07-12-2004, 05:58 AM
Throughout my many experiences in many Final Fantasy communities, there are the FF7 fans (aka the FFn00bs), the FFOther fans (aka the so-called "FFhardcores) and finally everyone else. But why is it that FF7 is considered "great" by these FFn00bs and why do other FF fans consider it as "not as great" and look down upon FFn00bs?

Well, lets take a look at a few things. What made players play FF7? What made them actually play it first, made them actually sit down, put the disc in and play it the very first time? Of course one would be that they were introduced by a friend. To introduce something, a friend is always a good source. Now, we can start a really long chain of who started what. Of course to have FF7 fans, there has to be some previous Final Fantasy 6 (or in the case of the US, 3) fans. Good bunch of FF6 fans probably played FF4 (or FF2) before that and like wise FF1. Now, if we take a good look, FF7 was spawned on the PSone and it had a lot of cool neat things in it that made it more brought out.... so of course, new fans probably started in FF7 because of what they heard from friends or commericals or whatever they saw.

Okay, so we have new FF7 fans... but are they FF fans? Unfortunately, you really can't say they are FF fans if they only played one FF and never bothered to look at the rest or even hate the rest, they would just be FF7 fans. First impressions also take a lingering and eventually FF7 becomes their "standard of great game"... this ruins FF for them. I think that FF7 was really one of the most money milking games in history. If you thought Square right now is just "making games for money"... you're mostly likely wrong, FF7 generated a lot of cash and it lured you in pretty well.

Think of it like this, you see a man... he's nice, kind... sexy... you date him. You eventually like the guy... love him... marry him... of course you don't want any other guy. But lets say you took the position of one of his old friends. You know him personally, you know him very well, he's a fucking ass and he knows how to charm and lure the hearts of women. Now, if we switch back to what you were (the person that married him), you don't know that, you'll probably die not knowing that. That's how it is right now, FF7 lured you, you don't want any other FFs and basically... you're too used to it to really make a judgement of other FFs.

Now, I play a lot of FF7 back then and I still play it from time to time. Of course I play other FFs and I enjoy FF6 and FFXI more so than FF7. But then there goes that question of what you are... a gamer or not. Anyone can tell me that they like FF7 because it had this story thing or this graphic thing or whatever, personally I think they just don't know what the hell they're talking about. Final Fantasy 7 is a game but most look at it as a interactive storybook. It's all okay and all but that defeats the purpose of what a videogame is, just to have fun. Most people can't tell me that it's a pretty fun game, it is a fun game to me and all.

Now why do those other fans look down on FF7 fans? Well, some would agree with my reasons and some just think that FF7 fans were "fooled" into what is really "Final Fantasy". Personally, I don't think there is a real "Final Fantasy" standard. Each game suits a different set but at the same time it manages to keep all the fans of previous games attached to it.

And of course there is the obvious reason why other FF fans... or even people.... hate FF7 fans... Most of them are stupid ass retards. Now, what I said may be rough, but when you consider it in the end, those who can't "think" properly as to if Aeris can be revived or as to thinking they know everything about FF7 and probably as to making extremely short posts in message boards... yeah, unfortunately, you among other people that "like" FF7 and post in those threads about "who is better than what" and "who owns what"... you're a damn retard. And... for the most part, if you're just skimming through this post and not even reading what I just said and eventually ended up at this point and you don't post anything about it... well, just further proves my point.

So, what makes you an FF7 Fan... an FF Fan... or just a social gamer? I think many people have a reason to look down on FF7 fans... kinda like why I didn't invite "Sephirothh" into my party in FFXI.

07-12-2004, 06:48 AM
Well Ive never played FF1 through 6 and just started with 7 and I was blown away and I still think its the best game in the world!!!

But I like the FF games that were made after 7 to and play them all!!!

So I dont really see youre point, am I a FFnoob to?? or Am I ok for your ideals and standards to be a normal fan??

07-12-2004, 07:40 AM
I pretty much agree with that. FFVII fans can be a bit rabid. I joined the fold a bit late, FFX being the first one I ever played, and have since worked my way backwards through the series. I'm currently nearing the end of FF7 and plan to go straight into 6. Frankly, I don't see why people have been telling me all this time how much better than the others it is.

Final Fantasy 7 is a game but most look at it as a interactive storybook. It's all okay and all but that defeats the purpose of what a videogame is, just to have fun.

