07-20-2004, 08:38 PM
I've seen this come up in a few threads as of late, so I thought I'd give it a thread all its own.

So anyhow, post what you think the most overrated game of all time is, and give some reasons as to why you feel that way.

Please don't flame anybody because they don't like a game you like.

07-20-2004, 09:26 PM
The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker.
If you really, really want me to tell you why, I will.

But you don't want that.

lone wolf
07-20-2004, 09:57 PM
Final Fantasy 9........

nuff said

laterz lone wolf

Rabid Monkey
07-20-2004, 10:21 PM
Originally posted by lone wolf
Final Fantasy 9........

nuff said

laterz lone wolf

Actually that's not enough said because a lot of people think it is a good game. Also, it is perhaps the one FF that didn't have many expectations set (mostly due to the massive disappointment that was FFVIII), so it's kind of hard to say it was overrated. Now if you dislike the game that's one thing, but just not liking a game hardly means that the game qualifies as overrated.

Personally I think the most overrated game of all time is FFVII. I know there is probably a game that was made out to be greater that turned out to be a greater let down, but at this point I can't think of one. It seems that every other person that is a fan of the FF series hails this as the greatest game of all time when really, it is utter shit. The only reason it is so popular is because it was EASY to beat with a story line that you didn't have to think too hard to understand. Not to mention the fact that it was marketed to all hell, case in point being Advent Children. The bottom line is that all someone has to do is look in the FFVII forum to see how wrenched this game is in regards to its fan base. Anyone who replies with "but FFVII is the best game ever!" or something similar should go shoot him or herself in the foot.

07-21-2004, 01:07 AM
I don't know if you can call it "utter shit" because it was fun game. But it is extremely over rated. Then again so is FFX.

hb smokey
07-21-2004, 01:38 AM
Originally posted by mrmonkeyman
<B>The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker.
If you really, really want me to tell you why, I will.

But you don't want that.</B>

I forgot why you hate it so. TELL ME!

Yes, that game is overrated, because it has the title "Legend of Zelda". With every LoZ and FF game that comes out, you <I>expect</I> it to be great, because of the legacy of these two series, which are arguably the two greatest ever.

Most overrated? Hmm...I would have to sit down and actually think about that one. But I'll edit this post once I come up with my answer.

07-21-2004, 01:59 AM
The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time.

Prepares for burninating-age.

I've played it, and yeah, it's okay - but it's not the super classic 'omg it's the best game evar' that my Nintendo-loving friends espouse.

I mean, Star Fox Adventures followed exactly the same formula, yet it got the rating it deserved - 9.0 on IGNcube, compared to the insane 9.9 or something that Ocarina got on IGN64.

An RPG with a story as weak as Zelda can be lifted by gameplay alone to amazing heights - just not as high as Ocarina was lifted. And especially since the same old tired Zelda story has been repeated again... and again... and again...

In fact, the only Zelda i'm looking forward to is The Legend of Zelda GCN 2, that was shown at E3 - it looks like it might actually have emotion.

07-21-2004, 02:20 AM
If anyone tries to burninate you, they'll have to deal with me.

*Mandi puts up her fists*

That's right!

You BETTER run!

07-21-2004, 02:26 AM
I mean, Star Fox Adventures followed exactly the same formula, yet it got the rating it deserved - 9.0 on IGNcube, compared to the insane 9.9 or something that Ocarina got on IGN64.

Is there such a big difference between the two? Especially considering Ocarina of time came out several years before Star Fox and was more or less unique to most people that played it, it's not surprising that it scored better than a game that came out several years later copying it's formula. =|

And my choice is LUNAR 2.

It's one of the few games I've actually hated. I wanted to tear the disc out of the system... and harm it somehow... after hearing the game ramble on for 2 minutes about the "power of humanity"... and then seeing "the power of humanity" come out of the skies and give humans magic poweres and ... yeah... =\

I didn't mind part 1 all that much, because I enjoyed the little chats the characters had when you looked at objects. That's a feature more RPGs need. Idle conversation between the characters.

07-21-2004, 03:21 AM
Halo would have to be, my friends won't stop talking about it...

It is a good game though...

The Ricky
07-21-2004, 05:27 AM
I'd have to say Halo, Halo was a poinless FPS that was an annoyance. I'd much rather play Goldeneye, or Eternal Ring, or Doom.

Bahamut ZERO
07-21-2004, 05:36 AM
I'd go with Kingdom Hearts.

Everyone was raving to me about how great the game was, and of course I decided that I'd give it a whirl.

Boy oh boy had I wished I'd kept my money in my wallet.

