07-10-2004, 04:05 AM
I Think of all the Different Final Fantasy Worlds as Existing In the same Relative Universe Roughly, as Many Different Elements parallel Between the Games, yet each has its differences, much like for example Brazil and Canada are the same, yet different in Language, and the animals you might find there,etc.

I just wanted to see what everybody thinks of this Theory.


07-11-2004, 11:10 AM
My theory is that:
All FF's are set on the same planet, but at different times (looking at centuries and more here i think), therefore the planet might look different, or be more futuristsic than others.
However i am not 100% sure on my theory to tell the truth.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-11-2004, 11:41 AM
I think they're not set on the same planet, galaxy, universe, I doubt the writers at Squaresoft ever really bothered thinking about that. These games are just like books, just in gaming format, not really meant to be part of each other unless its a direct sequal like Final Fantasy X-2.

If the games were meant to be inter twined with each other, it'd be very difficult to tie up storyline, also evolution on this planet would probably be the strangest in the universe.

07-11-2004, 12:52 PM
S'pose so.
Well, i said i wasn't 100% sure!

Darth Revan
07-11-2004, 12:53 PM
I created a thread about this a while back here (http://forums.ffshrine.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=13211) , but this is what I posted there....

In the FF series, there are numerous recurring elements. The first being, of course, the Cid�s. Second, the sword Masamune. Thirdly, there is always a Ultima Sword, although it may be called under another name. Fourthly, there�s always been a Excalibur sword, somewhere in every FF game. Fifthly, there is always something called the ragnarok in every FF series. There are the recurring ultimate magic spells, ultimate black magic being either Meteor or flare, whilst the ultimate white magic is Holy. The forbidden spell Ultima, has been in every FF, except the first, and appears when everyone needs it. And of course, the currency is always Gil in every FF, except the original US versions of FF1, 4 and 6 had it translated as GP. The name Highwind has been used in earlier FF�s as well, FF 2 being the first. The character with this name, in FF 2 was called Richard Highwind a Dragoon/Lancer. In FFIV, The name of the Dragoon there, Kain�. HIGHWIND! In FFV, King Alexander, had Highwind as his middle name, Alexander Highwind Tycoon. And of course, the Highwind airship and her pilot, Cid Highwind. In FFX, the Highwind was the name of one of Kimahri�s weapons. Basically, any character with the name of Highwind were originally envisioned, by Square, as a loner.

Also in FFX, there is a sword called Matoya�s blade, a reference to the blind witch in FF1. The Rosetta stone in FFVIII is a reference to a key item you get in the original FF, which teaches you the Lefinish language, a race a spirit like beings towards the end of the game. The �bats� who encounter in various dungeaons in FF1 are actually the Lefinish people, turned into bats by the four guardians of chaos. Of course, they are references to earlier FF�s in most FF games. Example, the play at Gold Saucer, with a Princess Rosa was referring to the main female lead in FFIV. Also, Tiamat from FFVIII was not a dark Bahamut, contary to popular belief, but was referring to one of the four guardians of chaos in FF1, he was actually the Guardian of Air. The creator of Triple Triad, in FFVIII, look in the information section under triple triad, and it has the creator as Olan Durai. He was a character, an astrologer, a powerful magic user with the awesome spell called Galaxy Stop, which freezes every enemy in battle, and gives them status effects. What game? Final Fantasy Tactics that�s what! Of course, FFIX has a ton of references to earlier FF�s, unfortunately too many to list. Now, there is also a link, between FFV and FFVIII in the form of everyone�s favourite four armed maniac, Gilgamesh.

Now we all know of the four armed lackey of X-Death, Gilgamesh,, from FFV. However, is there any relation between the FFV and FFVII version? Well, the answer is, YES. Both Gilgamesh�s are the one and the same. Proof? Well, look at it like this. Towards the end of FFV, in the Cleft dimension, in a fight against Necrophobe, if you don�t destroy him in a certain amount of time, Gilgamesh will appear and wipe out Necrophobe for you. However his assistance is short lived, as he is dispatched to the realm of nothingness known simply as The Void or N Zone, meaning nothingness, by X-Death. He remains trapped in there, anger rising, until a certain blonde boof head, slices Odin in half (talk about a split personality), and Odin�s sword, Zantetsuken, is sent flying.

However, bad news coming. Zantetsuken actually slices the dimensional interval, creating a rift into the N-Zone, allowing a certain four armed sword collecting, and angry as hell, Gilgamesh to be freed. Of course, how does he thank his rescuer? By cutting him down. Thus Gilgamesh is freed from the prison he was cast into by his former master, X-Death. Now, Gilgamesh is trapped in the FFVIII world, with no hope of returning to his world of FFV.

If you�d like to check up on this yourself, check out http://www.ffcompendium.com and have a look in regards to Gilgamesh and his appearance there, as well as any other references to earlier FF�s with the newer versions.

07-11-2004, 01:07 PM
Nice one Dude!
Also im not sure if you mentioned it, but:

There are a few names that are continues, those being cid, biggs and wedge.

Cactuars are also on a few of them, but on VI being called cactrots.

Summoning, what else but espers/callers/totemas/GF's/summons/eidolons/aeons and i s'pose theres more.

