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Rabid Monkey
07-14-2004, 11:04 PM
The other thread has gotten insanely large, so I'm going to close it and make a second one. You can find the first here:

There is also a section about AC on the main site, located here:


With that said, any conversations that were going on in the last thread can continue in this one provided they are actual conversations and not just chit-chat back and forth between two members. We kind of were relaxed about that and the last thread was spammed to hell, which isn't exactly what we're going for. With that said, enjoy!

EDIT: By the way, I reserve the right to delete any useless posts.

Dot Centaur
07-15-2004, 12:34 AM
Wasn't AC release date going to be in July in their theatres?

07-15-2004, 12:34 AM
WhEnz wIll AdVeNt ChIldrenz cum oUt?

Iz iT tru sepHie's bAck :D ;) :) ;) :D :)

No, just playing. Seriously, Rabid Monkey: best disclaimer ever.

hb smokey
07-15-2004, 12:47 AM
I heard that the release date for the DVD is September 10.

But hey, don't shoot the messanger.

Dot Centaur
07-15-2004, 01:07 AM
The release date for the DVD coming in Japan, or America?

hb smokey
07-15-2004, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by TifaGirl
<B>The release date for the DVD coming in Japan, or America?</B>

Actually, I think that used to be the release date for Japan. But now, it looks as if they get it near the end of the year, and we will see it at the beginning of next year.

EDIT: I received this information from

Rabid Monkey
07-15-2004, 01:17 AM
If people are going to post information about AC please offer a source, from here on if you�re just throwing out information/dates without a source the post will be deleted.

07-15-2004, 01:49 AM
Whoa, the Gestopa have arrived. Back to the discussion on Kadaj, yes, he is cute (and i'm a boy), he is evil, and I hope he whoops Clouds ass. I still favor Sephiroth better though, they look so similar, kinda like Sephiroth got a hair cut. When I saw the first leaked trailer for the first time, I actually thought it was Sephiroth. I guess that is all i got to talk about.

(please dont delete my useless post)

07-15-2004, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by madmax9602
Back to the discussion on Kadaj, yes, he is cute (and i'm a boy

Yes! Finally a new thread. YAY. lol btw madmax9602, i just love what you wrote about kadaj

I'm sorry, i don't have any good pictures that i can show a good close up on yazoo, but in a discussion earlier we were talking about how kadaj's eyes resembled those of a cat's. well i zoomed in on one scan and it seems that yazoo has the same eye. now i don't know about loz, but he probably has them too. wonder why...

Dot Centaur
07-15-2004, 01:39 PM
Sephiroth does have those same cat eyes in the movie if you look real close at him:D ! Oh well, I'm still loyal to Cloud and I think he's cute in AC! I don't know why alot people don't think so.

07-15-2004, 08:48 PM
That's weird...I posted here earlier....interesting. Anyways, I was sayin' that I actually agree with TifaGirl that Cloud is cute in AC. I also like him in Kingdom Hearts, too. But yeah, a lotta people do think so......I am so off topic, aren't I?

Yay Kadaj! I love Kadaj! I'm a Kadaj fan, even though he's evil!

07-15-2004, 08:53 PM
Hey guys coudl those eyes be mako eyes on a pic of yazoo I've seen on he had the same catlike eyes and remember Sephiroth had those same eyes in FF7. Could this be the last bit of evidence that they are clones or mayb they where made from Sephiroth but with him and they never showed up in the game. This is only an idea but it brings more light onto the situation. What do you guys think.

07-15-2004, 09:14 PM
i say that sephiroth will return in some shape or form and who knows he may have changed his "evil" ways.

Dot Centaur
07-15-2004, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by Zack_Strife77
Hey guys coudl those eyes be mako eyes on a pic of yazoo I've seen on he had the same catlike eyes and remember Sephiroth had those same eyes in FF7. Could this be the last bit of evidence that they are clones or mayb they where made from Sephiroth but with him and they never showed up in the game. This is only an idea but it brings more light onto the situation. What do you guys think.

I don't know, but that's a good theory! Knowing that the cat eyes look strange, they could be exposed to mako. Sephiroth never had cat like eyes in the game, but I can see it in the movie. That's a good theory!

07-15-2004, 09:41 PM
actually if you look at a close up anime drawing of sephiroth's eyes they do look cat-like. I say it's gotta be some connection between them and the *whispers*Shinra, even if they don't know it.

Dot Centaur
07-15-2004, 10:59 PM
It looks like they're gonna make action figures of AC!! I can't wait

Rabid Monkey
07-15-2004, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by Rabid Monkey
EDIT: By the way, I reserve the right to delete any useless posts.

Originally posted by drakozombie
That's weird...I posted here earlier....interesting.

By the way, the sig limit is 400 pixils by 100 pixils, please change yours.

07-16-2004, 12:38 AM
I shall try...hey TifaGirl, they're making action figures?! I wonder if they have one of Kadaj?

Dot Centaur
07-16-2004, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by drakozombie
I shall try...hey TifaGirl, they're making action figures?! I wonder if they have one of Kadaj?

They probably will make one of Kadaj. So far I've seen the figures of Cloud, Tifa, Vincent, Sephiroth, and the Fenirir motorcycle.

07-16-2004, 01:05 AM
Awesome! Oh yeah, and I looked at the link you attached, but on my comp it just came up with a stupid search page....Okay, I forgot what the topic was...*has no memory whatsoever*

07-16-2004, 01:06 AM
ooh cool!hey TifaGirl where can i see those action figures!?

07-16-2004, 01:14 AM
Oh yeah!(doy to me) I meant to ask that too, sorry! did you see them at a site?(doy again...) Did my sig work?

Dot Centaur
07-16-2004, 01:14 AM
I thought I said this in my post, but I got a this page cannot be displayed page, but it worked when I went to and search under Tifa Merchandise. To make it quiker, click the link, then go to the site the page has on it, then click on the Advent Children icon there, then click where it says scan, and voila, you will see at the bottom of the page where it has the action figures in the making!

Rabid Monkey
07-16-2004, 01:27 AM
Tifa, you've been warned about chatting in threads. That goes for everyone else, as well. It's fine if it happens once in a while but when all you ever do is post back and forth it is just bad. No one has to reply going "OK SORRY" or "why?!" Just accept it and move on.

Also, if you're going to post a link all you have to do is write {url}link here{/url} (replace the { and } with [ and ]). Yes, I tried to salvage the link but it still didn't work.

07-16-2004, 06:40 AM
i'm sure someone has asked this before, but i know that FF7: AC is a film, but i have seen it in a PS2 box. is it going to be released on a PS2 DVD and will it be released in Europe?

sorry if this gets repetitive.....

Dot Centaur
07-16-2004, 07:50 AM
Originally posted by Sephiroth's Brother
does anyone know who the guy in the wheelchair is in FF7: AC? any reply would be great. i think it is sephiroth...

Alot of us in the old FFV AC thread had came to the conlusion that the man in the wheelchair is Sephiroth.

07-16-2004, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by TifaGirl
Alot of us in the old FFV AC thread had came to the conlusion that the man in the wheelchair is Sephiroth.

thats what i thought, but i didn't have the time t read through the entire last thread (as it was about 17 pages). thanks TifaGirl, i'll add you to my Buddy List! (add me to yours please)

07-16-2004, 12:29 PM
Well, just shoot me, 'cause I don't have a reply different from yours. I too think it's Sephiroth. I mean who else could it be?

07-16-2004, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by drakozombie
Well, just shoot me


07-16-2004, 12:43 PM
...very funny. And just why not shoot me again (j/k) because I really don't know what we're talking about right now. Are we still on "the wheelchair man is Sephiroth" subject, or did that change?

"Power has no limits. Neither does stupidity."-myself

07-16-2004, 12:47 PM
yes, we are. Whaddya think happened to him? how did he get like that? What are your views?

07-16-2004, 12:52 PM
Currently, I have no views, because I haven't played the game in so long, then one of the discs got really scratched, so now I can't even play it. So, I have no idea. I couldn't remember what happened to him anyway, having like the worst memory of anyone I've ever known.

....that answer your question okay?

Rabid Monkey
07-16-2004, 01:08 PM
Well this has gone nice...

From now on if someone wants information regarding AC check the main site or the other thread.

Master Nabeshin
07-16-2004, 11:06 PM
I'm back! sorry I've been gone a while, but my internet explorer got bitten by a virus. it's still not quite gone, but at least I can use the internet again. So, have any new pictures come out in the last week?

And FFVIIAC action figures?! Kick ass! I'm gonna buy 'em all! i'm such a packrat collector of such things...

Also, I have just changed my avatar. Phsyco Mantis was cool, but cross-dressing Cloud? How could I resist?!

07-16-2004, 11:26 PM
didn't they close this? anyway i wanted the action figures from FFVII but i'll take these too!!! especially sepphy and cloud. i can see it now, *pow, bang, bam, kapow!*

Master Nabeshin
07-16-2004, 11:36 PM
Hey, has anyone noticed that you can see Tifa's nipples? A new, super-big scan on allowed me to notice this.

Oh, and I disagree, but a friend of mine thinks that the Tifa we've seen so far is acutally a clone. I have no idea where he gets this, and he won't say, but he wanted me to post this.

Dot Centaur
07-16-2004, 11:39 PM
Originally posted by Master Nabeshin
Hey, has anyone noticed that you can see Tifa's nipples? A new, super-big scan on allowed me to notice this.

