07-14-2004, 09:44 AM

The Sage
07-14-2004, 10:00 AM
Tbh FFX-2 was dodgy. The story was a bit hard to swollow. I mean the same people, minus the obvious people, are tangled up in another problem. And why did no one use Vegnagun (sp?) on Sin in progect Mi'hen, surly Symor knew about Vegnagun? And therer are others I can't be arsed to talk about.

So FF9-2... FF8-2 no! It just doesn't work the time period is just too short for another thing to threaten the whole world.

Aerith Gainsborough
07-14-2004, 10:06 AM
No, they shouldn�t bring out other second parts. X-2 was enough! :(

Usually 2. parts are worse than the first parts. And if you played a first part, you still have your fantasy, your illusion. If a second part comes out, it�ll destroy that illusion. :(

07-15-2004, 03:22 AM
personally i reckon the idea would be stupid to do that after bring out these other ones becuz it would look stupid cuz the graphics would be So much better that the people wouldn't look the same, but as always if they came out i would buy them! fan i am ;) :D

07-15-2004, 03:47 AM
Originally posted by The Sage
Tbh FFX-2 was dodgy. The story was a bit hard to swollow. I mean the same people, minus the obvious people, are tangled up in another problem. And why did no one use Vegnagun (sp?) on Sin in progect Mi'hen, surly Symor knew about Vegnagun?

Seymour never wanted the crusaders to win. He wanted them all to die. Therefore, he wouldn't have given them anything that might have given them a chance of victory. And anyway, vegnagun would have gone berserk if they had deployed it. FFX-2 explains that pretty clearly, even if there were other problems with the plot.

In regards to more sequels, definitely not!

07-15-2004, 04:43 AM
Are we supposed to be talking about the color crimson?

Darth Revan
07-15-2004, 05:41 AM
Sequels to Final Fantasy 8 and 9?

Well, I think.... BAD, BAD, BAD IDEA!!!

Sequels to any of the Final Fantasy games is just wrong. Granted I do have a copy of FFX-2, and after forcing myself to play at least one hour of it, I can safely say that my first opinion about this game is true. IT SUCKS, but that's just my opinion.

In short sequels for other Final Fantasy games, if they ever did come about.... It's the end of the world as we know it, and I DON'T feel fine.

The Ricky
07-15-2004, 06:04 AM
I think the only one that would work would be FF7:AC, That's IF they do it right. I don't know how they'd do it with only an hour long movie. They were gonna do an FF6-2 with Shadow trying to find clarity. But Square dropped it to do FF7.

FF8-2, I wouldn't touch it, only cuz it's FF8.
FF9-2, how could you make a sequel to this one. ::Spoilers:: Necron is dead, the crystal went boom, and Kuja's dead. Think about it.

07-15-2004, 06:38 AM
FFX-2 was a fun game..... but no, I don't wanna see any sequel based on any old games, thanks. >:

Vivi FF
07-15-2004, 12:15 PM
Personally, I found FFX-2 to be a pretty fun game. And it was interesting to see how everyone changed and stuff.

Anyways, I'd rather not have them make sequels to other FF's. Yeah, it would be fun to see if these two people got together, or if this city changed at all. But I think Square should concentrate more on making new FF's. Square shouldn't become like Disney where they can't come up with a new story, etc. so they just remake a dumb sequel to a well-known movie just to get more sales and stuff. Square shouldn't be like that.

However if they do make a FF8-2 or FF9-2, I'll accept it and go out and buy them. Hopefully, they would make those games really good.

Another reason why they should consider not making them is because a lot of people dislike FFX-2, so they may be weary when buying another direct sequel to a FF game.

07-15-2004, 08:21 PM
There's absolutely no room for a sequel for FFIX. It resolved pretty much everything with the ending- the only thing that I could see is a little movie like they made with 10.

There's some potential for an VIII sequel, I suppose, but I'm really not interested in seeing one- I liked the game and the storyline a lot, but I also liked the way that ended.

