07-12-2004, 09:07 PM
hey everyone, im new to this site so a big shout out to you fellow ff fans out there.

the thing is, during disc 3 i was chasing ultimate weapon and because if u hit him u get bounced off i bounced into the crater and i pressed x by mistake so i entered the crater with the ultimate weapon roar in the background and the screen stayed black and ultimate weapons roar was still there, it was quite annoying actually. i was jst wondering if nything like this has happened to nyone or other glitches in the game as i would like to know.


07-13-2004, 04:51 AM
The game has crashed i think, if you can still hear the roar. The best thing to have done is done the 'soft' reset (hold L1,L2,R1,R2 start and select).
If you do not want to go near the crater again whilst fighting ultima weapon, then you should summon knights of the round if you have it, and he will then go straight to cosmo canyon to make its stand, then summon knights of the round one more time and it will die.
Hope this Helps You :)

07-13-2004, 11:50 AM
Here's another glitch for you. There's a save all code on your gameshark. If you do that at a certain time, and reset, then no matter what you have named Aeris, her name will always be Aerith. I was discussing this in another thread, but I can't remember exactly where you save.

Does anyone know about this glitch, and the exact details of it? It's a real bugger to look for online, mainly because I'm fat and lazy. Thanks in advance!

07-13-2004, 02:36 PM
Cheater devices r teh suck

07-16-2004, 07:22 AM
a glitch that i've found that runs through the game is that in every FMV sequence, Cloud is always carrying the Buster Sword, whatever weapon you are carrying. :P

07-16-2004, 07:27 AM
That's not a glitch. They weren't going to make different FMVs for every different weapon, after all. Can you imagine how much trouble that would be? And how much extra disc space it would consume?

07-16-2004, 07:32 AM
Originally posted by Prak
That's not a glitch. They weren't going to make different FMVs for every different weapon, after all. Can you imagine how much trouble that would be? And how much extra disc space it would consume?

you're right, its not really a glitch, but it seems a bit wierd. And not even in Final Fantasy XI and beyond, will there be FMVs like you say that changes each weapon...(i'm being picky again...)

07-16-2004, 09:37 AM
about the weapon thing i would also like to have seen the ultima weapon instead of the buster sword in advent children, i think it looks cooler and its the weapon you finish ff7 with if u've done it thoroughly

07-16-2004, 10:34 AM
try this: name Red XIII 'Nanaki' when you first meet him. When you arrive at Cosmo Canyon the first time, the man at the gate refers to Nanaki. He then would say (if he was called Red XIII)

"Nanaki is Red XIII."

If you name him Nanaki, then the man says:

"Nanaki is Nanaki."

;) :o

Omni God
07-16-2004, 09:18 PM
thats not really a glitch thats like saying if you name cloud dipshit everytime someone says hi theyd say "Hi Dipshit"not a glitch but i get what ur sayin.

07-21-2004, 09:12 AM
I found another glitch. I think... maybe my disc is just screwed up... Anyway, I'm on Goblin Island and whenever I fight one of those bull thingys, after the battle is over a blank screen comes up and the music continues playing but the game won't continue. any ideas?

07-21-2004, 09:19 AM
The "Boss" music sometimes hangs here.

Also, dead friends in your party comes back to life for a pre-set sequence and goes back dead again in the next battle!

06-07-2013, 07:17 AM
Has anyone else experienced the glitch where the cutscene right before the Shinra parade march mini game doesn't play and you're just stuck in the empty street/ tunnel after exiting the corridor with the save point? I've tried resetting but it happens every time

06-09-2013, 04:59 AM
I don't think you'll get much help asking in a thread that hasn't seen activity in nearly a decade. In future, if you want to ask something like that, it would be better to make a new thread.

As for your issue, that sounds like a disc read problem, most likely due to the FMV sequence that is meant to play there. I'm afraid there isn't much that can be done about that I'm sorry to say (I presume you're playing the PC version). Anyway, I'm closing this thread as it's past it's use-by-date.