Oh, and I disagree, but a friend of mine thinks that the Tifa we've seen so far is acutally a clone. I have no idea where he gets this, and he won't say, but he wanted me to post this.

I've noticed seeing Tifa's nipples yes. Tifa a clone? That's the dumbest theory I've ever heard. It's the real Tifa in the flesh!

07-16-2004, 11:41 PM
o really y a clone i've never heard anything like that but i don't think so.

Master Nabeshin
07-16-2004, 11:46 PM
Yes, I think it is the real Tifa. My friend who thought of it is the most random person I've ever known.

07-17-2004, 12:01 AM
ah, i see a randomite.... ANYWAY seen anything about Red XIII lately?

Dot Centaur
07-17-2004, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by u_aint_ready
ah, i see a randomite.... ANYWAY seen anything about Red XIII lately?

Yes. I don't remember if you were there at the time, but red XIII is definetly in the movie. On a post, you can see it in the old FFVIIAC thread.

07-17-2004, 12:07 AM
of course i was there i meant anything new like pictures besides the one of him from behind?

hb smokey
07-17-2004, 12:15 AM
Ok guys, listen:

Go to

That site has a lot of interesting and helpful information. So, instead of posting every little question that your heart so desires, just go to that site and see if you can find answers to it first. It will save a bunch of time.

07-17-2004, 12:25 AM
o...k....*becomes suddenly cheerful after being shut down by Smokey* let's theorize some more. please no definite answers, just theories.

Master Nabeshin
07-17-2004, 12:54 AM
Hey, what if they're making a FFVII remake after all (I read in Game Informer that there are no plans to upgrade from the original), but they're waiting for the PS3 to do it? Then the graphics would be almost on par with the movies graphics. The PS3 will be the most powerful system out of the next-gen systems, and Sony insisted on having graphics on par with movie CGI for the PS3, so this is going out on a limb, but it could be. You never know.

07-17-2004, 01:41 PM
A remake of the game would be great. I still dont see the horrid logic behind them making before crisis for a cell phone? WHY? Everyone would be happier if it was just a regular game. Maybe in Japan everyone just sits around all day and plays crappy games on their cellphones?

(I'm scared to post, big brother might get me...............)

07-17-2004, 04:06 PM
i might have to check into these things

Master Nabeshin
07-17-2004, 04:13 PM
I bet Square is being paid by Nokia to develop Before Crisis exclusivley for cell phones as a ploy to get more fans like us to buy their shitty cell phones! DAMN YOU, NOKIA!!! DAMN YOU TO HEEELLLLLLL!!!!!! *suddenly the ground beneath Nokia headquaters crumbles and plunges Nokia into a firey pit*
Well, that worked out nicely.

07-17-2004, 04:26 PM
i hope before crisis isn't good 'cause i'm not buying a cell phone just to play it. if it's any good, i'll be really mad.....maybe they'll make a PC version.

07-17-2004, 04:39 PM
hey tifasgirl ur right about cloud, i no im a guy but i think he rocks.
(but im not gay). nyway to the point, i cum from england, do u no when ff7 ac will be out in england?

07-17-2004, 04:45 PM
probly afta da american version maybe a month or two later

Master Nabeshin
07-18-2004, 01:20 AM
Originally posted by Cloud_likes_materia
hey tifasgirl ur right about cloud, i no im a guy but i think he rocks.
(but im not gay). nyway to the point, i cum from england, do u no when ff7 ac will be out in england?

What you say? Speak english do you? Sorry, I'm not trying to bash you, but I had serious trouble understanding that.

And where did the release dates appear? Site? Magazine?

07-18-2004, 04:18 PM
this is the reason we learn to proofread in school. try to use that skill please people. anyway, can someone inform me of any new information about AC. not that these conversations aren't enlightening and remarkably funny.

07-18-2004, 04:28 PM
i have two things to suggest, on the whole wheelchair person deal, (im not sure if anyone else said this but...) i think the person in the wheelchair could be lucrecia, cus she was injected with jenova cells, and we never found out for sure what happened to her. the second thing is, if you look at the pic at , it looks like the big circles are made of japenese writing, so mabye thats just a way to communicate with someone, just a theory. (if u wanna see the pic go to 21 screens, and the pic is called thats nothing i can do that with a sparkler)

07-18-2004, 04:39 PM
with all the symbols and things around it that is a good theory...but comunicate with who?*horror music plays* could he be restarting the Jenova reunion? or speaking to the planet to revive Sephiroth? we'll have to wait but until the we can theorize.

Tifa Lockheart
07-18-2004, 09:01 PM
It could be Jenova herself in a diffrent fourm.....or it could be Hojo....oo i hate when this happends.........o we gotta wait till it comes out soo we can find out whos the person....

07-18-2004, 10:28 PM
Okay, on the subject of the wheelchair person, it seems (to me, at least) that the most likely candidates to sit in the wheelchair are Sephiroth, as thoroughly discussed in the first thread, Hojo, also discussed in that thread, and Lucrecia.

Lucrecia, IMO, is a possibility just as good as the others, as it helps to explain Vincent's greater role in the movie than in the game, and it also helps to wrap things up with her, as *SPOILER* after you talk to Lucrecia in the waterfall, she seems sad when Vincent tells her that her son, Sephiroth, is dead.

If you remember, she said that she regretted not being a better mother to Sephiroth (If someone could verify this, many thanks. I'm just pulling things from my memory). So now, as revenge, or perhaps to fulfill Sephiroth's plans, Lucrecia is trying to destroy the world that killed Sephiroth, or trying to assemble Jenova to destroy the world.

The SHM could be more children of Lucrecia, how she got impregnated to have them, though, would be up to discussion. The children, in order, I believe are Loz, the oldest, Yazoo, the middle child, and finally Kadaj, the baby of the family. If you check on the official AC site, you'll see that while Loz and Yazoo are in their 20's, Kadaj is in his teens, and because Loz simply looks older, I put him as the elder.

This view of the SHM, rather than the clone view, helps to explain the age difference seen on the official site.

07-18-2004, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by Cloudfan
if you look at the pic at , it looks like the big circles are made of japenese writing, so mabye thats just a way to communicate with someone, just a theory

Hmmmmmm, the more I look at the picture the writing doesnt resemble Japanese that much, i'm taking japanese, it more resembles some type of glyph deal. Also, the two inner circles kinda look like a bullseye, like a directional thing for something. If it was another summoning of Meteor, then maybe it is a way to call it to a specific spot. Plus, Meteor was originally summoned by Jenova the first time, maybe it is her language, or it could match the same glyphs found in the lost temple where the black materia was hidden. I dunno, just speculation.

07-18-2004, 11:55 PM
Hi! This is my first post, but does anyone know if they're gonna release AC on the PSP??? Im just wondering if i should buy the DVD or the PSP disc. (or maybe both!)

Master Nabeshin
07-19-2004, 12:06 AM
Yes, there has been a confirmed release of FFVII: AC for the PSP. Rabid, maniac fans will buy both. I probably will as well. But, I would buy the DVD first. You can watch it on a bigger screen then.

Lucrecia, huh? You know, that does make sense. But then why is she in the wheelchair? I think that Hojo impregnated her. How on earth would they bear such a freakish resemblance to Sephiroth otherwise? And how would they have aged so much? They must have been born long before FFVII, or even BC.

07-19-2004, 02:15 AM
in one of the pics of the person in the wheelchair, sum1 pointed out that on the upper right section of the pic, was a picture frame on the wall of the shinra logo, it couldnt possibly be sephiroth, after all.. sephiroth does despise shinra right? why would he have a frame of da shinra logo..?

07-19-2004, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by PhiLLyBoY
in one of the pics of the person in the wheelchair, sum1 pointed out that on the upper right section of the pic, was a picture frame on the wall of the shinra logo, it couldnt possibly be sephiroth, after all.. sephiroth does despise shinra right? why would he have a frame of da shinra logo..?

This has already be covered. The reason that picture would be there is because Shinra built alot of the buildings and establishments back when it was in its prime. Even though Shinra fell apart, it stands to reason that many of the older buildings still bear its symbol and trademark. This is evident in the world we live in today, in Russia for example, even though the communist party fell, many buildings, monuments, etc. still bear the old communist symbols on them. No one takes the time to remove things like that and it is kinda like nostalgic too.

07-19-2004, 07:53 PM
i can accept the Lucrecia theory. but sumthing's eating at me, why would she be in a wheelchair? she may have been crippled by her saddness when she discovered Sephiroth's death but that's not likely. hojo or jenova or sephiroth for various already discussed reasons could be easily believed. but i think that the Lucrecia topic should be more discussed.

07-19-2004, 08:13 PM
*How about we just assume all of my posts have SPOILERS*

Well, she was injected by the Jenova cells by Hojo, same as Vincent, which makes her immortal. She also had three children, and we don't really know what that could do to someone with her genetics.

If you think back to when she gave birth to Sephiroth, notice that we don't know what happened, only that several years later, we find her in seclusion behind the waterfall.

And who knows, if the childbirth process was all normal, and the SHM are her children, then, as we saw with Kadaj parrying Cloud's two handed sword attack with a single arm, the children are very strong. So, during her pregnancy, maybe the kicking of the super-strong babies might have really done some damage. Someone along those lines.

