07-15-2004, 08:36 AM
I am sure that i am one of many millions of people who have played MGS, but what are all yours opinons on this, as i havent seen a similar thread previously.
In my opinion, the series is very well created and the graphics are superb.

hb smokey
07-15-2004, 11:22 AM
Who couldn't love a game with Snake in it? He is the man!


I have only played MGS: The Twin Snakes recently. I thought that this was a very good game. Yes, the graphics are beautiful, but it doesn't mean crap if the storyline is bad. Good thing though, that I really enjoyed the storyline, and the whole love story behind Snake and Meryl.

And then finding out about how Solid and Liquid were created? I thought that was pretty awesome!

07-15-2004, 05:53 PM
TTS is a bit...eh.
I love it.
It's a great game.
But it's like Kojima watched the matrix lots and said "Hey i know, let's make it even more john woo-ish with needless kung fu sections."

Though I did like ninja chopping the bullet in half.

hb smokey
07-15-2004, 06:00 PM
Is anyone looking forward to MGS3: Snake Eater? I have seen screenshots of it, and Snake looks different to me for some reason.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-15-2004, 06:14 PM

Yes, I'm very much looking forward to MGS3, its going to kick Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow arse! Don't get me wrong, SC2 is a great game, MGS3 looks far better just from the two previews I've seen of it.

Anyway, as for your thinking Snake looks different Smokey, thats because that ain't Snake. Its Big Boss, thats right you play as Big Boss, back in the 1960's when his codename was 'Snake.' Look at his right eye, it has a scar over it, and his eye is closed, in later pictures of Big Boss, he has an eye-patch over this eye. So though he may seem almost identical to the Snake we know, its not, but he will have the same personality, in one preview you get to see (what I'm guessing is) a much younger Revolver Ocelot....who I might add gets his arse pretty much kicked by Big Boss/Snake.

hb smokey
07-15-2004, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by Diorama
<B>Yes I'm very much looking forward to MGS3, its going to kick Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow arse! Don't get me wrong, SC2 is a great game, MGS3 looks far better just from the two previews I've seen of it.</B>

I don't know about that. Pandora Tomorrow looks a lot better than Splinter Cell. I enjoyed SC more than MGS: TTS, so I guess we will just have to wait and see. In fact, I'm still waiting for Pandora Tomorrow to come out!

<B>Anyway, as for your thinking Snake looks different Smokey, thats because that ain't Snake. Its Big Boss, thats right you play as Big Boss, back in the 1960's when his codename was 'Snake.' Look at his right eye, it has a scar over it, and his eye is closed, in later pictures of Big Boss, he has an eye-patch over this eye. So though he may seem almost identical to the Snake we know, its not, but he will have the same personality, in one preview you get to see (what I'm guessing is) a much younger Revolver Ocelot....who I might add gets his arse pretty much kicked by Big Boss/Snake.</B>


Is it really? Wow, I guess I should read up more on it. Big Boss does look like Snake, but I guess that is what happens with father and son.

07-16-2004, 12:25 PM
Snake's Revenge was cool.

07-20-2004, 06:55 AM
I have been playing all MGS, this has to be my Favourate Game, even over Final Fantasy. The Problem with Sons of Liberty i think is that Snake only made a small playable part as Rydan was the main character. I was happy that at least Snake was in the second part of the game. Substence didn't really change much, the VR missions were fun but i finished all of them in 2 days.The VR missions were all based in the Tanker/Strut episode, i would have been better if it was based on Shadow Moses.
Snake Eater i think is going to be one of the best of MGS due to the fact that u will be able to do more than just the usual of original MGS, including Hand-to-Hand combat with knives and environmental weapon.You get to parry attacks!!!
As for Snake Eater, i read rumours that it is set a month before Big Boss creates the orginisation which later on Snake destroys. Little ironic because i think Big Boss is trying to destroy the MGS base of the Americans.

Vivi FF
07-20-2004, 11:39 AM
MGS is pretty cool. The storyline was great, the gameplay was fun too. Although, it would have been tons better if the gameplay was similar to MGS2, but hey, what can you do. I really enjoy fighting all of those bosses, espeicially Psycho Mantis and Sniper Wolf.

MGS2 is OK. The gameplay is much better, but the storyline was OK. It gets really confusing towards the end. And a certain Snake want-a-be kind of screws it up for me. I want Snake!! But it was an overall great game.

And yes, I am looking forward to MGS3. It looks life fun, although hard. I mean now we have to work so hard to camoflauge ourselves, and also to eat so yeah. But it looks like fun. Hopefully, there's a good storyline involved that does not become confusing.

Maybe one day, Konami will realize we want to play as the Solid Snake.

07-21-2004, 10:31 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Diorama

thats because that ain't Snake. Its Big Boss,

Ah~ So the rumours begin. I read about that somewhere in a gaming magazine, but I have to see it to believe it.

Metal Gear Solid deserves to be entitled as one of the greatest games of all time. I simply love the ever-so-close realism of the gameplay. Who doesn't dream of being in the shoes of a secret agent? I was mesmerised by the theme and the story.

Great game. Go play~

07-21-2004, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Riana

Originally posted by Diorama

thats because that ain't Snake. Its Big Boss,

Ah~ So the rumours begin. I read about that somewhere in a gaming magazine, but I have to see it to believe it.

Metal Gear Solid deserves to be entitled as one of the greatest games of all time. I simply love the ever-so-close realism of the gameplay. Who doesn't dream of being in the shoes of a secret agent? I was mesmerised by the theme and the story.

Great game. Go play~
I think that's actually pretty much fact now. I'm a huge MGS fan, but I've actually yet to play TTS! I'd really love to get my hands on it, but I just don't have the money to buy it at the moment...

Bahamut ZERO
07-21-2004, 12:57 PM

If my memory serves me correctly, Solid Snake's first mission is set in Metal Gear (the first version for the NES and the other console that Mog keeps on telling me that it was on too.) I remember Big Boss being your radio guy in that and calling Solid Snake a rookie. The game itself was set in the 1980s, so if Metal Gear Solid 3 is based in the 60s, logic dictates that it'll not be the original Solid Snake.

And seeing how Solid Snake is a DNA clone of Big Boss, then he will look similar. :)

Still, I loved the gaming series as a whole. Though Metal Gear was tough without the maps. :/

hb smokey
07-21-2004, 01:03 PM
MGS3: Snake Eater takes place in 1964, with the majority of the game's story taking place in the jungle. You will be playing as Big Boss, as Solid Snake isn't even born yet.

07-25-2004, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by mrmonkeyman
TTS is a bit...eh.
I love it.
It's a great game.
But it's like Kojima watched the matrix lots and said "Hey i know, let's make it even more john woo-ish with needless kung fu sections."

Though I did like ninja chopping the bullet in half.

Kojima didn't direct the action sequnces for TTS, a japanese director did, some guy called Ryu something or other:confused:
I cannot remember his name.

07-27-2004, 02:57 AM
The MGS seris is great, Although I think the more MGS games they make the worse they get... But I loved the original MGS and all the ones before the PS1 version. But I love the MGS for playstation n Sons of liberty more.

07-28-2004, 01:39 AM
After seeing what I saw at E3, I'm reasonably confident it's meant to be Big Boss, but that it'll connect up to Snake in the present day in the middle. The trailer BEGINS with snake's last words to raiden. About our history and kids and stuff.
Looks interesting too.