I'm gonna slightly disagree on this one. I have a lot of fun with the game aspects of RPGs, but I also regard them as an alternative to books or movies when they have a solid story behind them. They're essentially an all-in-one entertainment package.

Nanaki Claws
07-12-2004, 09:45 AM
I agree with you, i started playing ff7 first and at that time i was a ff7 fan(and it was my first rpg), and my cousin was a ff fan ''hardcore'' he was the one that influenced me to get ff7 and i decided to get all the ff after...and i have not regrets! But i haven't played FF1,FF2,FF3...i played ff5 and 6 with a rom but you can only have for 24 hours! so that sucks...and i cant get ffanthology Argggggghhhh!!!! but fortunately i have ffchronicle(the one with chrono trigger and ff4).

hb smokey
07-12-2004, 01:00 PM
I think we look down most on FFVII fans because that is the one game here that garners the most attention. There are so many people here who love the game, like the game, and what say you? It's probably that we get tired of all these newcomers posting "OH I LUV AERITH! I HAVE SOOOOOOO MUCH IN COMMON. WHY SHE HAF TO DIE?" "SEFIROF IZ DA COOLES MUTHA FUCKA ROUND!". Please, get a life.

Is it just me, or does it seem like we get more idiotic comments from people about FFVII? Or, is it we just have more idiotic people who take this game <I>way</I> too seriously?

I am a Final Fantasy fan. I don't intentionally put one game on a pedestal where no other can touch it. Yes, I still believe that FFVII is <I>probably</I> the best one yet. But that doesn't mean that I am going to go on a huge rant about it, professing my love or connection with some of the characters.

I first started with FFII on the SNES. That started it all for me. Of course, that was my favorite of the series for a long time, but not anymore. I have sense then grown out of that game, although it is still wonderful, IMO.

You can't be a Final Fantasy fan if you always single out a specific game from the series. You have to ask yourself if you are satisfied with the series as a whole, if you enjoy it. A Final Fantasy fan has experimented with almost everything that the series has offered. If you have only played FFVII, then you are <I>not</I> a Final Fantasy fan. Same goes for anyone else who has only played only one.

I have opinions on Final Fantasy:

FFIV-Was my favorite for the longest time. Long thought that it was the best in the series, until recent years. I can never get enough of Cecil, Rosa, and Kain. The whole love connection there just grabbed me into their world, and never let go.

FFV-A good game, but only that. I never really felt that this was worth my time. I enjoyed <I>some</I> parts, but the

FFVI-I still believe that this has the most engrossing storyline of them all. Also, I think it would be safe to say that this game had the biggest impact on me as a gamer. I really didn't believe that having female lead characters, hence Terra and Celes, would work with gamers. But I loved it! Yeah, there was way too many playable characters, but it really didn't bother me too much.

FFVII-Of course, the best one ever, in the majority of Final Fantasy fans eyes. I still think that it is too, but not by much at all. When I was nearing the end of the game, I wasn't thinking that it was the best game of all time. It was only after I finished it, and started thinking about that. I have grown to enjoy FFVII more by not playing it, as weird as that seems. Yes, Cloud and Sephiroth are arguably the best hero and villian that Final Fantasy has had to offer yet. But, really, where would the game be without them?

FFVIII-Without a doubt, the least favorite of them all. I will try to not say that I hated the game, but I really didn't like it. The character development was poor, for the most part. I hated the Junction crap, because it really pissed me off. To me, it just didn't have that feel of deserving the title "Final Fantasy".

FFIX-This is another one that I really didn't enjoy all too well. The one thing I enjoyed most about it was Steiner, because I think he is the man! Yeah, Kuja was pretty cool too, but I just don't believe that this game offered enough in what you could do with it.

FFX-I've never seen a game like this, that had so much emotion in it. From beginning to end, I was enthralled to keep playing. It pulled me in, and wouldn't let me take my hands off the controller, and my eyes off the screen. There has never been a stronger love connection in Final Fantasy between two people, as with Tidus and Yuna. And what an amazing twist, that Tidus turns out to be just a dream! I thought that only added to the appeal of it.

