07-12-2004, 06:08 AM
Some people may consider this as a great thing, having a Static Party, a group of people that you know well enough to help you level.

The problem with this that I see is that a lot of drama sometimes goes into this... eventually, people go BOOM BOOM I HATE YOU YOU MESSED IT UP, YOU DIDN"T PROVOKE!?!?!%U(U$(*!#U$#

What's your opinion on Static Parties? :O

Evad D'Aragon
07-12-2004, 10:17 AM
Well, it has its good and bad points...but I also never accept to join a static party...for the good reason that I want to play when I want to...I'll join whoever wants me, that simple. Besides, I'll play a lot less in the coming months because I'll be studying for the Bar...I won't have time for a static party.

07-12-2004, 03:29 PM
Pretty much what Dave said. Not the biggest fan of statics, because Typo usually does so many other things (fishing, smithing, questing, helping friendsies) that the SP would only cut into my time.

Typo was going to make his own SP a few weeks ago, since a few LS buddies were keen on the idea also, but once I took a break from leveling at 48, I realized it'd be rather pointless for someone with a schedule like mine~

07-12-2004, 04:03 PM
Most of the regulars in my linkshell are planning on forming a static party once we get to the high 40's-50's.

Our linkshell is pretty much drama-free, we've all partied with each other and know that the others are good at their jobs, and none of us really want to sit around all day waiting for invites.

They're not for everyone, but they are a huge convienence, especially at the higher levels.

ultima weapon
07-15-2004, 11:28 AM
Just tell them "Ask me again and i'll rip out your soul through your eye sockets and eat it infront of you! Roooaaaar!!!" O.o;