07-21-2004, 10:33 AM
Am i the only pathetic one who can't get past the first disk
I need help

07-21-2004, 10:40 AM
Yes. You're pathetic. This game has been out for years.

Read a walkthrough.

07-21-2004, 10:42 AM
Hmm...pathetic isn't the word. You're more mentally challenged.

It would help if you could state where it is you're having problems with.

07-21-2004, 10:50 AM
I just got to clouds town

07-21-2004, 12:37 PM
dont worry bout the evil people, final fantasy is kinda tough if u aint used to it. send me your situation and i will glady help u out.

07-21-2004, 08:56 PM
yo man- dont worry, it was first FF game i ever played when i was younger- i was shit lol... i only started playing again recently and i whizzed through it.. 1st disc is longest though- just remember that.

Furious Rose
07-21-2004, 10:41 PM
Don't feel bad....I remember having LOTS of trouble with that Missing Number boss in the Shinra Mansion...of course only until I used Seal Evil....

07-22-2004, 12:04 AM
Heck I remember my first RPG I tried...Dragon Warrior 4 and got nowhere until I managed to get hold of the official guidebook!

Seeing that you've already come as far as Niebelheim, getting stuck at a point so far into the game is interesting since you should already know the mechanisms of the game!

Well, there are plenty of walkthroughs available online. "Final Fantasy VII Walkthrough" and you're there!

07-22-2004, 12:20 PM
Actually i just realized that i just need to level up so i can beat that wierd bug like monster that is blocking a path in the mountains

Furious Rose
07-22-2004, 12:24 PM
That thing was soo hard for me! One of the toughest for me really. Try using seal Evil on it it should paralize it and your in buisness!

07-22-2004, 02:52 PM
Uhhh I don't believe I have that have any idea how to get it??

Dot Centaur
07-23-2004, 07:38 AM
Don't feel bad buddy! I used to be very challenged and I still kinda am, and if it'll make you feel better, on my first time playing Final Fantasy VII, I couldn't get past Shinra Building the first time you go! But I got extra help and now I have mastered that game. You'll get it. I used to be highly challenged through school, I still vagueley am.

Furious Rose
07-23-2004, 08:11 AM
Seal Evil is Aeris' second Lv.1 limit. You have to use Healing Wind about 7 times to obtain its awesomeness!

07-24-2004, 04:11 PM
The Materia Keeper was the first boss I got a game over with. It will be harder to level up now (as I found,) due to the giant dragon that pops up in the battles.

I started the game again, and didn't run from a single battle, (I got tired of fighting those clowns in Shinra mansion, and ran from many battles from there on.)

I think lightning heals him, so don't use that. As has been said, seal evil is good to Stop him. Otherwise, Clouds 1-2 (if you havn't leveled up,) can stop, as can Choco/Mog. Using haste on yourself can make things easier too.

I also recomend that you equip an Enemy Skill materia, as the Materia Keeper is the only enemy that will use the Enemy Skill Tryne.

07-24-2004, 04:32 PM
Just to add about "Trine", if you do the Pagoda in Wutai, Yuffie's dad also uses it and that's how I got "Trine" into my enemy skill.

07-24-2004, 04:34 PM
noe of you would have trouble if you didnt rush the game
if you read what NPC and PC say you would know what to do
you need to have fun with a game lvl up and do other stuff dont try to rush the game

the part you are stuk on is the easiest part in the game
so dont rush the game newbi

07-26-2004, 04:31 PM
Just to add about "Trine", if you do the Pagoda in Wutai, Yuffie's dad also uses it and that's how I got "Trine" into my enemy skill.

The guy never used it on me! Ah well, I'm sure he will next time. I'll just have to kick him a bit slower;)

07-27-2004, 01:23 AM
Nanaki just a little more about my experience, I had to use an old save file and do the Wutai Pagoda again because the North Crater glitched.

Gave the 2x-cut to Yuffie and he died in 1 turn so no more Trine for me.

Furious Rose
07-28-2004, 01:28 AM
Yazoo what is your problem??? That was soo mean! I just had trouble with him thats all..and the first disk isn't always the easiest. And I did NOT rush the game so don't you dare tell anyone they did. I personally LOVE leveling up. So don't you insult people like that and don't ever call anyone a noob cause that really mean and everyone is a noob (as I am now) at some point.

07-28-2004, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by NinjaYuffie
Yazoo what is your problem??? That was soo mean! I just had trouble with him thats all..and the first disk isn't always the easiest. And I did NOT rush the game so don't you dare tell anyone they did. I personally LOVE leveling up. So don't you insult people like that and don't ever call anyone a noob cause that really mean and everyone is a noob (as I am now) at some point.

that was not mean.I was makeing a Point yea most of tham do rush the game.and how can everone be a Noob to FF7?do you noe what a Noob is?if you did you would know not everone is a Noob

I was talking to everyone or you Yuffie

and i didnt say anyone rushed the game. I said if you didnt rush
the game I didnt say I am 100% sure you rushed it

Furious Rose
07-28-2004, 10:34 PM
Someone has to be new at a game at some point. I didn't say that everyone is a noob I said that everyone is a noob at some point.

07-29-2004, 12:29 AM
ok than
sorry if I sound mean JUst came out wrong