07-07-2004, 10:27 PM
Does zack exists in any final fantasy game? or is he just extra cause if cloud is ni tactics where could zack be but i prefer cloud any day

07-08-2004, 01:37 AM
don't know what exactly you mean........

Aerith Gainsborough
07-08-2004, 04:10 AM
Well, you could see Zack in FF VII. He was part of the story, but he was a non-playable person. ;)

Is it that, what you wanted to know? :rolleyes:

07-08-2004, 05:01 AM
Zack is in Final Fantasy VII, No other Final Fantasys.


07-08-2004, 08:02 AM
Hey nice thread title, 'yo' really really intriguing. :(

07-08-2004, 08:06 AM
Why would Zach be in any other games?

Bahamut ZERO
07-08-2004, 08:10 AM
I think the question arises from Cloud's presence in other games such as Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy: Tactics.

Thing is, Cloud is the main character upon which the whole Final Fantasy 7 game spins around on. Zach is nothing but a minor character who is literally cannon fodder for the storyline. Therefore, I find it doubtful he'll ever be used in anything beyond the Final Fantasy 7 franchise. (Hell, Cloud doesn't even acknowledge his death to the rest of the party after he re-finds himself.)

07-08-2004, 11:21 AM
I think Zack already took a part in the fighting game called "Ehrgeiz"as one of secret characters. His moves were exactly same as Cloud's, just the face got changed.

10-11-2004, 02:12 AM
A friend of mine said he got Zack as one of his characters saying that zack has no memory of what happen but you had to do alot of things to get him but anyways he said that zack will join you for meanwhile and leave later on during the final battle but he did say this you need the sword that you start out with to get him and few items and something about being nice to someone

10-11-2004, 05:06 AM
jiro - I guarantee your friend is BSing you. Anything pertaining to getting Zack in your party is just another false rumor, just like some much of the garbage about Final Fantasy VII out there. Feel free to laugh in you friend's face, or find some way to get a put-on back at them.

Alice Wonderbra
10-11-2004, 05:10 AM
the only other game i cna think of is ehrgeiz

10-11-2004, 05:15 AM
ehrgiez wasn't even a good game either, I mean you can't even prnounce that tittle.

Alice Wonderbra
10-11-2004, 05:19 AM
air-guys is how the game says it

i liked it

10-11-2004, 05:26 AM
It was fun for about the first 20 minutes. I dunno, maybe I just can't get over the german type name.

Oh yeah, this is my 1,000th post, I'm never posting again, thank you and good night.

Alice Wonderbra
10-11-2004, 05:29 AM
it was cool. there were fun multiplayer games, a fighting mode, and a dungeon mode. it was like 3 games in one. plus ff characters omgz!

10-11-2004, 05:32 AM
omg ff characterz, dis is da coolest!

Eh, at least Dolph wasn't in it.

Edit: Ah shit, I posted again

Alice Wonderbra
10-11-2004, 05:33 AM

10-11-2004, 02:48 PM
You can counter in the game, omg. <3

10-11-2004, 03:01 PM
ehrgiez was pretty lousy as I remember.

I haven't played it in ages though.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-11-2004, 03:33 PM
The Dungeon thing wasn't that bad.

Also, it's pronounced "Air-Gays" by some people over here. >:O

P.S. - Sephiroth was fun to play as for all of ten minutes, cos putting the smackdown on Tifa and Cloud was funny. Though that Lee guy was the best character in the game, cos of the insanely long combos he could do in that kung fu style he used.

10-11-2004, 04:04 PM
I say it "errrr guys".

Alice Wonderbra
10-11-2004, 05:46 PM
i liked tifa and yuffie, though jo was designed in such a way that anyone could kick ass with her.

10-11-2004, 07:36 PM
It's pronounced "air-guy-tss" by EVERYONE over here. Except for those who cannot speak properly.
And it's written Ehrgeiz. The "ei" and "ie" seems to get mixed up a lot by native English speakers, which is quite interesting.

You... revived the 3-month-dead thread to tell su about a lie a friend told you? :(

10-11-2004, 07:53 PM
Wow, and I didn't even realize the thread was revived...