07-29-2004, 03:22 AM

07-29-2004, 05:19 AM
I kinda agree with that, but in my opinon Quina Quen is the worst....but maybe I'm just too lazy to have him eat other monsters and learn attacks.....

07-29-2004, 08:54 AM
Please, please don't type in all caps.

My least favorite character is Quina.

I loved Freya.

Nanaki Claws
07-29-2004, 02:48 PM
I dont have really a character that I hate but I didn't like very much Quina.

07-29-2004, 02:49 PM
I won't type in caps anymore but how do you think freya is good

Bahamut ZERO
07-29-2004, 03:02 PM
Freya's character was awesome.

There were times when my party were using a lot of magic. A heck of a lot of magic. Freya had an ability called Reis' Wind, I believe, which restored MP. Thus, I could use her to attack and provide healing abilities.

Actually, maybe Reis' Wind was the Regen spell on all, and there was another spell... I forget. Bad memory.

That, and when she was in Trance, you could just send her to jump up, leave her up there and watch her destroy people with her spears. :)

The Worst character? Quina was quite fun as a character, but I did not like it in battles much.

07-29-2004, 03:08 PM
To me, the worst character was Eiko. Too much like Garnet, but not enough to be as useful.

07-29-2004, 03:14 PM
well eiko wasn't good in the beginning but once she gets madeen summoning she kind of kicks ass

07-29-2004, 03:15 PM
No matter what skills she picked up, I NEVER found her as useful as Garnet.

07-29-2004, 03:20 PM
i admit she did suck with any skill and she had low hp. and her attack sucked :)

07-29-2004, 05:57 PM
I say the worst is Quina because s/he is hardly around on disk 1 and 2. And it's hard to find the best monsters to eat on the game.

07-29-2004, 06:29 PM
well it's easy if you use like a walkthrough for quinas blue magic

07-29-2004, 06:33 PM
What's so bad about freya? Her techniques are the most unique in the game, and very useful. And her character was great too, if not a little too depressing.

Although Quina was absolutely hilarious and lovable, I simply don't like blue mages, blue magic is the only thething he/she is useful for, and although it's very powerful, his/her status absolutely sucks.

08-01-2004, 12:15 PM
I didn't really hate any character, but I didn't use Eiko that much. By the time I found her, Garnet had half of the abilities she could learn (not summons,) and her attack was doing over 1000 (I kept her in the front row as an attacker in the tree with two Is. Iika, was it?)

I like Quina because of it's Blue magic. I seemed to be pretty lucky with the characters I had it eat, because I rarely got a "Taste Bad." Plus, many of the abilities were the same as in previous games. Most people get Aqualung and Frog Drop quickly since they want to test Quina's abilities while still in the swamp. Eat everything in the Fossil Roo since many enemies down there have abilities. Eat the Cactar (1000 needles has been in the game forever,) and the big bird outside Cleyra (it uses White Wind in front of you.) I think basically I ate anything that looked strange. I think the spinning mushroom thing gave big guard (though it may have been those slugs in Cleyra, I can't remember.)

The easiest way I found to Eat was first to eat a big horse type thing (like the one you fought in the Festival of the hunt)which would teach you a move to reduce HP to 1 (Matra Magic) Use that, then eat.

Well that's a mini guide on Quina. I didn't mean to go on that long. Oh well. What was I getting at? Oh yes. That's why you should eat everything you see.

Vivi FF
08-01-2004, 04:13 PM
I would say Quina was sort of the worst character. Overall, he's a pretty awesome character, but I found Steiner, Vivi, and Eiko were much more better and reliabel than him. Quina's attack power was random, but Steiner's was always high. Quina had some good offensive spells, but Vivi's was better. And except for Mighty Guard, Eiko has the better supportive and healing spells. So yeah. I never really found a good use for Quina. Sure Frog Drop could do 9999, but I can do that with the others.

