ultima weapon
07-09-2004, 03:27 AM
Finally, i have a reason to use my Gamecube again (besides using it to bash things open). It's coming out July 13th and it's Gamecube only.
Now, i may be a bit of a PS2 fan, but this game caught my eye. The storyline is okay at the most, there are 2 parallel worlds and the life energy (mana) is being drained from one of them so the main character (i think), Llyod, must set out with the Chosen one so she can bring the mana back to the world. The great part about the game is the battle system, with it's fast paced battles and flashy eyecandy, i'll be battling for hours! I haven't gotten too deep into the actual battle machanics but i do know the battle music is great. The game is also on 2 discs, most likely because the game is 80 hours long at the most, if you finish everything. I think it was because of the english voice overs that took up alot of space. Anyway, if you're Gamecube is just sittign there, collecting dust and you love anime RPGs with beautiful cel-shading and fun, fast paced battles, then go check it out! I know i will. :D

Okay, discuss!

Did i mention the game is also multiplayer? You can just plug in an extra controller and let your friends control a character in your party whenever you battle. I'll just just a little deeper into the game before i'll stop blabbering. Anyway, there are 3 other characters in your party that are controlled via AI but, suprisingly, the AI engine is very good. The job system is called "Titles" and your title will level up whenever you earn EXP or achieve a certain item or progress through a certain event. There's also a cooking system, where whenever a battle is finished, your character will have made delicous food that can restore HP and TP (tactical points)but that's all depending if you had the right ingridents, of course.

07-17-2004, 03:40 PM
so far i'm in love with it. i already posted on it somewhere else, but it is an incredible game. good story, and great battle system. graphics are fun, and the voiceovers actually arent that bad. i love all the characters so far. its good.

07-17-2004, 04:06 PM
haha, I posted about this somewhere else too.

But yeah, it rocks. I think the cel shading fits the game perfectly, and the battle system is really fun.

ultima weapon
07-17-2004, 05:13 PM
I'm almost done with the first disc and i'm having a blast. I'm just stuck on this stupid angel/whore/demented psycho bitch who keeps killing me. ~_~

07-20-2004, 08:02 PM
im sad!!!!!!!! sheena still cant summon! does anyone know what you have to do to make her able to do so?! please help..

07-20-2004, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by DeathofAnEngel
im sad!!!!!!!! sheena still cant summon! does anyone know what you have to do to make her able to do so?! please help..

Sheena can summon when her overlimit is initiated.

ultima weapon
07-21-2004, 03:24 AM
Originally posted by Ndi

Sheena can summon when her overlimit is initiated.

Which happens once in a pink moon for my Sheena, it's probably because of her "well-endowned-ness" as Zelos put it.

07-29-2004, 06:50 PM
I'm getting this game this weekend and I hope it will not be sold out. I go to eb games store in Canada

hb smokey
07-29-2004, 07:46 PM
Pretty soon when me and Ndi finish the game, we are going to make a game review for it. Because it is definately the best GCN to date, and that is saying something!