FFX-2-This was a really good game, but nowhere near as good as FFX. Square-Enix did not put enough time into this sequel, and it showed. I don't like the fact you only get to play with three characters, and there are barely any appearances by the other main characters from FFX: Tidus, Wakka, Lulu, and Kimahri. I love the battle system, how you can change different Dress Spheres. I really found the Missions very enjoyable, as it was a refreshment to the series. Not just the usual linear storyline of one main purpose. Yes, FFX-2 is a great game, but it could, and should have, recieved more time devoted in creating it. That would have made it one of my more favorites.

So yes, I consider myself a Final Fantasy fan. I enjoyed every one of these games, to some degree. I enjoyed one more than the other, but each one is not going to be my favorite. While FFVIII is the one I dislike the most, it is the best for so many other people around the world.

Rabid Monkey
07-12-2004, 01:27 PM
Personally the "fans" that bother me the most are the ones that have only played from FF7 and up, but profuse to their knowledge and overall understanding of the games as though the earlier games don't matter at all. Honestly I think that starting with FF7 the storylines become more and more... crap. I can't play the later FF's and have fun while I play them, and the stories just don't draw me in. I think what bothers me the most about later Final Fantasies is that the last boss seems to just come out of NOWHERE, and what's worse is that the average fan just accepts this as though they shouldn't need an explanation as to why some random boss is being thrown at them (which is generally WEAKER than the boss you JUST FAUGHT before it).

The fact is that Final Fantasy was a company�s last hope originally. Square put every bit of their resources into that ONE game as a last ditch effort to save the company. The result was an icon in the industry being born. The next 5 Final Fantasies were treated in much the same manner with a few other RPG's coming out on the side, but with the bulk of attention being placed upon the, by then, world renowned Final Fantasy. Gamers would wide waited on pins and needles for the next Final Fantasy to come out, and each time the game was even more amazing than the last because new Technology allowed Square to tell the story in a way that had never been done before while sticking to basics (that being having a decent story to begin with).

Then came Final Fantasy 7. I'm not sure how many people remember the shock that it wasn't going to be on the Nintendo 64, I sure do. The fact of the matter is that I originally bought a Playstation for the sole reason of playing Final Fantasy 7. The problem is that, for the first time, Square focused on making money rather than making a quality game, which was the main reason the switch from Nintendo to Sony was made in the first place. The game was filled with flashy movies that could be used for advertisements and a Materia system that made it so anyone with a half a brain could beat the game due to the ability to over-power your party to extreme measures very quickly and easily. There was no challenge to Final Fantasy 7. Anyone could play it and beat it, which is partially what drew a lot of fans. You didn't HAVE to be an RPG gamer, but rather just someone that likes to look at flashes on the screen and go "ooo pretty colors".

This trend would continue, with each successive Final Fantasy becoming easier and easier to beat with less and less attention placed upon the story and mroe and more time spent on making it look good. This is the reason why FF7 fanboys, or FF fans that only have played the later Final Fantasies are generally looked down upon by other FF fans. Now, if the person has never gotten their hands on the earlier games that's one thing, though it doesn't give them the right to profess any of the later ones as the best game ever (as many do out of either stupidity or ignorance). However, if someone HAS played earlier Final Fantasies after playing all of the newer FFs (newer being FF7 and later, no... 7 is not a classic yet and it will not be a classic for a long, long time... if ever) and still professes to the "UBER AWSOMNESS!!!!" of the later FF games, in particular FF7, then he or she should be beat over the head with a stick for preaching blasphemy.

The bottom line is that pre-Playstation Final Fantasies ARE better games because Square was still focused upon the quality of the game rather than the quality of the graphics or the appeal of the game to the masses (by appealing I mean how easily they could beat the game without having to think and how pretty the game looked) rather than the fans who had fallen in love with the series when it was not only challenging to play the games but focused on gameplay as well.

The saddest part of it all is that the average FF7 fan is more concerned with posting "OMG CLOUD IS TEH ROX" than making quality posts, so chances are most, if not all, won't even bother to read this.

Bahamut ZERO
07-12-2004, 02:11 PM
Let me produce you with another picture: The European / PAL region market's picture.

For us, Final Fantasy VII was the first one released in this region. Sure, there was the option of ROMs and Emulation and importing, but for a vast majority of us, this is too much time, effort and money (especially seeing as I had no internet until after FFIX was released, and little money even to this present day.)

So, for Euro-peeps, it was a case of "we have never, ever seen a game in this style before." It literally tore a new hole in the gaming market in the UK (I remember it being the first RPG that actually MADE it in this country.) That's why it's so popular. When you think "RPG", you think "Final Fantasy" and a lot of the European market see this as their first RPG and thus the ideal to aim for.

