The Sage
07-11-2004, 10:43 PM
I was talking to my cousin recently and he said that a few of the male characters in FF are a bit iffy. I don't mean this as a serious thread feel free to make jokes etc

In particular Cloud he dresses up as a woman and hangs around in a gym doing "squats" with the muscley boxers. And as far as that sword goes, I think he's trying to make up for something...

07-11-2004, 10:47 PM
Do u mean metrosexual? I think Tidus is the most girly. Jus listen to his voice and look at his clothes. not to mention his face. he looks almost 14 to me.

07-12-2004, 04:41 AM
but i thought tidus was supposed to be 14 or 15 or something like that?

but i also agree. i think tidus wouls make a pretty good gay guy...

07-12-2004, 12:16 PM
yeah, i agree with the cloud and tidus thing but i think zell is way on the gay side lol. he's always defensive, which isnt so bad, but freaking out over "chickenwuss" is kinda gay. then he has all those flips and stuff and he likes to use his fists lol

07-12-2004, 12:22 PM
Tidus, Squall, or Paine...

....Take your pick ;)

hb smokey
07-12-2004, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by The Sage
<B>Cloud he dresses up as a woman and hangs around in a gym doing "squats" with the muscley boxers.</B>

Well, we know, that Cloud did all that for a reason.

Yeah, I thought Zell was pretty gay. Always throwing hissy-fits when Seifer called him names.

Tidus' voice was annoying to me, but I chose not to listen to him talk. I tried to mute him out.

07-12-2004, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by Smokey

Yeah, I thought Zell was pretty gay. Always throwing hissy-fits when Seifer called him names.

I wanna know if someone actually counted the times Zell said ""

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
07-12-2004, 01:20 PM
Sephiroth. I mean, how else can you explain his obsession with Cloud throughout the game?

And Dio from Golden Saucer.

07-12-2004, 01:41 PM
Oh yes, and don't forget the guys that Cloud has a bath with at HoneyBee Inn...

God Bless Cloud's Courage.

07-12-2004, 03:09 PM
yeah, i thought the voicing for tidus was horrible, way to girlish and squeky. dio is prolly gay too with all the weightlifting and watchin guys compete contests. lol, i guess pain could be gay, or lez, or whatever lol. for some reason japan (especially squarenix) likes to make guys faces girlish, even with some anime, but oh well, maybe guys who are girlish are cool over there. WHO KNOWS??!! lol hehe

Rabid Monkey
07-12-2004, 03:27 PM
I can't believe no one has said Kuja.

Helen Gurley Brown
07-12-2004, 03:29 PM
I'm pretty sure that we can argue that any male character in an FF series is gay. They're Japanese-made. So is Camui Gackt. Coincidence? I think not.

Also, I have to agree with RM there. KUJA is the gayest.

07-12-2004, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Rabid Monkey
I can't believe no one has said Kuja.

I can't believe I am posting in this thread


Yeah, Kuja was pretty gay looking...


Kefka. Defenitely.

Originally posted by NightmareKitty223
but i thought tidus was supposed to be 14 or 15 or something like that?

but i also agree. i think tidus wouls make a pretty good gay guy...

~~Looks up instruction manual~~

Tidus is 17yo

Originally posted by Meteora_of_the_fallen
and he likes to use his fists lol


07-12-2004, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Rabid Monkey
I can't believe no one has said Kuja.

Hey, you can dress girly and not be homesexual! Ed Wood, anyone? :p

To answer the question, I always though Zorn and Thorn had a bit of a Bert and Ernie thing going on.

07-12-2004, 04:45 PM
I'd like to remind you on the fact that Kuja is one of the villains where there were actual hints on his heterosexuality, something that cannot be said for, say, Sephiroth.

Please, if you're going to post in here, sacrifice half a minute thinking about the characters, instead of just referring to their outward appearances... Where's the fun?

