07-30-2004, 04:18 AM
Hello Everyone!

I'm on my mission here beating FFX for the first time (man, this game ROCKS!!!) and i just found myself fighting Seymour Flux and Mortiorchis. Now, many can consider this battle to be very tough as he has attacks beyond your capability to sustain at this point of the game, but i actually found a very simple way to beat him, but it gets the fun away a little bit. Well:
1- Get all your characters to have Overdrive (equipments with Wards are not necessary for this strategy if your char's speed is good enough...as it probably is if you cast Hastega)
2- Get all your Aeons to be on Overdrive (ALL OF THEM)
3- When into Battle, have Yuna, Auron e Tidus
4- Have Tidus use Hastega

Now the battle gets too easy, Auron's probably next, but everytime the battle's turn is Yuna's use an Aeon. Seymour uses Banish when you summon, so you only have 1 turn...And THAT'S when you win the battle:

1-When Yuna gets her turn, summon Valefor and then his Overdrive: Energy Ray which will deal 9999 to both Seymour Flux and Mortiorchis, then the second will sustain its life using 4000 from Seymour's. The summon will now be destroyed by the enemy.
2-Repeat the same process: Tidus will do whatever you want, i would recommend everything but his Delays. Auron will use whatever he wants at all (if you didnt use the overdrive, well use it! lol). Then Yuna again, send Ifrit and his overdrive: Hellfire.
3-Same thing over again, then when gets to Yuna's turn, send Ixion and his overdrive: Thor's Hammer (all these overdrives will deal 9999 plus the Mortiorchis sustain damage on Seymour)
4-Yuna send Shiva and her Overdrive: Diamond Dust
5-Yuna FINALLY send Bahamut with his damn well known overdrive: Mega Flare (this one will deal 14000+)

And that is it, You have defeated him! :)
May sound weird but i only have 25 Hours of play, so i'm not in a very high level, but this sure have worked!!! My characters didn't sustain ANY damage! and i spent 30 mana from Tidus only! so try this! Any questions or anything else, feel free to comment! Whew, off i go to finish this game :)
Bye everyone

Furious Rose
07-30-2004, 06:50 AM
I really don't use aeons much I try to steer clear. I can see why you would have trouble wit him hes a hard boss. I personally had trained a lot. So I just pelted him with Bio, Flare, and Holy. Still your strategy is a good one yet kinda of cheap. Still if your not very far on the sg then this may be the only way of beating him.

07-30-2004, 06:58 AM
Yeah, its just that, its my first time playing this game, i just bought a PS2 because of this game...i've been like putting this game aside for too long now i play it and i am so caught up in the storyline that i cant stop to train! The method sure is cheap, but i'm doing it to first see the storyline then have fun with the battle system...thats just how i am with this game...hehe :) i'm loving it!
i bought it tuesday at 7pm, started playing 8 and right now i'm in Zanarkand stading before the trial...ahhh fun! *happy*
oh yeah...i do have a life this is just the first days excitement lmao :)

Kill Bill
07-31-2004, 01:12 AM
haha i was like that too! i completed the game on level 42, i mean tidus, but the rest were on 40/35(i never train my character in any of the ff's...i dont know how i got though the games!)
the last boss is very hard...i was only on level 37 when i attepted to beat it, but i eventully gave up and had to train them up...i completed the game with Auron, Tidus and yuna!

The lowest i've completed an ff game would have to be....lvl 32!(that was 8!)

I loved the FF10 story! ill never forget it! its one of the best! i just love it!!...plus its got yuna.....hmmm....yuna.....though i prefer yuna from 10-2....hmmm...yuna from 10-2.....*drool*

07-31-2004, 05:42 PM
haha! got Tidus's celestial weapon! who is the chocobo master now eh?!

