07-16-2004, 08:01 AM
well, its become one of my favorite pass times and I've picked up a few tricks on the way, thought I'd share if anyone was interested.

First purchase, Field Gloves, reduces pick axe breakage.

Second, Tunic.

Third, Boots.

The Tunic and Boots increase the staying power of a mining point and the chances at a better ore.

Pants do not effect mining, don't buy those.

Within two days I actually upgraded my tunica, gloves and boots to the Worker Set, whichi is the lvl 15 +1 Version, so I'm worth about 200k while Mining.

Second, Macros.

use the Tab key or a < stnpc> macro to find the points and mark them n your map. After a few trips you'll know the Zerhun Mines by heart and have a set route planned you always travel.

/item "Pickaxe" < t>

in a race to a Mining Point first swing keeps, so learn and love this macro well.

Remember its rude to take a Mining Point somone else is mining, and don't be afraid to give one up to on occasion. It helps to have mining friends.

Raise your fame in Bastok and buy your Picks from Boytz Knicknacks in Bastok Mines. It'll save you a chunk of Gil.

Drop all Tin and Copper you find unless you take a stack of Fire Crystals and turn them into Ingots.

In Zerhun Mines your money makers are Iron, Zinc, Silver and Darksteel.

when you sell your ore use simple shouts. They stand out, and your gil will fly compared to Spammy shouts. I like to use:

/sh Iron 500 | Silver 300 | Zinc 300 | Darksteel 5,500 | /c Crispian | Fountain

I've sold everything and was back mining before people who were shoutng before I got there had sold theirs with that trick, and helped a few people sell thiers.

No one cares if you're Crazy Logan with Crazy Prices, or SeLLing OrE ChEEp.

As you advance in level more mining places will open up such as Pally in North Gusta where you can get colored Rocks and Platinum Ore.

Stay away from Mythril Seams, they are not worth it. You'll bust through all your picks and might have 8 Mine Gravel to show for it.

Gusgen is a great place when yu're High enough, and of course Ifrits Cauldron is the pinnale of mining.

Now for my personal trick of the trade.

As you know furniture in your MH adds elemental properties. I reccoend choosing a Day you plan to mine a lot in the game, such as Firesday, Iceday, etc. . . and loading your MH with furniture that enhances that energy.

I discovered this trick on accident as my friend who taught me all his mining tricks had terrible luck on Iceday and told me never to mine then, but Firesday was his best, but it always blew for me. One day the mines were empty on Iceday and I was bored so I grabbed a stack and said "What the hell"

I came out with over 10k in Iron Ore and still had almost half a stack of picks.

I was shocked to say the least but quite happy. 10k an hour isn't to bad for a low level. Sure as hel beats farming for chips and honey in N Gusta.

Turns out my friend's MH had Fire energy going, and as we all know Fire melts Ice thus Iceday was terrible for him, but I had Ice energy going for me, and Windsday was my worst to mine and Fire my second worst.

So there you have it, MH energy effecting Mining.

Enjoy, abuse, good luck
wow, theres a lot of typos in there. . .

07-16-2004, 08:05 AM
Hmm.... I was going to use Mining as an alternative to fishing... but I'll consider this when I start working on it! Thanks!