07-24-2004, 04:45 AM
In case your wondering you need a gold chocobo to get Knights of the Round and in order to get one you need to first breed a Black chocobo. To do that breed both a green chocobo and a blue one then make sure you get the black bird into S class at the races in Gold Saucer then go to the northern contenient and run along the tracks in the snow(as you might have noticed you can only land on grass so you'll have to walk to the tracks) then run around till you've gotten four yellow chocobos and go back to the stables and see if you got a wonderful chocoboif so it will say" a wonderful chocobo" if you got one good if not keep trying then fly to chocobo sages house if your map is up you should see almost directly east of his house are some islands there will be goblins on that island and they carry Zeio nutswhich you need so just keep stealing from them until they give you one then head back to the stables (make sure you got the wonderful chocobo to s class) and then breed the black chocobo and the wonderful one (using the Zeio nut) and you should get a gold chocobo and if you dont then keep trying you'll get it!

07-24-2004, 05:35 PM
We already have a guide for chocobo breeding thank you.

07-24-2004, 11:33 PM
If you have a guide than dont look here this is for the people who dont

07-25-2004, 08:23 PM

This looks like a case of terminal cluelessness.

He means there is already a chocobo breeding guide on this site. And someone took a lot more time writing it than you did with that.

Rabid Monkey
07-26-2004, 12:24 AM

Hi. Closed.