07-29-2004, 10:58 PM
i'm stuck on the last battle in the game but i can't beat the secend form of sephirtoh ( bad spelling) i've tried like forever. + it takes like an hour to get to him from my save point any ideas on how to beat him?:(

07-29-2004, 11:31 PM
first have unless four mega elixires and three ribbons equipped on your party and you have the battle won use tornado and typhoon if you don't have knigths of the round and bahamut zero
use big guard and when it finis use wall in all the characters

07-30-2004, 02:23 AM
Piss easy on lvl 67 if you got the right items and materia...he was rather tame. I beat him with 1 round of KOTR.

Before that, I got OwNeD but that was lvl 56 without the right stuff.

If it is of any help to you, my battle went like this...

Round 1:

Yuffie: Megalixer

Sephiroth: Wall

Tifa: Debarrier

Cloud: KOTR

Then he died...

07-30-2004, 02:33 AM
i don't have knights of the round table materia

07-30-2004, 03:16 AM
Then give Yuffie 2x-Cut and counterattack.

Try starting off with

Yuffie: Megalixer

Tifa: Big Guard

Cloud: Attack

Yuffie: Attack

Tifa: Debarrier

and just keep fighting...

He died before he turned me into Toads and he didn't even use supernova on me.

07-30-2004, 03:58 PM
It obvioulsy depends on the ability star level you have KOTR on. If you only have it on 1, then you can only summon it once. If you have mastered it you have practically won the battle.

The thing to do is:
Bizzaro Sephiroth:
Cast Wall
Cast Haste
Cast Regen
Summon KOTR
Summon KOTR

Safer Sephiroth:
Cast Wall
Cast Haste
Cast Regen
Summon KOTR/Destroy SS's wall
As above til he dies.


07-30-2004, 09:37 PM
Knights of the Round is definatly important if you want to beat him. I managed it with only one star, and Cloud, Barret, Nanaki:

Safer Seph: Barrier (which?)

Nanaki: Debarrier

Cloud: KotR

Barret: Mime

Safer Seph: Summon SuperNova

(Cloud limit)

Nanaki: Quadra Ultima

Cloud: Omnislash

But that's just me. Leave the crater RIGHT NOW (enter the hole by where you got the save crystal) and climb back to the highwind. Get a gold chocobo (using the excellent guide at the top of this page if necessary.) Get KotR, Mime, and Quadra Magic. If you havn't already, beat Ultima Weapon and get the Ultima Weapon for Cloud. Always ask for GP when racing (I gave the Enemy Away away for 300gp.) Use the GP to get omnislash. If you still can't beat him, go back to Battle Square and get W Summon. I couldn't be bothered the first time, and I still managed to beat him. If you STILL can't beat him (though I hear 3 KotR will kill him,) get Final Attack and atatch it to Phoenix. And save your game, since you're now kitted to fight the two weapons. Though you may need to level up first.

PS: One KotR kills Jenova (tried and tested by me)
PPS: KotR then Mime kills First Sephiroph (as above)

07-31-2004, 12:36 AM
thanks u guys i juuuuust ended up beating him it took me three tries but i did it:)

07-31-2004, 03:26 AM
You didn't need Knights of the round. You can get a quick kill by constantly using attacks that hit all of his parts at the same time.

11 squall
07-31-2004, 03:55 AM
i just trained in the sunkin plane (the best place to train i know) until my 3 best ppl hit 9999 and hp was 9999. Then i equiped them wif there best wepions and gave 2x cut (fully learnt so it is 4x cut) to cloud and got asmeny megalixas as possable. all u need to do is attack and heal at the apropreat times.
i found it simple............. although cloud was on lv 99 and the others were on 91.

07-31-2004, 04:05 AM
Have clouds limit break charged to use omnislash KOR alwasy Owns him easy also.

07-31-2004, 04:06 AM
You people rely on KOTR too much.

Furious Rose
07-31-2004, 05:49 AM
Tifa_Martial_Artist<--Totally Right. Maybe you guys should try to live a little and not take the easy way out. I beat him without KOTR and Enemy Skill Materis he really isn't that difficult.

07-31-2004, 11:30 AM
It is defintely possible to defeat sephiroth without KOTR. I didnt have any of the special materia (mime, quadra mag, KOTR and HP<=>HP). Just blast away with Bahamut Zero, Omnislash and level3 mag.

07-31-2004, 02:42 PM
You don't need bahamut zero either..:coolegg:

08-01-2004, 11:06 AM
OK, here's how it could work.

I have been told I rely too much on Bahamaut Zero and KotR, so I just took them off. In fact, I rely too much on green materia, so I'll take that off. And I'll take off all my summons as well, since I rely too much on them. And Big Guard and White Wind make the battle too easy, I'll take off yellow materia too. So I guess there's no point in blue materia, so I'll take that off. And Purple materia? Raising your HP by 10 Percent? That's no better than cheating. I'll take that off.

And those Ribbons and Tetra Elementals, I'll take those off too.

So, it's Cloud, Barret, and Nanaki all alone with no materia and no accesories. My save point is right at the end of the Pit, so I shouldn't be too long.

OK, I did it. It was bloody hard work, but I did it. Maybe next time I shouldn't use recovery items, either? Or Omnislash?

So, I was going to make a point. It's all very nice to say that you can beat Jenova and Sephiroth without using materia, but it doesn't give you a special ending, or anything like that. It doesn't even pose so much of a challenge: You simply need to know when to use a recovery item. OK, using KotR to kill in one isn't much of a challenge either, but not using Bahamaut? That would be silly. You're right that we don't NEED to use them, but whats the point in not? Why spend an hour killing them instead of five minutes? Ok, if you want to go back in the second time around and try to make it harder, you can, but this thread was about helping somebody else to complete it. And now he has. Well done, Sharpshooter. I hope you enjoyed the ending, and I hope you didn't run into too much trouble with the last Sephiroth;)