07-13-2004, 03:55 PM
vincent-vampyres are by default bi-sexual

tidus only looks young with the in-game graphics, he looks older in fmv's

seifer was quite gay but then i always think really macho acting guys seem pretty gay

07-13-2004, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by calmia
vincent-vampyres are by default bi-sexual


considering you know to refer to them as "vampyre" and not "vampire", you'd think you would have read enough to know that's not true.

And Vincent isn't exactly a vampire or a vampyre.

The Sage
07-13-2004, 09:06 PM

Can I just come in here and remind people that Bram Stoker made up vampires. They were hyjacked in later films and then made into somthing, as if they've been around in popular mythology for ages, mostly because of things like "Blade" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer".

Bram Stoker was walking around in a book shop one day looking for ideas. Then he saw a book on a rather nasty demon rumored to live in Eastern Europe, called a "Nosveratu". These demons were based on a real king that was a rather nasty tyrannous fellow, because he like eating human flesh and raping at will across his own country, so the story goes. The "Nosveratu" deamon was a thing that went across the land sucking life out of everything and Stoker just turned that into a demon that sucked blood. The demon that was based on this king was probably made up to scare children like the banshee, or werwolves. It's not real

07-13-2004, 10:18 PM
Sage- Vampire/Vampyre mythos has been around all over the place for ages. Bram Stoker based Dracula on stories from all over eastern europe, and those stories originated from far-easten myths. Dracula is responsible for introducing the concept to the masses, yes, but it's hardly what created it.

I personally don't believe in vampires, but I love to read about them. If you're at all familiar with the concept of other-kin, that's what the vampire/vampyre thing stems from.

And anyhow, even when referring to fictional type creatures, there are still certain rules that apply. Phoenixes aren't real, but if someone said they entered their new lives through dying of natural causes, they'd be wrong, yes?

07-14-2004, 01:18 AM
kuja is definatley the gayest.who goes around wearing a codpiece and a cape?ewwww

07-14-2004, 04:44 AM
Originally posted by Purrr

Kefka. Defenitely.

Yes. His taste for expensive clothing, and that laugh of his sell it to me.

and anytime I can choose Kefka makes me happy.

Aerith Gainsborough
07-14-2004, 05:36 AM
Well, of course the guys, Cloud hat to take a bad with. The ones from the gym. They are definitely gay! ;)

All the others are not gay. And if they look gay, then because, they�re made in Japan. A lot of japanese men look a bit like a women..... but who cares? :rolleyes:

The Sage
07-14-2004, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by Aerith Gainsborough
All the others are not gay. And if they look gay, then because, they�re made in Japan. A lot of japanese men look a bit like a women..... but who cares? :rolleyes:

:shock: I'm offended on behalf of Japanese men! :shock:

You wouldn't like it if I said most German women look like the men!

I'm sure you didn't mean offence but still that's a huge racial steriotype your putting out there. I mean there's about 68,750,000 men in Japan, do they all look like the women? The Japanese men do tend to be shorter than Euopean men but then so are the women. Also if you don't see many people form a certain race you can't tell them apart because your not used to their faces but men are different from women where ever you are.

Aerith Gainsborough
07-14-2004, 10:02 AM
No, I didn�t mean it like that. Of course, they don�t look like women. But the most young japanese men have a softer skin and everything. They just don�t look like Americans, Eurpeans or whatever. And I was just saying "a bit" like women!

But I didn�t mean it in a bad way, because there�s nothing wrong with it. And I�m not a racist or anything. And I never said, that I don�t like it that way the Japanese look like. I don�t care, if they�re small, either. I�m small by myself. :(

There�s a word, that describes, what I was trying to say, but I forgot (I forgot the word in german, too, that means I can�t even translate it) :rolleyes:

Well, and I don�t care, how you call German men. But I don�t think there�s much of a difference to American men. ;)

07-14-2004, 07:42 PM
i dont think that any men(well mostly) look like women.just the character creators,who are mostly mostly are japanese, make the characters look girly sometimes.. but not all the time.

07-15-2004, 12:47 AM
I thought Tidus's voice was cool, I mean it suited him.
I wouldn't wanna listen to Tidus speaking in low tone and gargling voice.
Otherwise, what kind of voice do you think should've been used?

