Pachuco Cadaver
07-21-2004, 04:33 PM
Well, would you beleive it, I was on about lvl.66, and decided to have a bash at the end bosses. jenova was nice and easy w/ KofR, ditto both sephiroths. This was surprising enough to me. The last sephiroth was the omnislash in one go. This was surprising, does that happen eveytime or is it incredible luck?

Well, how pleased with myself am I? Very. I'm just settling into the end movie, and the lifestream emerges, then...freeze, disc spins for 5mins, then stops for 10 as I wait in desperation for it to recify itself. No such luck. So, in conclusion, does anyone know where I can download the ending movies? Because I sure as hell earned them! :mad:

07-22-2004, 12:51 AM
I don't know where to download the FMVS, so I'll just take the opportunity to promote the great main FFShrine site, where you can find pictures from every FMV in FFVII.

(Man, that's quickly becoming one of my favorite lines.)

P.S.: The last Sephiroth is always like that. The game gives you Omnislash for that battle if you don't already have it.

07-22-2004, 02:32 AM
Um here you go...

07-22-2004, 04:06 AM
are you playing your game through the ps2 or ps1?

because if it's ps1 you should try playing it through the ps2 because it's a whole lot better at reading scratched discs

Pachuco Cadaver
07-22-2004, 08:44 AM
Yeah i'm using my ancient ps1, though I've never used disc 3 before now, so it should work.

Thanks for that link 1wingedangel, it worked after a while, turns out I only missed the last few seconds of the FMV. It was satisfying though.