07-09-2004, 01:31 PM
Okay, I'll ask you guys how long did you play Final Fantasy 7 in one gameplay, if you also say how many times you played it from the beggining to the end, it'll be good too.

They indicate how much you love this game.

Let's start

I think I played this game for about 60hours in my first data and it was the longest.
I played it 5 or 6 times from the beggining to the end.

07-09-2004, 11:26 PM
i've played it about 30 hours strait, i've reached the middle of it i think...
but i just love this game, i could play 3 day without sleep just because of the tense plot.

07-10-2004, 10:29 AM
Ha!, thirty hours in a row!? okay, now I know how much you love this game, is this your first RPG game?
This was my first one, that's why I got into it so much and started playing other RPGs as well.

07-10-2004, 11:09 AM
hi 777 i've added you to my buddy list!
actualy its not my first RPG game, i've played all the baldur's gate series, and fallout witch are great games, then i got my hands on FF8 and i fall in love with it, so i looked around and got all the first FF (1-6) and although they got old graphics and sound thier the best games ever made!!!! i just LOVE FF6 i hope square will remake them to PS2, it'll be great!!!! now i have FF-X and FF-X2 witch are great games too, i think i love FF-X the most cause i played it like 50 hours strait! and finally there FF7 which i had some trouble to get my hands on, so right now i have a cracked version, so i'm looking for an original one.
it's a great game!! i havn't finished it yet, so when i do i'll tell you if it's better the FF-X.

07-10-2004, 05:12 PM
level:everyone 99
limits:everyone 4
summons:averysummons exept for knigths of the round,pheonex,jka,and nei bahamut master
other materias:most of them master
characters:yuffie,cloud(back row)and tifa
monsters defeated:avery monster defeated including the weapons

time:93hours and 52 minutes
time killing sephiroth(last battle):five minutes
strategy for killing sephiroth(last battle):Knigths of the round and then mime it with your second character and if you don't kill it like i did efter doig knigths of the round cast bahamut zero pired with quadra magic

time that i late to have my game like this: one year XD

well that's my game
i wonder how many of you have like that XD of you don't i could gave you some tips XDDDD

07-10-2004, 11:58 PM
I devoted an entire summer to Final Fantasy 7, and then when I broke my arm, I stayed home from school and I ended up spending about 3 days in front of the TV trying to get through the end of disc one and so I've spent about 134 hours playing the game.

07-11-2004, 06:45 AM

as you can tell iam new here''

i was just looking at the poll, i can honestly say i spend over 300 hours on the game...

i got everything in it, all items, every character to level 99, almost got their stats up to 255, it was very long to do that.

i just get totaly addicted to the FF games, every materia masterd the weapons were no match for me''

what a great game though''

07-11-2004, 07:58 AM
You guys reminded me of the days I used to skip going to school.
As you expect, obviously it was for playing Final Fantasy and it was necessary to do cause I couldn't concentrate on anything else such as study so it was good I finished it within a short time.
I was about 10 years old at that time and my friends got sucked into it as well so we kind of competed, you know, who was going to finish it first.

Hey I haven't heard of baldur's gate, what kind of game is it and is it even on PS?

07-11-2004, 03:35 PM
well he's not a match for FF but its a nice RPG,
it's like the D&D style, preety old too.;)

07-12-2004, 04:12 AM
i always try to work for everyone to have level 99. but i have no pacience what-so-ever and end up using codes. shame shame on me. oh well, saved me lots and lots of time lol.

07-13-2004, 06:16 AM
What about others!
I'm sure this isn't everyone who loves FF7!

I also made the other thread that I put the pictures of FF 7 Before Crisis on, check it out.

07-13-2004, 03:09 PM
this game is like drugs if you play it once you want the "high" over and over

07-14-2004, 05:07 AM
That's right, it is so addictive!
I think it happens frequently when you play any FF for first time.

Tommy Angelo
07-14-2004, 11:35 PM
Well i will agree with you guys i devoted to play this game when i first got my PS1 and finished it and had about 70 to 80 hours of play on it.
Oh and i started a new game on it yesterday and i allready have 21-22 hours on it. This game is the best out of all of the FF games.

07-15-2004, 12:28 AM
already over 20 hours!
I hope it won't affect your health.

Tommy Angelo
07-15-2004, 12:51 AM
well i think about 6hours of it was when i went away on the internet or had dinner, stuff like that.

07-16-2004, 06:56 AM
my first game was about 50 hours. i didn't know about most of the secrets in the game. when i got the official strategy guide, i played it again and got my people to level 99 and got virtually every secret and it took me about 70 hours. on my 3rd to about 8th time, i just tried to beat my times and managed to get to the same place in under 40 hours! my latest game is the one where i am trying to get a perfect game (every item, max EXP, max AP and max stats, etc.) and so far i'm on a whopping 180 hours.

my FFX game is over 150 hours as well!

07-16-2004, 09:50 AM
WHoa, passing 180 hours and still playing?
I guess what you are doing now is to collect all source for characters power, such as morphing specific monsters, right?
THat's the part that you take your time most, I think.

07-16-2004, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by 777
THat's the part that you take your time most, I think.

you're definately right there! its a bugger having to morph all those enemies into sources. in fact, i might just open a thread on that!

07-16-2004, 11:45 AM
at the moment im on 89 hours exactly and all my characters are level 94, i have all the materia except the master materias and i jst have to do that and beat emerald and ruby weapon. btw is it jst me or did anyone else get annoyed with that forest where you get thphon with the frogs and the bugs etc, god that drove me crazy!!

07-16-2004, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Cloud_likes_materia
btw is it jst me or did anyone else get annoyed with that forest where you get thphon with the frogs and the bugs etc, god that drove me crazy!!

yeah, that is bloody annoying. Especially when you get really far and you have to press Square.

You will find it hard to master all your materia, however if you want it, I suggest you train up and beat Emerald Weapon, it is quicker than trying to master all the magic, summon and command materia, believe me...i've done both...

07-16-2004, 12:52 PM
thanks sephiroths brother, btw ive added u to my buudy list as you are on nearly every forum i go to on ff7 and u seem very knowledgeable. also i am starting to think u are the greatest ff7 fan ever, and i though i was good

07-16-2004, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Cloud_likes_materia
thanks sephiroths brother, btw ive added u to my buudy list as you are on nearly every forum i go to on ff7 and u seem very knowledgeable. also i am starting to think u are the greatest ff7 fan ever, and i though i was good

thanks, you've made my day. please check your PMs if you haven't already. there's a message there to say I'm leaving the forum :( so check it out.