And I don't see why a lot of people here hate Eiko and consider her useless. She is better than Garnet. Even when you just get Eiko, once you learn everything, she becomes much more better than Garnet at that point. Especially when you stole the Fairy Flute. But yeah, I guess I can't change your opinions.

08-01-2004, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by sharpshooter
I won't type in caps anymore but how do you think freya is good

Freya has a beautiful and sad storyline, I love it.

She's also extremely useful and fun to have in a party- she learns some awesome abilities, like Reis' Wind, and it's nice to be able to have her jump to attack when her life is lower so you have time to get her healed.

08-02-2004, 12:01 AM
I didn't like Zidane. I know he was the main character and all.. and he was useful in battle, but other than that, I just found him really annoying... he looked better in Amano's art. Too bad it went chibi. I don't like Quina either. I don't know what point in the story it had...

I liked Steiner cause he was an asshole. I always like the assholes in the stories and the video games. I liked Amarant as well.

08-02-2004, 08:46 AM
I actually disliked all the characters except for Zidane.
FFIX was my most disliked FF game, sry to say.

08-02-2004, 09:00 AM
Um ill have to say Eiko

08-02-2004, 01:25 PM
omg of all those people who said Quina was the worst in the game i wonder if you bothered to eat all the monsters you get blue magic of. once you get the best she is sooo fricken incredible.its like being in a trance except well not.

anyway eiko was amazingly crap. she never mesured(spelling lol) up to garnet in any way possible and i didnt even bother using garnet cause she was so useless. also any summons or wat eva they are that you can use are stupid in the last battle which is a piece of cake anyway.

but my final judgment is eiko is the worst.

08-03-2004, 07:01 PM
Quina Is The WORST character

I have 2 agree that Eiko does Suck a little(still cool thou)
But Quina Is DEFFINATLY the worst character

Oh It's probably Cuz I'd never bother wit eatin all the monster's
and that I hate her/him/it's Language :(

But overall It'll have 2 b................................................. .............

08-03-2004, 07:31 PM
same here. I'm way too lazy to go around the whole world and eat monsters....too time Quina's like really weak.

08-04-2004, 04:37 AM
Thanx 4 agreeing wit me!:D

08-04-2004, 11:23 AM
Wat eva you say u r wrong, its totally worth it

Vivi FF
08-04-2004, 04:01 PM
I did learn all of Quina's blue magic, and some of it is pretty good when you know how to use it. However, I find black magic and white magic to be more useful and reliable. Especially since their users usually have a much higher magic stat than Quina.

But yeah, Quina isn't really a bad character. I call him my worst character because I like using the other mages more, and that his magic and attack are quite random. Plus I don't like his character all that much.

I changed my mind. Garnet is the worst character. She has nothing that Eiko doesn't have. Garnet can't even do any damage on her own except through using summons, which doesn't really count as her own attack, and some summons take quite a long time to execute. Garnet has a good assortment of summons to choose from, but Bahamut and the hour-long Ark are the most used. But Eiko's Madeen can do just as much damage, without any powering up, in a more reasonable time that Garnet's two summons. Plus, Garnet doesn't enen have Holy, which is probably the best white magic spell in the game. Plus she lacks other direly useful spells such as Haste, Regen, and Esuna, thus rendering her the most useless character in the game.

08-04-2004, 04:44 PM
Achually I changed My mind,I found that Garnet is probably the worst character in the game,Yesterday,I waz playing Ff9,then I got to Kuja's Desert Palace,And waz So Mad at Myself 4 choosing Garnet Instead of Eiko!(But I ended up Beating Ark anyway!)

So yea,Garnet is Kinda Useless! :)

08-04-2004, 09:17 PM
whatever vivi said in the bottom of his/her post

08-04-2004, 09:18 PM

Oh Never Mind!

terra child
08-05-2004, 04:59 AM
there were a few people saying that eiko was a better character than garnet. im gonna have to disagree with that. but i also used garnet throughout every possible battle, so her stats were pretty high when eiko was introduced into the story, so i guess my explanation is kinda biast. but anyway, when i did use eiko, she always died and became more of a nuisance(sp) than a help. on top of all that she was really annoying throughout the whole game. so i think im gonna go with eiko for the worst character. cool name though

08-05-2004, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by Prak
To me, the worst character was Eiko. Too much like Garnet, but not enough to be as useful.

i have too agree with prak on this Eiko was the worst way too much like garnet

08-05-2004, 08:56 PM
I only liked Eiko in battle and she looked cute in the FMV's.

