07-07-2004, 06:55 AM
A long time ago, anime was a sacred art form to those of us who were fortunate enough to have found it. We were the chosen few and took pride in it.

Sure, there were the occasional high-profile projects like Sailor Moon or Dragonball Z that made their way over here, but they meant very little to us. Sailor Moon was so americanized it was almost unrecognizable and DBZ was a mockery of all that we loved.

Here and there, we saw bits of our cherished medium in its full glory, and we never begrudged it. It brought new disciples into our fold; those who would honor our ways and eventually become prominent members of our community.

But then CN got ambitious. It began to call its products by the sacred name which we were happier not having attached to them. They acquired new anime and aired it for the same people who so readily devoured all that we despised. A new breed was thus created; a natural enemy of the elder otaku.

These new fans (very few of whom would ever be worthy of the title "otaku") were arrogant beyond our darkest nightmares. Armed with the barest minimum of knowledge and no respect for the history of their new favorite entertainment, they waged war against us. Their shrill cries of the greatness of DBZ and anything Gundam pierced our hearts.

Month after month, the cash cow grows fatter and more of what we love is pimped to the ignorant masses; those sad, pathetic people who do not recognize the names of creators like Miyazaki, Hirano, Rintaro, and Matsumoto.

Can those who do not know the difference between Kenji Kawai and Tomokazu Seki truly be worthy? Is it excusable for those who claim to be the new generation of our venerable order to not be able to list the roles of Megumi Hayashibara alphabetically?

I think not.

07-07-2004, 07:57 AM
Oh my goodness gracious.

"Worthy of the title otaku" is a phrase that makes me want to laugh and point at whoever wants to proudly brand themselves "otaku," and cry at the ignorance and silliness of American fans all at once.

07-07-2004, 08:04 AM
Methinks someone kinda missed the subtle humor there.

Ah well, maybe sarcasm isn't wasted on all.

07-07-2004, 11:09 AM
Ogh, your whole comment was sarcastic. In which case you could as least been funnier, I think... Because the rant isn't exactly new, and you've not said anything that other people haven't said before - but actually meaning it.

I still wonder whether I am one of the new or of the old fans.
I started in 2000, when manga was becoming successful, when there already were a large amound of series to choose from. I managed to ignore and am still ignoring several of these so-called must-sees. Which includes anything Miyazaki, Ghost in the Shell, Akira and also Neon Genesis Evangelion, th obnoxiously hyped thing.

And ALAS. I find it terribly that people forsake the things they once held dear. Like Sailor Moon and DBZ. I never ever watched Sailor Moon, but I read most of Dragonball, although only borrowed from a friend. Two friends. I will NOT deny the fun I had with it. A lot of people have decided to utterly despise Dragonball, and mock their own past addiction. Why? Sure it was repetitive, sure the anime was awfully slow, sure there are a lot of bad things about Dragonball. But it was entertaining, funny (sometimes with, sometimes without being intended), you had fun with the characters and their battles. All in all, it was cool. But so many people have completely jumped on the bandwagon that despises everything that is popular, especially Dragonball, Sailor Moon, etc.

The same people that are now praising Naruto for being entirely and infinitely superior to Dragonball, will drop their current addiction as soon as it gets too popular for their tastes. People are actually saying they don't like their favourite series anymore because it's too popular.
These people have only one reason to be an anime fan, anyway. They want a "special" hobby. Arrogant people.

Well, I don't want to be special. I'm terribly un-special. My taste in manga is awfully mainstream. And I am happy when my favourite series gets the success it deserves. I'm not that selfish to keep it all for myself, I want to share, I want the author to get rich, I want anime and manga to spread and so on...

Oh no, what a long rant. :(

07-07-2004, 07:27 PM
I'm still waiting for the day when anime will be shown in America undubbed, just subbed ,and uncut.
My first reason is because anime and manga are such big parts of Japan's culture that I think it should be shown the way it was originally made.
Second reason is that the anime would be alot cheaper if they didn't bother dubbing it

07-07-2004, 08:39 PM
And a lot less people would understand it! Or watch. ;)

Seriously... if you want originals, import them from Japan...