07-19-2004, 10:09 PM
well in the water fall/cave thingy *SPOILER* she said she wanted to die but the jenova cells wouldnt let her, so maybe she tried something drastic, like jumping off a huge cliff or something, and then loz, kadaj and them find her, barely alive, and they take her and put her in a wheelchair, and shes in a coma like cloud was in the flashback with zack, and they try to convince her to join them, and thats when vincent comes in, cus he knows if lucrecia became evil, then hed have to go against her, so he starts fighting, against loz, kadaj, and yazoo and he wants to kill them before they turn lucrecia totally evil.

07-19-2004, 11:10 PM
That is a good theory, Cloudfan. But I think I still go with the one saying that Kadaj, Yazoo, and Loz are Lucrecia's children. That one just makes a little more sense to me, dunno why. And true they do greatly resemble Sepiroth. But mainly I cant wait for AC to see Kadaj!

07-20-2004, 12:30 AM
yea i like the one that their lucrecia's children better too, but its just something i thought of so i posted it

07-20-2004, 01:20 AM
THe whole theory behind the three being lucrecia's children makes alot of sense to me too think aobut it though advent children and if its her kids then it makes sense. plus she is told sephiroth is killed what would most ppl want revenge so mayb thats why they attavk cloud to get revenge for thier mother. plus the reason she could be in a wheel chair is that while she may be imortal she may also have aged enough that when she was giving birth to the three that where/who ever did this hurt her enough to put her in a wheel chair just a thought but the whole lucrecia in the wheel chair makes alot of sense

07-20-2004, 01:26 AM
well i think that theory is pretty good, except for the part that they were attacking cloud for revenge, cus if their the bad guys planning something horrible and evil like sephiroth, then they have to fight cus its not like cloud would just let them try to take over the world, although the revenge part might be a reason they're fighting each other

07-20-2004, 02:44 AM
Originally posted by madmax9602

This has already be covered. The reason that picture would be there is because Shinra built alot of the buildings and establishments back when it was in its prime. Even though Shinra fell apart, it stands to reason that many of the older buildings still bear its symbol and trademark. This is evident in the world we live in today, in Russia for example, even though the communist party fell, many buildings, monuments, etc. still bear the old communist symbols on them. No one takes the time to remove things like that and it is kinda like nostalgic too.

still though sephiroth despises shinra, he wouldnt keep a big ass sign of shinra where he can see it in a wheelchair, he'd have that shiet destroyed, its not like he's that powerless to get that shiet removed, why would u keep a logo of sumthn that reminds u of a dreaded past? da first shiet u would do is get it removed

Dot Centaur
07-20-2004, 12:17 PM
I will say I like the Luccrecia theory alot. She did faint when she was in her cave and made it look like she died. When did she have three kids? Are you guys talking about Kadaj, and the other two guys(I don't remember their names). I thought it had said in the old AC thread that they were clones of Sephiroth? Well, anyway, I think Luccrecia could be in the wheelchair too.

07-20-2004, 01:13 PM
they coudl still b clones but lucrecia could have given birth to them plus think about it sephiroth was hers and he had grey hair mako eyes and look at those three the same characteristics so even if they arent persy clones they are very much connected with each other. Man there hasnt been a movie that made me think thins much for a long time .. i dont thinkn i ever thought this much about a movie but lets hope its as good as it looks but i have a feeling we wont b disappointed

07-20-2004, 03:42 PM
yeah I know what ya mean I've never been this excited about a movie. Before I thought the person in the wheelchair was Sephiroth, but now I think I'm going with the Lucrecia theory. But if Kadaj, Yazoo, and loz are her children, how long ago do you think they were born? Have to be a loooong time, considering Yazoo and Loz are in their 20's.

07-20-2004, 05:06 PM
Like i said before they may have been around during the first game but not causeing as much of a hassle as sephiroth but this is just an idea I'm not sure if it's even close to being right but ya never know

Like i said before they may have been around during the first game but not causeing as much of a hassle as sephiroth but this is just an idea I'm not sure if it's even close to being right but ya never know

sorry for the double post i dunno how it happened

07-20-2004, 09:35 PM
Well, there were those chambers in the Mt. Nibel reactor, so it's possible that they were in there since when you return to that place, they weren't destroyed, or maybe something similar to those, like the two Cloud and Zack were in in the Shinra Mansion basement.

Master Nabeshin
07-20-2004, 10:20 PM
So....the debate is now about if Lucrecia is the mother of Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo? Well, personally I think that not only is she the mother, but Hojo is their father as well. I think it explains why the SHM would be sore at Cloud and the others, as well as their freakishly similar appearance to Sephiroth. Also, I think that in the second trailer, where Kadaj is seen firing a powerful spell into the sky, he's summoning meteor as a form of appeasing his older brother's final wishes. No, I don't think that deep down, the SHM are not bad guys, but just severly misinformed, they're evil for sure. Then again, I do suspect that they could have been misinformed as to why Sephiroth was summoning meteor and killing a ton of people and small, furry woodland creatures (the squirrels! BASTARD!!!), and another possibility, they could have learned of his plan and decided to do it for themselves (possibly also Sephiroth's wishes, but I doubt it). If any of this did make sense, feel free to ask what the hell I was talking about.

Dot Centaur
07-20-2004, 10:36 PM
Well in the game Hojo did say when Sephiroth was in Luccrecia's womb he injected Jenova's cell in it. So if Lucrecia is the mother of Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo, Hojo is probably the father and injected Sephiroth's cells into her womb. So I'm saying I agree with Master's theory. About the timeline when Hojo did that, Sephiroth was probably real little about two years old.

Master Nabeshin
07-20-2004, 11:06 PM
Yeah, that's what I'm sayin'. Thanks, Tifagirl. Allthough, I think Sephiroth may have been a little older...probably three or four, five at the very most when Loz was born (Loz is thought to be the oldest, though it's been said from a reliable source that he's emotionally the baby of the family). Though, I don't think Sephiroth ever knew his younger siblings. I think he was taken away and began his training before then.

07-21-2004, 12:30 AM
wow! this thread hasn't been up long and it already got 4 pages. and just imagine, when the movie is out, it's gonna have 10x's the amount of post a day. lol wow.

anyway, so many questions. just think, it might be kind of sad when we finally see the movie and some of our theories ended up being wrong. but they are all logical theories

07-21-2004, 12:31 AM
Brand Spankin' New scans from Vjump, through

In the first scan, with a fallen Tifa, looking half-unconcious in Cloud's arms, Tifa is saying to Cloud "You're late..."

In the second scan, we can see close-ups of Cid and Red XIII, as well as some monsters.
According to Vilaeth, Cid is saying "This is men's talk!"
Behind Red XIII, the people are fleeing, and it looks like Red is getting ready to defend them.
I can't really recognize who the monsters are, but the ones that come to mind are the Nibel wolf and the Kalm fang.

07-21-2004, 12:40 AM
man that's like a really big spoiler. and no i'm not jumping to conclusion and say that tifa's gonna die or anything, but it does show that she lost the battle with loz.

red looks awesome in that scan. red's gonna kick some major butt. alright!

hb smokey
07-21-2004, 12:45 AM
Yeah that picture is too big. I was wondering why the posts were so wide. :(

Master Nabeshin
07-21-2004, 12:45 AM
Wow. NICE. Now, why in the hell can't I post pictures half that big? But yeah... Cid and Red XIII look awesome. And Cid looks like he's still hilarious. Those monsters look interesting as well. Hell, it all looks awesome. The scene where Cloud is holding Tifa looks great. Almost heartwarming...if she weren't probably just beaten until she was unconcious by Loz...

07-21-2004, 12:49 AM
tifa needs a few cuts and bruises. then she would look all tough and shit. lol

07-21-2004, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by NightmareKitty223
man that's like a really big spoiler. and no i'm not jumping to conclusion and say that tifa's gonna die or anything, but it does show that she lost the battle with loz.

red looks awesome in that scan. red's gonna kick some major butt. alright!

just because shes in a bad condition doesnt mean she lost her fight with loz, maybe its a different fight, or maybe she got infected with star scar syndrom

07-21-2004, 12:56 AM
Holy crap. This movie is gonna be SO AWESOME!!! Finally a different scan of Red XIII! he is gonna kick ass in this movie! *ahem* lost myself there.....

07-21-2004, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by Cloudfan

just because shes in a bad condition doesnt mean she lost her fight with loz, maybe its a different fight, or maybe she got infected with star scar syndrom

oooo. good theory. maybe...

Originally posted by drakozombie
Holy crap. This movie is gonna be SO AWESOME!!! Finally a different scan of Red XIII! he is gonna kick ass in this movie! *ahem* lost myself there.....

yes! red xiii is definately gonna stick-it-to-the-man. go red! it's gonna be sweet

Dot Centaur
07-21-2004, 01:04 AM
That's a cool picture! The picture where Cloud is holding Tifa looks so romantic. I don't think she died, because if she can survive Sephiroth's cut, she can most likely survive some punches and kicks! If she died that would suck! Cloud would have lost the two most important women in his life. And Cid looks cuter than he did in the game! If Cid is 34, I must say he looks good for his age! He actually looks younger in the movie than he did in the game.

hb smokey
07-21-2004, 01:05 AM
I am simply amazed at how you people react when you see pictures of characters. You have seen a new picture of Red XIII, and you are all like "YEAH, HE IS GONNA RULE!" Why do you say that? How do you know he is going to rule? Or do you just say that to sound cool?

07-21-2004, 01:10 AM
Originally posted by Smokey
I am simply amazed at how you people react when you see pictures of characters. You have seen a new picture of Red XIII, and you are all like "YEAH, HE IS GONNA RULE!" Why do you say that? How do you know he is going to rule? Or do you just say that to sound cool?

how wouldnt he rule? red xiii is a bad a**, pardon my french, but if ur saying hes not gonna rule i must strongly disagree.

