Kill Bill
07-30-2004, 11:33 PM
in the FF series, there has always been a 'love story' of some kind, in 8 there was 2! but will ff12 put an end to all this romance?

in ff12, you are supposed to be able to choose wether to let them fall in love(vaan and uh...the girl) saying the right things, or the wrong things or something like information may be wrong, but i think this would be a good idea, even if it isnt true.....all i hear is from my friends is, 'im sick of all these love stories, its so annoying...' pesonaly i like the love stories.....but some people dont....

Who knows if this information is correct?

and if it is not, does anyone think it would be a good idea?

07-31-2004, 12:00 AM
I'm not sure if thats right or not... Haven't done my homework and found any info on 12 yet... Although it soudns like a good idea...