08-13-2004, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by sharpshooter

-_- u dunno how good freya is. freya does good damage with good weapons u obviously couldnt get good weapons early on by stealing off bosses. and her dragon's crest does 9999 all the time if u killed enough dragon type monsters.

08-13-2004, 10:12 PM
Definatley Steiner (but His Weapons are cool) He kept missing!

Lunatic HighVII
08-13-2004, 10:58 PM
I didn't like steiner at all. first of all, in my game steiner was weak, and second, his attitude drives me crazy. he's so... annoying! Quina would be my second character, but her blue magic came in handy once in a while.

08-15-2004, 06:36 AM

Divine Strike
08-15-2004, 08:45 AM
Eiko sucks? are you crazy?........her summons are by far more useful than Daggers........Dagger has Bahamut.....and Leviathan is just cool to use and the only time Ark is useful is against Yans..........the first time I went through the game, I found myself against those damn Grand Dragons at like upper lvl 20 or lower 30.......not cool....but you know what saved me....Carbunkle......and I kept using that technique along with vivi's magic to beat them into a pulp and found myself at a much higher level.........

Madeen is the best summon out there...

Madeen in comparison to Bahamut........Dmg of Madeen exceeds Bahamuts dmg by far (well when you have one garnet but this is just a comparison) Eiko has about 10 points less magic than Dagger while they are the same level........and each little point means something in this game........and then even with having 99 garnets, Bahamut only does 1500 more points of dmg......occassionally 2k......(oh yea and these are the non boosted accounts....because well boosted versions cause like max dmg ^_^)

Also, Pheonix is definitely the most useful summon in the has saved my party on a few occassions....(especially when your entire party gets Mustard Bombed (status: Heat) and you've already selected your attacks and you die......but then there is Pheonix ^_^)........then there is Fenrir's Millenial Decay.....its in the top 3 of coolest looking summons in FFIX....

Well thats enough of my rant about Eiko......don't get me wrong Overall I like Dagger's character better but in battle Eiko is far more useful.

As for the Worst character I'd have to say Quina although it's blue magic can come in handy......the coolest thing she's ever been able to do though is eat a that was cool.......quina just never caused enough damage for me to use it that much........i really only used her for the money and against grand seemed cool at first but Amarants "Aura" is much better.

11 squall
08-16-2004, 08:51 PM
the worst charactor is definatly quina.....he just sux.

Lunatic HighVII
08-16-2004, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by 11 squall
the worst charactor is definatly quina.....he just sux.

my thought exactly ;)

Furious Rose
08-18-2004, 12:27 AM
I use Quina and I think S/he rox! I mean his/her Twister spells really pack a punch! By the way Vivi just because Eiko has better magic than Dagger doesn't make her better Eiko's low hp can mean an easy death for her even if shes in the back row.

08-18-2004, 12:38 AM
Quina for me as well. I didnt have the time to go around eating monsters to gain levels, which I did the first time I played but its attacks didnt do it for me.

on Eiko and Dagger they are both good, but too each her own. In certain boss battles I perfer Eiko more than Dagger. Then again I paid more attention to Dagger and I made her become strong with magic and attacks. Therefore rendering her more useful than Eiko. I never really bothered with the summons, so I cant say much about them.

I didnt like amarant that much, no steiner. Yet again I never really worked on steiner, and from what ive been reading, hes pretty usefull so Ill try him out now..

08-18-2004, 01:39 AM

I wouldn't know most of this stuff,
The only character's i used was...