07-07-2004, 11:07 PM
And actually, though I hate to hate to explain it since it'll ruin any subtle humor in my little rant, I was making fun of both sides. Part of it was semiserious, such as the pitiful aggression of the cartoon network anime fans, but I was also making fun of the so-called "otaku."

The CN fans are the ones I despise more though. I once got flamed endlessly for not giving dbz a 9 out of 10 rating (incidentally, I gave it a 5.5) on a review I posted. Those people are a complete nuisance. They even went so far as to email me viruses with their demands for a higher rating and to carry out DoS attacks against the site.

07-08-2004, 05:53 AM
Yes, they are to the anime fans what the Final Fantasy VII fans are to the Final Fantasy fans.

I choose to ignore them. Everyone is free to like whatever they like, in whatever way they like... And actually, by buying all the popular stuff, no matter how much I dislike it, finances some badly-selling series that I like.

07-08-2004, 06:01 AM
I have no problem with them liking whatever they want to like.

What I despise are the little punks who watch DBZ, Evangelion, and Akira, then proclaim themselves anime experts. Very little irritates me as badly as the arrogant snots who think they know better than me when I can tell them the entire cast and crew of shows I've never seen before.

07-08-2004, 06:52 AM
What I despise are the little punks who watch DBZ, Evangelion, and Akira

Hey go easy on Akira and evangelion. i quite like both of these series even though they have become rather commercial. DBZ is crap, there is no argument there. i have to admit that it is sometimes fun to watch, but u realise it is crap while you are watching it.

@misao- what do you have against miyazaki? i really love the older anime like nausicaa, and the recent releases like castles in the sky and spirited away were good.

07-08-2004, 07:05 AM
It's not that I have anything against those shows. As a matter of fact, I loved Evangelion the first time I saw it and still manage to enjoy it despite its flaws. I always Akira, even more so after I read the manga and realized what a mockery of it the movie was.

My point is that the brats who offend me so greatly believe that seeing those things makes you an expert on my level. I've spent a lot more money on anime than most of them have ever earned. I've put a lot of time into watching it and expanding my knowledge of it. And I've even done work in marketing it.

How can they compare to that? Only in their minds, as shown here:

"you suck!!!!! dragon ball z rocks and diserves way better then 5.5!!!! you know nothing about good anime and shouldnt be alowed to rate anime cus your not a true fan!!!!!!!!!"

I'm leaving out the expletive-laced closing.

07-08-2004, 09:35 AM
My point is that the brats who offend me so greatly believe that seeing those things makes you an expert on my level. I've spent a lot more money on anime than most of them have ever earned. I've put a lot of time into watching it and expanding my knowledge of it. And I've even done work in marketing it.

there are always gonna' be people like that, just ignore them and concentrate on the anime you enjoy. If u don't value their opinion then don't listen.
some of my friends say that they are into manga when all then watch is DBZ and Gundam but it doesn't bother me. If they want to watch that then fine

07-08-2004, 10:43 AM
But they don't insult you for your opinions and say you know nothing because your opinion differs from theirs. That's the kind of moron I'm referring to. I have nothing against people liking whatever they want to like. I have a problem with the rotten attitude some of them get.

07-08-2004, 01:41 PM
Simple. I haven't really watched/read anything Miyazaki. Don't get me wrong... There are countless series that I haven't watched or read, a lot of authors I still haven't checked out properly, and Miyazaki is only one of them. And I refuse to just give this one priority only because people yell it's a must-see.
It doesn't strike me as completely my cup of tea, so I'll focus on other stuff until I run out of things to do...
I do not HAVE to know and like Miyazaki, no matter what your taste in anime is. ;)

07-08-2004, 03:57 PM
They would be able to understand it if it was subtitled

07-08-2004, 04:05 PM
My point is that the brats who offend me so greatly believe that seeing those things makes you an expert on my level.

What?Is this comment more subtle humor?

The Ricky
07-08-2004, 07:46 PM
I'm with you on that Prak. Especially the fans that draw characters from anime and think they're gods, they're actually fucking clown shoes.

