01-26-2002, 10:37 PM
I was researching on how feet should look like ( i s@ck at them big time XD) , then an idea strook me. See it here, as I shall name it ( the technique , which lies in the inking not the feet) High Contrast shading then I'll rule the world with it, mwahahaha ( big dumbie @ss , me Xp ).

What I did was simply inking the darker areas. Simple , eh?
Comments please.

Cuz so far, ppl commented on the drawing itself, I had to modify this thread. DO NOT COMMENT ON THE DRAWING. IT'S A DAMNED EXPERIMENTAL WORTHLESS SKETCH! COMMENT ON THE INKING TECHNIQUE.

01-26-2002, 10:56 PM
That's kool.
Me like the hair and the robe thingy that he's wearing ^_^

01-27-2002, 12:24 AM
Thats cool. Nicely done. I like the hair doo. Keep it up!:)

01-27-2002, 02:32 AM
PPL, try to understand, this thing is here for showing you a technique I came up with so you could learn. I asked comments on the technique, not the drawing itself . This was just an experimental thing, so I don't really put my time into it.
If wanted to, I could really blow you away with my talent :rolleyes: , so stop commenting the drawing and start commenting on the style.
And, btw, the hair just sux :P

01-27-2002, 02:44 AM
I say the hair doesn't suck. It's just a little big. In fact, the whole head is too big. The picture is really nice, but make the head a bit smaller, or make the body bigger. I think the technique you used is pretty good. If it works for you, then just keep using it. Personally, I have my own techniques for drawing feet.

01-27-2002, 02:50 AM
Damn it!
Look at the titile of the thread : Semi inking .
I didn't post this for comments on the drwing nor on the feet. The Inking! Inking Inking inking! Which is the last part of the shading! That's what I want to hear comments on.

01-27-2002, 06:01 AM
Dude, a word of advice... when asking people to help you out it's best not to get pissed off ;) .

As far as the experiment, I think it looks ok. It might look better if the highlights were defined with a light ink stroke, and the shadows with a darker shade. I don't know... it looks a little odd to only ink half of it. I think it looks nice the way it is, but from an "artistic" pov I think it'd just look better to ink everything.

01-27-2002, 06:56 AM
Your drawing is well done, if your asking about your inking technic, it seems to work fairly well, I know I use ink quite a bit and most of the time it always works to my advantage.

01-27-2002, 12:51 PM
It looks pretty nice, as an experiment, the inking is alright. :)

I would suggest you to work on the folds in clothing, though. As far as I can see, the guy's wearing traditional Japanese clothing, which has a lot of folds in it. Not only in the body part, but also the sleeves =O

01-27-2002, 01:00 PM
the inking is good.... it realy brings more dimension to the image.

if you want to improve it i suggest making the hair more 3D, cause youve just one toned it.

01-27-2002, 02:38 PM

01-27-2002, 05:27 PM
Ok, didn't have to get mad. You did a good job with the technique. Just add more shading, or make the hair more 3Dish and define the folds more, other than that ts great. The technique u used works well. I'd love to see what u can really do with this technique on a real drawing.