Now, over time (even in the two and a bit years I've been posting here), my opinion of the game HAS altered. This is in part due to my evolution as a person (believe it or not, I am more mature now.) Another part is to do with playing the older games in the series. To date, I have completed 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, and have played parts of 2 and 5 on top of that.

Which game is my favourite? I don't really have one anymore. Each has a different impact to me. 10's storyline driven by emotion hits home a lot. 4's characters really sparkle and relate to parts of my nature (through Cecil and through Kain.) 6 too has a certain emotional impact. Reuniting your party as part of the story is fantastic.

I guess things state-side are different as you've all had the opportunity to play the earlier games before the gaming standards increased and corrupted the opinions of the people in PAL regions. (Although, as it has been rightly stated, graphics and sound are not that important: Gameplay is the key.)

I would agree with Rabid Monkey that the games are easier now than they were. Going through the final dungeon in Final Fantasy with only 99 potions and 9 Cure spells is a proper challenge.

But hey, if people enjoy Final Fantasy VII, let them. Sure, I'd love to see more posts which explain why they enjoy it. For me, I enjoyed it for the extra parts on disk 3, for getting all the level 4 limits. For getting all the ultimate weapons. For fighting the two secret weapons. While the memory of the game is fading, the time it spent with me is still there.

07-12-2004, 05:18 PM
the ONE thing that kept me playing the FF series is the amazing story.
sure, i liked the games alot, the battles, the characters, and all.
but the games are actually a liner storybased games - like an interactive movie.
i've started with the FF8, i bought it just out of curiosity.
and it was awsome! there aint many games with a real story in them (beside Quests at the time).
so i was eager to find the previous FFs, and i got them, and played them. but i think that i liked only FF4,FF5 and FF6 from the pre-PS games, i just couldnt connect to the first stories.
i've played FFX and FFX2, and they have great stories too, so i wouldnt say that they're just money-making games.
FF7 is the last game i played, and i still am. and it's VERY good, with a pre-PS like system, and a good graphics. but the MOST importent for me is it's plot, and where it's going! and I LIKE IT.
so i think i'm a FF Fan, and frankly i dont think anyone can say otherwise - no one will tell me if i like it enough or if i really understood the hidden meaning inside it, that bullshit.
everybody can like one FF and hate another, that doesnt make them less worthy than the "hardcore gamers".

but posting a "oooooh i like XXXX so much, he's sooooo cool" thred is preety annoing.

07-12-2004, 10:52 PM
That's probably another thing in gaming nowadays, story eventually comes the spotlight when it really shouldn't. There are games that have good storylines and will make you want to play more of it... but then when you have a game like Final Fantasy, story eventually becomes more milked than it should be.

No one would really bother playing FF7 if it was just a guy with spiky hair running about. If FF7 was reduced to the point where there was absolutely no character development or a plot, no one would want to play it JUST for that fact alone. It's sickening to a point since there are many great games out there (including a few Final Fantasy games) that get neglected because there is just nothing to write about. A good example would be Final Fantasy XI. The game has a story and a plot... but when it comes to the deep ends, it's not that deep. You're just a guy from a nation, killing monsters, becoming stronger, eventually killing the Shadowlord and gain control for your own nation. However, deep inside, it's a really fun game depending on how you take it. Of course this is a more social game, if you suck at being social (ironically, most FF7 fans are in my opinion), you just can't play the game.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles follow the same suit and so does Final Fantasy 1 and probably Final Fantasy 3 (not to be confused with FF6). Point I'm trying to state here, stories can move you but when you have shitty ass game in your hands with the greatest story in the world, you're not playing a game, just drop the controller and read a book or watch a movie... or better yet, watch Final Fantasy TSW if you like stories... oh you don't like TSW? I guess you don't like FF type stories then... not saying I do like Final Fantasy 7's story anyways.... took too long and it had too much crossings.

07-13-2004, 01:36 AM
No, FFXI is "neglected" because it's online. Most people don't want to pay for all the hardware you have to get to play that and then not to mention the fact if I understand correctly that you then have to pay a subscription fee every month.

07-13-2004, 05:18 AM
Oh yeah that too...