I watch DBZ/GT cuz there's nothing else on, and I'm usually waiting for Futurama to come on Adult Swim afterwards. There are some good Anime out there. I don't know the artists' name anymore but, anything from Peter Chung is usually good.

One anime you wanna avoid that's not on Cartoon Network is Heat Guy J. That's a disgrace to anime. Wolf's Rain is a good one though. It's hard to follow, but I like the style.

07-08-2004, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by rezo

What?Is this comment more subtle humor?

No, that's dead serious. I am presently the local anime guru, working on becoming an anime GOD.

Shintaro, I haven't gotten to see Wolf's Rain yet because money's been a little tight. I'll probably buy the whole series at once when I do check it out. As for Heat Guy J, sometimes you can tell a stinker at a glance. That's why I never so much as touched it.

I think the worst one I ever saw was Kimera. That was back in my early days, before I could tell the good from the bad. Thankfully I only rented it.

07-08-2004, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by Prak

No, that's dead serious. I am presently the local anime guru, working on becoming an anime GOD.

If that's the case, then can you please point out the subtle humor in your initial post, because if you take the position of a silly elitist, and make a topic that is just elitist whining, then it's hard to pick up. Unless the subtle humor is just subtley making fun of someone that only watches a few cartoons instead of many... but that's just more of the whining. =|

07-09-2004, 01:33 AM
Let me guess. You're one of those people? Do you feel threatened by the fact that I know a lot and am not afraid or ashamed to say so? Grow up.

07-09-2004, 01:53 AM
Yeah, one ofthem.I could entirely derive what you meant and find it fitting to define myself thusly. Assuming you have superior taste because you've seen a lot of cartoons is stupid. The only usefulness is in solving trivia.

knowing who
this guy is, or the name of his creator and other such nonsense has nothing to do with whether or not evangelion sucks;Nor is it necessary to "justify" someone's role as an anime fan. And it's just stupid to assume that people that don't share your own obsessive interest in something fear you for whatever reason.

07-09-2004, 02:45 AM
For one thing, I never said anyone had to justify anything. I merely said that know-nothings who act like know-it-alls piss me off. If people want to enjoy it for what it is, that's fine by me. It's when they proclaim themselves experts that they start to be morons.

And I didn't imply that you're somehow afraid of me. I implied that you feel threatened by me. It's a slightly higher class taunt for those who can make fine distinctions.

And lastly, I have been involved in anime distribution before, which means it has been good for more than just trivia in my case. You see, I don't just know the shows themselves. I know the market also.

07-09-2004, 03:00 AM
And I didn't imply that you're somehow afraid of me. I implied that you feel threatened by me. It's a slightly higher class taunt for those who can make fine distinctions.

Nah, I just mixed up the "not afraid" comment after coming back to this topic to make my post after drawing. Not that it really matters.

"nd it's just stupid to assume that people that don't share your own obsessive interest in something are threatened by you for whatever reason."


Can those who do not know the difference between Kenji Kawai and Tomokazu Seki truly be worthy? Is it excusable for those who claim to be the new generation of our venerable order to not be able to list the roles of Megumi Hayashibara alphabetically?

rationalize it out.

It's silly. You're going about how you hate people that are arrogant and look down on for your tastes and pass themselves off as knowing a lot about anime while you're spending your time in this topic being arrogant, looking down on people that don't find it necessary to learn cast lists of shows and passing yourself off as the "know-it-all" genuine article.

Oh, what's the relation between working as a distro and being an "anime expert"? At least, last I checked( a long while ago), I could just check a database of subbing groups and get master copies of their new releases and offer them up to whoever wanted them with very little regard or knowledge of what they were working on. =|

07-09-2004, 03:05 AM

Didn't you read the whole thread before you started posting??

Geez.... all this time, you've been doing nothing but ranting over an issue you didn't even understand! Go back and read my third post on this thread, then hide your head in shame.

*edit* Incidentally, there's a good bit more to distribution than what you implied. The function I was involved in dealt with getting the right product onto the right shelves. You tend to find there's a great deal more than you know about any given business once you become a part of it.