07-21-2004, 01:10 AM
Yes, I must disagree also, and we say that because we KNOW the future and that Red is going to kick major butt! Yes TifaGirl, Cid does look...."younger" than in the game....

Master Nabeshin
07-21-2004, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by Smokey
I am simply amazed at how you people react when you see pictures of characters. You have seen a new picture of Red XIII, and you are all like "YEAH, HE IS GONNA RULE!" Why do you say that? How do you know he is going to rule? Or do you just say that to sound cool?

Hey hey now... you're raining on our parade here. Carl said so eloquently in ATHF " I don't need no instructions to know how to ROCK!" Who thinks that events in AC will lead Cloud and Tifa back to being friends, maybe even further?

07-21-2004, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by TifaGirl
If Cid is 34, I must say he looks good for his age! He actually looks younger in the movie than he did in the game.

lol. cigarettes do the body good. jk!

and i have to agree. cid is quite a looker for his age. but i mean, look a johnny depp

hb smokey
07-21-2004, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by Cloudfan
<B>how wouldnt he rule? red xiii is a bad a**, pardon my french, but if ur saying hes not gonna rule i must strongly disagree.</B>

I'm not saying that he's not going to rule. I think it will be pretty interesting to see what role he is going to play in the movie. But, just because I see a new picture of him, doesn't mean I'm going to start saying "HE IS DA BOMB!"

And no, you don't <B>know</B> that Red is going to kick butt. You only assume that because you think he is DA BOMB!

07-21-2004, 01:25 AM
Ok is it just me of does ff7 need more girls in it no offence but the girls are all like oh look at cloud, and cid, and kadja and all that what about us guys sure we got tifa no that there is anything wrong with that but shouldnt the guys hhave as much eye candy as the girls. and in repsonse to the whole how do u know hes gonna kick as and hes awsome thing its red xiii form ff7 how isnt he gonna kick ass and as for all the other characters same thing ff7 how wouldnt it be awsome nobody needs to be able to read minds to get that.

Master Nabeshin
07-21-2004, 01:41 AM
What you say!! How could Tifa, Aeris and Yuffie together not be enough!?

07-21-2004, 01:43 AM
lol. on behalf of all the girls contributing to the i love cloud, kadja and cid threads, i like to appaulagize for our girlish behavior. lol. but it's not like you have to read those post. go head, skip them. there'll probably end up being more in the future

07-21-2004, 01:53 AM
im sorry guiys i wasnt tryin to sound like a jerk and well we havent seen aeris or yuffie from the move thats wut i meant not that those three arent enough see what im saying and nightmare kitty i didnt mean it like that i was just sayin the girls canb e like yeah and so far all the guys really have is tifa so far am i makeing any sense and once again sorry for kinda sounding like a jerk in the last par of my last post

07-21-2004, 03:00 AM
no no no, your not a jerk. i understand your position

07-21-2004, 03:16 AM
ok we're gettin a little off topic, i wonder what role cid will be playing. same thing with reno and rude, i cant wait any longer until it comes out

07-21-2004, 12:12 PM
Yeah i suppose i did get us a little off topic but yeah the roles of cid and the remaining turks should b interesting. I really kinda want to know wuts up with barret there is the quick thing of him grining and thats it i wonder what he'll be doing in the movie too.

I think somebody talked about barret in the old thread but i coudnt remember.

07-21-2004, 12:18 PM
I heard from somewhere i don't remember where though that FFVII would be rereleased on the playstion 2 and would come with a bonus movie known as advent children

07-21-2004, 12:27 PM
Mayb they ared oing that for the psp since that holds like the same graphic capability gameing wise as the ps1 maybe even a little better they might if any kind of game comes out of this not counting before crisis it would probably be for the psp although it would be nice to have it on the ps2

07-21-2004, 05:22 PM
Hey people has anybody noticed in the one scene where veincent seems to be in the coty of ancients with the glowings trees cloud is with him. I just got my magazine Electronic Gameing Monthly and in one of the screen shots it shows Vincent standing on one side and on the other side of the picture Cloud is sitting and the caption reads "Here Cloud and Vincent visit Aerith's resting place." I know it actually says aerith's not Aeris's kinda wierd cause they are a gameing mag but yeah anyway anybody got any theories. I just noticed this and I'm not sure how many other people noticed it before either.

Here is the scanned page from the magazine this is all it had in it about advent children though sorry if its is really big.

07-21-2004, 07:32 PM
I dont see a scan here....anyhoo no I never noticed that....

07-21-2004, 07:59 PM
maybe this movie will be mostly about Cloud and Vincent because of their whole distant personalities thing. they kind of have the same personalities. well compared to Cloud when the game starts anyway.

07-21-2004, 08:01 PM
I'm sry about the whole scan thing i couldnt post the whole page but ill try posting the pic itself

Master Nabeshin
07-21-2004, 11:38 PM
Well, Square is currently seriously considering a re-release of FFVII for the PS2 with AC as a bonus disc. However there are no plans to enhance the original in any way. I recently read this in the new issue of Game Informer. Sad, yes, but Square will not get away with not remaking it! FFVII deserves it!

07-21-2004, 11:47 PM
damnit i got my last issue of game informer two months ago why couldnt it last a little longer and i had no hard proof of the whole psp thing i was juat figureing it made sense though as a luanch thing for the psp but yeah anyway thats awsome no matter what ill get a rerelease look at wut they did for the legend of zelda (i knwo different game but makeing a point) the released a remake of both games for the n64 and put them on gamecube with out changeing any graphics so yeah just goes to show that while it would b awsome unfortunatly doesnt mean it will happen (meant for a remake of ff7 with better graphics) anyway once again i made a huge post i always seem to make alot of them well thnx for the info master

Master Nabeshin
07-21-2004, 11:57 PM
Hmm.. I just read something saying that Tetsuya Nomura has been quoted saying,"(As for the next part of the Compliation of FFVII) There are probably people expecting it to be a remake or a sequel, but perhaps the next one will not be a straight ball but a curve ball like AC and BC".

Now to me, this sounds like he won't make remake, but make a sequel game or spin off of the movie. What does anyone else think?

07-22-2004, 12:07 AM
I think Im confused. So you're saying that AC is gonna be a sequel or something? I just didnt quite understand that. (of course, I am stupid so it makes sense)

07-22-2004, 12:14 AM
wow sounds like this whole compilation thing could get evry interesting especialy if there are more games mayb a sequal to come out of it thanks for the info master

07-22-2004, 04:14 AM
Originally posted by Master Nabeshin
Now to me, this sounds like he won't make remake, but make a sequel game or spin off of the movie. What does anyone else think?

i also heard something about a remake (don't remeber where) but i'm pretty sure that it was just a rumor. a sequel or spinoff of an already sequel and spin off might end up being really lame...well...most definately would

07-22-2004, 05:30 AM
i cant wait for the AC to come out, im so excited i played thro ff 7 again!!! how do u get yuffie?

i cant wait for the AC to come out, im so excited i played thro ff 7 again!!! how do u get yuffie?

07-22-2004, 06:24 AM ( (

Look there for answers to both your questions. :p

07-22-2004, 12:56 PM
here is a scan that has tifa and a little kid i think his name in denzel. i got this from

07-22-2004, 04:42 PM
Ugh, I wish I had gotten this reply up sooner, but I was having trouble posting a reply. This is concerning the whole Lucrecia theory. Fist of all, I dont think she could be the mother of the terrible trio. They are in their early to mid 20's; do you all realize how old Sephiroth is? Cloud is ~25 years of age, and he said that when he was little he looked up to Sephiroth. By that time, Sephiroth had already fought in the Wutai wars and become a legend for his skill and power. In my opinion and because the Wutai war took place sometime back, Sephiroth himself would have been in his late 40's to early 50's. There is too much of a time seperation there for the trio to be born of the same mother.

It still may be possible for Lucrecia to be the one in the chair, but what reason, and why would the trio bow to her? She has no real power, and I do believe she realized what a monster she had bore when Sephiroth was born. (If i'm not mistaken she made a comment about it in the game). Anyways, just analyzing facts.

07-22-2004, 04:56 PM
Damn I liked that theory too. But now that you explain it all I guess it does make sense.....

07-22-2004, 05:07 PM
Well, madmax, to counter your statements, alot of the things that you say make it impossible for her to be their mother are based on facts for normal human beings, but you need to remember that Lucrecia was injected with Jenova cells which causes some weird things to happen(like Vincent's transformations).
So things that allows Jenova-people to do things that most regular humans couldn't do, like being immortal.

As to the second paragraph (and thank you for using them!! =P), the SHM might simply be bowing to her out of respect, if she is, in fact, their mother.
I think that Lucrecia does know about what kind of monster she gave birth to, and that's why she went into isolation, sort of like Vincent. As Vincent isolated himself because he regretted not being able to help Lucrecia, Lucrecia did it because of what she brought into the world, and also because she wasn't able to be a good mother to Sephiroth.

07-23-2004, 01:23 AM
u think if Lucrecia was more of a mother to Sephiroth he would've turned out any different? NO. like you said Jenova cells cause strange things to happen to you. she would have most likely taken control of him like he did to Cloud a few times.
second, if it is Lucrecia in the wheelchair, maybe it's because of a side affect from the injection of the Jenova cells. maybe her body gave out because of the overload of power or from the thoughts of Sephiroth weighing on her mind and she just gave up or something. and the SHM found her and are taking care of their mother, trying to make her better. and the reason their after Cloud and his traveling circus is because they are thed source of all this in killing Sephiroth.