Zidane,Vivi,Amarant and Dagger


Divine Strike
08-18-2004, 07:35 AM
Originally posted by NinjaYuffie
Eiko has better magic than Dagger doesn't make her better Eiko's low hp can mean an easy death for her even if shes in the back row.

Right...and how many enemies can you count that cause 4,000+ damage to your characters besides Ozma...and that if i remember correctly would be with Doomsday or what not...and is also easily remedied with a Pumice piece......I'm here looking at my characters stats now......Dagger: Level 84, Health 4498, Mag. 61; Eiko: Level 64, Health 3336, Mag. given the level difference, does Eiko really have that little of health?....So, sry please try again....Eiko is still far more useful in battle.....she has better Magic...Defensive and Offensive...and Summons.

08-18-2004, 04:10 PM
i didnt use eiko as much cause she wasnt as usefull as garnet, yeah she had the better summons, but not as much support magic. i loved quina, it was so much fun, though kinda useless in the begining.

08-18-2004, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Divine Strike
......Dagger: Level 84, Health 4498, Mag. 61; Eiko: Level 64, Health 3336, Mag. given the level difference, does Eiko really have that little of health?....So, sry please try again....Eiko is still far more useful in battle.....she has better Magic...Defensive and Offensive...and Summons.

But NinjaYuffie has a point, even if Eiko has better magic (which in my opinion is only Holy and thats it) her low hp is death in almost any battle ( well in tried her with Kuja she died often) and its takes a turn just reviving her. I didnt find her worth it, shes just like Garnet + 1 better magic stat thats all

08-18-2004, 04:45 PM
hmm garnet didn't have holy? i don't remember >< but yeah i used garnet too over eiko. because garnet is the one who gets ark ;p and well.. my garnet was only 1 level behind zidane so there was no reason for me to use eiko ;o

Divine Strike
08-18-2004, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by Solaris

But NinjaYuffie has a point, even if Eiko has better magic (which in my opinion is only Holy and thats it) her low hp is death in almost any battle ( well in tried her with Kuja she died often) and its takes a turn just reviving her. I didnt find her worth it, shes just like Garnet + 1 better magic stat thats all

ya see thats the thing...they basically had the same health...there's a 20 lvl difference and only 1000 hp to cover.....

and how the hell can u say that garnet had better support regen (if you didn't have auto) haste (if you didn't have auto) might although I never use it....but i guess it can be useful....then theres tell me how Garnet has better support magic than Eiko...looks to me that eiko has the same support magic and more.......

And again at the same level there is only a couple of hundred points of health difference between the two...just most people don't use eiko because you get all her best stuff so late in the naturally when you start using her she's at such a low level that she dies easily

08-18-2004, 05:08 PM
Even if Dagger doesnt have those certain abilities the characters luckily can have auto haste and auto regen. So that takes care of one things. I made sure my characters had plenty of auto supportive magic before going to any major battle.

Also, Eiko's HP is a huge factor. Since you recieve her late in the game and she doesnt have much uses afterwards for only certain tasks that she doesnt seem to increase much. Dagger is just a lot easier to level up than Eiko (as I see it) and I was able to utilize Dagger to become a strong attacker and magic user. Also, with Dagger have a stronger magic stat and being at the same level I had Zidane I was able to use Dagger more efficiently. She came to better use because she had the primary support: life, and curaga.

Divine Strike
08-18-2004, 09:55 PM
THAT IS ONLY IF YOU DON'T USE it would be your own damn fault if she's weak.....there is only at max 400 HP difference if Dagger and Eiko are the same level....and thats really not a significant amount of difference in the hp.....and if you read the entire thing.....I mentioned that she has those abilities if you didn't have the AUTO' why don't you read a little more closely.......and later on in the game if they are the same level...Dagger I know will still have a higher magic stat if they are the same level but it won't be the big difference of 10 points...which is a lot....but i was only mentioning that for the sake of the strength of Eiko's Madeen vs Daggers Bahamut....(the strongest summons in the game)

