07-20-2004, 06:49 PM
What is your least favorite Final Fantasy, and why?

No flaming people because they dislike a game you like, please. ^^

07-20-2004, 07:04 PM
It used to be Final Fantasy V, but the game eventually grew on me, even if I haven't finished it, and it's not one of my favorites either. It's just OK.

My true least favorite:

Final Fantasy 7

The most overrated game in the universe, and I fell for the overratedness (<not a word)

It was long, boring, and easy. The story was in shambles after disc one, the villian was unbeleiveable, the characters were flat, graphics were horrid, the music was annoying and the art was really bad.

I bought this game expecting way more than I got, and I was pissed, so not it's not just my least favorite, I simply hate the game, because of the buildup.

hb smokey
07-20-2004, 08:11 PM
My least favorite is definately FFVIII:

I guess that after being exposed to FFVII, I was expecting FFVIII to be just as good. So that is one reason why it is my least favorite. Yeah, that sounds unfair to say, but that is just the way I feel about it.

I thought the characters were pretty lame. I could never really get that connection with any of them, you know the connection that you enjoy a specific character. I didn't really like any of the characters.

The storyline was descent, at best. But I hated it! Being a member of SeeD or however you spell it was pretty dumb. And there is so much other aspects that I could go into detail, but I'm gonna listen to Mandi. ^_^

Vivi FF
07-20-2004, 08:35 PM
Although FFVIII is a great game in which I like, I would probably say it was my least fav. But because of the battle system like drawing magic that you never use. I still like it a lot.

And I agree that FFVII is overrated, but it's pretty good. I think FFIX is the most underrated, but that's just my opinion.

07-20-2004, 08:38 PM
Final Fantasy.

What is there to like about the game in this day and age? It's bad by all standards.

07-20-2004, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Vivi FF
I think FFIX is the most underrated, but that's just my opinion.

I agree completely.

I think it's really one of the most underrated games of all time.

And Smokey, if you want to disagree with someone, or question their choice, that's fine.

I just don't want this to turn into something like Adam's review of FFVII in the General review forum. o_O

07-20-2004, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by Vivi FF
Although FFVIII is a great game in which I like, I would probably say it was my least fav. But because of the battle system like drawing magic that you never use. I still like it a lot.

And I agree that FFVII is overrated, but it's pretty good. I think FFIX is the most underrated, but that's just my opinion.

Even if FFVII was a mediocre game, I wouldn't know, the hype for it was so extreme it ruined it for me for life, I slash the thing with my katana (but I can't because it's part of my squaresoft collection... so it just sits on the shelf)

yet even though I didn't like the game, I'm still looking forward to advent children, just because it looks cool, and I wan't to know what happens

Final Fantasy IX

The complete opposite of Final Fantasy VII, being the most underrated FF game ever made. seriously, I can't understand what turned people off about this game, it's probably the best one (I say probably because VI is a good candidate for #1 as well.)

Rabid Monkey
07-20-2004, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Melchior
Final Fantasy IX

The complete opposite of Final Fantasy VII, being the most underrated FF game ever made. seriously, I can't understand what turned people off about this game, it's probably the best one (I say probably because VI is a good candidate for #1 as well.)

I really liked it till the end where Necron came out of nowhere, that's what did it in for me.

As for my least favorite, it was VIII for the longest time. I just thought the story was way too out there, and I really COULD NOT get into the story even from the very start of the game. However, after modding the FFVII forum I now LOATHE this game just because of the sheer mass of mindless followers it draws to an otherwise brilliant series of games.

07-20-2004, 11:53 PM
ff8 was okay, but it had some bland moments. ff7 had a good beginning, but after that...--but i still love the characters. now ff10, i didn't not like it, but i think that it's probably my least favorite of the ff series. it was good, but, i guess to me it was just missing something

07-21-2004, 12:02 AM
Ahh... Final Fantasy 2 was pretty crappy since you ended up with pumped up characters by the first few minutes... I seriously hope they fix that bug in FF1+2 when it comes out on the GBA.

Basically if you select Attack and you cancel it, you level up your character's weapon skill without even attacking. Do this again and again and everyone is pumped up.

07-21-2004, 06:23 AM
Well, if we mean all final fantasies, i would go for FF: Crystal Chronicles, i would say it was quite dissapointing fdor square enix. But if we are just talking about numbered ones it would have to be final fantasy II.

And i also agree that FFIX is very underated, it was a fairly good game with good graphics and a reasonable storyline.

07-21-2004, 06:33 AM
I've played the games mostly in reverse order, so I'm only just about to start FFVI, but out of the ones I've played, my least favorite was VII. I had really high expectations for it because I'd heard for years how great it was, but it just couldn't live up to them.

Of course, I can't say so around here because everyone I know loves it and hates my favorite FF game, FFIX. I already get death threats for saying IX was good. I don't wanna see what happens when I bash VII in front of these people.

Aerith Gainsborough
07-21-2004, 06:59 AM
I only have the games FF IV - FF X-2. Of these games, my least favorite was FF-IV. Well, not for the story, more for the whole gameplay and everything else.....

That�s the reason, why I didn�t get FF I-FF III, because I thought, they might be worse..... :(

07-21-2004, 07:55 AM
For my least favourite it's a draw between FFVIII and FFX-2 i didn't like the fighting in either and i could never really get into the storys.

07-21-2004, 10:27 AM
My least favorite FF would have to be XI because it is an online game and square should have never made an online FF

07-21-2004, 10:37 AM
Well so far I have played Origins, Anthology, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and X-2.