The game looks cute enough, but the characters were hard to identify to. The story seems to meander without direction. The music within the game is as annoying as crap. The controls are as awkward as trying to ice-skate blindfolded with one leg tied to your back. Every time I tried to jump, the camera moved and I missed where I was jumping to: Extremely frustrating when I had to go five minutes bloody backwards to restart!

The battle system was basic. "Slash, slash, slash, slash, slash, slash, slash, slash, slash, slash, slash... *Pauses to resurrect Donald* ... Slash, slash, slash, slash, slash, slash, slash, etc..."

Yeah, I know it's my opinion, but I really don't like this game at all. :/

07-21-2004, 07:41 PM
i go with halo aswell

lone wolf
07-22-2004, 12:25 AM
Personally I think the most overrated game of all time is FFVII. I know there is probably a game that was made out to be greater that turned out to be a greater let down, but at this point I can't think of one. It seems that every other person that is a fan of the FF series hails this as the greatest game of all time when really, it is utter shit. The only reason it is so popular is because it was EASY to beat with a story line that you didn't have to think too hard to understand. Not to mention the fact that it was marketed to all hell, case in point being Advent Children. The bottom line is that all someone has to do is look in the FFVII forum to see how wrenched this game is in regards to its fan base. Anyone who replies with "but FFVII is the best game ever!" or something similar should go shoot him or herself in the foot.

yes, i have to agree that it was really really marketed to all hell, but still, that was to make money, which, as we all know, is the whole point to making games in the first place.

But even if you thought the story was straight forward that that it was super easy, i would like to see you try to beat everything including the weapons, find Vincent's level 4 break, and acquire the nights of the round, WITHOUT the help of a strategy guide, your opinion about it being " easy and straight foward" might change alittle when you have no clue what to do at certain point.

there are also new informtaion about each character that you can discover and come to understand more about the character. and with such a diverse cast of characters, it would be very hard for someone to clock 40 hours atleast without beginning to relate to atleast one of the characters.

also, advent children wasn't a marketing ploy, it was the company listening to fans who said that they would love a sequal or something for FF7. I'm sure the company couldn't have given to shit's whether or not they make a sequal to one of there previouse games or listen to what people want ( case in point Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children and Final Fantasy X-2)

so in saying that, it's not the companies that say this is one of the greatest games's the fans :D

lone wolf

iconoclastic pastry
07-22-2004, 01:27 AM
Personally I think the most overrated game of all time is FFVII. I know there is probably a game that was made out to be greater that turned out to be a greater let down, but at this point I can't think of one. It seems that every other person that is a fan of the FF series hails this as the greatest game of all time when really, it is utter shit. The only reason it is so popular is because it was EASY to beat with a story line that you didn't have to think too hard to understand. Not to mention the fact that it was marketed to all hell, case in point being Advent Children. The bottom line is that all someone has to do is look in the FFVII forum to see how wrenched this game is in regards to its fan base. Anyone who replies with "but FFVII is the best game ever!" or something similar should go shoot him or herself in the foot.

Yes, and yes.

An RPG with a story as weak as Zelda can be lifted by gameplay alone to amazing heights - just not as high as Ocarina was lifted. And especially since the same old tired Zelda story has been repeated again... and again... and again...

Saying Zelda is an RPG is a stretch. Only the fact that your character grows keeps it near that genre.

And if you were dissappointed by the story in OoT, you are extremely naive. The story has never had emphasis put on it in this series, because it isn't the point. The story is an afterthought. It's sole purpose is to give a reason why you have to do what you do in the game.

it looks like it might actually have emotion.

Despite having a silent protagonist, and a simple story, OoT is quite emotional. In fact, I find it to contain more emotion and heart than any other game i've played, including the FF series.

07-22-2004, 12:31 PM
I'm going to say the Grand theft auto series. I find no entertainment in them. Not sure what the big deal their is..

07-22-2004, 12:40 PM
I have to agree with Bahamut Zero and say Kingdom Hearts. The game blew pretty bad.

Also, add any Tekken game to my list... can't stand Tekken.

07-22-2004, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by Magus
I'm going to say the Grand theft auto series. I find no entertainment in them. Not sure what the big deal their is..

YES, someone agrees with me, GTA is a non-challenging game with graphics behind the times, the only reason anyone plays it is because they want to be a thug, and they don't have the mind nor the taste to play anything better.

Rabid Monkey
07-22-2004, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by lone wolf
yes, i have to agree that it was really really marketed to all hell, but still, that was to make money, which, as we all know, is the whole point to making games in the first place.