07-09-2004, 03:05 AM
Prak, you really really can't be serious about this?

Noooo... I do not feel threatened by the fact that you might know more about the history of anime, about the biography of Rumiko Takahashi, about the number of chapters that KochiKame currently has, or anything like that.

But are YOU proud of that? You seem to be proud to know stuff like that. You may be, if you like. But are you proud of having watched a certain anime, or a certain collection of anime? Every idiot can do that. It doesn't require any skill.

Edit: And your third post contains nothing that justifies you acting like an arrogant jerk.

07-09-2004, 03:11 AM
Edit: And your third post contains nothing that justifies you acting like an arrogant jerk.

Yeah, I didn't get anything from the third post.

And I thought you meant fansub distro.

07-09-2004, 03:16 AM
Why should a person not be proud of any exceptionally high level of knowledge they possess, no matter how trivial? And just because something doesn't require a great deal of skill, it can still require other investments, such as time and money.

Anime is a hobby of mine and I am proud of how far I've gone with it. It's the same as a model builder being proud of their collection. Or a RC car racer being proud of their own hobby.

And as for acting like an arrogant jerk, perhaps that's so, but perhaps you also didn't look for an alternative point of view. If that's the case, how can you possibly say you're any better.

All we are is a bunch of stubborn assholes butting heads.

07-09-2004, 03:21 AM
That's the point. You can be proud of what you are, of course. But you must not think that you're superior to those that have "less" knowledge of anime.
No, where am I saying I am better?

07-09-2004, 03:32 AM
Why should a person not be proud of any exceptionally high level of knowledge they possess, no matter how trivial? And just because something doesn't require a great deal of skill, it can still require other investments, such as time and money.

Anime is a hobby of mine and I am proud of how far I've gone with it. It's the same as a model builder being proud of their collection. Or a RC car racer being proud of their own hobby.

Some people value ability. They could concievably take what you said and use it to create a topic where they say they hate all of the people that take pride in something that doesn't require developing a skill beyond mediocrity. Saying you spend money on your cartoons wouldn't work as a counter argument against them,because, of course, everyone spends their money on what they want just as capably, be it for cartoons, food or cigarrettes. Same goes for watching them.

If you're proud of spending money, then you could be comparatively made fun of by any wealthy person in existence. Are you wealthy too? Then you could be comparatively made fun of by anyone that is more wealthy, and if your merit in wealth is based on comparison, they could deem you "not wealthy" and consider all of your pride in your rather limited spending stupid, since they spend more.

07-09-2004, 03:41 AM
And therein is the fundamental point, which I have expressed numerous times already. My problem is not with anyone who casually enjoys anime. My problem is with people who know next to nothing, but insist that they know more than I do. To illustrate this point, I will repost an email I received once from that same type:

"you suck!!!!! dragon ball z rocks and diserves way better then 5.5!!!! you know nothing about good anime and shouldnt be alowed to rate anime cus your not a true fan!!!!!!!!!"

Once again, I'm leaving out the expletive laced closing. If you can find any redeeming value in that, please let me know. I have others that are far more offensive. I chose this one because it was the most tame, while still showing where the greatest arrogance lies.

Rezo, if someone thinks that way, it's their problem, not mine. It then becomes an argument of ideologies, which I don't have any desire to engage in because there's no possible way to achieve a resolution.

07-09-2004, 03:42 AM
And which knowledge is the "good" knowledge?

In your last few posts, you seemed to not only refer to people who behave like in the post above, but for example, you sounded like you also looked down upon rezo, all in all you seemed really aggressive, and not that much better than the quote in your example. Better spelling, yes, but it oozes a very similar hatred and arrogance.

07-09-2004, 03:46 AM

That's fine. And by your posts in this topic, I would consider your ideology to be the one in the second paragraph, which was why I posted it.

Better spelling, yes, but it oozes a very similar hatred and arrogance.

Yeah, that's what I think. It sounds kind of like what one of these angry emailers would say after learning a lot of random anime knowledge.

