Kill Bill
07-29-2004, 08:56 AM
Grandia is quite an old came out in 1997. i liked the it was one of the first i got, plus its also the game that got me into anime. its graphics were limited, as was the sound.....but i really enjoyed it! its my all time fave!(apart from ff of course!)

has anyone played/seen this game and enjoyed playing it/thought it looked good?

07-29-2004, 10:17 AM
I don't think Grandia is that old.

It is great though.

Story is good, and the battle system is just spectacular.

Just thinking about it makes me want to play it again.

Also. I loved the Grandia soundtrack. =/

Kill Bill
07-29-2004, 10:34 AM
haha i didnt say i didnt like it...i just said it was limited! i love grandia and everything about it! justin and rapp and mogey r my fave characters!

well....1997 is quite old, it was four years grandia doesnt work anymore and i cant find a replacement....they all say 'thats an old game, we dont have it' i think it is old....still great!

grandia 2 is also very good....though i prefer the 2D grandia 1 graphics...2 is 3D....but it still has the changing-face its cool!

07-29-2004, 03:36 PM
I love the original, i got up to the big wall across the world and then had to sell my playstation to get my ps2.:(

Kill Bill
07-29-2004, 04:43 PM
Geeez...thats pretty bad.....ps1s dont cost much sure you could get another one and finish grandia!

Bahamut ZERO
07-29-2004, 05:16 PM
Uhh, Ziggy, you can play PSX games on your PS2.

Grandia is an awesome game. The sequel is not as good, in my opinion. But the first one had a wonderful music score, a beautiful and emotional storyline, a very strong test of character, and a neat little battle system.

Oh, and moving to RPGs... :)

Kill Bill
07-29-2004, 11:29 PM
sorry if this pic is too big...

08-02-2004, 08:43 PM
heheh the pics are great bill i like them ^.^ well you have to think how old the poeple here are. so you start playing roll plays with 10 bill?
3 game i really like are ff tactics breath of fire III and Suikoden.
i can�t remember when i startet play roll play game, when i was smaller i alway watched my brothers play. can remember when i played final fantasy 7 i was 11 and ill so i wanted to do anything.
i still rememer how i cryed when areath died and how i hated the beginn of the second cd and the ice world.

Kill Bill
08-02-2004, 09:20 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Masaiju
[B]well you have to think how old the poeple here are. so you start playing roll plays with 10 bill?

i didnt quite get what that meant.....what did that mean??

08-03-2004, 10:41 AM
I heard my friend say this game is really really good, but I didn't want to play it cause I usually consider grahics when I buy a new game. Someday I found "Grandia Extreme" for PS2 and it got cool pic on it by Kamui besides it was really cheap so I decided to buy it.
After playing about 1 hour, I thought I made up wrong decision.
The graphics wasn't too bad, it is still something dissapointing to me though, the problem is the story. I won't explayin it but "sigh",,,,,,,,

Anyway, I found its battle system to be great, it seems really complecated at first but after you get used to it, you just will be addected to thinking of method you beat monsters.

The review on this page says almost what exactly I thought of this game and it's got explanation of the battle system.

Kill Bill
08-03-2004, 10:49 AM
hmm...i prefere the 2D grandai.....its better i think....

thats a bad way to buy games you know? you should look for story and essence.....not graphics...if you ever see grandia take a look-see...its really really good believe me!:D

08-03-2004, 10:58 AM
I know! but I coudn't stop myself buying it, cause at the time I was in love with his comics. Hummm, recalling the shitty games I bought, they were usually the ones I didn't take enough time to consider before I bought them, however sometimes I got good ones.

I consider not only grahics but the storyline and battle system of course, but sometims I can be mad as I wrote above.

Ok, I will check Grandia, but do you think it is stillin shop these nowadays? maybe in only second-hand shop?

Kill Bill
08-03-2004, 11:02 AM
well...i dunno to be going to chech it out today going to breahead(it has a really big shopping store) and there's bound to be a shop that sells old sure i saw one....

08-03-2004, 11:06 AM
Thanks for letting me know your favorite game, I guess it must be something from what you said about it.

gotta go now, yeah, I'll think of changing the way I buy games, but you know I can be mad, c ya.

Kill Bill
08-03-2004, 11:07 AM
kay seeya later

08-04-2004, 01:23 PM
i said that because somebody said, that grandia isn�t really old.
but ithink for you it is old because you�re not so old. if here is somebody who is maybe 30 or so its no "old" game for him.
so in what age did you start to play rpg?

08-04-2004, 01:35 PM
me? I started playing RPG when I was uhhh about 8 or something, now I'm 17.