(Then again, me being fairly rich, have some sort of income from family and soon to have a job, that's all pretty minor stuff........ can't say the same for everyone else)

07-13-2004, 02:06 PM
So people are bothered by me because i never played 1 through 6?? thats rubbish I never knew the games existed in the time they were released and I dont bother now playing them so.....

But ow well its not my problem actually I just play the games that I like and I have fun then and if someone has a problem with that well thats his problem hahahaha

Rabid Monkey
07-13-2004, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by Brein
Well Ive never played FF1 through 6 and just started with 7 and I was blown away and I still think its the best game in the world!!!

But I like the FF games that were made after 7 to and play them all!!!

So I dont really see youre point, am I a FFnoob to?? or Am I ok for your ideals and standards to be a normal fan??

Originally posted by Brein
So people are bothered by me because i never played 1 through 6?? thats rubbish I never knew the games existed in the time they were released and I dont bother now playing them so.....

But ow well its not my problem actually I just play the games that I like and I have fun then and if someone has a problem with that well thats his problem hahahaha

You so just proved Mog's point.

07-13-2004, 02:35 PM
I think the ff7 treatment needs to applied to 10 as well because the thing that pisses me off the most is when a so called hardcore FF fan goes and bashes noobs for only liking ff7 because it was the first FF on the PS and then goes on to praise FF10 for bieng the godliest of games ever because you can see emotion in the faces of the characters. That aint right

07-13-2004, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Rabid Monkey
You so just proved Mog's point.

You saying im not social?

07-14-2004, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by MogKnight
you're a damn retard.

07-14-2004, 01:59 AM
i've played a few of the classics but it's hard to get a hold of them unless one of your friends has any of them. and also most people don't like the older graphic (even though the story makes up for the graphics.) that's probably why most people haven't played the classics. but i have to addmit. my ff roots started at ff7 although i wish it could have at ff1. and the newer ffs are losing touch with the classics

p.s even though ff10 has totally awesome graphics, it doesn't even seem like an ff game anmore. and ff10-2 was okay to play and had even better graphics, it was talking it a little to far

07-14-2004, 06:55 AM
Originally posted by NightmareKitty223
i've played a few of the classics but it's hard to get a hold of them unless one of your friends has any of them. and also most people don't like the older graphic (even though the story makes up for the graphics.) that's probably why most people haven't played the classics. but i have to addmit. my ff roots started at ff7 although i wish it could have at ff1.

Precisely my point but I�m to young so I�ve never get to play all the other Final Fantasies, I�m sorry that you judge me because of that.

07-14-2004, 07:05 AM
Originally posted by NightmareKitty223

p.s even though ff10 has totally awesome graphics, it doesn't even seem like an ff game anmore. and ff10-2 was okay to play and had even better graphics, it was talking it a little to far

Well, to typically say, there were a lot of things in all Final Fantasy games to generally say "it's not a Final Fantasy Game anymore". When it hit FF7 and got more industrial, it really was not a Final Fantasy game and that having 3 members in your party at once was a bit shocking for some. In the move from Final Fantasy 4 to 6, FF6 has no REAL centered main character and you didn't need everyone to beat the game.

To really say FFX and FFX-2 weren't Final Fantasy games is overlooking the fact that not every Final Fantasy game was a Final Fantasy game... heck, Final Fantasy 2 (the original NES game) could not be considered a Final Fantasy game, there was no EXP system and your 4th character always changed and you weren't trying to save the world.

And to make Brein shut up before he makes another total ass of himself. Generally, what RM is trying to point out is that most FF7 people are total, complete, retards. Really, you really don't "understand" what Final Fantasy is except for Final Fantasy 7. Don't even consider yourself an FF fan for that reason, you can just not play any other FF game and that's it, that's all you are. We "real" FF fans don't want the same adventure twice, that's like watching a movie again but in a different point of view. Square Enix is also getting extremely tired of FF7.

Lets all just think WHAT makes a story so great... write it yourself. RPGs back then had no story, you can continue on your story of Final Fantasy 7 in whatever way you want... unless you can't think because, like I said before, you're a total, complete, retard.

07-14-2004, 01:33 PM
Wait a sec. Hold the phone for just one second on something there. Square Enix can't be getting that tired of FFVII considering that they're releasing a movie based on it. They must not be so tired of the money that it brings.

07-14-2004, 03:25 PM
I went to the last page of the forum to look at some of the closed threads. My personal favorite was "summuns are good"

07-14-2004, 04:24 PM
How's it hard to get hold of the older FF games? FF1, 2 and 4-6 are all available as remakes, recently released remakes that should be in every well-sorted shop.