Tokiko- I had no idea that was you! Name changes =\ ... I kept wondering who this Tokiko person that was posting was when I kept seein your av and sig in the topic x_X

07-09-2004, 04:00 AM
You do have a point there, Tokiko.

I have to admit I did step up the level of aggression there. I probably read more aggression into Rezo original posts before than I do now that I go back over them.

However, even though I am willing to take my share of the blame for this senseless argument, it must be conceded that all parties involved did nothing to stop the flow of aggression.

This whole thing has been an unfortunate mess and I realize I should have added a note to the original post stating that it was a work of satire, perhaps with an explanation of its meaning and origin.

I just hope we can all put this nasty busness behind us and move on to more entertaining pursuits.

07-09-2004, 04:07 AM
What aggression? I don't like the fact that some people look at disagreement in itself as a problem. =|

07-09-2004, 04:16 AM
To address that, I'd have to go all the way back to the roots of the argument and that would be like dropping a lit match into a power keg.

I'll just simply say that interactions between people are rarely as simple as you make it out to be. Even when you don't see any harm in the things you say, it could be present in the minds of others, as I've just been reminded.

The Ricky
07-09-2004, 12:04 PM

You people need to calm down. You're getting into a fight over something you don't need to. IMO I don't think Cartoon Network is the only think killing anime fandom, Kid's WB is also doing that with Pokemon and Yu' Gay' Ho'. But look at it this way. Anime is here, it's been here for over 20 years, I don't think it's gonna die out anytime soon.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
07-09-2004, 03:02 PM
Seriously, the anime is meant to be enjoyed, not debated over.

Sheesh, get a fucking life.

07-09-2004, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by Odin
Seriously, the anime is meant to be enjoyed, not debated over.

Sheesh, get a fucking life.

Whoa. You've been in super angst mode recently. Here's some sage advice from the great Bob Newhart:

"Quit it!"

The Ricky
07-09-2004, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by rezo

Whoa. You've been in super angst mode recently. Here's some sage advice from the great Bob Newhart:

"Quit it!"

Maybe he could join my angst of the day thread.

07-09-2004, 04:15 PM
I find Yu-Gi-Oh to be a fairly enjoyable show. Everyone who makes fun of "lesser anime" is clearly just trying to be a stereotypical Otaku, probably so that everyone on the internet thinks they're cool.

You're not. =/


The Ricky
07-09-2004, 04:22 PM
I make fun of Yu Gi Oh cuz I just don't like it. I don't consider myself an Otaku. I just watch anime and enjoy it. Jesus Christ on a crutch.

07-09-2004, 04:32 PM
I don't care what you call yourself, I'm only commenting on the manner in which you act. You're still perpetuating this childish idea of certain anime being bad because they are popular.

Also, nobody cares that you don't enjoy it. Save yourself the bother and don't make fun of it, next time.

The Ricky
07-09-2004, 04:48 PM
What the hell are you talking about. Just because an anime is popular doesn't mean it's bad. My god, I own the most popular anime of all time. Akira anyone. I also own 2 fucking Gundam movie. Char's Counterattack and Endless Waltz.

I do watch InuYasha even though it's getting lame. I watch Cowboy Bebop. Notice a pattern here, THEY ARE ALL POPULAR ANIME!!!

And I make fun of it cuz to some it's funny.

07-09-2004, 04:58 PM

People find "Yu Gay Ho'" funny? ... What's wrong with them? =/

And none of those you listed have any real mass popularity, only in anime circles, barring Akira, of course, but since it was mostly popular with arty people/film critics, that barely counts. But if you were to make fun of, say, Cowboy FAGbop, people would want you to give a reason. Yet it's okay to make off the cuff baseless comments regarding very popular anime, like Yu-Gi-Oh, because none of the HARDKROW AMINE fans get their wangs in a twist over it.

07-09-2004, 05:07 PM
Why do you own EndlesshomosexualWaltz?