07-23-2004, 03:28 AM I'm even more confused. Everyone says something good, then somebody else says something that's different but wouldn't match with the other one, then they both sound good!

hb smokey
07-23-2004, 05:07 AM
Maybe that is why Vincent appears to be playing a much larger role in the movie than he did in the game:

Because his mother is in the wheelchair.

Hmm...just a thought.

Master Nabeshin
07-23-2004, 05:28 AM
Okay, here's the problem I have with the points Madmax has made... Cloud says that he looked up to Sephiroth as a child, but remember that Cloud had joined up at 16. Sephiroth could've quickly become known for his skill, and he probably joined at a very early age as well, so after one battle, he could've become a legend, as many war heroes do. Oh, and Cloud is about 23. This could put Sepiroth at 40 at the very most. And since Kadaj, the youngest is still a teenager, this means that Lucrecia could've had her first child at a maximum of 21 years apart, which is not unheard of, even for normal women. I know people with age gaps in between siblings even in this large range. Besides, Hojo was not that old. he was older than most of the characters, but he was still about in his 40's, so Sephiroth was probably 15-20 years younger than him, minimum. I'd say that Hojo was older, but his hair hadn't even begun to grey, and he had only injected Jenova cells into himself right before that battle near the end of the game. So, Sephiroth is probably around 35 years old. When I'm 35, I'll have a little sister who'll still be a teenager. So, that's what I have to say.

Nothing on this post was made up.

07-24-2004, 04:02 AM
From this scan it looks like yuffie is in the movie.

07-24-2004, 04:55 AM
yuffie? I dont see her....oh, wait. there she is! *stupid* I really like that picture of Reno, he looks like a dork!

07-24-2004, 06:48 PM
oh!you beat me to it!i was just about to post that!oh well...thats the best scan ive seen so far becauuse it has close-ups of cid and red XII! i never liked yuffie though...

07-24-2004, 07:50 PM
me neither, for some odd reason.

07-25-2004, 03:32 AM
now...where's yuffie. mmm...i believe that who you were really looking at was possibly marlene. we are talking about the girl that tifa is leaning down and talking to?

even though yuffie isn't one of my let's say 'favorite' characters, i still kind of hope to see her in a future scan. that way the whole old group would be there

Dot Centaur
07-25-2004, 08:56 AM
The only characters we haven't seen so far. that are going to be in the movie so far are Yuffie and Cait Sith/Reeve. Hmmm, since Yuffie didn't play much of an important role in FFVII, I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't in the movie. Reeve should be in the movie no problem. Anyone heard anything? I looked at the character list, nothing so far.

07-25-2004, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by NightmareKitty223
now...where's yuffie. mmm...i believe that who you were really looking at was possibly marlene. we are talking about the girl that tifa is leaning down and talking to?

Yuffie is the one parachuting down, holding her pinwheel-style weapon. It overlaps the Tifa/Vincent picture.

And the only thing that anyone's heard about Reeve is that he's dead. But just remember, that the information about his death came from an unreliable source, and was translated from Japanese, so you can't really trust it.

Dot Centaur
07-25-2004, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by Kirgar

Yuffie is the one parachuting down, holding her pinwheel-style weapon. It overlaps the Tifa/Vincent picture.

And the only thing that anyone's heard about Reeve is that he's dead. But just remember, that the information about his death came from an unreliable source, and was translated from Japanese, so you can't really trust it.

What picture has Yuffie in it? Do you have any sources for it?

You're right; about Reeve being dead, I don't really trust that unreliable source you're talking about because it never stated at the end of the game that Reeve died. If Cait Sith was still alive on the Highwind while Midgar was being destroyed, Cait Sith would have fallen and he didn't. Do you think he took refuge at Kalm at the end too? I think he did.

07-25-2004, 11:38 PM
well we know Reeve lived up to when Sephiroth is quote-unquote killed and also i believe that Cait Sith speaks during the ending FMV so Reeve was alive then but he may have been killed when Meteor hit/Holy saved the planet. but like ya'll sed an unreliable source sed this so who knows? anyway i'm still curious as to what rolls Sephiroth and Aeris shall play in this movie. 2 dead people with so much power, what i mean is Aeris saved the planet and empowered the others to stop Sephiroth in her death. and Sephiroth well come on we know how powerful he is even if his body is dead and who knows he may have fused with the life stream in his quote-unquote dying. but i'm just theorizing.
nevermind, i just read something on There is a chance of meeting Sephiroth!!!!! a chance is better than nothing!!!

07-26-2004, 04:19 AM
Originally posted by Kirgar

Yuffie is the one parachuting down, holding her pinwheel-style weapon. It overlaps the Tifa/Vincent picture.

Ohhh! I see now. thanks. good eye. i would have never of caught that. lol. well anyway, i suppose yuffie will be back. now, wonder about cait sith

Landlord of Sector 7
07-26-2004, 07:06 AM
I am about 90% sure that Sephiroth does NOT show up except for flashback form and that the man under the cloak is Hojo. I had a huge post about all this on the old site let me see if I can access it...

EDIT: Here it is........

A few things that I'm suprises no one has noticed. First of all, in the English trailer do you see when one of the children (we aren't sure that they are clones) is talking to all the kids? Well, take a look at the backdrop, look familiar? O_o And second, in the new magazine scan where it shows Tifa and Cloud talking on phones what do you think those could mobile phones to play BC? No. Try PHS. And do you notice that in the first and second shots of the city you can see the sky? Isn't that weird considering that Midgar had the huge plate above everything so it was always dark. Another thing, in the first trailers when it shows the hooded man it is in a nice looking room with a bed and wood floor etc. (Maybe the Kalm inn?) but in the English one they are in some half built/destroyed building. Another thing about the hooded person, if you look really closely on the close up there is an open spot in his cloth except that it is still white under. If I remember correctly Hojo wore a white suit didn't he? And this is a long shot but it shows one of the children focusing power to his hand and shooting something into the skies.........summoning Meteor again? Well, just some stuff to think about.

07-26-2004, 07:33 AM
wow all of you guys know too much about this movie lol.

07-26-2004, 03:03 PM
You know, now that I've read some other things and seen some stills of the WCP, I think that they could also be Rufus.

In the FMV where Rufus supposedly dies, he is only engulfed in the flames, and you don't really know if he actually died, or was severely burned. If it was the latter, Rufus would have most likely had some sort of alternate escape route, where he could leave without anyone knowing. The closest thing that we hear about Rufus's death is Heidegger saying that he's now in charge because he can't contact Rufus.

With the clothing, Rufus also wore a white suit, like Hojo. But in the trailers, the WCP's white shirt is buttoned to the top, whereas Hojo usually had his open (If you look at their clothing when you fight them.)

Also, if you look at all of the pictures of the WCP, it looks like they're missing their left hand. That could point to Rufus losing his hand in the explosion (Or Hojo losing his from mutation). Also, when you look at the old posters, Rufus has left hand in his pocket, which also could explain the WCP's missing left hand.

This is a summarized version of "The Rufus Theory" by X-SOLDIER.

Landlord of Sector 7
07-26-2004, 10:01 PM
Yes but if it was Hojo there would be a valid explanation of where the children came from.

07-26-2004, 11:17 PM
if ti was rufus, what's the point? why in god's name would they bow to him? Hojo, maybe(quite possibly), Rufus? why would they bow to him, WHY? shouldn't they still hate the Shinras like Sephiroth did? or maybe they're just some copycats who wanna flatter him by reinacting his great evil plan, who knows....we're getting obssesed.

Nanaki Claws
07-26-2004, 11:25 PM
I think you are right why would they bow to Rufus?

07-26-2004, 11:40 PM
what'sthe point of Rufus? now Sephiroth, Jenova, and kinda Hojo and Lucrecia i can understand. but Rufus?! why? why would they bow to him i'm kinda lost around therre. so can any1 explain why? please do so slowly, i'm kinda slow.

07-26-2004, 11:45 PM
There was a part in the game in the Northern Crater where Rufus says "I didn't read that report..." about Hojo's cloning experiment (specifically Cloud, as Hojo claims) implying that Rufus knows about all of Hojo's work.

Rufus is still technically the head of Shinra, even though it's pretty much destroyed by Meteor. Jenova acted through both Sephiroth and Shinra to weaken the planet, preparing it for her to take over.
She used Shinra in order drain the planet of the lifestream, and Sephiroth (The one in the game that was always flying around and dropped Jenova's for you to fight) was like an incarnation of her to stop/slow Cloud and his party.

As to u_aint_ready's comment: Why would the SHM think like Sephiroth? They don't know him, they're just similar to him in body.

The children, being in their teens, have most likely been around for awhile (longer than the two years between FF7 and AC. Where, we'll probably see in the movie) So, being so similar to Sephiroth, are likely part of one of Hojo's experiments, which as I said before, Rufus would have read all about.
Before Hojo went crazy in trying to help Sephiroth, he was still loyal to Shinra, so it would make sense that the clones would also be loyal to them (Maybe like in Nibelheim). So the SHM bowing to Rufus would make sense if you look at it like that.

Here's the link to the more comprehensive version of the theory, by X-SOLDIER: WCP Theories (

07-26-2004, 11:49 PM
kinda, but still i can't think that they would bow to Rufus, especially since they have all this power, they'd be extremely greater than him. the truth is that the only power Rufus had was over his company other than that, why bow to a weak symbol of power?