07-14-2004, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
Wait a sec. Hold the phone for just one second on something there. Square Enix can't be getting that tired of FFVII considering that they're releasing a movie based on it. They must not be so tired of the money that it brings.

That's really the whole point of AC. One is to demonstrate more graphical flashy stuff 8). The other is to milk more money off of people. Really, FF7AC isn't anything "new" in terms of computer graphical development.

Not saying FF7AC isn't a welcomed thing, it just becomes the question of what makes money more... and likewise, if they make more money off of it, they can keep making other games.

07-14-2004, 07:27 PM
oh yes god i'm stupid. i forgot all about the remakes. sorry bout tha

07-14-2004, 08:22 PM
So... the moral is : dump that zero, and get yourself a hero!?

7 doesn't even have a job!

07-14-2004, 08:34 PM
i would say im a final fantasy fan.ive played over half of them.i really want to play final fantasy 6 but i cant find it anywhere!!! i heard it was only released in japan. ive played final fantasy4 and thats the only classic i played.i want 1 and 2 but ive never gotten around to it and besides im only 14 so how could i possibly play them all?well i guesss i could, but o well...i have to say that all those ppl saying"i luuuuv aersi" and sphy rox are stupid and annoying.there pretty dumb.

im sure i deserve to be called a ff fan. i love how the carecters are so likable(or unlikeable) and how u can even cry bcuz the story is so involving.i love final fantasy.

07-16-2004, 07:07 AM
yeah, i started with FFVII, and then got VIII, IX and then got FFI, II, IV, V and VI before getting FFX and then FFX-2. I still think that FFVII was the best and FFVI seemed to have a more FFVII-feel about it (a feeling I can't explain).

plus FFVII was the first in the series to move out of the 'squares' movement (meaning the entire world was divided into squares and moving up would move you up one square).

07-17-2004, 08:54 AM
Actually, FF7 was pretty stiff. They had it that you could of moved a full 360 but otherwise it was stiff.

I heard someone played through a good part of the game without the run function... no idea how the hell he managed to stand that but... ahh, he's probably dumb anyways.

07-19-2004, 08:44 PM
my ff roots started at ff7 but i wish they could have at ff1
I'm the same, I'd play the origional FF's if i had the chance. I've only played 7, a little of 8, and almost beat 10. I still want to consider myself as an FF Fan, and I'm sorry if it bothers some people. :( Sure, I'm obsessed with FF7 and Cloud, but I also understand the fine points of the game.

Yeah those 'CLOUD IS TEH OWNZORS' threads do get annoying...

FF7 was and still is my favorite, had the best storyline, it suprised me quite a few times and I was saying,"whoa, shocking." Well maybe not that but it was suprising at some points.

FF8, I only played a little of it, cant remember how far, but I can remember playing it. The battle system was ok, maybe even better than 7- dunno really.

FF10 was pretty good, had a very very good storyline, like 7, it was suprising at some points. The PS2 graphics also added to the fun of the game because you could actually see expressions on their face, along with voices.

Those are my feeling and opinions. :)

ZB Apocalypse
07-24-2004, 02:11 AM
I consider anyone who has never played a Final Fantasy prior to FF7 a final fantasy newb.

However, this does not necessarily yield a negative connotation.

What makes things worse is when people started with FF8 and didn't play 7 because the graphics weren't as good.

Further, I can't stand the people who started with FFX and they think it's the greatest thing ever.

Anyone who judges a game mostly on graphics is an idiot, pure and simple. These people will usually deny their judgement, however, so it's useless to argue with them.

I'd also like to comment on why I think FFX is pure rubbish...

The storyline was not really that interesting. It had some twists in it, but it ended up being really cheesy at the end. I won't get into the specifics due to the spoiler factor.
The characters were horrible. Vomit-inducing voice acting, bad developement, and embarassingly shallow character traits.
The mini-games were not fun AT ALL with the exception of Blitzball.
The sphere system was a terrible idea for character leveling.
The weapon system was tedious and boring. Why would I want to carry around 70 different weapons for each person just because they each have different sets of abilities? Couple that with the fact that weapons don't affect your attack power and you have a very crappy equipment system in general.
They dug the "summon" hole deeper. After FF7, summons became longer, more involved, and more boring. It is to the point now that I hate using a "summoner" because I can't stand it anymore. Now, with FFX, you actually bring in an "Aeon" and you control it.
The battle system in general. Each person has to partake in battle in order for them to get experience. Good in theory, horribly implemented. All this does is make you sit in each random battle switching out characters making them Defend or other such nonsense just so you can feel as though you haven't wasted a battle.