The Ricky
07-10-2004, 05:50 AM
Originally posted by Duo

People find "Yu Gay Ho'" funny? ... What's wrong with them? =/

And none of those you listed have any real mass popularity, only in anime circles, barring Akira, of course, but since it was mostly popular with arty people/film critics, that barely counts. But if you were to make fun of, say, Cowboy FAGbop, people would want you to give a reason. Yet it's okay to make off the cuff baseless comments regarding very popular anime, like Yu-Gi-Oh, because none of the HARDKROW AMINE fans get their wangs in a twist over it.

Why in the bloody hell are you flipping out over such a trivial matter. I made that "Yu Gay Ho" joke long before you even came into this thread. And the fact that you're flipping out about such a petty joke, proves what an ignorant douch you are. MY GOD!!! It was just a lame ass joke.

Take some Midol and shut the fuck up.

And Rezo, I don't know why I own Endless Waltz, probably cuz I have yet to sell it. Char's Counter Attack was much better.

07-12-2004, 02:43 PM

So, you can't defend your hatred of Yu-Gi-Oh? ^o^

07-12-2004, 02:56 PM
I've read the first volume of the Yu-Gi-Oh manga, and disliked as good as everything about it, starting with the drawing style, characters...

... and right now, I find it hard to understand what exactly you're argueing over.

07-12-2004, 03:24 PM
There's actually a lot of character development in the TV show, but you have to wait a (long) while to see it, since they make battles go on for like 3 episodes. There are also nice characters, in a shallow sort of way. I mean, I wouldn't pay to see it, but when it is on TV, it's something that's preferable to a lot of stuff that's on at the same time. I know it's a kiddy show, whatever, but you should just take it at face value. A bit of silly, fluffy fun. I mean, it's OKAY, not a masterpiece. But there's no way it deserves all of the mindless bashing it generally recieves, especially when there's never really any reason given for it, by people who probably just watched one episode and decided to jump on the "I AM KEWL" bandwagon.

That's what I'm talking about. :-(

Also, I've never read the manga cos I wouldn't pay to read it. 8-)

07-12-2004, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Duo
I find Yu-Gi-Oh to be a fairly enjoyable show. Everyone who makes fun of "lesser anime" is clearly just trying to be a stereotypical Otaku, probably so that everyone on the internet thinks they're cool.

I actually enjoy Yu-Gi-Oh quite a bit myself. I really loathe the card game, and the anime is pretty silly and predictable at times, but it's also entertaining, and I like pretty much all the characters.

I don't feel like such a loser for liking it now. ^^

The Ricky
07-12-2004, 11:18 PM
I don't think Cartoon Network is actually the death of Anime fandom, it's jackasses who flip out about shit like the joke I made. Then you try to explain that it's joke and they need to shut the fuck up. Then they insult you for not liking a show, you tell them it's your fucking opinion and if they don't like it, they can get a spoon and eat my ass. Then they continue thier rant as if they have no life, and are never gonna get laid.

I think fans like that are the death of Anime fandom. Especially those fans who live their life by it. I think a true Anime fan is one that can aknowledge the fact that it's just a type of entertainment. Some of it sucks, some of it's good. You also aknowledgh the fact that they can't live thier life by it.

07-12-2004, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by Duo
Cowboy FAGbop

Originally posted by rezo
Why do you own EndlesshomosexualWaltz?

I don't think anyone was too serious- you're the only one flipping out that I see.

It's silly how a lot of anime fans jump on the bandwagon and hate whatever is generally considered to be "lesser anime", as Duo put it. You're a pretty good example about it- you said you owned Endless Waltz, and after rezo made a joke about it, you said you didn't know why you owned it.

Please. Just like what you like. Not because it's what other people say you should like, and not because other people say it's cool or uncool.

Meh. That's poorly phrased, but you get the jist.

The Ricky
07-12-2004, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Ndi

I don't think anyone was too serious- you're the only one flipping out that I see.

It's silly how a lot of anime fans jump on the bandwagon and hate whatever is generally considered to be "lesser anime", as Duo put it. You're a pretty good example about it- you said you owned Endless Waltz, and after rezo made a joke about it, you said you didn't know why you owned it.

Please. Just like what you like. Not because it's what other people say you should like, and not because other people say it's cool or uncool.

Meh. That's poorly phrased, but you get the jist.

