07-28-2004, 03:36 AM
I've fought Ultima weapon, and for all this time I thought that he was the strongest enemy in the game. So I'm guessing from all of the threads on here that Omega weapon is much stronger. Can someone tell me how to get to him and what kind of stats I'll need to defeat him.

Bahamut ZERO
07-28-2004, 01:02 PM

Stol'd from GameFAQs.

Now for the battle take the party that will fight Omega Weapon to the
green circle outside of the chapel and use it to switch to the other
party, take them up the stairs, through the door on the right and down
the stairs. Have them ring the bell on the left at the bottom of the
stairs and then quickly use the green circle in the area to switch to
the other party, have them head inside the chapel before time runs out
to confront Omega Weapon.

So Omega is in Ultimecia's castle. :) If you need more help, someone will no doubt find a guide. :)

07-29-2004, 12:25 AM

07-29-2004, 03:48 AM
I couldnt defeat this guy without heroes. Do you have laguna's card and the ability to refine items from cards? you can get 100 heros that way

07-29-2004, 06:41 AM
I'm starting over again so can you tell me who I have to beat to get the Laguna card?

Nanaki Claws
07-29-2004, 02:41 PM
When you are at the Lunar Base you just have to challenge Ellone. If you do not want to challenge her there then you can have the Laguna Card in disc four, if you decide to challenge the Queen of Cards.

07-30-2004, 07:50 AM
Omega Weapons a b1tch to fight. Took me a while, i killed him on my 2nd go.
Non-stop heros and aura spells.
u need like top stats to fight this guy and high compatability with your GF's, i only used Eden and Doomtrain at the start, then i jus stuck to Squalls lionheart and irvines pulse and ap bullets.
Have fun.
(if lucky Rinoa mite do Shooting Star)

07-31-2004, 07:13 AM
Well I'm not sure but i heard that you can take like zero damage if you use like that defend action...well i just stuck with using heros or holy wars. I have like a big stock of heros and holy wars...took a long time to get it refined from stealing items. I had to steal 100 curse spikes to make 1 dark matter. Then i would have to steal another 900 more curse spikes to make 9 more dark matters to make 10 total. Then i refined the 10 dark matters into 10 shaman stones to get one hero trial... then i would do that 10 more times to get 1 hero...time consuming.

07-31-2004, 11:35 AM
Yeah but if you defend you waste a turn. Just HolyWar or Hero by refining Lagunas or Gilgamesh's card. Then kill the dude with lionheart and other limits. BTW omega has over 1 million HP. Cheers!

07-31-2004, 06:22 PM
All your characters definatly need 9,999 hp, You need to refine the laguana card into 100 heros, then eventually into 1 holy war, And you need to refine the gilgamesh card into 10 holy wars. You sohuld also refine the bahamut card into 100 mega elixers. at the start of the battle summon eden, and doomtrain but dont boost doomtrain. then cast aura on squall and AFTER you cast aura on squall use a holy war. Pully the boss with lion heart several times. If you try to Use Aura after you put Holy War on it will be inaffective. You should cast cerberus when the holy war comes off then cast hast on everyone and aura on everyon. put another holy war on and blast him with limit breaks. If all else fails you can try to get selpies "the end" But it's so damn seldom the chances of you actually getting it are slim to none.

Good luck


Furious Rose
08-02-2004, 12:57 AM
You guys are so cheap I beat him using Rinoa, Squall, and Zell without using a single Holy War. How can you guys be proud of yourselves for beating him if you used holy wars and such?? God you could beat anything like that! all I did was have Zell use Limits, Rinoa use Angel Wing(all she had in her magic was meteor so thats all she casts, AND even though har Mag stat was at 255 it still got multiplied by four so Meteor did big Damage). And yes damage from Omegas "Terra Break" is reduced to like 9 damage if you use defend. So all Squall did was use his Limits Twice, Meltdown, then Defend for the whole battle. Omega actually went down before he had a chance to use Terra Break! (Also you will need to juntion 100 deat spells to your characters defense if thier level is a multiple of five, I didnt juntion it to Rinoa on purpose and just revived her, AND your character MUST have 9999hp its critical that they do.

08-02-2004, 04:42 AM
i dont think that Omega is the strongest i think Ulticima damn hella strong that boss is hella long to beat Ulticima had hella forms to beat after u think u got it another form appears. But the ending was worth it.