I thought Seymour was the gayest.

07-15-2004, 01:21 AM
He could have sounded like his age but he appealed as pre-pubescent kid to me

07-15-2004, 02:55 AM
ask any final fantasy playing chick like me and they will most likely tell you that Tidus is a babe and you cant really say he's a homo if he kisses yuna passionatly in the spring....but yeh some of the outfits are questionable. yeh what IS the thing with zell!
PS. :love: ;)

07-15-2004, 03:14 AM
Originally posted by yunatidus14
ask any final fantasy playing chick like me and they will most likely tell you that Tidus is a babe
PS. :love: ;)

Mandi, is Tidus a babe?

No. He looks like a chipmunk. ; ;

07-15-2004, 03:58 AM
a chipmunk? ...ok whateva

07-15-2004, 10:57 AM
the guys in final fantasy don't look that girly imo. the combination of being young and goodlooking doesn't make them feminine.

i quite like tidus' voice for most of the game, but it sound silly when he is doing his monologues as his voice is to ???, well it just doen't work.

Aerith Gainsborough
07-15-2004, 11:04 AM
Well, I don�t know about Tidus, but he didn�t look gay to me at all. And he didn�t sound gay, either. :(

Like I said, the only real gay guys in FF are the ones Cloud has to take a bad with.....:laugh: That is a funny part in the game....

07-15-2004, 02:26 PM
i thought tidus was a litttle on the girly side.that doesnt mean hes gay, just not that manly.

to me the gayest guy is kuja!hes a good villain, but his clothes are just gross.hes the least dressed person(next to shiva and yunalesca).

07-15-2004, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by heavenscloud01
to me the gayest guy is kuja!hes a good villain, but his clothes are just gross.hes the least dressed person(next to shiva and yunalesca).

yeah, kuja's problem is his clothes, he may be feminine but he's not gay, nor had a bad personality, I just can't fatham why he wears... that.

07-15-2004, 02:53 PM
It is in order to express his unique personality. Kuja strives to set himself apart from everyone else, he desperately wants to be special. It's easy to understand this if you think about what he is.
It fits him wonderfully, it belongs to his wish to make a show of himself. I suppose he cares a lot about how other people see him - but he doesn't want to please them, he wants to tease them, annoy them, confuse them. He wants to make clear to everyone that he is different from them, and that he is way superior to them.

07-15-2004, 03:11 PM
well he confused me.

The Sage
07-16-2004, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by heavenscloud01
i thought tidus was a little on the girly side. that doesnt mean hes gay, just not that manly.

"not that manly" i'm loving that saying! rofl "a little on the girly side" lol

Originally posted by heavenscloud01
i thought tidus was a little on the girly side. that doesnt mean hes gay, just not that manly.

"not that manly" i'm loving that saying! rofl "a little on the girly side" lol

07-16-2004, 08:47 PM
lol i can see how funny that sounds! wel tidus is just a bit fruity.hes not gay,that would have to mean hes in love with other guys!ewwww!but seeing as he **SPOILERS**didnt say i love u to yuna in the end when she did,it makes me wonder...hehe
you know im joking!
yay my 200th post!

hb smokey
07-16-2004, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by heavenscloud01
<B>but seeing as he **SPOILERS**didnt say i love u to yuna in the end when she did,it makes me wonder</B>

Well just put yourself in his shoes. You aren't really expecting her to say much, especially not that. Not too long ago, you find out that you are a dream, not real, and nothing more. Then Yuna says that to him. How are you supposed to react, and what are you to say? You are going to leave the girl you love, and now, the girl who loves you, possibly forever.

I just think that he was at a loss for words when that happened. He was probably shocked when she said that to him, even though she knows that he is going to disappear.

07-16-2004, 09:08 PM
yep i totally agree with you.i was just joking!i would be sad too.i wouldnt say i love you back because how can a dream love someone?but anyways back on topic...whos a homo?