07-30-2004, 08:00 AM
ok i am trying to put together i ff mix but what is the name of the from ff 10 when you fight jecht near the end of the game

07-30-2004, 08:10 AM
"Grand Battle with Jecht"

07-30-2004, 08:28 AM

Otherworld is the name of the track.

08-15-2004, 01:04 AM
Yup. It's called Otherworld. It's the same one at the start of the game during the blitzball match. You can get lyrics at the home page of this forum, and you can hear the full version on windows media. It's composed by Nobuo Uematsu, and the artists are unknown as far as I know. Good luck.

Yunalesca rox!
10-09-2004, 06:29 PM
Yup. It's called Otherworld. It's the same one at the start of the game during the blitzball match. You can get lyrics at the home page of this forum, and you can hear the full version on windows media. It's composed by Nobuo Uematsu, and the artists are unknown as far as I know. Good luck.

The artist of Ootherworld is Aalexander O'smith ^_^ happing listening :P I love the song Otherworld but the ultimate song ever has to be To Zanarkand it makes me cry every time and so does suteki da ne don't ask why....

10-09-2004, 06:33 PM
I have almost all the music from FFX and FFVI and FFV and FFIV! otherworld cool. To Zarnakland is ok but Recollection better!

10-10-2004, 03:01 AM
Yunalesca Rocks, their question was answered months ago. There was no reason to revive the thread just to confirm that.
