07-21-2004, 11:43 PM
You have to see this :) The game looks awesome no?

Bahamut ZERO
07-21-2004, 11:51 PM
I was shown the site before. :) While I'm not sure on the legality of things, I love the idea. Chrono Trigger is one of my fave games of all time. I only hope it all comes to fruition.

07-22-2004, 01:49 AM
Hm, I was told this wasn't made by squaresoft, and that it hasn't been touched in years, infact they never were going to finish it, just remake a few songs and create some cutscenes.

too bad, a 3D Chrono Trigger would get me playing the game again..... crono talking would do that too.

07-22-2004, 11:56 AM
Yes, I don't really enjoy characters who don't talk. Although Crono did say 2 lines in Chrono Trigger. And when he didhe acted... Stupid.
Crono: Can we just do to the now?
Lucca: You mean the present?


07-26-2004, 09:08 PM
This thing has never been meant to be more than a demo, just a little hommage to the game by the fans...

But it does look kind of awesome. The colours. Mhm, the colours.

I want a sequel so badly~ ;_;

07-26-2004, 10:37 PM
I found something similar to that once, but it was an FFVI sequel.

It makes me even sadder that there will probably never be another Chrono game. :(

07-26-2004, 10:54 PM
Ndi... I think your last sentence lacks a "not"...

... if it does, then, I agree with you 177%. ;_; Oh god, lately it's getting harder. I need a sequel.

I already promised to myself that I'd dye my hair blue if they announced one. That was probably not good enough.... :/

07-26-2004, 10:57 PM
yes, the chrono series has been done injustice to when it comes to sequals, they have all been pretty far apart,

Radical Dreamers was a text game I believe (not much fun for me)

Chrono Cross, although a fun and good looking game, was very loosely based off chrono trigger, you actually had to serach or pay attention to find any connection, I think I can only come up with about twelve off the top of my head. Plus, no time travel, bummer.

And chrono break.... well, I doubt we will ever see it......

07-27-2004, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by Tokiko
Ndi... I think your last sentence lacks a "not"...

. . .oh dear.

This isn't my day, is it?

07-27-2004, 02:30 AM
I loved Chrono Trigger!

And this would be great! I hope he hurrys....

07-27-2004, 03:01 AM
About a half n hour ago I picked up Chrono Trigger and started a new file... I realize how much I love that game... I wish I could marry it... I'm probably going to play that through about 6 times within a few weeks, then go through Chrono Cross again the mourn for the long loss of the idea of Chrono Break... tsk tsk...

07-27-2004, 03:02 AM
Originally posted by Magus
About a half n hour ago I picked up Chrono Trigger and started a new file... I realize how much I love that game... I wish I could marry it... I'm probably going to play that through about 6 times within a few weeks,

yeah I could play it that much.....its that great!

09-07-2004, 05:47 PM
Time to drag forth this thread again, and add the news:

The project has been ended, or rather stopped, at a request of Square Enix.

This is very sad, but since it was never meant to be a whole game anyway, it's not that tragic... Though... ;_; I mean... ;_;

You will all go to the official site:

You will probably look at the pictures, but you will especially watch the trailer.

Oh god, watch it. ;_; It's awesome~ They move.

He moves. ;_;

Nanaki Claws
09-08-2004, 02:52 AM
The screenshot are amazing! Unfortunatey I can't watch the trailer yet, I am currently downloading WC3 demo so I can't see it yet, but tomorrow I will check it!

haryuu no
09-09-2004, 09:41 PM
all i have to say aside:
"that sucks that they r canceling the project thing:( :( :( :( :("
why did they stop?

The Ricky
09-10-2004, 02:23 AM
It is with our deepest regrets in that we have to announce the closure of the Chrono Resurrection project. Square Enix Co., Ltd recently issued a Cease and Desist letter which will mean the project is closed indefinitely.

The Joker
09-10-2004, 06:21 PM
Yeah, but why would they do that though with all the support they had?

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-10-2004, 06:57 PM
Blasted copyright laws.

The Joker
09-10-2004, 08:06 PM
Doesn't square own the blasted thing?

09-10-2004, 08:38 PM
Did you read the blasted text? :(

Edit: It was a project done by a few fans. They wanted to remake a few scenes of the original game. Now Squex told them not to. Because Squex have the copyright, not the fans. Who were doing the project. The fans, I mean.

haryuu no
09-10-2004, 09:27 PM
oh thats why... still it sucks that they did:(

09-13-2004, 02:27 AM
Another example of why Square-Enix can be incredibly stupid.

