07-24-2004, 06:15 AM
Any PC cheat codes to kill it?

I got killed twice and calculating that it takes 30mins to get to him from my save point and that each "Supernova" attack takes over 2 minutes, I just cannot be f#$^ed any more.

07-24-2004, 09:42 AM
pfft, dont mean to be brahging but its very easy to kill him when ur the right lvl and u have the good matirals...u should get the master matiria they work aweosme

07-24-2004, 09:56 AM
dont use cheat codes ,dont Rush the game
in joy the game dont rush it,lvling up is fun i was at lvl 99 in the middle of disk 2 on the PS1,if yout like a brother you just what to beat the game lvl up to 85 but if i was you lvl up to 99 and never rush a game

07-24-2004, 01:11 PM
Ok, I've cooled down now...

My clock stands at 33 hours at the save point in the North Crater....I'm at lvl 54 and after killing Jenova, it would be about lvl 56.

I guess I just gotta find time to play just for lvling up then killing the Weapons.

Onto a serious question:

I want the Guard skill for the enemy-skill materia but those monsters at the beach near Corel refuse to use it. How do I make them use it? If I just wait, the monster waits. If I use Ice, they Ice me back. If I use bolt1, every creature dies.

Nanaki Claws
07-24-2004, 02:03 PM
You have to manipulate one with the manipulate command materia, after you just do his Mighty Guard thing on the guy or the girl with the enemy skill.

07-24-2004, 02:51 PM
In case you don't know,,,,, don't level up to 99 cause if you do it, Sephiroth will get stronger.

He'll get 30,000HP points each time you character gets to level 99, so if your all characters get to 99, he'll get extra 270,000 HP points, Wow!

07-24-2004, 02:57 PM
Wow at the 270,000! The 777's a sweet plane but I prefer the A330 ;P

Thanks for the info about the Manipulate materia, Nanaki.

Now what? Even more questions :P

1. How do I turn a frog back to human?
2. How do I enable the characters to use spells in battle after they have been disabled?

07-24-2004, 03:28 PM
for your first question, use a Maiden's Kiss. they can be found at some item stores around the map. for your seconed question, i'm not sure... try someone more experianced than me...well, hope that helps.

07-24-2004, 04:01 PM
if you lvl to 99 you will have a good fight

07-24-2004, 06:20 PM
If you have KOTR, then:
You can defeat Bizzaro Sephiroth in two summons. And Safer Sephiroth in 3 summons. (Providing you debarrier his wall etc)

Nanaki Claws
07-26-2004, 11:17 PM
quote: 2. How do I enable the characters to use spells in battle after they have been disabled?

You mean they silenced? If so use a Echo screen.

07-28-2004, 04:20 PM
Or, to turn someone back from toad, use toad on them again.

Or, use White Wind (enemy skill) or Angels something (enemy skill) to heal all status effects.

I beat the last Jenova with 1 KotR, the first Sephiroth with 1, then mimed KotR (2, duh.) The last Sephiroth, disastor struck. I used deBarrier, KotR, and prepaired to mime when Barret (the mimer) got blasted. Since I didn't have W-Summon, and only 1 star on KotR, I had to fight nicely.

A few summons, several deathblows, one catastrophie, and one Omnislash later, he was dead. My characters were level 60 something.

Bahamut ZERO
07-28-2004, 04:41 PM
You can over-level for the battle. If you're anywhere in the mid sixties, it'll be a cakewalk to get to the bottom of the crater and to take out Sephiroth. Physical attacks should do close to 7000-8000 in damage dependent which weapons you've got equipped.

Key is to be as highly levelled as you feel comfortable with. :) But so long as you are in the mid to late 60s, it should be easy...

07-29-2004, 03:39 AM
I just did it at lvl 64...he died even before I knew it.

I forgot to debarrier him before using my single round of KORT and did other stupid moves...

and he disintegrated...not even a single toads...I was like WTF!!!