07-16-2004, 10:11 AM
my fave music on the game has to be aeris' music it just makes me feel calm and relaxed and when sephiroth killed her and i fought jenova with her music playing in the background, i wanted to destroy jenova and sephiroth for killing someone so pure

07-16-2004, 10:22 AM
my favourite music is the battle theme that you hear when fighting the Ruby weapon. Its brilliant! I also like the Aeris theme too!

07-16-2004, 12:25 PM
My two favorites are Aeris' theme and one winged angel.

07-16-2004, 12:27 PM
yeah, the one winged angel music is brilliant

07-16-2004, 12:48 PM
yeah that is quite good

07-16-2004, 04:47 PM
I also like Aeris's Theme and One Winged Angel. Aeris's Theme always makes me think of Cloud's final battle as Sephiroth shows his almighty powers in his little own music.

07-16-2004, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by aeriscloud
I also like Aeris's Theme and One Winged Angel. Aeris's Theme always makes me think of Cloud's final battle as Sephiroth shows his almighty powers in his little own music.
It reminds me of that too! By the way, I love your avatar!

07-17-2004, 04:47 AM
I love all FF7 music, but my top favorites are Aerith's theme, On the other side of the mountain, FF7 main theme (err.. that background music when you're travelling around the FF7 world), Red XIII's theme (I think it was the bg played when you're in Cosmo Canyon) and of course, One-winged angel. :)

Aerith Gainsborough
07-17-2004, 12:52 PM
My favorites are Aeris�theme, One Winged Angel and the big ending song. :)

I also like the last Jenova battle song, the song when Cloud and Aeris go out at the goldsaucer (when they sit inside the gondle), well, you can hear the same song right before Cait Sith dies in the Temple of the ancients. I also like the song of Vincent (the song you can hear there in the basement, is that Vincents song?), and I like the one, when you see about Tifas past, where her mother has died and she wanted to follow her to the Nibel mountains.....I just don�t know the names of these songs, but I really do like them a lot. They all belong to my favorites. ;)

07-17-2004, 04:49 PM
My favorites are Aeris�theme, One Winged Angel and the big ending song.

I also like the last Jenova battle song, the song when Cloud and Aeris go out at the goldsaucer (when they sit inside the gondle), well, you can hear the same song right before Cait Sith dies in the Temple of the ancients. I also like the song of Vincent (the song you can hear there in the basement, is that Vincents song?), and I like the one, when you see about Tifas past, where her mother has died and she wanted to follow her to the Nibel mountains.....I just don�t know the names of these songs, but I really do like them a lot. They all belong to my favorites.

i no what u mean aerith these are my faves to, and yes it is vincents theme in the basement, my fave jenova song though is the one right after aeris has died with aeris music in the background, when my sister played it it made her cry.

07-17-2004, 06:00 PM
I also love Tifa's theme.

07-17-2004, 06:23 PM
my favourite is when you see reds dad seto in comso canyon it rulz

07-17-2004, 08:37 PM
My top#5 ff7 misc is .

*one winged angel

*The turks

*Cosmo canyon

*[the one in sector 7]the little raggeie one

*Aeris theme [ o ya that ones good ]

Tommy Angelo
07-17-2004, 09:30 PM
my favourite two would be The Turks and the music in the Dons house, in the wall mart.

07-17-2004, 09:35 PM
i like all the music the same
if i hade to pick i say The turks

07-17-2004, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by Yazoo
i like all the music the same
if i hade to pick i say The turks
Oh yeah! I forgot about the Turks! Their theme is cool! :)

07-18-2004, 12:15 AM
man the best music would either have to be the theme music or the turks music IT IS SO BRILLIANT!

Master Nabeshin
07-18-2004, 02:18 AM
Aeris' theme and One Winged Angel. Both incite emotions in me. Aeris' theme makes me so sad... I almost cry every time I heard it! I almost cry when I think about it! And One Winged Angel incites a terrible, burning anger and RAGE! MURDEROUS RAGE!!! I feel the need to kill, maim, and massacre, as well as summon the planet's doom, when I hear it!

07-19-2004, 02:09 AM
Oh.. god they're all great! Fav's are, One Winged Angel, Clouds Theme, FF7 Main Theme, Boss Fight(gotta love it), and alot others I forget. :)

when sephiroth killed her and I fought jenova with her music was playing in the backround, I wanted to destroy jenova and sephiroth for killing someone so pure

Me too. Made me cry a little bit too. :(