They release crappy Panzer Dragoon wannabes like Drakengard, which most of their Final Fantasy / Mana Series / Chrono Series fans won't even buy, and yet something like this falls in their lap - and the BURY IT.

I mean hell, they could have just as easily sent them a letter saying "Congratulations, you're now Square-Enix Project Development Team Awesome, and your task is to finish your damn Chrono Trigger remake so we can make money off it."

Greedy, but at least we'd still get the game... these guys probably wouldn't even want to get paid for it :(

09-13-2004, 03:24 PM

Raidenex, again, this was never meant to be a whole game. It was meant to be a sort of demo featuring the most memorable scenes, or something like that. They did not plan to remake the whole game, and were probably well aware that this would be a bit too much work for them.
So we'd never have gotten a whole game in any case.

09-14-2004, 06:06 AM
Ah, but imagine what change a budget could have made - something that's in the 'too hard' bucket could suddenly become very attractive if Square Enix threw say, $100 000 their way.

$100 000 is a mere pittance for a huge corporation like Square Enix - hell, it's probably Sakaguchi's pocket change. But it would be enough incentive for this little (hugely talented) fan group to continue their work. And surely the tight asses at Squenix who threw the book at them were as amazed as all of us - hell, it looks top notch (even if the animation is a little jerky).

I just think that this was a decision that was made too hastily :(

And you can't deny that Square Enix Europe, at least, is the most stupid distributor on the face of the planet. We get UNLIMITED SaGa, yet we never got Xenogears...

*shakes head*


09-14-2004, 08:59 AM
I am sure the European branch of Squenix Euro had nothing to do with that. :P
(And I do believe that they are slowly getting better. Which doesn't say much, but hm.)

Anyway. If I was a company, I would NOT just pay money to these people, and let them do a remake just because they already happened to have started one.
Hmm... fact is, there already is a remake. It's not 3D, but if suddenly along came a 3D remake, the old remake probably wouldn't sell anymore.
Also, I doubt it's realistic to expect that these people would throw away their current jobs or whatever they were doing, and dedicate al their time to programming this game... and who knows if they wouldn't need help in certain areas, so other programmers would need to jump in...?
It's all a bit too easy to just say "Pay them money and let them have their fun, in the end you get a game that you can sell."

Hehehe. And I cannot help but imagine what effect that would have at the fan community. I am sure there'd be a LOT of people who would send poor Squex their FFVII-2 and FFVIII-2 and FFX-3 ideas, and remakes, and other stuff, and expect them to be amazed and pay them lots of money.

And frankly, who knows what they are planning concerning Chrono Trigger... I am unwilling to give up hope, true, but they might be planning something where such a remake just doesn't fit in.

hb smokey
09-14-2004, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by Tokiko
<B>Anyway. If I was a company, I would NOT just pay money to these people, and let them do a remake just because they already happened to have started one.</B>
Well, here's the thing. I'm sure that "Squex" gave a big look at this possible re-make, because it was really good. If I was in charge, I would have e-mailed them, or made some sort of contact, to discuss the possibilites of a re-make further.

<B>Hmm... fact is, there already is a remake. It's not 3D, but if suddenly along came a 3D remake, the old remake probably wouldn't sell anymore.</B>
Are you talking about the one on Final Fantasy Chronicles?

<B>Also, I doubt it's realistic to expect that these people would throw away their current jobs or whatever they were doing, and dedicate al their time to programming this game...</B>
Maybe these people are currently unemployed, and this is what they are doing; spending all their time in this re-make.

<B>and who knows if they wouldn't need help in certain areas, so other programmers would need to jump in...?</B>
I'm sure that they would need help, because they aren't professional video game programmers. Then again, Squex could just send some support to the fellows, in the form of programmers from their company.

<B>Hehehe. And I cannot help but imagine what effect that would have at the fan community. I am sure there'd be a LOT of people who would send poor Squex their FFVII-2 and FFVIII-2 and FFX-3 ideas, and remakes, and other stuff, and expect them to be amazed and pay them lots of money.</B>
Yes, that is a very valid point. Right now, I'm sure that Squex receives lots of ideas from fans all the time. But, could you just imagine how bad it would get if they gave in one time?

10-09-2004, 12:50 AM
you nshould all die, qiut waiting for the remake, its not gonna happen. sortof like duke nukem forever or the end of the ff series

10-09-2004, 03:19 PM
Have you even read the thread, mr. big? T_T