07-28-2004, 11:07 AM
Hi this is my first thread here and its pretty simple, i have FF7 on the playstation and am considering purchasing it on the PC because i hear its easier to have fun and has many extras, is this true and if so is it worth me buying it?

07-28-2004, 11:28 AM
Absolutely not, the Playstation version of Final Fantasy 7 is the most perferred version. The conversion was not done by Square and Eidos (not to be confused with Enix) did a pretty bad job converting it to the PC.

Just stick with the Playstation version, there is really nothing added that is worth noting.

07-28-2004, 11:51 AM
I only have the pc version (and played the psx version some times)

but i can't recommend buying the pc version either.
Graphics might be a bit better, but the music is less good, and asuming u don't have a very outdated pc, the mini games go way to fast to play! (cloud on his motorbike has become unplayable)
also because it is on pc, you ALWAYS have the possibility that the game is going to crash.
+ the numeric keypad doesn't play as good as a joypad/psx controller

07-28-2004, 12:32 PM
You miss out so much on the music on PC...

I'm listening to "One Winged Angel" mp3 right now...it's the theme for the final boss (unless you consider Human Sephiroth a boss).

I am completely gobsmacked by the quality of the mp3...

On PC, you just get same organ-like MIDI and miss out on the vocal emphasis of the song..."Sephiroth....Sephiroth"

07-29-2004, 02:38 AM
Graphics make a big diff, Id totally reccomand it for the PC. I found the playstation unplayable due to crappy pixelated graphics.

07-29-2004, 02:41 AM
But on the PC, the sound sucks and the minigames run so fast it's almost unplayable.

07-29-2004, 02:51 AM
..The sound is OK, And while its not up to par with the playstation version, Its still worth it as I found the "horrible" sound effects you speak of un noticeable at times. I have no idea what your talkin about with the mini games going to fast, They locked the FPS at 30 on both PS and PC version. Also I find it much more fun to level up on the pc version. You can also configure the controls to the W,A,S,D combo which is nice.

07-29-2004, 02:54 AM
FPS isn't the same as speed.

And it's really annoying when a chocobo race flies by so fast you can't even think about trying to block someone or pass someone who's blocking you.

07-29-2004, 03:04 AM
The first time I played FFVII was on the PC. It was buggy as all hell.

You're much, much better off playing on the playstation.

07-29-2004, 03:31 AM
My PC version crashed once in the 40 hours on the clock it took to get Sephifag (more like 50 if you include the amount of "Game Overs" I had)...

As for graphics, I do not know about the newer generation Nvidia Cards (FX series) but the ancient RIVA I'm using at my parent's place sure had better image than the ATi 9600XT (quite pixelated) back at home. Well, FF7 was made for RIVAs and only supports hardware acceleration for RIVAs (would it work for the FX generation cards?)

As for mini-games, there is indeed a way to slow it down. Get a video capturing program like fraps 1.9 (www.fraps.com) and set it to record a video while you play/race.

07-29-2004, 06:38 AM
I have no problems playing FFVII on the PC. I definitely recommend it. You just have to mess around with it some and it works just fine.

In my opinion, the PC version is the preferred version. The characters look better (you can actually see their mouths) and when Yuffie does a sneak attack, it doesn't tell me that she was "cought by surprise."

07-29-2004, 06:41 AM
Originally posted by Pacific
As for mini-games, there is indeed a way to slow it down. Get a video capturing program like fraps 1.9 (www.fraps.com) and set it to record a video while you play/race.

Too much trouble. A game should be instantly playable. Something's wrong if you have to use any kind of third party software to make it run properly.

07-29-2004, 06:45 AM
The game was released like what, 7 years ago for Windows 95? I think we should all consider ourselves mucho lucky that it even plays at all anymore. Good grief.

07-29-2004, 07:06 AM
Heck yes, a lot of old games don't run good on XP unlike FF7!

Wish the makers had 3D hardware support for cards OTHER than Nvidia though...

Software gfx is VERY pixelated...and since my card is an ATI 9600, I had to use software...ugh.

I'm one lucky guy though, me playing FF7 coincided with a 4 hour flight to Japan to spend the holidays with my parents. Guess what their PC has inside? A Nvidia RIVA TNT!!!

The graphics on the RIVA are smooth, much better than my ATI...maybe too smooth and soft and I was wishing my card had antistrpoic filtering and anti-aliasing...BUT then again...can't expect a lot from one of the first 3D RPG games.