front of a bus out of depression.

08-04-2004, 09:14 PM
Aeris doesn't suck if you don't have the heart to train her. Its like saying Yuffie or Cait Sith sucks because you didn't train them. Each of them have their own special abilities and limits and were good in their own way. What Aeris lacks in physical attacks she made up in high magic/summoning/limit breaks attack. I actually found them to be great team members and they were useful in their own ways. Gamers who says they suck or whateva are people who underestimated their true potentials.
That scene with Aeris death was really dramatic. I never thought that would happen to her. Although Sephiroth did made a cool intro. coming down like that. But I'll have to agree with Master Nabeshin on his statement about why Aeris died. If that didn't happen, then maybe Aeris would hadn't died and something else happen.

08-05-2004, 02:23 AM
There are lots (quite) of dramatic scenes in FFVII, but Aeris's death was still the most dramatic (at least for me). I'm quite depressed when my classmate told me about it actually (geesh, thanks for spoiling me mate), coz' I like her a lot, and it's not likely for me to see one of the main characters die, so I was really shocked. But anyways, I guess her death was just one of the reason why FFVII is geat. :)

08-07-2004, 12:54 AM
I think Pacific is correct, if Aeris was alive through out the entire game, it would be way to easy, i mean Emerald and Ruby Weapon would be to easy to beat...but being invincible through those two battles doesnt seem to bad.

08-07-2004, 08:35 PM
aeris did suck im glad she died. she was weak and everything. the only reason i ever trained her was because i had to have her on my team or for the fights in the temple of ancients against the red dragon(which i beat whith cloud cause rest of my team died and he had the fire ring, fire with elemental materia on my armor(good thing to do with your charecter especialy when facing jenova DEATH because all she has is fire attacks and they wont do any damege to that charecter and thats how i deat her.) and against the wall demon

Lunatic HighVII
08-07-2004, 09:05 PM
if you're glad aeris died im sad for you. i dont see how you could hate her so much when she is so innocent and kind. but back on topic... i was shocked the first time i played the game too. i never thought that square would kill off a main character as well. especially one like aeris, who least deserved to die.

08-07-2004, 09:43 PM
i already new aeiris was going to die because i watched tons of things on ffVII on g4 tech tv like filter and icons and cinematech