I'm only really guessing you guys think Eiko sucks because you don't want to take the time into leveling her to your characters levels.....which is a shame because she is more useful.......but then again maybe you guys just don't know how to use her...because my eiko really hasn't died.....she's died against grand dragons at level 30...but so did everyone else pretty I really don't see the health as a problem for you guys.....I think your main problem with Eiko is leveling her so she's equal with the party...thats all for now

Edit: And just one more thing....some of the characters, at the same level, maybe all of them(i don't know), but some need the same experience as the others to gain a level....Ex: Vivi and Steiner

08-18-2004, 10:07 PM
amarant was kinda useless to me at first but he has good attacks and abilities! hmm freya was never in my party because she looked so....ugly.she is probaly goood if i gave her a chance. but quina is the worst."I will poke you with my mighty fork!!!"

08-19-2004, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by Divine Strike
THAT IS ONLY IF YOU DON'T USE it would be your own damn fault if she's weak.....there is only at max 400 HP difference if Dagger and Eiko are the same level....and thats really not a significant amount of difference in the hp.....and if you read the entire thing.....I mentioned that she has those abilities if you didn't have the AUTO' why don't you read a little more closely.......and later on in the game if they are the same level...Dagger I know will still have a higher magic stat if they are the same level but it won't be the big difference of 10 points...which is a lot....but i was only mentioning that for the sake of the strength of Eiko's Madeen vs Daggers Bahamut....(the strongest summons in the game)

I'm only really guessing you guys think Eiko sucks because you don't want to take the time into leveling her to your characters levels.....which is a shame because she is more useful.......but then again maybe you guys just don't know how to use her...because my eiko really hasn't died.....she's died against grand dragons at level 30...but so did everyone else pretty I really don't see the health as a problem for you guys.....I think your main problem with Eiko is leveling her so she's equal with the party...thats all for now

Geez you sound mean, just because I found no use for Eiko doesnt mean shes a bad character, I just found her the worst character in the way I played my game.

Also I did read your post carefully, and thats why I added that I had the auto abilities. Those who dont have the auto abilities would have a hard with some of the more tougher bosses. I just think one white mage is enough and there really isnt a point of having two. Eiko was only useful to me in Kuja's castle since Dagger didnt do half the commands I gave her ( thats when I really used Eiko but after Dagger got better I just took Eiko out). I guess I dont like Eiko because her character isnt to my liking. And Like ive said, I usually dont play with characters I dont like unless I have too.

and the magic stat I find the most important ( thus the real reason I dont use Eiko) because then I can heal my party more efficiently than Eiko would. But then again, maybe your right, I just didnt really know how to utilize her because I never found any good flutes for her.

08-19-2004, 02:33 AM
bahamut is not the strongest. ark is. as long as the target is not a dark elemental or something. and everyone has their opnion about the worst char and stuff don't get sore at it because others has different opinion with you. solaris basically was telling about his own FF9 experience.

08-19-2004, 02:38 AM
Originally posted by Arcadius
bahamut is not the strongest. ark is. as long as the target is not a dark elemental or something. and everyone has their opnion about the worst char and stuff don't get sore at it because others has different opinion with you. solaris basically was telling about his own FF9 experience.

her ;)

I knew it, I just bought the strategy guide and read on Ark. If you use Ark against shadow bosses/enemies then this negates the attack. But after that Ark is stronger, with the boost technique and all included.

Vivi FF
08-19-2004, 03:14 AM
Depending on how you raise your characters, you can actually have a bit of control as to who gets more HP, or magic boosts depending on the equipment you wear as you level up. If you completely max out Garnet and EIko this way, Garnet will have the advantage of a better magic stat, but only by 1, which is not a big deal as sacraficing 1 stat point for better magic. And in my game, Eiko ended up with more HP than Garnet.

And it's cool there's another Eiko fan!!!

Ark is, in my opinion, not worth anything over Eiko's Madeen. First off, Ark is harder to get, and it takes much longer for him to execute his attack (which is useful for Regen, but is overkill). Madeen, on the other hand, is easy to get, is shorter but long enough for a full/almost full HP w/Regen, and is an element that is less likely to be resisted/absorbed.