07-27-2004, 12:54 AM
If Jenova is behind it all, like I mentioned above, then she'll have a great deal of influence over the SHM, like she did Sephiroth. If Jenova is trying to rebuild her strength, then she'll need both Sephiroth (The SHM) and Shinra back in power so she could regain control.
Sephiroth used to serve Rufus's father, and it's possible that Jenova wants the SHM to serve Rufus in order to strengthen Shinra back to its old strength, where it can again weaken the planet.

Rufus might still be weak in body from the damage from the fire, but his mind is most likely still sharp and also "he's got guts." (-Barret)

07-27-2004, 10:58 PM
ah, when you say it like that it makes complete sense but still, what makes you think it's not Jenova? i heard somewhere, don't remeber where that the SHM have her head, maybe it's grafted to a human body and she's regenerating herself, using the body as her own. that's possible right?

07-28-2004, 12:12 AM
*nods* that sounds pretty possible....

07-28-2004, 12:35 AM
i don't think it's possible, i was just ramblin again. but about it bein Hojo, quite possible indeed. his experiments almost destroyed him and also made the SHM?! i wouldn't put it past Square!

07-28-2004, 01:01 AM
I know but ya cant tell me these things because Im extremely stupid and my brain is slow....

Master Nabeshin
07-28-2004, 02:34 AM
So... everyone has appeared... except for Cait Sith. Well, I never liked him anyway, but has anyone noticed how Square is a bunch of evil bastards by showing us some really good screens, then ever so slowly showing one or two new characters at a time but one or two cruddy screens, then slowly show them off until we calm down and loose interest, then rope us back with good screens, and maybe if they're feeling merciful, a new character or story details? It's almost like they're digital drug dealers!

Furious Rose
07-28-2004, 03:09 AM
I really don't know if I like Red's pic. Idk it just wasn't what I expected...

07-28-2004, 03:13 AM
Yeah Red looked a lot different than I would have hairy. But he still looks really cool!

Master Nabeshin
07-28-2004, 03:21 AM
Red looks exactly like I thought he would look like. Now, Cid looks a little different from the front than I thought he'd look like... I imagined him as having a little more stuble on his face than he does. Now, I am currently awaiting a close-up picture of Yuffie to scrutinize her and compare reality to imagination.

Landlord of Sector 7
07-28-2004, 03:28 AM
Red looks very bad ass and Cid looks to much like a grisly miner than a "handsome" bachelor (Not really but that's the impression he gives) but it's not too bad.

Master Nabeshin
07-28-2004, 03:34 AM
I always pictured Cid like a blonde "Handsome Rob" from the new "Italian Job" (which is a great movie- go see it if you haven't already). And Yuffie I picture either as a sub-tomboy, retaining some masculine traits due to her ninja skills, or a sexy ninja who incorporates her sexuality into her sneaking style and uses her own body to get what she wants if need be. i'm not being perverted, but don't you think she'd do that?

07-28-2004, 03:36 AM :eye:

Master Nabeshin
07-28-2004, 03:41 AM
You're not a very fun person, but hey, it was only an idea. Are you going to reveal what you picture Yuffie as, or do you draw a blank on the subject?

07-28-2004, 08:11 PM
Well, from a rough translation of a recent interview of Nomura (It's in the Shinra site), I think he said that the WCP is man.

07-28-2004, 09:03 PM
Yuffie? Um...I dunno how I would picture her in real life....never thought about it.

Master Nabeshin
07-29-2004, 04:16 AM
Ahhh, a man, you say? I figured it was. I might be able to get someone to translate the Japanese, though I don't beleive they use this forum. 'course, by the time I get them to do it, they look at it, and translate it, it'll be all over the web for a few weeks anyway.

07-29-2004, 05:13 AM
I was kinda of expecting Red to look a little cuddlier. but it's actually a little better that the didn't make him cuddly...
beside that he turned out pretty close to what i had expected

07-29-2004, 07:31 AM
red is exactly as i pictured strong lookin and all that i reckon hes awesome.

Nanaki Claws
07-29-2004, 02:20 PM
I found this page of the magazine V-jump, i think. take a look :

Source: Square Enix Nation

07-29-2004, 10:17 PM
that's a very good picture because it says who are the characters but don't you all think that there should be more gray haired men you know like they'd figth one on one XD

07-30-2004, 12:05 AM
Could i just ask when Advent Childrenis going to be released in Europe as I cannot wait to see it?

07-30-2004, 01:00 AM
terribly sorry, i only know it comes out in Japan this winter...sorry! i wish i knew too

07-30-2004, 01:04 AM
some time in 2005

Master Nabeshin
07-30-2004, 05:10 AM
I figure that if it is indeed coming out this winter in Japan, then I s'pose we can hope for a March 2005 release date. I hope they'll find some quality voice actors, and i HOPE (but highly doubt) that they'll re-sync the lip movements for each language so that it doesn't end up like an old godzilla movie (not that I have anything against them, but you know what I mean)...

Ohh, I just had a nasty thought... when it comes out in Japan first, all the information will leak over here, we'll know everything about it, and over a year's worth of speculation will fly right out the window long before any of us see it...

07-30-2004, 05:14 AM
I know what ya mean, when their mouths don't match english...I just heard that the release here is going to be somewhere in between Jan. and Apr.

Nanaki Claws
07-30-2004, 04:02 PM
Ohh, I just had a nasty thought... when it comes out in Japan first, all the information will leak over here, we'll know everything about it, and over a year's worth of speculation will fly right out the window long before any of us see it...

Thats why when the movie will go out in Japan i will not anymore read or post in that thread.

07-30-2004, 05:10 PM
New scans from Dengeki PS should a new scan and some others in higher quality. Here's the ones that I found most interesting:

The other scans are located here (courtesy

In my cropped picture, we can see the new scan, Cloud holding Tifa in the church, looking around for someone it seems. If I were to guess I'd say Marlene is missing from the picture earlier where we see Tifa talking to Marlene in the Church, probably about Cloud coming soon.

In the next picture, we see a larger version of the Yuffie scan. In this one we can actually see her face! If you look at her left arm, I think you can figure out why she wore that huge thing on her arm in the game o_O

The last picture was cut off by the Yuffie picture in the last scan, but now we can see that Denzel is there too, and that people in the background are running away. It looks like we get to see Tifa and Vincent fight something. I'm not really sure what that is on the chalkboard behind them, but it looks like some sort of weapon. Also, it seems that they are in Sector 6, judging by the giant 6 on the wall.

Landlord of Sector 7
07-30-2004, 08:57 PM
You're definetely right about that fighting something because if you look in the third scan on the bottom it shows Nanaki jumping in the air at something apparently in a battle and look at th ebackground, looks like the "market square" type place as in the Tifa @ Vincent picture. And look in the back of the Cid picture and that looks like the thing that held up the rocket so Midgar might not be the only location in this movie wait what am I thinking of course it's not :P but still no one has noticed what I posted earlier....

07-31-2004, 12:15 AM
you guys think those things Cid is fighting have something to do withthe SHM or Jenova? i've seen them somewhere before but don't remember. or maybe, normally docile house pets can be infected with the Geostigma and become overagressive killing machines?! who knows,maybe they're just monsters and i'm making too much of it.

Master Nabeshin
07-31-2004, 12:29 AM
Wow, nice screens. You can kinda see Yuffies face, but I think you'd need to lighten the image and then use a state-of-the-art resolution-enhancing program to really get a good look. My favorite screen is the one of Cloud holding Tifa in the flowerbed in the church, though. I can almost feel emotion pulsating out of it. But that's probably because I'm rather empathetic. I'm very good at sensing and deriving emotion.

07-31-2004, 12:44 AM
speaking of Yuffie....WHAT'S WRONG WITH HER ARM?!!!!!!! it looks all skinny and disfigured like maybe it's just bone or something.

Master Nabeshin
07-31-2004, 12:55 AM
Hmmm, I just read the translations for the new scans... Kadaj seems to be calling Cloud a traitor in the scan where Kadaj is pointing his sword at Cloud in the forest. To quote "It's the traitor!" Interesting, no? It also implies that Tifa takes care of Marlene by herself at the 7th Heaven bar... WHERE THE HELL IS BARRET?! That's what I want to know...perhaps he went back to Corel to try and revive the mining industry there?

Oh, and Yuffie's arm is fine. That's just armor with claws on the end. I don't know what else you could be talking about, though...

07-31-2004, 01:00 AM
whew, that's a relief, i was about to get scared,(i often jump to conclusions). anyway, yes i hear Barret's mining, looking for an alternative power source to mako. and Cloud, a traitor? hmm...yes a traitor to the Jenova Reunion. he fought against it instead of joining, i guess.

Master Nabeshin
07-31-2004, 01:23 AM
I think you're right about the Jenova Reunion thing. it's also possible that they think that he's a clone of Sephiroth and that his clones were all supposed to be completely loyal and that Cloud ended up killing him is the worst possible sin any being could possibly commit. Or, it's possible that they found out that Cloud and Sephiroth were once friends and assumed that they were still friends until Cloud suddenly turned his back on Sephiroth and killed him out of cold blood. Or mortally wounded him at least.

07-31-2004, 01:31 AM
No! You beat me to it, though I probably saw it before you did..::grumbles::

I have as of this morning became infatuated with that picture of Tifa and Cloud. I hope we see a Cloti moment in this! Besides, Tifa deserves Cloud because Aeris always flirted with him..:notgood: And she's dead. Cloud isn't a necrophiliac. At least..That's what I'm hoping.