Kill Bill
07-31-2004, 06:21 PM
well....to be honest....its me...but because your deluded in all....i ll let you off...

yes...thats right....your the chocobo master......yes....of course......XD lol jk

i never got his weapon....never needed it....never looked for it....im quite happy going though the game with zero weapons and experince.....yes...quite happy.....:)

07-31-2004, 07:00 PM
LOL yeah, but sidequests are fun! :)

Kill Bill
07-31-2004, 07:03 PM
yeah they are...i like the chocobo ball thing....yeah...that was cool! oh...and i liked the colecting the the different species of feind for the areana...(if you complete that, you get yuna's celestel weapon!)

07-31-2004, 08:31 PM
Yeah, thats what i'm doing, but before getting that weapon i'm getting all yojimbo and Anima hehe

Kill Bill
07-31-2004, 11:37 PM
hah that sounds fun! good luck with that!:D

08-01-2004, 01:46 AM
Its not fun :( i gotta do a S*** load of things...

Kill Bill
08-01-2004, 10:25 AM
awww....well you'll get around to it!

i complete the game first time though, pretty much doing nothing, getting nothing....so i just continue with the story and if i happen to get an item or 2 then thats great!!

it the second time though i get all the things, like the weapons, train really hard get all the secret things.....

i play the first time to just enjoy yhe game, then the second i get everything the game can offer!

but thats just me

08-01-2004, 04:53 PM
That is Exactly what i do! but im just getting these weapons and summons....i only want Tidus's, Auron's and yuna's! and i already got all, so i'm just training a little bit! do you know where is the best spot to train?

hb smokey
08-01-2004, 05:54 PM
Omega Ruins is by-far the best spot to level up in the game.

08-01-2004, 11:38 PM
okay, i thought i had Auron's sword but i forgot i don't so now i just saw and i need to get a S*** load of monsters....anyone has any hints about the fastest way to unlock those 10 monsters??!?

Kill Bill
08-01-2004, 11:41 PM
i would help you...but i dont know what your talking about....

What are you talking about??:confused:

08-01-2004, 11:55 PM
Well there isn't really a fast way. You just have to capture as many as you can.

It's better to have started capturing enemies as soon as you reached the Calm Lands.

But the way I did it, I just stayed in one area till I captured all the enemeis. Then moved on. You shouldn't need to go through 10 areas as you would've unlocked a few species creations along the way.

It's time consuming. But nothing compared to unlocking Nemesis.

Monster capturing is one of the most tedious tasks in this game.

Kill Bill
08-02-2004, 12:09 AM
oh right that!...im not good at that...havent got the paitence

08-02-2004, 02:51 AM
damn, i have the list...its very time consuming...urgh... :(

Kill Bill
08-02-2004, 12:02 PM
haha...you sound as paitent as me!

i never give up on something.....unless i cant be bothered!

08-03-2004, 04:22 AM
hehe i got everything by now :D

Kill Bill
08-03-2004, 10:24 AM
haha thats good....if i try, i can get every weapon, item, secert stuff there is in the game.....but like i said...i really cant be bothered!:)

08-04-2004, 11:56 PM
yeah i know what you mean :D i only played the scenes when i knew i would not be bothered.... like in the middle of the night, everyone sleeping, no phone calls no lights...perfect :D

Kill Bill
08-05-2004, 12:09 AM
:laugh: haha...rong kind of 'bothered' mate!

when i say bothered...i mean arsed....so i cant be arsed getting the stuff!

i know what you mean though...one time i was playing it and a scene was taking place...the one when seymore shows you zanarkand......and then my mother came in...i waiting till she left then reloaded

08-05-2004, 04:17 AM
ohhh my bad! :D

Kill Bill
08-05-2004, 11:16 AM
heh....kind of my fault...haha sorry!....i cant play at nite....i cant concentrate.....

hehe i just play when my folks are around....and shut my door...then i just turn the volume up....but when someone does come into my room...i just stop the game...hehe i got a 'thing' about that!

08-09-2004, 04:21 AM
Im exactly the same
its like i snap out of the game reality for alittle bit
and then when ppl leave
i get back to it

Kill Bill
08-09-2004, 11:31 AM
but its annoying you know? when you get disturbed like that....my mother's the main culprit....she always bring me my lunch or dinner at inoproprite times......well...at least im getting fed!