I still stand by Eiko being much better than Garnet, and Garnet being the worst character since she is overshadowed by Eiko in about every possible aspect.

08-19-2004, 03:23 AM
To just put it simply, I never worked hard on Eiko so I guess I never witnessed her full potential. Just like Quina and Steiner.

Divine Strike
08-19-2004, 04:10 AM
Originally posted by Arcadius
bahamut is not the strongest. ark is. as long as the target is not a dark elemental or something. and everyone has their opnion about the worst char and stuff don't get sore at it because others has different opinion with you. solaris basically was telling about his own FF9 experience.

Well, yea Ark was supposed to be the strongest summon but unfortunately by the time you get Ark pretty much all your summons cause max thats why I said bahamut is stronger because its not elemental and that it causes 9999 to all there really isn't a difference

I still think Quina sucks no matter how much time you put into her...she can be useful to a degree...but to me it just wasn't enough to use her/him...........

oh yea and didn't mean to sound "mean" just trying to get a point across......I like magic users in general...makes the game much more interesting then just pressing "X" .....or for me its "O".......I use both Eiko, Dagger, and Vivi......for now anyway...until I start making Amarant, Steiner, and Freya stronger....but I'll most likely always have a white mage with me......I'll most likely switch back and forth from Eiko to Dagger....but anyway thats all I can say for now.

08-19-2004, 04:17 AM
Originally posted by Divine Strike
I still think Quina sucks no matter how much time you put into her...she can be useful to a degree...but to me it just wasn't enough to use her/him...........

oh yea and didn't mean to sound "mean" just trying to get a point across......I like magic users in general...makes the game much more interesting then just pressing "X" .....or for me its "O".......I use both Eiko, Dagger, and Vivi......for now anyway...until I start making Amarant, Steiner, and Freya stronger....but I'll most likely always have a white mage with me......I'll most likely switch back and forth from Eiko to Dagger....but anyway thats all I can say for now.

Quina does suck, I just never liked blue magic and the eating ugh.

and no problem, its the typing, you can interpret things incorrectly with it. And I agree with you, magic makes things more interesting, because of all the possiblities and strategies to use that attackers dont have,

08-19-2004, 05:07 AM
i never used eiko either (leveled her a little just to see her holy) since i've been using garnet from the beginning ;p by the time i got eiko garnet was around 25 levels higher than her so. but hmm holy of eiko -_- it's good. holy is always good in FF series imo. eiko killed many dark type monsters with just 1 cast of holy often. and they should've added damage limit break for ark imo. 9999 max damage for the optional aeon is lame. dunno why they took that out for FF9 ;[ Eden from FF8 had that.

08-19-2004, 06:36 PM


Lunatic HighVII
08-19-2004, 10:34 PM
Yoouu said it. ;)

08-20-2004, 01:14 AM
I half take back what I said about Quina. Quina is just annoying with all the jumping, but in the Earth Shrine I just kept using Quina's white wind and mighty guard, and only had Zidane attack until he reached trance. That battle was easiest of all and thats thanks to Quina!

08-20-2004, 01:50 AM
Originally posted by Solaris
I half take back what I said about Quina. Quina is just annoying with all the jumping, but in the Earth Shrine I just kept using Quina's white wind and mighty guard, and only had Zidane attack until he reached trance. That battle was easiest of all and thats thanks to Quina!

i NEVER used Quina,she was only at level 14 or so,but thank god for Zidane right!