I never said they didn't need to make money. I just think that they should have to make quality games to make money, that's all.

i would like to see you try to beat everything including the weapons, find Vincent's level 4 break, and acquire the nights of the round, WITHOUT the help of a strategy guide

First time through I did. As a matter of fact, I went through every FF without the aid of a strategy guide when I first played them. Then, when I went back to see what I missed it was generally something little like a phoenix down in a treasure chest or something. The fact is that the earlier FF's DIDN'T have strategy guides and were more challenging than FF7. I could use the strategy guide as just another example of why FF7 is too easy AND marketed to all hell, actually. Before FF7 we had to actually figure out how to get through an area or how to get the best items, or how to beat the hardest bosses. Starting with FF7 it just becomes incredibly easy to do all of that due to the sudden ability to just look up what to do in a book. So basically, you just kind of countered your own logic there, bud.

there are also new informtaion about each character that you can discover and come to understand more about the character. and with such a diverse cast of characters, it would be very hard for someone to clock 40 hours atleast without beginning to relate to atleast one of the characters.

OH WOW THEY NEVER DID THAT IN ANOTHER FF! Seriously, that is the worst argument for liking FF7 EVER. Compared to previous FF's character development in FF7 is poor at best. Also, if you want a diverse cast just check out FFVI, too many characters for you to follow? Then try FFIV. You're really starting to just sound like an FF7 fan boy trying to defend a weak game with even weaker arguments.

also, advent children wasn't a marketing ploy, it was the company listening to fans who said that they would love a sequal or something for FF7. I'm sure the company couldn't have given to shit's whether or not they make a sequal to one of there previouse games or listen to what people want ( case in point Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children and Final Fantasy X-2)

You're contradicting yourself. You're basically saying it wasn't just to make money, but they wouldn't be releasing AC or X-2 if they couldn't make a lot of money on either piece of merchandize. Either they are making games for the fans or making games for the money. Personally, I would say they are making games for the money. Just look at Europe. There is a smaller market for the FF series over there so they have less FF games readily available. Also, every fan of FFVI wanted there to be some sort of continuation when it was the big name in the series, however, it hadn't been marketed to all hell (like FF7 had) so not as many fans were out there simply because it wasn't designed to appeal to the average (dumbass) gamer that only wanted easy to beat games. That's part of the reason the strategy guide was released with FF7, actually. They wanted even stupid people to be able to play the game, so they gave them a tool to use in order to not have to think when playing the game at all. But I digress, you haven't even decided if it is for the fans or for the money yet.

so in saying that, it's not the companies that say this is one of the greatest games's the fans :D

Well duh. You have yet to explain why you selected FFIX by the way. Also, for defending FF7 without any solid argument other than "BUT LIKE WOWZ!" I think you are due to shoot yourself in the foot.

07-22-2004, 04:41 PM
VI had a strategy guide =\.

07-22-2004, 04:50 PM
Hmm..most overrated game of all time....




07-22-2004, 05:51 PM
Most overated game of all time: MONOPOLY.

This game sucked... takes way too long to play and makes you use NUMBERS way too much... I fucking hate numbers! There's too many of them!

07-23-2004, 01:51 AM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture
VI had a strategy guide =\.

I have a strategy guide for Final Fantasy. I found it at some game shop for like a dollar.

Strategy guides just weren't out there back in the day like they are now though. I never knew anyone who used guides when I was younger.

07-23-2004, 03:50 AM
Anything Mario related.

I'm not saying the Mario games are bad, but people treat every one of those games like the holy grail of gaming.

07-23-2004, 06:00 AM
Originally posted by Ndi

I have a strategy guide for Final Fantasy. I found it at some game shop for like a dollar.

Strategy guides just weren't out there back in the day like they are now though. I never knew anyone who used guides when I was younger.

Games just weren't as in depth back then as they are now. Would love to see a strategy guide to Super Mario Bros though... "Run, Jump, Shoot the turtles with fireballs, you're princess is in another castle, repeat."

or duck hunt "Shoot the fucking duck... and then try to shoot the dog" :(

07-23-2004, 10:12 AM
I have a strategy guide for Final Fantasy. I found it at some game shop for like a dollar.

Didn't the game come with one? It had a thick around 100 or so page book. A map with a complete bestiary/hitpoint/weakness chart. A guide to the character classes and what they were capable of... etc etc.

It was nice to get all of that in game.