08-02-2004, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by NinjaYuffie
You guys are so cheap I beat him using Rinoa, Squall, and Zell without using a single Holy War. How can you guys be proud of yourselves for beating him if you used holy wars and such?? God you could beat anything like that! all I did was have Zell use Limits, Rinoa use Angel Wing(all she had in her magic was meteor so thats all she casts, AND even though har Mag stat was at 255 it still got multiplied by four so Meteor did big Damage). And yes damage from Omegas "Terra Break" is reduced to like 9 damage if you use defend. So all Squall did was use his Limits Twice, Meltdown, then Defend for the whole battle. Omega actually went down before he had a chance to use Terra Break! (Also you will need to juntion 100 deat spells to your characters defense if thier level is a multiple of five, I didnt juntion it to Rinoa on purpose and just revived her, AND your character MUST have 9999hp its critical that they do.

Zells limit is a little cheap aswell, u can keep doing Punch Rush and Mach kick over and over agin, if your on full level the timer will be huge and u can do like 50 or maybe over.Maybe thts why Omega Weapon couldnt do much.

Furious Rose
08-05-2004, 12:14 AM
Luv[Naru]Hina your right! Thats why I didn't do that I just had fun!!(Cause thats what these games are about Fun!) Heres a challange...Try beating him witha party of Rinoa, Selphie, and Quistis! Now theres a challange. (Yes, you don't have to have Squall in your party when you fight Omega!)

Omni God
08-05-2004, 12:40 AM
actually if you junction like 100 death to your stat def or something like that you reduce the damage alot and also quistis is good selphie is good and rinoa can be good so it isnt that hard really.and actually i dont reckon using limits holy wars or any things intended to be used as "cheap" the only thing im against really is cheats which are tools of the devil :) .

Nanaki Claws
08-05-2004, 03:33 PM
Yeah I really hate cheating, the only games that I cheated was Age of Empire 2, Quake 2 (This game is really boring), GTA3 (I don't play anymore). But I stopped cheating when I realized that it was sort of bad and it didn't fit with my psychology...WHAT THE HELL!!! it is really off-topic...

I didn't tried beat Omega Weapon, but I plan to do it in this game. I don't know why I didn't try in my other game....

08-05-2004, 03:43 PM
i dont count holy war or zell,s limit as chetaing but a easy way out and a last resort just lots of attacking can do it

Furious Rose
08-05-2004, 10:14 PM
Using a Holy War to make your entire party invincible seems a little cheap...I mean even if the boss had a billion HP and took off billions with it's attacks you could still win.

08-06-2004, 01:58 AM
WTF dunt you have to have Squall in your party!??? anywayz its pretty easy to beat it with selphie and Quists if you train them hard enough.

08-10-2004, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Unlimited_Lionheart
I couldnt defeat this guy without heroes. Do you have laguna's card and the ability to refine items from cards? you can get 100 heros that way

do this definately

08-18-2004, 03:39 PM
I have heard of many ways of defeating omega weapon myself.
One of the most intruiging methods was using the character selphie. Apparently she harbours something called "end magic" and that this move can wipe out omega weapon in one hit.
Has anybody else heard of this and is it real or just a fake?

08-18-2004, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Mercenary
I have heard of many ways of defeating omega weapon myself.
One of the most intruiging methods was using the character selphie. Apparently she harbours something called "end magic" and that this move can wipe out omega weapon in one hit.
Has anybody else heard of this and is it real or just a fake?

In selphie's limit break 'slot' she has a magic called 'the end' and it automatically kills the enemy in one shot. To have 'the end' appear more often you must have Selphie at her max level (99) and it is more likely to appear when Selphie is at a state of dieing (which is not recommended when fighting omega, so just keeping doing slot over until you see it appear)

Also, I dont think the Holy Wars or Heroes are a cheap way of winning. Its a tactic which can be a bit time consuming, and difficult to use if done incorrectly.

08-18-2004, 04:50 PM
In selphie's limit break 'slot' she has a magic called 'the end' and it automatically kills the enemy in one shot. To have 'the end' appear more often you must have Selphie at her max level (99) and it is more likely to appear when Selphie is at a state of dieing (which is not recommended when fighting omega, so just keeping doing slot over until you see it appear)

Thanx, gonna try that right away

08-18-2004, 05:20 PM
Good eh?

08-18-2004, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by Mercenary

Thanx, gonna try that right away

Hope it works, its so unlikely with her completley healthy. I love selphie but her slot gets annoying when you want something and you can never get it.