Divine Strike
08-20-2004, 04:08 AM
I ate the Earth Guardian ath the earth was great.....funny too just to see him disappear

08-20-2004, 04:41 AM
Originally posted by Divine Strike
I ate the Earth Guardian ath the earth was great.....funny too just to see him disappear


sounds fun!:D

Furious Rose
08-23-2004, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by Divine Strike
THAT IS ONLY IF YOU DON'T USE it would be your own damn fault if she's weak.....there is only at max 400 HP difference if Dagger and Eiko are the same level....and thats really not a significant amount of difference in the hp.....and if you read the entire thing.....I mentioned that she has those abilities if you didn't have the AUTO' why don't you read a little more closely.......and later on in the game if they are the same level...Dagger I know will still have a higher magic stat if they are the same level but it won't be the big difference of 10 points...which is a lot....but i was only mentioning that for the sake of the strength of Eiko's Madeen vs Daggers Bahamut....(the strongest summons in the game)

I'm only really guessing you guys think Eiko sucks because you don't want to take the time into leveling her to your characters levels.....which is a shame because she is more useful.......but then again maybe you guys just don't know how to use her...because my eiko really hasn't died.....she's died against grand dragons at level 30...but so did everyone else pretty I really don't see the health as a problem for you guys.....I think your main problem with Eiko is leveling her so she's equal with the party...thats all for now

Edit: And just one more thing....some of the characters, at the same level, maybe all of them(i don't know), but some need the same experience as the others to gain a level....Ex: Vivi and Steiner

EXCUSE ME!! Don't you dare tell me you I do and don't use. (Shes right you do sound mean!) I use Eiko not Garnet and in my Experience Eiko seems to have low HPs and she seems to die most often. And about Eiko having Full-Life, Regen, and Haste all my characters have auto-haste,life,regen so I don't even use those spells. The one thing that makes Eiko better than Garnet in my opinion is Madeen. At the same level Bahamut did around 5000 and Madeen did upwards of 9000. Add to the fact that Eiko's holy can do the same amount of Damage and well you get the picture....

In my opinion ALL the characters are useful. They all have unique abilites so they all have differnet uses.

Lunatic HighVII
08-23-2004, 08:48 PM
I agree with NinjaYuffie! Everyone has their own unique abilities that come in handy. :)

Divine Strike
08-24-2004, 03:11 AM
Originally posted by NinjaYuffie

EXCUSE ME!! Don't you dare tell me you I do and don't use. (Shes right you do sound mean!) I use Eiko not Garnet and in my Experience Eiko seems to have low HPs and she seems to die most often. And about Eiko having Full-Life, Regen, and Haste all my characters have auto-haste,life,regen so I don't even use those spells. The one thing that makes Eiko better than Garnet in my opinion is Madeen. At the same level Bahamut did around 5000 and Madeen did upwards of 9000. Add to the fact that Eiko's holy can do the same amount of Damage and well you get the picture....

In my opinion ALL the characters are useful. They all have unique abilites so they all have differnet uses.

Again, you might want to read a little more into it.....I said she had those abilities if you didn't have the Auto's......And i still don't see how you people's Eiko died so much.....her health is lower but not that much....not enough to where it would matter.........and as for only revives you with like 1 hp......FULL-life is as it says....Aye stupid people...they give me headaches....

...but one thing you mentioned is quite true...It is our opinion and only that.

Furious Rose
08-25-2004, 08:45 PM
Well maybe I'm just good enough not to die often...j/k. It was very rude to call me stupid seeing that you've never seen or talked to me before. Maybe thats how I seem (I hope not) but you yourself aseem like a very conceited person. In my opinion Auto-Life is way better than Full-Life (though both are useful) because you don't have to waste a turn casting it. I use Eiko more as an attacker because Auto-Regen and Auto-Life get the healing job done pretty well. Oh and after hours and hours of playing I seem to have figured out why Eiko seemed to die more than other characters. (In Memoria..) Those Iron Giants seem to use Helm Divide on Eiko EVERYTIME and then their next turn seems to be a cswift cleave right after it. Even with Auto-Regen it seems to get her everytime! (Maybe I'm unlucky?) Does anyone have an explanation for this?? (Maybe it's my level?)

Everyone don't get me wrong I think Eiko is the best! (Maybe my fav character..) But I don't think she is as almighty as you guys make her out to be.

08-25-2004, 09:51 PM
Ok, Im going to take back most of things I said about Eiko.