There is much more to FFX that I can talk about, but I guess I just realized that this is the FF7 forum.

Sorry, had to just get that off my chest.

To sum it up, new school gamers are usually not concerned with elements that old school gamers consider pivotal to games. In the case of RPGs, this includes plot, character development, and battle strategy. Most newbs are only worried about flashy graphics and full-motion videos.

07-24-2004, 02:53 AM
Originally posted by Chaosrain112

I'm the same, I'd play the origional FF's if i had the chance. I've only played 7, a little of 8, and almost beat 10. I still want to consider myself as an FF Fan, and I'm sorry if it bothers some people. :( Sure, I'm obsessed with FF7 and Cloud, but I also understand the fine points of the game.

Yeah those 'CLOUD IS TEH OWNZORS' threads do get annoying...

FF7 was and still is my favorite, had the best storyline, it suprised me quite a few times and I was saying,"whoa, shocking." Well maybe not that but it was suprising at some points.

FF8, I only played a little of it, cant remember how far, but I can remember playing it. The battle system was ok, maybe even better than 7- dunno really.

FF10 was pretty good, had a very very good storyline, like 7, it was suprising at some points. The PS2 graphics also added to the fun of the game because you could actually see expressions on their face, along with voices.

Those are my feeling and opinions. :)

So basically you have really played through 7 and 10 the two most overrated games.You didn't even try 9 and you won't buy the releases of the early FF games or even attempt to play them emulated...Yup total fan.

07-24-2004, 04:51 AM
I just have to say, that I have all the originals that were released in the US. I have the original NES, and SNES sitting in an air tight container.

I have played the others emulated and have played every Final Fantasy from 7 up to 9 on the PSX. I don't have the money to buy a PSX2 yet, so that is why I have not played X.

But just because someone likes 7 doesnt totally make them a non Fan, but a true Hardcore FF fan will want to play all in the series.

Just my thoughts.

07-24-2004, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by heavenscloud01
i really want to play final fantasy 6 but i cant find it anywhere!!! i heard it was only released in japan.

You heard wrong.


PSX: Final Fantasy Anthologies

07-24-2004, 10:12 AM
You people need to seriously calm down.

Why can't FFVII be a classic? It came out in 1997, that's seven years ago, how long does it take to become a classic? Also if someone started with FFVII when it came out and played the FFs after seven, well that's seven years of Final Fantasy Gamage, and after seven years I'd say that's grounds for non-noobage status.

About the pre playstation FFs having better gameplay, with the exception of FFX and maybe FFX-2 (never played that one) I highly doubt it. The gameplay followed the same formula, find town, talk to people, get reason to fight your way to next town, upgrade equipment, and repeat. Battles were much the same, choose fight, magic, item, or a special command. The only significant difference I see in the gameplay of pre and post playstation FFs is the length, the pre playstation games taking about 20-25 hours and the post plastation games being 40+ hours.

The post playstation FFs aren't so incredibly easy as some claim, the first time through an rpg I don't spend extra time leveling or finding the uber-equipment, I've used this strategy for every Final Fantasy I've ever played. Playing this way I beat Zemorus the first time through after about a 25 minute fight, I beat Kefka after a 10 minute fight. Sephiroth took me 15 minutes, and Ultimecia was a half hour battle. I beat all those final bosses on my first try (although Griever managed to kill me), in fact the only FF I've played and didn't beat the final boss on the first try was FFIX.

It's not that the newer games are inherently easier, it's just easier to overpower your characters with a lot of free time. FFX is a good example of this, I beat the game with my highest HP character being Auron with around 6000 hp, yet I read about people getting every character to 99,000 hp and complaining that the final boss was too easy.

To justify my claims I'll list the FF games I've played and which ones I've played but yet to beat.

FFIV - Beaten
FFV - Unbeat (due to my cousins erasing my game file on 3 seperate occasions)
FFVI - Beaten
FFVII - Beaten
FFVIII - Beaten
FFIX - Beaten
FFX - Beaten

FFAdventure - Unbeaten (lost my gameboy)
FFTactics - Beaten
FFXI - will never be beaten

So I'm not an FFNOOB, I didn't start with FFVII yet I consider it one of the top three FF games of all time.