And a strategy guide for Super Mario Bros is about as useful as a strategy guide for any of the various 3D platformers that come out now. What with the various secret passage ways, warps, mazes, extra life getting techniques/chain jumping situations, and the whole extra difficulty mode after you beat it, there's more than enough to write about Super Mario Bros to fill a guide book. Certainly more than "Run, Jump, Shoot the turtles with fireballs, you're princess is in another castle, repeat." Same goes for Zelda, Metroid, The Castlevanias, megaman, etc etc etc...

07-23-2004, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by rezo

Didn't the game come with one? It had a thick around 100 or so page book. A map with a complete bestiary/hitpoint/weakness chart. A guide to the character classes and what they were capable of... etc etc.

Hmm. I don't remember the game coming with one, but I'm not sure if the copy I had was bought or borrowed.

It makes sense though, it's an official Nintendo guide.

07-23-2004, 10:24 AM
Is it the book in this auction?:

Nintendo may have made a seperate one, since I think they were putting out guides through Nintendo Power back then-presumably still doing it now, I guess- but... if they did, there was so much information given with the stuff that came packed with the game that people wouldn't really have needed it. =|

07-24-2004, 02:19 AM
Originally posted by rezo
Is it the book in this auction?:

Nintendo may have made a seperate one, since I think they were putting out guides through Nintendo Power back then-presumably still doing it now, I guess- but... if they did, there was so much information given with the stuff that came packed with the game that people wouldn't really have needed it. =|

Nope, mine has a red cover.

I'll try and track it down and take a picture of it later.

Safer Sephiroth
07-25-2004, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Rabid Monkey

Actually that's not enough said because a lot of people think it is a good game. Also, it is perhaps the one FF that didn't have many expectations set (mostly due to the massive disappointment that was FFVIII), so it's kind of hard to say it was overrated. Now if you dislike the game that's one thing, but just not liking a game hardly means that the game qualifies as overrated.

Personally I think the most overrated game of all time is FFVII. I know there is probably a game that was made out to be greater that turned out to be a greater let down, but at this point I can't think of one. It seems that every other person that is a fan of the FF series hails this as the greatest game of all time when really, it is utter shit. The only reason it is so popular is because it was EASY to beat with a story line that you didn't have to think too hard to understand. Not to mention the fact that it was marketed to all hell, case in point being Advent Children. The bottom line is that all someone has to do is look in the FFVII forum to see how wrenched this game is in regards to its fan base. Anyone who replies with "but FFVII is the best game ever!" or something similar should go shoot him or herself in the foot.


07-25-2004, 06:52 PM
Point prov'd!

Rabid Monkey
07-26-2004, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by Safer Sephiroth

Just like you should go shoot yourself for calling it Shit?
Thank you for your moronic and opinion based insightful and informative comment. However, you did not phrase your answer in the form of a question so you may not pass Go and collect your $200 dollars before you start a family with Mrs. Peacock instead of going to college to put your left foot on yellow, your right foot on green, and your right hand on red rover red rover send Safer Sephiroth over and under the shoots and latters in his foot.

07-26-2004, 10:47 PM
Rabid Monkey, a salute to your bravery, I shall remember thee always.

Now I'll just step aside now, don't wanna get too close to the target of FFVII cult members, way to dangerous.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
07-28-2004, 07:24 PM
Um, but he did put it in the form of a question. I mean, just look at the question mark.

07-28-2004, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by Odin
Um, but he did put it in the form of a question. I mean, just look at the question mark.

Oh, you.

You're such an Odin. :-p

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
07-29-2004, 02:18 AM
Originally posted by Ndi

Oh, you.

You're such an Odin. :-p

I honestly don't know whether to take that as a compliment or insult. :D

07-29-2004, 02:54 AM
FINAL FANTASY NINE ALL THE WAY:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

07-29-2004, 02:56 AM
You are easily one of the most annoying people I've seen, kid. Please stop typing in caps. And the rows of smileys make you look pretty pathetic.

07-29-2004, 03:01 AM
Originally posted by Odin

I honestly don't know whether to take that as a compliment or insult. :D

I like you.

So take it as a compliment.

07-29-2004, 08:36 AM

Can't get the story and all you do is click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click non-stop for hours...or that's how I saw it.

It was a huge hit among my schoolmates and I didn't get the point. Having just played FF7 (which prolly came out within a year of Diablo), Diablo completely owns FF7 in terms of graphics but FF7 had a much better story and gameplay which kept me going until the end. Besides, I love the music.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
07-29-2004, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by Ndi

I like you.

:swoon: :swoon: :swoon:


Rabid Monkey
07-29-2004, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by Odin
Um, but he did put it in the form of a question. I mean, just look at the question mark.

Well duh.