I started playing FF9 again, and decided to level up Eiko to see if she is really as good as many people have put her to be. She still was the weakest and all but I found a party combination that is unbeatable.

I used Zidane, Dagger, Eiko, and Vivi. I leveled up the remaining members as well incase I need them for later use. Anyways, I figured out now that Having Dagger and Eiko in the party is more useful than having one or the other. Reason being, Eiko can cast Holy and Madeen causing loads of Damage. While Eiko attacks, Dagger can heal with Curaga and use Bahamut and Ark. Vivi casts Flare and other hi powered attacks and Zidane just attacks (hes only good when he gets trance). Then again, its a lot of magic being used, and being such a heavy magic party I have to have a healthy supply of Ethers so Zidane steals as often as possible.

Eiko is useful but she still dies way to much

Divine Strike
08-26-2004, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by Solaris
Ok, Im going to take back most of things I said about Eiko.

I started playing FF9 again, and decided to level up Eiko to see if she is really as good as many people have put her to be. She still was the weakest and all but I found a party combination that is unbeatable.

I used Zidane, Dagger, Eiko, and Vivi. I leveled up the remaining members as well incase I need them for later use. Anyways, I figured out now that Having Dagger and Eiko in the party is more useful than having one or the other. Reason being, Eiko can cast Holy and Madeen causing loads of Damage. While Eiko attacks, Dagger can heal with Curaga and use Bahamut and Ark. Vivi casts Flare and other hi powered attacks and Zidane just attacks (hes only good when he gets trance). Then again, its a lot of magic being used, and being such a heavy magic party I have to have a healthy supply of Ethers so Zidane steals as often as possible.

Eiko is useful but she still dies way to much

I got two things to say to you Solaris


But I still don't see how ya'lls Eiko's get killed so easily.

Edit: NinjaYuffie, I wasn't calling you stupid but it seemed to me like ya just didn't really read what I had said...but anyway it doesn't matter...everyone has their opinions as so many people here have said

01-10-2008, 08:51 AM
Amarant! More storywise than anything else. He has no place in the story. If we took him out, the story would not change. He's contrived and boring. But if you look at him just attack wise, I guess he's okay.

01-10-2008, 05:06 PM
Old thread is old. 3 and a half years old. But at least your post was on topic.

I'd say Dagger - I found her pretty useless. Eiko had Holy, Phoenix and Madeen which I found much more useful than any of Daggers attacks.

Just for future reference its generally frowned upon to revive old threads. If there's a topic you'd like to discuss but its not on the first two pages then it's probably best to make a new thread.

01-19-2008, 06:31 AM
I liked Quina as in personality and if I would have took more time into him I would hav found him better, but I did not find him the worst character in the game, I actually disliked Dagger the most. I just never took the time in the way I played with her, I took a liking to Eiko and had her stats up way more than any of Daggers. I didnt even really care for her storyline especially when she hits her silent phase and only half of her commands worked...that bugged me.

01-19-2008, 09:43 AM
Amarant! More storywise than anything else. He has no place in the story. If we took him out, the story would not change. He's contrived and boring. But if you look at him just attack wise, I guess he's okay.

You totally fail. (

01-20-2008, 10:54 AM
Man it's quite pathetic reading how worked up people get about this stuff...

Opinions are opinions, guys.
People think differently.

I, personally, thought Quina was one of the best characters. S/He had magic that made Vivi and Garnet look like jokes!

And for all those lazy little shits, 99% of Quina's abilities can be learned without EVER straying from the storyline!

But anyway, worst for me would be...
Probably Freya.

Admittedly, Rei's Wind and Dragon's Crest were powerful,
But Jump and Hyper Jump (Trance) were just wastes of time for me...
Probably just cause I didn't train her enough...

Plus she always beats me at the Monster Hunt which pisses me off... I've one once...

Speaking of which, has anyone ever witnessed Vivi win?

01-20-2008, 03:57 PM
check the date of the last post in a thread before you respond. =/