07-16-2004, 11:11 AM
For the most part, all of FF fans at least adore one of the FF games, or else you wouldnt be a fan, lol. We all have our favorite characters, storylines, formats, graphics and many others, but what twist would you all like to see?? What do you think would give you a good kick for a change?? Here's my list and im going to do this in way like i had a choice as to how XIII would be.

1. In one of my favorite books ever, Enders Game, Orson Scott Card (the author) was able to make an absolute classic out of Enders Game, and it hero Ender, but then a several years later was able to make Enders Shadow with a hero named Bean. I was not a squel, not a prequel, but more seen as a book along side with Enders Game because the book accually coincides with the other one. It was able to take the point of one character and make a great book and then take another main character and show its view and make another great book. Now I think it would be a great idea to make two coinciding FF's with the same characters but able to play from a different stand point. It'd be like
FFIV with one game with Cecil as lead, and then another complete game with Kain. Some games have tried to do this but for the most part i didnt think they lived up to there potential and i see this as a great think Square-enix could do. They almost did it with IX and its little scenes where you can see Vivi or other characters run around and do their thing but you didnt get to really go in extreme depth. Personally, i just think id be cool, but i know others may argue otherwise

So what twists and kicks can you come up with??

hb smokey
07-16-2004, 11:42 AM
No more Final Fantasy games. That would certainly be a twist.

07-16-2004, 11:42 AM
I don't see how it would work very well. To be interesting, it would need to cover a whole lot of new territory - especially new characters and new locations. Now, considering that in most FFs to date you learn all of the story, your characters rarely leave your party for more than a dungeon or two, and you get to see more or less all of the world, it's very difficult to imagine them having enough room to cram this original material into, and even if they did, to what purpose? Unless it was planned from before the original game was made, the new twists would just seem counter-intutive and unlikely.

I think original characters and uncontrived plots would make the FF series interesting to me again. ;-)

07-16-2004, 12:15 PM
someone could realise that you cannot revive Aeris. That would be a twist, it happens all the time....

07-19-2004, 01:11 AM
I think it could be pulled off quite easily, it sounds like alot of fun too playing two sides of the story.

And Final Fantasy IX did do this, just for only brief periods, plus you shared the same items, which sucked.

I have two additional ideas for Meteora_of_the_fallen's idea.

1. spilt the item box, less confusing, more realistic.

2. if you go back and forth playing both sides of the story, eventually the protaginist and the antagonist would meet up in a fight, and since you've been leveling them both you can play both sides of the battle. Not considering someone who wants to ruin it for themselves by purposely making one of them lose, just because they like one character better than the other, in anycase the last battle won't be a challenge, it's more of a have fun with the outcome kind of thing.

I personally would fight with all my strength with each character every turn just to see who wins, it would be a major struggle.

viola! multiple endings. It can be done.

08-12-2004, 05:30 PM
for a twist to the ff series i think they could go reality. like our world. Where the main character as to grow up in someplace like compton or something. And he'd have to fight and kill gang members who are on an uprise to taking over the world.


sounds like ff meets gta

I was just having fun with this so dont take it like its my real point of view

08-13-2004, 08:41 PM
It is a good idea. It would be cool if they could pull it off right.

I'd really love to see multiple endings though, and maybe subplots that pop up based on choices you make early on.

Omega sephiroth
08-15-2004, 09:07 AM
Square decides to dump RPG and go on to final fantasy golf.

10-04-2004, 10:17 PM
The ultimate twist. Your main character let's use Van from XII. Yur playin teh game with him he is falling in love with a girl, he's gaining levels... he becomes THE MAN. so now yur like 3 discs into teh game alls well in FF land then WTF! he switches sides on you, now all yur weakasss characters the ones you hate, (I.E caitsith, selphie, that creepy white chef creature from 9, rinoa, rikku, that stupid gambler guy from 3(USA)) would now become yur main team casuing total chaos on you BECAUSE you focused way to much attention to the main guy. WHo has now decided that power was far better than glory. NOW yur SCREWED. This in turn forces you to re-think yur tactics, learn how to use the crappy characters you hated. All the while yur stuck with knowing yuo blew it by making the main guy to strong. That is a twist. Sit and spin FF newbies!

10-04-2004, 10:38 PM
In final fantasy 7, the twist could be that cloud is an ancient, or something like that.

