Kill Bill
07-29-2004, 11:48 AM
Metropolis is an anime film. it is about a boy named Kenichi and a girl called Tima. Tima is a robot, she looks and acts human but she is synthetic. she is created for a very powerful man who lost his daughter, she is her replacment.....he also wants her to control the city in wich he lives, Metropolis. but his son rock doesnt want her on the throne....he wants his father to be on the thone....him and him only. but his father dissowned him when he tried to destroy Tima. on trying to destroy the factory(where tima was being held) he started a fire....kenichi and his uncle try to save the creater of tima, because they saw him inside. kenichi goes round the bak and enters the burning factory, and inside he discovers a girl, tima. but the factory collasped around them and they fell into a sewage line...the scientist/creater of tima could not be saved.....but tima and kenichi make it out alive..
All though the anime, tima becomes obbsesed with kenichi and thinks she is human.....near the end of the anime she decovers she is not....and she goes berserk and trys to kill kenichi. when kenichi was teaching her to talk, he says 'who are you?' and she answers 'i am who?' she is fiddling around with a broken radio though the anime and at the end on the radio you hear her say..'i am who?'

has anyone beside me seen or heard of this anime??

07-29-2004, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by Kill Bill
Metropolis is an anime film. it is about a boy named Kenichi and a girl called Tima. Tima is a robot, she looks and acts human but she is synthetic. she is created for a very powerful man who lost his daughter, she is her replacment.....he also wants her to control the city in wich he lives, Metropolis. but his son rock doesnt want her on the throne....he wants his father to be on the thone....him and him only. but his father dissowned him when he tried to destroy Tima. on trying to destroy the factory(where tima was being held) he started a fire....kenichi and his uncle try to save the creater of tima, because they saw him inside. kenichi goes round the bak and enters the burning factory, and inside he discovers a girl, tima. but the factory collasped around them and they fell into a sewage line...the scientist/creater of tima could not be saved.....but tima and kenichi make it out alive..
All though the anime, tima becomes obbsesed with kenichi and thinks she is human.....near the end of the anime she decovers she is not....and she goes berserk and trys to kill kenichi. when kenichi was teaching her to talk, he says 'who are you?' and she answers 'i am who?' she is fiddling around with a broken radio though the anime and at the end on the radio you hear her say..'i am who?'

has anyone beside me seen or heard of this anime??


07-29-2004, 01:53 PM
I have the dvd. I watched it once. I never will again.

The original was much better.

07-30-2004, 12:34 AM
Never seen or heard of it...sry bill.

07-30-2004, 12:36 AM
I saw Metropolis about 2 years ago or so at a friends. Watched that and Wicked City, I think.

I remember liking it, but I don't think I was especially impressed either.

Kill Bill
07-30-2004, 12:02 PM
there was an original? cool....ive got to get my hands on that! i like metropolis.....but i like mostly every anime i see so....i like it....

07-30-2004, 12:12 PM
The original movie was made back in the 1920's. Probably the first sci-fi movie ever.

Kill Bill
07-30-2004, 12:16 PM
neat! uhh...i keep seeing an looks like Akira...but i cant be starts in a big city......with lots of neon lights....and a guy flying i think? anyway, 1920's? cool.....i soooo have to see that!!:)

07-30-2004, 12:21 PM
To be honest, it'll probably bore you pretty badly.

Then again, you might laugh your ass off at the cheesy look of it.

07-30-2004, 01:30 PM
About the only thing I liked about the Metropolis anime was the throwback art style.

Throwback art style with digital effects and sharp colors =\

Kill Bill
07-30-2004, 01:36 PM
yeah i liked that too! but...i really didnt like the hair....i hair...he is a guy...and he's got curly girly hair!!! and there's no way a nose can be that big!....still...made me laugh!

Kenichi's uncle's eyes were like tin tin's...not that there's anything wrong with tin tin's eyes...but...he looked so weird compaired to the rest of them....