07-28-2004, 08:57 PM
I've checked, and all I could find that was similar was FFS -- The Next Big Teenage Drama on the general board. This is different, I think. Also, I don't concider this Role Play. If any Mods do, I will happily pay for any damages encountered while the thread is moved. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the proceedings of one of these, it's simple:

I post a bit of a story, the next person carries it on, and so on. Overall, some interesting stories can be made, with all of the great minds of the forum put together.

It doesn't matter how long the chapter is, but it shouldn't be stupidly short. Please contribute to this if you have some time. You can post in script form, or in prose form; whichever you would prefer. Please do not post unless you are adding to the story, or unless the story has ended. I'll start, shall I?

Final Fantasy 7 - 2 (+Comet background)

The scene is set: Cloud and the gang are on the Highwind above Midgar. Sure, they are still worn out from their battle with Sephiroth, but the ship can't run on emergency forever (as Cid was kind enough to remind the team.) With no hope of help from Midgar, the team head to the next biggest town: Junion.

Cloud: Well, that was a pleasant trip! That nose dive was quite exhilarating, wasn't it?

Yuffie: I'm never going to board that airship again.

Cid: It's going to cost an arm and a leg to fix that damage! Or more appropriately...

A little later, in the Weapon shop (in sell mode)...

Barret: You can't take the Missing Score! It's all I have! Without it, I'm stuck with the assault rifle, or worse!

Cait sith: Listen, Barret, I'll have them make you an exact replica of the missing score back here at Midgar. It'l even give EXP to materia!

Barret: I don't want a replica. You should be dead, since ****** *********.

Cait Sith: We have no choice! We don't all fit inside Cloud, so we can't all ride the Gold Chocobo! And the buggy and Little Bronco mysteriously dissapeared when we got the Highwind!

Barret: You are not taking my Ultimate Weapon! What's wrong with yours? Or Clouds? Or Tifas?

Tifa: Mine is a glove, Cait Sith's is a megaphone. They won't sell for very much. And Cloud is our strongest party member. He can't go without his weapon.

Barret: You're not taking mine!

To reinforce this fact, Barret fires some of his infinite ammo into the air. The sounds of screaming, dying, and slumping on the floor can be heard above. What will become of Barret and his weapon? How will the guys (and gals) get the Highwind fixed? Will anyone carry the story on, or will I have to type up every part of it? Only time will tell...

08-10-2004, 11:15 PM
Cait Sith: FINE!!!!! YUFFIE!!!! where the hell did she go! give me the Conformer!!!!, you don't need it anymore(yanks it from her hands).

Yuffie: Why me?? You asshole, take Vincent's!!!(grabs it back from Cait Sith's uh... stuffed hands)

Barret: I'm getting tired of this!!!(Takes Conformer out of Yuffie's hands) WE ARE GONNA SELL THIS ONE!!!!!!

Yuffie:But!!!! Cloud, you're on my side right???

Cloud: Barret's right, you're weapon has the most value and you tried to steal our materia for you're own selfishnessness!

Barret: Shi..., that's right, ya wanna fight about it??

Shop Owner: Please take this outside... Please don't kill me...
Several minutes later outside the shop...

Yuffie: This isn't fair, you have the Missing Score and I only have an Oritsuru...

Barret: Awww, too bad for ya.

Cloud: uh, hey guys, we should fix the Highwind first...

Barret and Yuffie together: SCREW YOU!!!!

Cloud: Fine, whatever, we'll be at the Highwind helping Cid fix the ship.

Barret and Yuffie together: WHATEVER GO DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!!

Right before they start fighting...
A vortex appears and a boy, a girl and a robot appear from nowhere...

boy: Where are we??? this isn't our dimension either, dammit Lucca, what's wrong with your time machine???
girl: Well excuse me Mister Crono, it seems we've traveled somewhere very futuristic this time!!!

Barret and Yuffie look at each other and shrug.

the boy and girl look at Barret and Yuffie with puzzled looks

boy: ahhh, who are you?

Barret : I should be asking that!

girl: sorry, we forgot to introduce ourselves, my name is Lucca and this is Mister Crono, we are time travelers who are trying to stop something called Lavos, but we have ended up in acouple different dimensions, first some weird blond freaks trying to take down a pink monster(Dragonball Z), and now, we end up here, sorry for interrupting, just continue doing what you were doing...
ZAP!!! and they disappered...
What will happen to Barret and Yuffie? Please someone contribute to this some more, and let the story continue^_^

08-11-2004, 12:58 PM
Barret: " Who the @#!&^%$ was that?

08-11-2004, 06:31 PM
Cloud's Journal log 8-11-04: Barret and Yuffie are fighting over some dumbass thing about whose weapon they were gonna sell, fuck man, we just need the damn money because Yuffie stole all our money then spent it gambling and we haven't had any good mercenary jobs or nuthin, all thanks to Yuffie and now she thinks it's Barret's fault which it isn't. I'm really pissed, @!#$%^$%#$$#$@^%, log out.

08-14-2004, 12:01 AM
Cid: OK, what we have left of the Highwind is one rocket engine, a huge picture of an anime girl, a steering wheel, and half the deck. I'll have to get the parts. You guys wait here: look after the emergancy esacape pod: it will be part of the new ship.

Cid walks around Junion. At last he enters a likely looking shop.

Cid: Hi, I need one Starboard Rocket engine, one hull rocket engine, one thousand sheets of metal, and lots of workers.

Shopkeeper: Buy some items, won't you?

Cid: Yeah, I need one Starboard rocket en...

Shopkeeper: Buy some items, won't you?

Cid: I'm trying too! I need one...

Shopkeeper: Buy some items, won't you?

Cid: Shit!

Shopkeeper: Buy some items, won't you?

Cid: $&#@ you, $*&@%�$~.

Shopkeeper: Come back soon?

Meanwhile, the air between Barret and Yuffie shimmers...

Barret: Is that them future people back again?

08-15-2004, 01:19 AM
young man: uhhhh, Gokou?? Is that you,
Son Gokou???

Barret: Who the hell is this Gokou guy???

Yuffie: But he sure is cute...

young man: sorry, wrong dimension...again, man mom, your time machine doesn't work very well, sorry, my name is Trunks Briefs, I am here to stop some androids in the past, but it looks like I came to the wrong dimension again.

poof!! and he was gone...

Barret: Uhhh... who was that??

Yuffie: Beats me...

Cloud: It must be from the lifestream that's bringing in people from other dimensions with the ability to time travel to come to our dimension, or something similar...

Barret: Whoa, Cloud where did you come from?? weren't you helping Cid and the others help rebuild the Highwind??

Cloud: Cid went to get some parts so he'll be back in awhile.