iconoclastic pastry
07-18-2004, 03:00 AM
This is a song I wrote, when inspired by boredom, and a hate for the MAN. It can be sung in any fashion I suppose, but I like the way it sounds when done like a rendition of the Beverly Hillbillies theme song.


Let me tell you a story about a man named Rich
Who made himself a living being everbody's bitch

Showed up to work and always on time
His tie so straight and his hair lookin fine

Had horned-rimmed glasses of the thickest disposition
And never complained about his menial position

Strided into his cubicle, without the slightest of resistance
Gave not a thought to his meaningless existence

Rainbows and lollipops
Golden rays of sun
Can't wait to wake up
Cause work is so much fun

Fairy-dust and pixie-sticks
The chorus is almost done
Can't wait to wake up
Cause work is so much fun

Well, he took in the sight of his capitalist prison
And booted up his computer, which was in great need of fixin

He typed away in his swivel-bound chair
When up from behind him, loomed a man with wispy hair

His shoulder was bound in a cold, mechanical grip
From his porcelain cup, the bossman took a sip

"In my office," were the words, paired with a leer
That boomed from his voice-box, the words that Richard feared

Rainbows and lollipops
Golden rays of sun
Can't wait to wake up
Cause work is so much fun

Fairy-dust and pixie-sticks
The chorus is almost done
Can't wait to wake up
Cause work is so much fun

Well, he walked into a room, at least three times as big
But saw no evidence of a wife, or happy kid

He was commanded to sit in a chair, absent of swivel
As he suffered his boss's inane drivel

The wispy haired devil wasn't pleased
And Richard felt a nasty buckle in his knees

The prophetic speech ended with the word, "fired"
So Richard stood, took out his polished pistol, and fired

Rainbows and lollipops
Golden rays of sun
Can't wait to wake up
Cause work is so much fun

Fairy-dust and pixie-sticks
The song is almost done
Can't wait to wake up
Cause work is so much fun
Cause work is so much fun
Cause work is so much fun

Cause work is so much fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun

07-18-2004, 03:28 AM
Pretty good. I just wonder why the fellow had a gun with him. They usually come back the next day for vengeance =|

07-18-2004, 03:35 AM
I kind of want to make a punk song out of it.

07-18-2004, 03:52 PM
Nice. I like the chorus in particular.

Also, I have found that I like this song best to a sort of "Country Death Song"-ish tune.

iconoclastic pastry
07-18-2004, 07:28 PM
rezo: Eh, I suppose he had already lost it, and carried the gun to work with him everyday. Getting fired was probabbly just the final straw, but i'm guessing he would have shot someone eventually.

TK: Do so, then send me a tape of it.

Mani: I've always liked choruses that contrast the verses, so yeah.

07-18-2004, 08:23 PM
pretty good for a guy who doesnt like Metallica;) haha no I'm jk it's good and funny, good job!

iconoclastic pastry
07-19-2004, 12:57 AM
Eh, I was joking. I'm not a huge Metallica fans by any means, but I did enjoy Master of Puppets.

07-19-2004, 05:36 AM
Originally posted by Kubirio

TK: Do so, then send me a tape of it.

I could just use the interweb. Would be a lot easier.

iconoclastic pastry
07-19-2004, 12:52 PM
I guess, if you want to "get with the times," and such.