There are weapons on a few aswell, ruby and emerald VII, ultima and omega on VIII etc.

Chocobos, are on most if not all of them.

Then bahamut, shiva, ifrit.

But carnt be arsed with any more.


The Sage
07-11-2004, 10:17 PM
In other words the loverly people at square are too lazy to come up with new names.

07-11-2004, 10:44 PM
Bad theory, Its a game. The creators probly just wanted to use same things from previous final fantasys cuz thats wat the fans want. They want cool summonings(Gf's,eidolons,Aeons watever the hell u wanna call em). Square just wants a bigger profit. If ppl want final fantasy why make something different

07-16-2004, 06:27 AM
well said lionheart exactly what i was thinking......i mean cmon wot would final fantasy be without chocobos?:)

07-16-2004, 09:13 AM
I used to always figure it was the same universe, relative laws of magic, summoning, spirits, etc.

But they all just have way to much in common, aside from being on the same planet, perhaps it's all the same "area" of the universe (perhaps same galaxy) each occuring on a different planet, different time period. Some how they infest and influence eachtoher.

That's sounds to much like a StarWars theory to some people though.

hb smokey
07-16-2004, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by tupac_method19
<B>wot would final fantasy be without chocobos?:)</B>

Chocoboless. :(

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
07-16-2004, 11:15 AM
You people give SE too much credit.

They have so much in common because they are just recycling a lot of the same old ideas; for lack of new ones. It's not some grand universe or scheme they're working on to bring it all together in some massive game in the future.

07-17-2004, 10:51 AM
Well the main summons... Shiva, Ifrit, Bahumut... Aren't those like hindu gods? I heard that somewhere... I think it was English class.. lol

The Sage
07-17-2004, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Magus
Well the main summons... Shiva, Ifrit, Bahumut... Aren't those like hindu gods? I heard that somewhere... I think it was English class.. lol

They're all gods or things from some mythology or another

Rabid Monkey
07-17-2004, 11:49 AM
I think this sums up my opinion. (http://forums.ffshrine.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=9320) 8-)

And yes I know I left out FFV. 8-)

07-22-2004, 06:38 AM
i think they are at differnet times on a planet

why did square-soft change into square-enix
it ruined ff10-2 what about 11 and 12

dante's ninth circle
08-03-2004, 03:19 AM
Originally posted by Magus
Well the main summons... Shiva, Ifrit, Bahumut... Aren't those like hindu gods? I heard that somewhere... I think it was English class.. lol

Shiva was originally a man with four arms holding the Earth in one hand, and the flame of destruction in the other. He is colored blue to represent the endlessness of the universe. And if you look at FFVIII, Quetzalcoatl is an Aztec Thunderbird God.

08-04-2004, 03:38 PM
i think it could be at different times maybe.. 1 2 3 4 5 and 6 seemed to be castles and dark age times, then 7 and 8 went futuristic style, 9 seemed to be dark age again but the technology was still there, and then 10.. Sin destroyed the technological cities and things were back to basic like... maybe..

08-04-2004, 04:23 PM
Hey dante's ninth circle ot whatever, is it the new craze to revive old threads?

Landlord of Sector 7
08-04-2004, 11:00 PM
I as well believe that every FF was taking place on the same planet and someone may ask, then why isn't the technology so great? Well, if you have ever read the Time Machine then you can understand it and if not, post that you want me to explain it and I will. Anyways, in every FF the continents look at least a little bit similair and take this into consideration. In FFX, it is one BIG continent (like Pangea) and in X-2 the character Shinra mentions something that is eerily similair to the lifestream/mako in FFVII (Shinra, you know???) so if it was true the world of the FF's could have done a continent split just like our world did. And also, in FFVIII there is a shop in Esthar called Clouds Shop, and the recurrences of magic and names and summons etc. etc. may not all be just Square's lack of creativity....that's all I have to say. :)

dante's ninth circle
08-05-2004, 01:06 AM
What convinces me about the "FF thoery of relativity" is the reappearance of the same enemies, or at least in VII, VIII, and X. In FFVII, Tonberry, and Iron Gaint were at the middle of the earth, FFVIII had Tonberries galore in Odin's ruins, and Iron Gaints in Esthar, plus Anamantoise on some beaches, and FFX had all three in the Omega Ruins (that feinds in that place were scary). Oh, and is FFXII going to be past or future?

Originally posted by SephirothBizzaro
Hey dante's ninth circle ot whatever, is it the new craze to revive old threads?

If I haven't seen it, it's new to me!

Landlord of Sector 7
08-05-2004, 01:24 AM
Depends on if FFT was in the future or past because they are the same world...

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-05-2004, 01:32 AM
FFT and FFTA, Landlord, don't forget.

And I'll say it once more, you're giving them too much credit with this "It's all one big grand design they've had in mind from the beginning".

It's more like "They recycled all their ideas a bunch of times and have only recently realized that if they intentionally put similarities like this in there they'll spur a bunch of idiot little discussions like in this thread."

Like, in FF XI, I saw someone named SSJGogeta running around. OMGZ, THAT MEANS FF AND DBGT ARE LINKED SOMEHOW!!!111

Landlord of Sector 7
08-05-2004, 01:34 AM
Haha best reply to something in the FF forums I have seen in a loooooong time.