07-14-2004, 08:11 AM
There are a lot of things that I wish I was told about earlier when I was playing FFXI. So now I made a thread of things that every person should know and should work on in FFXI! Of course if you have any deep secrets that could mess up your work if you reveal it to the world, you don't have to talk about those (I know I have my secrets).

Complete the quest that enables you to exit through any Mog House in your city! This would of cut down on a lot of time if I knew this earlier. Basically you just give an item (not sure if it's different per nation) to this Mithra kitten that talks about flowers and that's done. Windurst's Item was a Lilac and she was located in the Residental Area of Windurst Wallls.

Benediction is to help everyone, not kill you. If anything, most 2 Hours would be used as a "last chance". Benediction is no exception and even though if you're bound to die, at least tell your party ahead of time (with Macros) that you're going to use Benediction so they'll prepare for it.

Bards, Rangers, Paladins, and Ninjas are the most saught out jobs for a party. Consider them when you play later on.

Don't limit yourself to one job, you can't play this game with having one job throughout the whole game. Not only will the community not choose you, you would also be dinging yourself in the long run. Consider the rest of the jobs when leveling.

Beastmasters hurt themselves in the EXP when they use pets. The rest of the party does not lose EXP because of this.

Keep your party level range to 2-3, if you're the highest, you gain EXP by what YOU CHECK the enemy as.

Fame is good, increase your fame by doing quests and you will be rewarded.

Level your subjob. Can't say that enough.

In Final Fantasy XI, you can do whatever you want. However, there are just some things you shouldn't do. For the most part, this game is community based and you're going to have to do what you don't want to do to get where you want to be. One time I had to team up with 15 people that I've never met before just to get money. I end up with nothing but I still have to do it again... now I'm trying to become 100,000 richer with my new pair of legs. ^_^

As said each time you start FFXI, think about your life when you play. Also note that no one online wants to hear your dumb drama stories. If they do, bad shit WILL happen.

Try to join a Linkshell, it makes the game so much funner! :D

Macros are important to setup, even for the little cases. Learn to use all the commands for the macros.

I highly recommend you get a PC/PS2 controller adaptor as it increases your ability to target things in the game.

F8 targets the closest NPC, THIS IS VERY HANDY TO USE IN BATTLE.

When you aren't getting a response from certain members, depending on the situation, you can either wait them out or just be pissed off about it. If you're talking to LS people, note that they are leveling at the same time and you know how fast that chatlog goes. If you're talking to members in a party, they might be away for a second. Other times, people just ignore you. :D

Avoid chatting in Shout..... please.

Try to stop leveling your first job at 20, get your Chocobo and your subjob then level something else. Invites get pretty rare if you advance 20 without a subjob.

and if anyone has something to add... please do so! :O

07-14-2004, 04:21 PM
"Bards, Rangers, Paladins, and Ninjas are the most saught out jobs for a party. Consider them when you play later on"

More like--




Rangers are neat, but not that sought out. Typo would put them on tier 3 beneath tanks and refreshers/healers as "advanced" damage dealers, alongside BLM.