Kill Bill
08-04-2004, 02:35 PM
well i started when i was 8 too(FF) i got grandia when i was 9 or 10....and now im 13.....

i still dont get what you mean though.....

08-05-2004, 12:38 PM
i just asked how old you were, when you started playing rpg�s. and for a "old" person games are "old" if they played them on for exaple snes and not on the ps. naja how ever just ferget it ^.^
i really like breath of fire III. also because of the small games and char designe ( that one in gradia is also fine ^^)

Kill Bill
08-05-2004, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Masaiju
i really like breath of fire III. also because of the small games and char designe ( that one in gradia is also fine ^^)

i still dont get it:( a bit thick:)

'that one in grandia is also fine' you mean the story? or a picture or something?

08-05-2004, 10:52 PM
the char designe. it�s not your fault i can�t really write good english so i�ve got some problems with telling you that i mean, sorry again.
i think the characters in breath of fire and also grandia are looking cute.

Kill Bill
08-05-2004, 11:06 PM
'cute'? okay if you say so....haha im playing it right now!(grandia i mean) im trying to get over the 'end of the world' wall.....i keep geting beaten by monsters.....

08-05-2004, 11:20 PM
hehe nice idea. yeps they are all a bit round and you can see there emotions in there faces and that "comic" way in the game make the characters somehow cute. just think about the beginning of grandia :) have you ever played breath of fire? it�s really worth it.

Kill Bill
08-05-2004, 11:33 PM
if you look waaaaaay up the top, you can see some of justins faces......i like his face when he's just woken up and he has no hat on....its like that in grandia 2 too....ryudo looks the same with out his hat on.....

ive got breath of fire: dragon quarter for the ps2, but its crap...ive played breath of fire V though....hehe i liked it! dead hard to get a hold of now though......

08-06-2004, 09:02 PM
hehe they they look great. didn�t played breath of fire V yet but heared that it is really bad. and i think that�s true. but all the other breath of fire games where really good. if you have time just play BoF III or IV they rock!

Kill Bill
08-06-2004, 09:09 PM
they're very hard to get you know....veeeeery hard to grandia...oh oh! i got that today! hehe its great! hardly a scratch on it! my old one had loads of scratches on it, and it didnt work right, but now i got a new one and it works great.....yay!:)

08-07-2004, 11:37 AM
heheheh always write as i think *smile*
so you also played grandia 2 ? i�ve never played it, is it good?

Kill Bill
08-07-2004, 11:41 AM
uh-huh! its really good, though i prefere grandia one....2 is 3d, but still a great story and they still do the face-changing-to-what-they-say thingy so its cool!

08-07-2004, 11:47 AM
hehe maybe i�ll try it then. i really what to play suikoden 3 and then suikoden 4 too ^^ that one will "released" next year on english or?

Kill Bill
08-07-2004, 12:03 PM
ive never heard of that i dont know when or what is happing with it....

yeah tri grandia 2 out!

08-07-2004, 12:10 PM
really? okay that one you really have to try! i jsut love suikoden. the characters are looking a bit like out of a anime, the storyline is really great u have 108 characters you can play with + you can build your own castel and a lot of other stuff! but can�t say with what suikodne game you should start, i played first suikoden 2 and loved it, but it would be better to play suikoden 1 first because if you�ve got a save date of it you can use the hero of suikoden 1 also in the second suikoden game.

Kill Bill
08-07-2004, 12:15 PM
that sounds cool! gotta try and get that!

08-07-2004, 01:27 PM
Suikoden 2,,,,,Hummmmm, that's one of the games that I've wanted to play most but I played onle a demo of it.
I heared that my friend cried when he fihished the game, it is that emotional? I never cried because of playing a game,,,, can't really imagine know how good the game is.
However I read review of it by someone on the RPGdreamer and it said something like there's lack of some characters' own stories, whey main character happens to meet them again, they just say something really short and join, is that true?

By the way, Masaji, did you play the demo of Final Fantasy Time and Again?

08-08-2004, 05:38 PM
yep if you played suikoden 1 and got a save date of it and then play suikoden 2 with using that old savedate you can later get the hero of the first game in your team. also some of the characters will say in some situations different stuff then normaly for exaple if you mean a person that was a character in the first suikoden game. it�s really great. the pictures of the characters in suikoden 2 are looking more anime like then in the first game. yeps there are also "quests" you can do that have something to do with the story of one of the 108 characters you can get in the game.
Suikoden 2 is for sure sad in the end but i have heared that you can save the person in the end that die if you have the right items.
i cryed like a baby when i played ff7 and saw the end of the first cd. till today i get sad when i hear the aerth music.
if ome of you need help in suikodne jsut pm me. man i really love that game want to play it again!?