Between those I have to say FFVIII is my least favourite. It was a very bright and beautiful theme, yet the story didn't intrigue me as much as the likes of FFVII and FFX.

FFVIII was far too predictable to me in terms of storyline. The bosses aren't all that much challenging either. Yes, it's a good game, I just cannot call it my favourite.

Drawing spells isn't as cool as learning them. :(

07-22-2004, 05:34 AM
i would easily ffviii cos it was rite after i beat ff7 the best and so it just didnt live up

07-22-2004, 05:55 AM
Originally posted by Rabid Monkey
I now LOATHE this game just because of the sheer mass of mindless followers it draws to an otherwise brilliant series of games.

That's how I feel about VII, and X also. X I never really liked anyways, and seeing the blind VII fandom made me criticize parts more and more of the game until I can barely see why I used to think it was good.

The Sage
07-22-2004, 09:29 AM
Without a doubt FFVII is the worst and by a long way, and I don't apriciate having a sequel set only two years after the last huge thing that threatened to destroy the world.

It is SOOOOOOOOOOOO over rated! I'm almost overcome with the overratedness (I'm so angry I'm making up words now!). People are still saying that the graphics are good! Even in the FMVs they look like lego people!

And I'm not the first to say that FFIX is the most underrated FF game certainly, and possibly ever. I meant the same people that say FFVII's graphics are good say FFIX's graphics are bad! And it has the best story and the best written story line of them all!

07-24-2004, 05:20 PM
I think Crystal Chronicals was pretty sad. It was Square Enix's First Final Fantasy (I'm not including FFXI because its not really a Final Fantasy, more like a fun MMORPG... But not a Final Fantasy. I'm also not including Tactics Advanced, because again it doesn't deserve the FF title)... Anywho... I didn't like Crystal Chronicals

Originally posted by The Sage

It is SOOOOOOOOOOOO over rated! I'm almost overcome with the overratedness (I'm so angry I'm making up words now!). People are still saying that the graphics are good! Even in the FMVs they look like lego people!
written story line of them all!

I think you should like a game because of its story not graphics. I do agree though, it is overated

07-24-2004, 06:01 PM
I disagree, I beleive you have full right to love or hate a game because of graphics, since it really has nothing to do with time, for instance, I beleive Final Fantasy VI had better graphics than VII, even though VII was a more recent engine, VI did wonders for the snes 16-bit engine, it pushed the snes to the limit, while VII is one of the worst playstation games out there when it comes to graphics, it all has to do with what you have to work with.

Plus art is also involved, it doesn't matter how many polygons you use, if the art of it isn't up to suite, you lose. You might as well end up with a very realistic but ugly/scary looking character.

07-24-2004, 07:29 PM
FFX, that was the only FF where it actually felt tedious to play. It seemed more of a movie than a game, I don't like playing the game for 5 minutes, then watching a 10 minute or longer cut scene and repeating. Ten seemed much more confined than the rest of the FFs, very little sense of exploration. The most enjoyment I got out of this game was through blitzball, and even that was fleeting enjoyment, and aside from blitzball the minigames were not remotely close to fun.

07-24-2004, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by Durendal
FFX, that was the only FF where it actually felt tedious to play. It seemed more of a movie than a game, I don't like playing the game for 5 minutes, then watching a 10 minute or longer cut scene and repeating. Ten seemed much more confined than the rest of the FFs, very little sense of exploration. The most enjoyment I got out of this game was through blitzball, and even that was fleeting enjoyment, and aside from blitzball the minigames were not remotely close to fun.

Haha. I though Final Fantasy X felt a bit like a movie too, but that was one of the things I liked about it. Strange how these things work.

07-25-2004, 02:09 AM
Originally posted by Ndi
Haha. I though Final Fantasy X felt a bit like a movie too, but that was one of the things I liked about it. Strange how these things work.

To each their own, right? But I was so put off by FFX I didn't even bother picking up X-2.

Oh, and Ndi, you haven't told us your least favorite FF. C'mon, the thread originator surely had one in mind when you started this?

07-25-2004, 02:33 AM
Originally posted by Durendal
Oh, and Ndi, you haven't told us your least favorite FF. C'mon, the thread originator surely had one in mind when you started this?

Actually, I thought of the thread because I'm been a bit unsure about my least favorite as of late.

For a long time it was Final Fantasy V, but Josh has gotten me to open up to that one a lot more as of late.

Also, over the years, I have learned to like FFVII less and less.

I suppose when it really comes down to it, my least favorite is FFIIIj, since I've never played it.

07-25-2004, 08:33 AM
X-2 it frigin suks all this girl power crap it completely ruins the ffX storyline. its a disgrace to all the final fantasy's besides its graphics.

07-25-2004, 03:15 PM
well all the FF games were great ames in their own right. Ive not played XI but my vote goes there. I dont like the idea of online FF - its a 1 player experience and i like it better - more reliable I suppose. And if i remember right isnt ffXI gonna be pay monthly????? i cant stand them monthly charges....

07-25-2004, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by hellfire_1234
well all the FF games were great ames in their own right. Ive not played XI but my vote goes there. I dont like the idea of online FF - its a 1 player experience and i like it better - more reliable I suppose. And if i remember right isnt ffXI gonna be pay monthly????? i cant stand them monthly charges....

FFXI is a great game, but I do wish it'd just been released as "Final Fantasy Online" and not as a numbered part of the series.

You have to pay a monthly fee, but it's not bad at all. Honestly, I've spent a lot less on games since I bought FFXI, I've saved money, in a weird sort of way.