FFVII ended pretty terribly, so there's plenty of room for a sequel. Even though the FFVII forums have pretty much killed my excitement over AC, it should be pretty interesting to see what they do with this.

A lot of people made up their minds about X-2 before they ever played it. It is a good game, and if you actually make the effort to get the whole story, it's a wonderful companion piece to X.

I'd much rather see them build on the series right now then see more sequels. Both of those games had great endings- a sequel would just take away from it. Plus, it's been a long time since FFX- I really want to see the next real installment in the ff series.

07-16-2004, 12:28 PM
why was final fantasy 10-2 disliked so was it the girl power
anyway if they made a new battle system for a ff8-2 i think it would be excellent make new weapons new charters

07-16-2004, 06:26 PM
Sequels would be a bad idea, FFX-2 was a mistake more like that would be a disaster. 10-2 was fun but it wasn't memorable or anything, not like the originals.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
07-16-2004, 09:00 PM
If they would do it right. I'd like to have a sequel to 6, or maybe a non-hand held sequel to Tactics.

Or as has been said, a good sequel to 7 with today's gaming technology would be excellent, mainly because the ending to 7 was so sudden. Plus all the unanswered questions which they have no chance in hell of resolving with the Advent Children movie...

terra child
07-16-2004, 09:47 PM
the main reason i hated 10-2 was cuz it was too girly for me. i personally believe that the ff10/10-2 storyline could've been much better. the whole nonlinear gameplay doesn't work too well for final fantasy, as well as some otherstuff. if the creators of final fantasy 9 decided to make a sequel, i think it's possible for it to be a good one if they concentrate on staying on the path that was already started, and not veering off into charlies angels land like in 10-2. besides, 10-2 was their first sequel and they'd be going into future projects with a bit more experience.

07-21-2004, 04:28 PM
yes, i agree. they did horrible with X-2. if they did make sequels to 8 and 9, I would hope that they have a LITTLE more experience. but it was a first try, and those don't always work. as for my own opinion on 8 and 9 sequels....NO WAY IN HELL! I doubt they could make a sequel that follows the storyline for once and still grabs your attention as a hardcore gamer. X-2 just didnt do that...

Bahamut ZERO
07-21-2004, 04:48 PM

X-2 had a reason. The ending of X was more or less incomplete. X-2 gave the chance to complete the story and to link together the two main characters of the original story.

VIII and IX were both complete. VIII ended as it should've done with Squall and Rinoa in each other's arms. IX ended as it should've done with Zidane and Garnet in each other's arms. What more do you need? It's like saying X-2 needs a sequel. How? Tidus and Yuna were in each other's arms: All was well with the world.

07-22-2004, 12:13 AM
well yeah, I do agree about that. Sorry if I sounded like a jerk, i know that it IS a fun game and all. I was just simply pointing out that I dont think they should make sequels for the other two. It would just ruin everthing.

07-22-2004, 12:29 AM
no way thay dont need to miss up FF8 or 9 story line with a 2
thay need to be no more FF any thing 2
I like FF10-2 a lot but
makeing a FF7-2 FF8-2FF9-2 would realy F*** it up

I am the bestest FF fan there is I have every thing form toy's to T-shirt's to game's

and I dont what tham to miss up FF7,8,9 with a 2

yea i would still play it if thay did make FF789 with a 2 but thay just dont need to the storyline would be missed up if thay did

07-31-2004, 05:41 AM
However if they do make a FF8-2 or FF9-2, I'll accept it and go out and buy them. Hopefully, they would make those games really good.

Couldn't agree more. Although I would get angry if they did a sequel wrong, I would still go and buy it. That is what a true FF fan does.

07-31-2004, 05:59 AM
i would play tham if thay made FFwhat ever 2
but it would miss up the story line
any way Squrare-Enix done said last year thay we be no more 2
thay thouge about it but thay couldnt think of a of how thay could do it becase the ending of FF8 FF9 thay said that why
all thay going to do is make FFXII and up no more FF's with a 2