Or like, bugenhagen was originally a queen banished from heaven because he didnt pay his rent o_O

Tactical Error #5
10-07-2004, 03:26 PM
Crap, I'm remebering a game that did this already on PSOne, oh yeah it was...

Threads of Fate
Released: July 15, 2000
Publisher: Square
System: PlayStation
Check Latest Prices �

Not since Brave Fencer Musashi had Square released an RPG so unabashedly fun as Threads of Fate, a humorous action RPG that doesn't take itself too seriously. As one of the few Square games in which dialogue takes precedence over plot, it's clear that special attention was paid to making the translation more than just functional. Here, the humor is due to the script rather than to unintentionally funny garbled English. With two distinct playable characters (Rue, a solemn male fighter, and Mint, a loud princess), Square provides opportunities for both genders to identify with its protagonists, something rarely seen in games. Each character also offers his or her own storyline and gameplay experience--Rue depends heavily on his ability to absorb enemies' powers and appearances, while Mint uses an acrobatic fighting style. So while each individual character's adventure is relatively short, it's almost like getting two games in one.

From gamespot's "The History of Square"

10-31-2004, 11:33 PM
No more Final Fantasy games. That would certainly be a twist.
oh come on ff games are fun

For the most part, all of FF fans at least adore one of the FF games, or else you wouldnt be a fan, lol. We all have our favorite characters, storylines, formats, graphics and many others, but what twist would you all like to see?? What do you think would give you a good kick for a change?? Here's my list and im going to do this in way like i had a choice as to how XIII would be.

1. In one of my favorite books ever, Enders Game, Orson Scott Card (the author) was able to make an absolute classic out of Enders Game, and it hero Ender, but then a several years later was able to make Enders Shadow with a hero named Bean. I was not a squel, not a prequel, but more seen as a book along side with Enders Game because the book accually coincides with the other one. It was able to take the point of one character and make a great book and then take another main character and show its view and make another great book. Now I think it would be a great idea to make two coinciding FF's with the same characters but able to play from a different stand point. It'd be like
FFIV with one game with Cecil as lead, and then another complete game with Kain. Some games have tried to do this but for the most part i didnt think they lived up to there potential and i see this as a great think Square-enix could do. They almost did it with IX and its little scenes where you can see Vivi or other characters run around and do their thing but you didnt get to really go in extreme depth. Personally, i just think id be cool, but i know others may argue otherwise

So what twists and kicks can you come up with??
are you a fanfictionists sheesh it looks like you are

11-11-2004, 07:03 PM
someone could realise that you cannot revive Aeris. That would be a twist, it happens all the time....

Yes, I have to agree with this. I don't have anything against Aeris fans, but they should realize that her death was neccessary. I'm also a big Aeris fan, but I'm not that blind as not to realize that her death was neccessary.

11-21-2004, 04:26 AM
i think that they should let a final fantasy game be 2 players-- like FF9 but way better, for example, u and your freind start up a ff game, and select "2 player battle".
you put your memory cards in both slots and load your games.
you then pick your characters, weapons, abilities, etc.
you pick which background u wanna fight on
you pick what music u wanna listen to (or u can just pick "random) for the background and music)
and then u start the battle! that would seem fun to me.

11-29-2004, 04:03 PM
I think that the 'playing both sides of the story' idea which has been suggested is the best yet, but instead of having characters kill eachother at the end, have two sets of good guys, who cross paths sometime near the end of the game to fight the last battle TOGEATHER. This would mean that the plot would have a lot of disposable characters to toy with making the game interesting. There could be sub-stories of betrail, murder (wethin the same group), or other problems which drive characters away.

12-04-2004, 11:51 PM
I don't see how it would work very well. To be interesting, it would need to cover a whole lot of new territory - especially new characters and new locations. Now, considering that in most FFs to date you learn all of the story, your characters rarely leave your party for more than a dungeon or two, and you get to see more or less all of the world, it's very difficult to imagine them having enough room to cram this original material into, and even if they did, to what purpose? Unless it was planned from before the original game was made, the new twists would just seem counter-intutive and unlikely.

I think original characters and uncontrived plots would make the FF series interesting to me again. ;-)

well if u think about it ff8 had to different story lines one with squall and one with laguna, and there wuz a nice twist in the end (and dont they meat eachother in the end? i forgot havnt played that one in awhile, just started back up on it last week) so they have dun multiple storys in a game, it did suck though, cuz u all had the same lvls, and the same items and stuff, and u didnt get in any boss fights with laguna (i think?) and u couldnt custimise weapons