07-30-2004, 06:20 PM
OK, we all know that there are threads saying 'what is the worst final fantasy', and 'who is the worst character' etc. So here is a thread for those. Post any improvements that you think would make a game or person much better.
For example: Squall should be a bit less ignorant.


Final Fantasy IX should be longer.

It should be interesting for your opinions.

07-30-2004, 07:00 PM
FFIV - Lower the random encounter rate, it's off the scale.

FFV - Any character development at all would be nice.

FFVI - A little more control over my party members in the beggining. And the game could be just a little more challenging.

FFVII - Way to many problems to list.... but I might play it if:

The game could be much more challenging, the orginization of story/plot needs alot of work, and I think it would actually improve the graphics if they went backwards, by using 2D snes like characters on a 3D background, like XENOGEARS did, that would take care of the lego-ish characters.

FFVIII - Never played it.

FFIX - Get rid of the weapon-ability relationship system, and have characters learn thier abilities naturally, this will solve several related problems and frustrations..... and the random encounter rate could be lowered a bit.

FFX - The game should be longer, a little more challenging, and more freedom during the game rather than getting the airship and all your freedom at once towards the very end. Until I got the airship I felt like the game was holding my hand as if I was some kid being guided through the game.

That's it, if they did that for all the Final Fantasy games, I would love and play them all over again.

Safer Sephiroth
07-30-2004, 08:15 PM
Nothing's wrong with any of the FF games, and the Lego-ish characters are what make FFVII so great.

07-30-2004, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by Safer Sephiroth
The Lego-ish characters are what make FFVII so great.

.... how so?

07-30-2004, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by Safer Sephiroth
Nothing's wrong with any of the FF games, and the Lego-ish characters are what make FFVII so great.

This is coming from a person who loves sprites and things like that- I hate the graphics in VII. Some people think they're cute and charming in the same way that sprites are, but I just think they're mindnumbingly awful.

I actually like learning abilities from your weapons in IX- I thought it worked well with the synthing thing.

Good idea for a thread though, in spite of the fact that I can't think of much to post in here.

It would have been nice if the plot of VII hadn't fallen to pieces after the first disc.

07-31-2004, 11:22 AM
Yeah well i thought that instead of people saying which final fantasy is the worst, suggest ways what could make that aspect of final fantasy much better. OK so its never gonna happen, but its quite interesting.
I especially think that the graphics on final fantasy VII are particularly disappointing, but VII and IX are a real improvement in terms of graphics.

07-31-2004, 06:18 PM
Well it would be nice if every single FF game had graphics updated to XII, but that won't happen, it's just too much work.

If I had to pick one though, I would love to see VI updated with those graphics

and Ndi, about IX's weapon ability system, didn't it frustrate you in the least bit? I know it drove me off the wall, you learn ap way too slowly, and it's just to much, you have no choice but to side level like crazy when you get the chance (which isn't often) IT's just to much, serioulsy, "the crystal comes back" slogan should have gone all the way and brought back the classic "naturally learned" spells, I would have had so much more fun.

and who's with me when I say late 2D (16-bit like VI) is better than early 3D (lego my VII)?

07-31-2004, 07:06 PM
While the weapon-abilitiy system worked fine in TA where it was so insanely easy that using "weak" older weapons to learn needed abilities didn't make your characters unable to do much damage at all. In IX I was constantly struggling to keep up the abilities and keep doing realistic damage to win "easy" battles...