07-31-2004, 01:57 AM
Meh, i've been away for awhile, and I loved people tearing my theories to shreds, hehehehe. I still back the fact that Sephiroth is old, 50's or so. The thing about Cloud being a traitor, hmmmmmmm, I find it not suprising; Sephiroth did call him his puppet, therefore implying some type of servitude relationship.

As to the identity of the WCM, I still hold that it is Sephiroth. The more I think about it, the more I think about his body crystalized in materia in the northern crater. True the crater was destroyed but it will be featured in the game because they scanned a place in Hawaii to digitize for the scenery, (i cant remember where i heard it so i cant cite it), so the crater is still going to have some importance.

Again, my thoughts, and its good to be back(oh, my birthday was last week;) )

07-31-2004, 02:21 AM
Happy birthday madmax, XD. Some guy I know from Legendary Frog forums claims that it's Zack. I find it quite hard to beleive since they refer to him as their brother.

Master Nabeshin
07-31-2004, 02:31 AM
Well, Happy Birthday, then.

But, if Sephiroth's body was crystallized... then how come the WCM's hand seemed to be perfectly fine in the trailer?

07-31-2004, 02:41 AM
Originally posted by Tifa_Martial_Artist
Some guy I know from Legendary Frog forums claims that it's Zack.

Something I should mention about Zack: I'm absolutely sure that he will have a large part in the movie. This is because in the AC logo, you can see his silhouette (between the N and the T in Fantasy). Note that both Cloud and Aeris are also found in the logo.

07-31-2004, 02:41 AM
Perfect? Well he probably thawed out and got healed. =D

EDIT: Are you sure? I only found Aeris..But I guess Zack has some role, with that Bustersword scene and all..Cloud isn't in the logo.

Master Nabeshin
07-31-2004, 03:25 AM
I suppose it kind of looks like Zack, but I think it's kind of you see what you want to see, like an ink-blot test.

07-31-2004, 03:31 AM
It's not true. Theres NOTHING in there. Must be some hallucination.

Master Nabeshin
07-31-2004, 03:46 AM
I thought I saw SOMETHING that kinda resembled an anime-ish face from the side but I'm not sure... offense...but you slightly creepy/scary, Tifa_Martial_Artist..

07-31-2004, 04:05 AM
Hmm..Why thank you. Is it because of my title, perhaps?:laugh:

Master Nabeshin
07-31-2004, 04:08 AM
The Sexiest Bitch Alive thing? Yeah, that caught my attention. not to mention Tifa's red eyes. Oh, and did you know you can see her nipples through her dress in some shots?

07-31-2004, 05:17 AM
I don't know how Sephiroth got out of the materia, but one interesting thing is that when Cloud gave the Black materia to Sephiroth, his hand passed inside the materia. Maybe it is selectively permeable to things, and Sephiroth used it as a shield, but since he has no use for it, he can will himself to pass through it much like Cloud's hand and the Black materia.

You can see people in the logo? Jeezz, let me spend hours staring at it, LOL.

(Oh and thanks guys)

Yunalesca rox!
07-31-2004, 12:21 PM
I heard that In the Uk (where im from)lol that It is being released in Summer July. But then I saw this Japanese trailer of the film and it said that it was coming out in Japan July 2004? So if that is true then I think it will be coming out in the UK AND USA a little bit later to get all the translation through and stuff....But im not sure? I really wan't it to come out though and I would definetely be first in the shops to buy it. If only I understood Japenese then I would fly all the way there and watch/buy it. (Might not be able to buy it and bring it here coz there might be a different system. I can speak some Japanese tho....
Yunalesca xx

07-31-2004, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Master Nabeshin
The Sexiest Bitch Alive thing? Yeah, that caught my attention. not to mention Tifa's red eyes. Oh, and did you know you can see her nipples through her dress in some shots?

Erm..Kinda...:puppydog: But she's still sexy. The sexiest bitch alive.

Yunalesca rox!
07-31-2004, 02:44 PM
I LOVE ADVENT CHILDREN!!!!! The film looks brill!!!!!

07-31-2004, 03:20 PM
Here's the logo with Aeris, Cloud and Zack circled. (A blobby thing is there too, which could look like Red XIII, not circled.)

Dot Centaur
07-31-2004, 03:38 PM
Wow! You can barely see them there! On the smaller pictures of it I couldn't even see them at all! Now that we know Zack's on the logo do you think he may be in the movie?

Nanaki Claws
07-31-2004, 03:41 PM
What the!? I see them too!

07-31-2004, 04:06 PM
I can't see the one next to Aeris..But mabe it could be tricks playing in your mind.

07-31-2004, 07:48 PM
The one of Zack reminds me of Sephiroth with is his head kinda bowed. I have no idea if he would look like that rendered in that type of media but that is who it reminds me of. (I think the Zack fans are just having wishful thinking;) )

Nanaki Claws
07-31-2004, 08:14 PM
I see Aeris with a rod and a face that looks like Cloud but i cannot see the supposed Zack....

07-31-2004, 08:30 PM
The distinguishing feature of the Zack silhouette is the large widow's peak that Zack has (V shape near forehead), his square face (like comic book superheroes have), and also his hair, which is large towards the back :

All of which I think can be seen in the bottom-most circled image in the logo above.

Originally posted by Tifa_Martial_Artist
I can't see the one next to Aeris..But mabe it could be tricks playing in your mind.

The one next to Aeris (I'm assuming that you're talking about the one to her right) is Cloud, with half of his face in shadow.

07-31-2004, 11:50 PM
WOW!!!! i can see them and it really looks like that could be an upside down RED XIIIin the corner. but you know how you may only see something if sum1 suggests it, maybe that's why we all see it.
O and sry i wasn't earlier to wish you Happy Birthday Madmax.... Happy Birthday!!!!! all the way from the Nether World!!!

Landlord of Sector 7
08-01-2004, 05:07 AM
O_o....and I thought I couldn't wait for this...

Originally posted by Nanaki Claws
I found this page of the magazine V-jump, i think. take a look :

Source: Square Enix Nation

Oh yeah forgot to say....

that's Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine for sure...I'd recognize that text anywhere.

Master Nabeshin
08-01-2004, 07:11 AM
I could see Cloud the most, but as for Zack.. it kinda maybe looked like he was there, and's really a leap of faith to say that the blob there is really Aeris.

I could see Cloud the most, but as for Zack.. it kinda maybe looked like he was there, and's really a leap of faith to say that the blob there is really Aeris.

I think Cloud's face is half hidden by the shadows to show the great darkness that is currently in his heart. I suppose that when you think about it, he's villan material, except that he seems to lack the "evil seed" (it's a popular term to describe the darkness that occurs nartually in one's heart. I could go into a long, boring explanation about it, but I'm not going to).

Nanaki Claws
08-01-2004, 06:24 PM
Yeah Landlord of sector 7 i wasn't sure of the right name and V-jump is japenese it make sense now lol! thanks for telling it.

08-01-2004, 11:17 PM
alot of teachers have told me i had the evil seed, now i know what they were talking about. anyway it does look like Aeris holding her rod, take a good look.... a long look.... a close look.... just don't stare at it for three days and bump your head on the screen like i did.

Master Nabeshin
08-02-2004, 12:44 AM
I eventually saw her, but I did have to stare for a while. I damaged my eyes and my family's opinion of me has gone downhill because of it, though.

I'm evil, but with an evil seed that will never sprout. It does allow me to focus my anger into a horrific display of undescribable rage. No, I don't turn green and extra muscular and loose 99% of my vocabulary.

Yunalesca rox!
08-02-2004, 12:05 PM
What the hell am I on about?!?!? Anyways I love Advent Children!

When I s Advent Children coming out in the UK I can't wait any longer!!!!!!
Please PM ME if you know!

08-02-2004, 12:32 PM
yuffie woohoo . and u doubt it :D

08-02-2004, 04:38 PM
The official AC site has been updated, but since I can't read Japanese, I have no idea what it says. There's nothing about any new characters, but there's something about the DVD in the "INFO" section.

08-02-2004, 11:27 PM
LOL, now I know why logos are important. But hey, Zack got killed in the game, right? So it's impossible that Zack will be on FF7AC, but he'll probably show up on some flashbacks.

Master Nabeshin
08-03-2004, 04:21 AM
Originally posted by Chelsea
LOL, now I know why logos are important. But hey, Zack got killed in the game, right? So it's impossible that Zack will be on FF7AC, but he'll probably show up on some flashbacks.

Please for the love of all that is holy and sacred do NOT drag that topic up again. I think that we shall have to just wait and see what influence Zack may or may not have in the movie. Oh, and Vincent seems to have a large role in AC, so why isn't he in the logo?

08-03-2004, 11:56 AM
i wonder y yuffie comes from a parchute ? yuffie hehehehehe

Landlord of Sector 7
08-03-2004, 07:01 PM
At first I thought maybe that was a flashback of when they enter Midgar comando style but that was at night...and as for Vincent, I always believed he would be a huge role in this for the fact that he is linked to Shinra and Sephiroth more than anyone else except for Cloud. Also, he has much softer features than I always imagined though...

08-03-2004, 09:19 PM
Yeah Vincent rocks!!

Nanaki Claws
08-03-2004, 09:32 PM
Hey everyone! I just learned that Yoichi Wada (Square-Enix president) told that there could be a small chance that FF7 Advent Children could be distributed in cinema. I learned that on a french site (my original language is french), there is the link :

But I highly doubt that it will go out in cinema, after FF Spirits Within...

