07-23-2004, 09:19 AM
Which ending is your favorite, and why?

The ending to FFIX is absolutely my favorite. Everything was wrapped up perfectly, it was so fun to watch, and even though the Zidane's return was awfully predictable, I still cried like the silly little Mandi that I am. I even taped the ending so that I could watch it over and over again.

I also really liked the ending to FFX, even though most people don't seem to be that fond of it.

The Sage
07-24-2004, 03:24 AM
I like FFIX the best even if it was a tad predictible that they had such a centeral love story of course he's going to come back. And taping... :erm:

07-24-2004, 04:27 AM
FFIX definitely had the best ending, FFX was ok, but like all things X it's boring the second time and on.

hb smokey
07-24-2004, 04:50 AM
Hmm...favorite ending? I guess that I will have to go with FFX. It is IMO the most emotional game I have ever played, and the most memorable ending. While I hated the fact that I first thought Tidus and Yuna would never be together ever again, it was still beautiful to watch as he disappeared. Probably my love for this ending grew more when I realized that a sequel was coming out.

07-24-2004, 11:43 AM
If I wanna feel "I�M SO GOD DAMN HAPPY!!!" it�s definitly Final Fantasy IX.
Everything is just great and everybody is happy! =D So, great thing!!!

If I wanna feel: "OI, No!!! I�m sad!" it�s Final Fantasy X. But.... I don�t appreciate sad endings (I�m a very happy person most of the time...) but it was a wonderful emotional ending, many sad people no one got what he wanted and... aw~ look at Yuna!!! >_<

Final Fantasy VIII had a very happy ending too! My sister and I laughed at the end! =D

.... .... perhaps Final Fantasy IV too for it had one very shocking moment... Kain puts his helmet down and he... he... HE WAS BLOND!!!!! XD

"Lady Auron" :cool:

07-24-2004, 01:33 PM
ff8 probably cause i was an angsty teenager when i first played it

ff7 forever
07-27-2004, 01:42 AM
i'd say tie between ff 10 and 7 they are both sad yet great. ff 10 a bit sadder what i think

07-27-2004, 02:13 AM
Originally posted by ff7 forever
i'd say tie between ff 10 and 7 they are both sad yet great. ff 10 a bit sadder what i think

What is there to like about 7's ending?

I've never been able to figure out how anyone could like it. It's very short, and doesn't really resolve anything. Huge let down, especially considering how much time I put into FFVII.

ff7 forever
07-27-2004, 02:18 AM
Originally posted by Ndi

What is there to like about 7's ending?

I've never been able to figure out how anyone could like it. It's very short, and doesn't really resolve anything. Huge let down, especially considering how much time I put into FFVII.

it sad i guess that make it good??

07-27-2004, 06:46 AM

07-27-2004, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by ff7 forever

it sad i guess that make it good??

I love sad endings, if they're well executed, but I didn't think FFVII's was at all.

To each their own though. ^^

07-27-2004, 10:32 AM
I really liked VI's ending, but I cannot remember it entirely :'(.

ff7 forever
07-28-2004, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by Ndi

I love sad endings, if they're well executed, but I didn't think FFVII's was at all.

To each their own though. ^^

you know i take back ff 7 it sad but second to ff 10 that was real sad

07-28-2004, 02:57 AM
You're all gonna hate me for this, FFVII is my favorite ending. Or rather it was back when it was left open for interpertation by the player, but now with Advent Children coming out I'm not too fond of that ending.

With that in mind FFVIII is now my favorite, I just love Zell choking on hot dogs.

I can't stand FFIV's ending, why couldn't Palom and Porom stay statues?

07-28-2004, 04:00 AM
Originally posted by Durendal
I can't stand FFIV's ending, why couldn't Palom and Porom stay statues?


There's nothing wrong with loving FFVII's ending- I just can't see what people like about it. It's completely not to my liking.

07-28-2004, 04:43 AM
I'll go with FFIX too, although FFVIII runs very close.

FFVI in my opinion has the best ending theme... and the worst actual ending.

07-28-2004, 01:12 PM
FF7's ending wasn't bad, but I prefer FF8' and FF10's.

I just accecepted FF7's ending as one of ways to end the whole story when I watched it for first time.

FF8, that was incredibly great, what the hell!
I just couldn't help similing during watching it.

FF10's ending: It is very very sad, can't deny it, but it was pretty good, that was the second part I really got moved by the game.
I didn't want Square to make sequal and also didn't expect them to do it cause I thought that ended perfectly, even though I felt something wasn't enough.

ff7 forever
07-30-2004, 01:10 AM
yeah i thought ff 10's was really sad i got goose bumps

07-30-2004, 05:42 AM
obviously FF IX. I loved the ending so much!! i taped all the FMV's, along with the credits from the very beginning!!!

mr. Cheese
07-30-2004, 11:49 AM
Ill say ff10 coz i didnt end all happy an perfect so it seemed a bit more realistic. In my eyes anyway

ff7 forever
07-31-2004, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by mr. Cheese
Ill say ff10 coz i didnt end all happy an perfect so it seemed a bit more realistic. In my eyes anyway

yeah i agree with you