I'm not sure where this elitist attitude comes from, just because someone hasn't played the pre playstation games they can't be a true fan? I just don't get it.

All this being said I do have to agree with the elitists about Square not putting as much effort into making a great FF game as they are into making a profitable FF game. I'm not sure when this started, but I think it was around FFVIII-IX, I believe there were 4 or 5 FF projects in development at one point in time, with that kind of production there is bound to be tradeoffs.

07-27-2004, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by Sephiroth's Brother
FFVI seemed to have a more FFVII-feel about it (a feeling I can't explain).

You mean VII had more of an FFVI feel to it. ;)

I've been playing Final Fantasy games since I was a little kid, so I started with FFI. FFVII was the first game in the series that I feel let me down.

I don't think it's a bad game, and I enjoyed it when I played it, but gameplay wise and story wise I don't feel it really compares to the rest of the series. The characters in particular were very dissapointing- I cared more about Cid and the Turks then I did about the main characters.

I don't look down on people because FFVII is their favorite in the series- there are some pretty intelligent people here who are pretty huge fans of FFVII.

However, the "ff7 n00bs" are the stupidest people I have ever seen on the internet. And that's saying something.

07-31-2004, 03:40 AM
7 was my first FF and I played it in 2001. Great, so sue me old school gamers.

Some gamers think that just because they grew up in the "good ol days" as they like to call them, automatically means, to them, that 3-D is evil. Now I'm not critisizing any old schoolers, but even if you just say,"Mario 64 was my first game" They would say back at me,"You can take your 3-D and shove it"

I don't care about graphics, I just love the quality of the games. And if they are 3-D, then so be it. It's not my fault that they don't sell old 16'bit Sega Genesis anymore, sorry.

07-31-2004, 03:56 AM
The first FF I played was FF tactics, that was by far the best FF game out there today. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against the newer Final Fantasy games. FF7 was the 4th final fantasy I played It was alright though i found the whole We must find the promised land pretty corny. But it was kinda cool, for the longest time i thought SS took Cloud from tactics and put him in FFVII Then i learned it was flip flop. Funny.

Master Nabeshin
07-31-2004, 03:58 AM
Originally posted by Tifa_Martial_Artist
7 was my first FF and I played it in 2001. Great, so sue me old school gamers.

Some gamers think that just because they grew up in the "good ol days" as they like to call them, automatically means, to them, that 3-D is evil. Now I'm not critisizing any old schoolers, but even if you just say,"Mario 64 was my first game" They would say back at me,"You can take your 3-D and shove it"

I don't care about graphics, I just love the quality of the games. And if they are 3-D, then so be it. It's not my fault that they don't sell old 16'bit Sega Genesis anymore, sorry.

Hear hear! I'm an oldschool gamer, I started on the NES, and I do enjoy those games, but I agree that the graphics don't really matter. Okay, they do to some degree (they can't be so confusing and pixelated that you don't know what you're looking at). But Mario 64 is every bit as good as the original, and anyone who says 3-D is evil probably is jus incompetent at sorting through the information requried to move in three dimensions in a virtual setting. They're just worried that someone will find out and try to discourage people from liking 3D games, which is quite ineffective.

07-31-2004, 04:12 PM
Yeah, I mean I didn't grow up in the age of Atari. And I don't listen to the same music my parents listened to when they were young..I bet we'll feel the same way with our kids, missing the old generation and all. But we are making advancements in technology, so who gives.

08-07-2004, 03:50 PM
FF7 was my first final fantasy game. Just because it was doesn't make me a final fantasy noob. Some FF7 fans are lame, some aren't, just like anything else. Also if you hate FF7 most likely you are missing the point of Final Fantasy. All final Fantasy games are RPGS which FF7 does the best at by having a good story , and has well developed characters. RPGS are not about how good the graphics are, how hot the characters are , or the battles. It's takeing a role of a character. I have played other FF games but none of them were as good as FF7.

08-07-2004, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Nanaki_Wolf
Some FF7 fans are lame, some aren't, just like anything else. Also if you hate FF7 most likely you are missing the point of Final Fantasy.

Saying that people who didn't like FFVII are missing the point of Final Fantasy puts you solidly in the lame category.