08-03-2004, 10:26 PM
It's a possibility. Nomura mentioned in an interview before that he wants AC to be in theaters for at least a little while, along with all of the other release variations.

08-04-2004, 12:41 AM
Either way i'll camp out if i have to. and please leave the Zack topic alone, we settled that in the last thread...i think but still something does bug me about it, maybe it's Sephiroth in the logo, not Zack. and that's who's in the wheelchair.

Master Nabeshin
08-04-2004, 02:08 AM
If it does go into cinema, I doubt that it will be very widespread. I hope to god that it goes on more screens than InuYasha: The Movie. That's only about.. 10-ish theatres in the whole country. But perhaps if it's very successful it will go for a second run in more theatres. It's happened.

08-04-2004, 02:17 AM
I dont think it should go into Cinema, considering what happened with The Spirits would probably sell more copies just on DVD

Master Nabeshin
08-04-2004, 02:45 AM
I think you're probably right. Spirits within made over 100 million, but still bombed, due to extremely high production costs. They've said that to keep that from happening, they're keeping costs low where ever they can, but without degrading the quality of the movie, and by, you know, making an awesome movie instead of a lame one.

08-04-2004, 03:08 AM
Wow, Im actually right about something? eeesh. Thats true....

Master Nabeshin
08-04-2004, 03:27 AM
Yes it's scary when you're right the first time. :-P

Well, I just saw a picture of BC that's actually got me interested in it. It seems as though Zak, Sephiroth, and Cloud will all be in it, and it may be the way the picture was drawn, but it looks like Cloud operates a weapon with one of the turk girls. A very large gun/ cannon thing. Or, like I said, it could just be the way the picture is drawn.

I'm a guy
08-05-2004, 01:55 AM
for every one who doesnt know Yuffie is going to be in the movie check on

08-05-2004, 11:14 PM
wow, i hope it doesn't go to theatres, i'd feel bad for sqare if anothe movie bombed for them. i mean that would really make their name look bad. but anyway, of course zack, cloud and sephiroth will be in BC, they did have a part in the whole Shinra/Turks power struggle thing. and who knows when Cloud says, "I've decided to live for you..." or something like that in the AC trailer, that may have been a hint at something.

Master Nabeshin
08-06-2004, 01:30 AM
Perhaps Cloud was referring to redeeming himself for letting Zak be killed by living his life the way Zak had wanted to.

08-06-2004, 06:41 AM
I kinda thought he may have been referring to Aeris.

Alright, I'm new here, So i apologize if this has already been said.

I found a site. It gives a lot. Characters, release dates, everything....

But it's in Japanese (I assume)

If there are a few people who can translate, that's be awesome. It'd give everyone a lot of information. There was a few Characters I thought were Reno or Rude... But they have different names at this web page. Possible, however, translated into Japanese.

So, i can give the URL, but this is serious reading, lol. And I can't copy and paste unfortuinetly.. it's like a shockwave kind of website. Maybe Java, dunno.

But I think it's answer A LOT of questoins if we can just get it in English.

(I'm editing to say that... *sigh* Its the offical page I found, lol. Anyway, ignore me :( )

08-06-2004, 11:37 AM
Originally posted by u_aint_ready
wow, i hope it doesn't go to theatres, i'd feel bad for sqare if anothe movie bombed for them. i mean that would really make their name look bad. but anyway, of course zack, cloud and sephiroth will be in BC, they did have a part in the whole Shinra/Turks power struggle thing. and who knows when Cloud says, "I've decided to live for you..." or something like that in the AC trailer, that may have been a hint at something.

Perhaps one of the only reasons why this movie wouldn't do so well in the box office is because of critics and movie goers who have never played FFVII would not understand the story and use the excuse that the movie was too hard to understand.

08-06-2004, 01:07 PM
in the credit thing they would explain the story

08-07-2004, 09:39 PM
true but 1Winged Angel is right. people who never played the game wouldn't exactly understand things even if the story was explained for them. as long as Final Fantasy addicts went to see it, which is alot of people, it would do well. still i wonder what has become of Zack? now that Cloud remembers everything and knows how his past really went, could he have lived out Zack's destiny?
o and also, i just read at, that it turns out that Red XIII is not the last of his species. it seems that the others are extremely hostile, it is not known if they are friend or foe is the exact quote the site gives. maybe, that's the monsters from the picture that Cid is fighting.

08-08-2004, 03:21 AM
i noe this pic is fonny but have some fun :D

Landlord of Sector 7
08-08-2004, 05:52 AM
I'm guessing that you also have many other pics of her and many screens of Cloud and Tifa as well correct? I dl'd those and cant' find them :notgood:

08-08-2004, 10:12 AM
say it again slowly

Master Nabeshin
08-09-2004, 05:35 AM
Originally posted by 1_W1nged_Angel

Perhaps one of the only reasons why this movie wouldn't do so well in the box office is because of critics and movie goers who have never played FFVII would not understand the story and use the excuse that the movie was too hard to understand.

Yeah, that's probably a good reason. My dad is into this kind of stuff (but can't play video games beyond the Sega Genesis), but I'd come home with the DVD, and I'd have to explain every scene, so....yeah, I can see Roger Ebert giving it a bad reveiw, but that's partially because he's an ass.

08-09-2004, 09:24 AM
wat about all ff7 fans like me

08-09-2004, 10:07 AM
Does anyone actuallu know if and when FFVII: AC is coming out in the UK? I would love to get it but I'm not travelling to Japan just to get it!

Yunalesca rox!
08-09-2004, 12:23 PM
Ok peeps just read on teletext a couple of dayz ago that FF7-2 ADVENT CHILDREN IS OUT IN SEPTEMBER!!!!!(for the UK)
So just if any of you were wondering then thats when its gonna be released!hehe I can't wait!!! Im gonna be the first in the cinema to watch it I LOOOOOVE IT!It looks great!
Yunalesca xx

08-09-2004, 12:26 PM
i think u mean next year

Yunalesca rox!
08-09-2004, 01:44 PM
No it is this year. At least I think so anyway...
What makes you think its next year?
If it is then I will be mad :mad:
Yunalesca xx

08-09-2004, 04:11 PM
sorry, yunalesca rox, he's right, its next year. i just read it on the internet. sorry to ruin your excitement, but i was fed up as well.

Master Nabeshin
08-09-2004, 05:31 PM
Yeah, it's not even coming out in Japan until this winter, so September anywhere else would be nice, but it's not gonna happen. Sorry.

08-09-2004, 05:50 PM
hey, im back. Just cant get on as much because i dont have a comp anymore at moving.

But anyways, I would love it if it came to theators, it's just that it would piss me off if people didn't know crap about it, and think it sucked...after they watch it, because they dont know the storyline.

Yunalesca rox!
08-09-2004, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by Sephiroth's Brother
sorry, yunalesca rox, he's right, its next year. i just read it on the internet. sorry to ruin your excitement, but i was fed up as well.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!Yunalesca xx :(

08-09-2004, 10:28 PM
Excellent. Square Enix has registered the trademarks "Before Crisis" and "Dawn of Souls" in the U.S.

You can find them here: Under trademarks: Search and look for:

78454075 for Before Crisis and

78456727 for Dawn of Souls

(Sounds like that game they're making about Vincent), which are the "serial numbers". (You'll have to change the search criteria in the drop-down box.

Master Nabeshin
08-09-2004, 11:58 PM
What is Dawn of Souls? I've never heard of that. Perhaps a little trip to will enlighten me.

*a few minutes later....*

Oh, okay, so I guess that mean that no one really knows what it is, then. Nevermind.

08-10-2004, 12:12 AM
Noone's really sure what it is. But in a magazine scan awhile back there was a little picture of the old vincent and it said something alone the lines of "Square Enix is also planning another title based around the charachter seen to the right."

08-10-2004, 12:45 AM
cool another game about Vincent, now all we need is a game about Sephiroth and i'll be so happy.

Master Nabeshin
08-10-2004, 02:23 AM
I'm actually starting to worry tht they might be trying to milk the franchise greedily. AC and BC look awesome, DoS could be okay, but I think they should wait a little before making other games. All I wanted was a sequel and a re-make. Nothing more, nothing less.

08-10-2004, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by Kirgar
Noone's really sure what it is. But in a magazine scan awhile back there was a little picture of the old vincent and it said something alone the lines of "Square Enix is also planning another title based around the charachter seen to the right."

I almost hope that they don't. spin offs usually always end up sucking. but hey you never know! maybe--if they do make it--it'll be a totally awesome game.

08-10-2004, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Master Nabeshin
I'm actually starting to worry tht they might be trying to milk the franchise greedily. AC and BC look awesome, DoS could be okay, but I think they should wait a little before making other games. All I wanted was a sequel and a re-make. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yeah, they don't bring anything to do with FFVII for 7 years and then they bring out three things at once? What's going on SquareEnix, wait a bit before bringing each out!!!

08-10-2004, 02:13 PM
Well I'm kind of dissapointed actually..They already have a game based around the turks..Why one with Vincent? He's a cool character and all but now my fave.

08-10-2004, 02:15 PM
vincent is cool though. hey Tifa_Martial_Artist, I've added you to my buddy list for no particular reason.

08-10-2004, 10:01 PM
hey man, I'm ba~~~~ack!!! I just did that FF7 Character test and I turn out to be most like Cloud, cool huh???