07-12-2004, 02:20 PM
Which is better...and why?

My vote goes to Shuyin cos he's just so damn evil and cool.

07-12-2004, 03:19 PM
theres several reasons to choose shuyin over tidus
1. tidus is a damn wimp
2. shuyin's voicing is way better
3. shuyin's badness but devotion to save yuna's opposite was much more interesting then tidus mediocer devotion
4. shuyin isnt gay
overall shuyin is more appealing than tidus because of his braveness rather than tidus' 99.9% wuss. lol

07-12-2004, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Meteora_of_the_fallen

2. shuyin's voicing is way better

Actually, James Arnold Taylor did the voices for both characters.

4. shuyin isnt gay

There's something wrong with being gay? Please elaborate..


Don't get me wrong, I agree that Shuyin is better...but I'm sure there are "OMG I MISS TIDUS" fans out there...

Speak up...you know who you are ;)

07-12-2004, 03:39 PM
the voicing for tidus was still terrible and annoying tho and i put the gay thing in there for kicks from the "whos most likely to be a homosexual". anyways, yeah it is nice to say screw tidus and go for shuyin instead

07-12-2004, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by Meteora_of_the_fallen
the voicing for tidus was still terrible

Indeed, his voice suited Shuyin more...

And FFX-2's story affected me much more than FFX....I dunno why...yet.

07-12-2004, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by Purrr

Actually, James Arnold Taylor did the voices for both characters.

I know it's the same voice actor, but it's the way he voiced Shuyin. Whereas Tidus was usually a bit whiny, Shuyin's voice was always a bit cold and determined.

Anyhow, I prefer Shuyin. I think Tidus is a good character, but I never liked him very much.

X-2's story affected me because of X- I mean, the perfect ending would be pretty meaningless if you'd never seen the ending to X, no?

Ereptor Eximius
07-12-2004, 05:37 PM
Forget the voice acting....Shuyin had better lines than Tidus, period. Alas, this is only one of my pointless reasons for choosing Shuyin, the others include...

1. Shuyin had cooler hair
2. "Terror of Zanarkand" sounds a LOT cooler than "Blitz Ace"
3. Shuyin has one helluva sweet sword

07-15-2004, 08:48 AM
havn't played x-2 enough to get up to much on shuyin but really was tidus THAT gay...im a chick and i fell in luv with him. (well for an animation that is)

07-20-2004, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by yunatidus14
havn't played x-2 enough to get up to much on shuyin but really was tidus THAT gay...im a chick and i fell in luv with him. (well for an animation that is)

You should adore Shuyin then...I can't really say much more without spoiling something, so I'll just stop typing......now.

07-20-2004, 10:43 AM
Tidus because he would do anything for Yuna and still manages to stay good instead of becoming twisted like Shuyin. And he's not a wuss, hes the bravest of the party and he has to deal with so much, finding out that your actually a dream would mess up anyones head.

Bahamut ZERO
07-20-2004, 11:15 AM

1.) Shuyin became who he was because he could not share his feelings for Lenne. If Tidus had never had that opportunity to share his feelings with Yuna, chances are he would've ended up not too dis-similar to the other.

2.) Tidus has a whiny voice? If I'd been dragged across 1000 years with no chance of going back to my family and my friends, I think I'd be entitled to moan just a little bit about a slight injustice. The voice acting did not bother me though.

3.) Tidus' attacks did a lot more damage physically than anything Shuyin threw at you.

In the end, Tidus' character makes a hell of a lot of sense in the story of Final Fantasy X, and he is my preferred character because he has the strength to part himself from the one he loves and know that she is happy, whereas Shuyin's bitterness twists him to a shade of what he was.

Vivi FF
07-20-2004, 08:48 PM
I go for Tidus, only cause I had no idea there was a second person who could be as whiny and annoying as him.

Besides, Shuyin is weak in battle (his Blitz Ace attack sucked!) and he definitely pissed me off with his ignorance. That guy is extremely selfish, trying to destroy the whole word just so he can be reunited with is love, or whatever his part of the story is.

07-20-2004, 10:24 PM
I have several things to say about this.

First I have to correct Bahamut ZERO(please don't take this offensively. I'm just a smart ass when it comes to FFX.) Ok Tidus didn't acually go through time. In the beginning that was what he though because wakka told him that Zanarkand had been destroyed 1000 years ago. What actually happened was that he had somehow made it from the fayths' dreams to Spira. Since the fayth were dreaming at the same time as everything else was happening he technically didn't go through time at all. Tidus probably wasn't even in the original Zanarkand. Since the fayth had been dreaming for about 1000 years he was probably the last of many generations to be born into the dream.

Does that make since?

Also, as for Tidus having the opportunity to share his feelings with Yuna. Both Tidus and Yuna knew they loved eachother but couldn't act on it too much because they knew that they would only be torn apart in the end. And you can't tell me Shuyin never got as much from Lenne as Tidus did from Yuna. Heck he wasn't on some sorta journey something to get in his way. Well besides the huge war.
Sorry Bahamut ZERO. I just couldn't resist.

Alright here is my opinion. As far as the two characters go Tidus was definately more......... developed. He wasn't wimpy. That's just not right. He did complain and whine sometimes. But he has some leeway there after what had happened to him. He was definately very, very attached to Yuna and would have probably done the same as Shuyin if he was in his shoes. His weopon CALADBOLG is amazingly strong, powerful, cool, and ass- kicking. His clothes aren't too bad. I like listening to his memoirs about his journey. As for the voice acting. It was great. As James-Arnold Taylor says he tried to give a kind of chuckle at the end Tidus statements. This made him kind of light-hearted. But he could also sound serious and angry. His voice fit for every situation.

Shuyin wasn't quite as devloped. He did show the same kinda luv for Lenne as Tidus did for Yuna. His outfit is way cooler and real looking the Tidus'. He had this different look in his face and eyes. It was kind of a hardened look. You could feel his anger. And his voice was perfect for his personality. It sent chills down my spine. He had a much stronger impact at first. If you were to watch two minute scenes of each character you would probably figure out how Shuyin was feeling much faster than Tidus. I eally wish I could have seen more of Shuyin in FFX-2.

My final word is that these characters are about the sme as far as how much I like them. They both fit there parts perfectly. So if you like Shuyin kind of part your going to like Shuyin better. That's my opinion but if I had to choose between the two I would have to say Tidus. Shuyin was way cooler but I connected more to Tidus when I played FFX.

Whew! I think thats it. I'm happy to get that out.