07-15-2004, 10:31 PM
Please refrain from spoilers.

How many of you have actually played Xenogears? What did you think?

07-15-2004, 10:49 PM
I haven't played Xenogears yet, it's on my list with chrono cross.

But I own the demo and I have read the storyline and script (almost all of it)

It is wrong of me to be so attracted to a game by the mere mention that it was attacked by the catholic church?

07-15-2004, 10:58 PM
Xenogears = most excellent

I don't mind a game with a weaker story, but when it comes to rpgs, if the game has a crappy story, I get very bored very quickly. Thankfully, Xenogears starts off with a bang, and the story is compelling throughout. It's really dark- it's not Final Fantasy esque at all. I also really liked the anime cutscenes.

I've heard a few people complain about the battle system, but personally, I thought it was great. You have a lot options as to how you want to play your battles- very cool. It's not very magic heavy, but it never bothered me when I played it.

07-16-2004, 01:56 AM
Yeah, actually I found a few bad things with the battle system but as long as you play this game normaly, it doesn't matter at all.

It can be spoiler...........................

There are 2 battle systems in this game; human type and robot type.

First of all, I prefer the human type of the battle system to the robot. In the earyly game, you usually fight without robots, but in the late game mainly you just get in robots and enemies change to robots as well.

The matter is the way you grade up the robots.
By only purchasing parts and equipping them is the only way to grade up, so after getting the best parts there is no way your robots get stronger, so you know,,, you can't level up them and kick the last bosses ass as other games.
Everytime you want to watch the ending, you have to kill them, taking a lot of time compared to other games.

I sometimes wish I could battle the last boss without robots, cause I used drugs to make my human caracters strong.
As a result, my Fei destroys robot opponents really easily, he damages over 7000 points in average, so if I had continued doing it, theoretically I could beat the last boss with just humans.