Meh, that's poorly phrased, but you get the gist.


You're one of the ones one the thread with common sense. Anime is entertainment. It's pesonal choice, like what you like, hate what you hate. Now IMO... Prak was right when he said Kimera was one of the worst.

And to DBZ fans, if you like DBZ, keep enjoying it. Granted, I first saw DragonBall when it was in syndication on my local fox station 10 years ago. They only played the Pilaf Saga, but it was funnier than hell.

My first Anime was Great Conquest: The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I saw that when I was 4. For a historical fiction, I loved it to death, still do.

Anyway, enjoy the anime that you watch. And change the channel for the anime that you hate. And Duo, get a life.

07-13-2004, 08:52 AM
Okay, I think you misread that post or something. But, I don't care, apparently you have come around to my way of thinking. Or, I dunno, you were being inconsistent with your actual view earlier. Or you're nuts.

Good job! 8-) (unless you're nuts)

07-13-2004, 11:26 AM
Originally posted by Duo
Good job! 8-) (unless you're nuts)

Especially if he's nuts. Sane people give me the creeps.

07-14-2004, 03:40 AM
cartoon network isn't the death of anime. it's just kind of spreading the word. i guess it can be a little better than tracking down and buying anime

07-14-2004, 04:10 AM
The issue here is actually whether the mainstreaming of anime in the U.S. is a good thing or a bad thing.

My contention would be that it's a bad thing because by being mainstreamed, it loses its character and is simply absorbed by the wave of popular culture. Everyone and their brother suddenly wants to draw manga. American cartoons try to mimic anime. After a while, it just becomes another meaningless and disposable piece of the great sponge that is American culture.

07-14-2004, 11:41 AM
Prak, so what?
Let them be. Everyone is free to do what he or she likes.

Besides, believe it or not, but the companies who release anime and manga in your country do want money. They even need it. With well-selling manga or anime, they gain a lot of money. Money that they can invest in more series. Only with mainstream manga and anime, they can finance some of the less mainstreamy stuff. Only with mainstream they can assure variety.

I wouldn't want to go back to the days when Evangelion, Record of Lodoss War and Slayers were the only manga series available that interested me. I like to be able to choose.

The Ricky
07-15-2004, 05:43 AM
I want more choices in anime too. Granted it's too bad that cartoon network has to play the anime edited. They used to play Yu Yu Hakusho on Adult Swim, why they moved it to Toonami, I don't know, but that's Turner for ya.

But I don't wanna have to look long and hard to find anime, I wanna be able to go to a video store and find a shitload of choices. In Blockbuster, I wanna be able to rent a shitload of choices to see what I'm getting. God, there's one anime my mom bought that we thought was gonna be a cool demon movie. Turns out that main demon in the movie split girls with his shlong. That was one we regreted getting. If we could rent more anime, be probably wouldn't have gotten that one.

07-15-2004, 06:03 AM
Hey, I never said I don't want it to be available. I just said I don't want it assimilated into American pop culture. I'm sure I'm not the only person who gets violent impulses when I see anime dumbed down so Americans don't have to see anything they might not understand, in essence removing Japan from Japanese animation by overlaying American culture onto it.

07-15-2004, 11:41 AM
Well, now we're talking about something else. Before you were ranting about the kids who love popular shows, now you are on about the quality of translations and editings. And you're totally right about that. It literally hurts listening to people who've only seen the Shaman King they get on their TV.

07-16-2004, 02:51 AM
Ah, I wasn't ranting about kids who love popular shows. I was ranting about kids who love only popular shows and assume they know everything.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
07-17-2004, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Odin
Seriously, the anime is meant to be enjoyed, not debated over.

Sheesh, get a fucking life.

07-24-2004, 05:34 PM
i read this thread's argument.... debate or wateva it was funny yet everyone's OPINIONS seems to smother CN being the death of anime fandom first off i would like to say that i'm not an utimate anime or manga fan even though i spend 5 years of my life in respecting, enjoying anime and manga u probablily believe i'm one of those annoying people who thinks they kno everything and anything anime but no i'm still jus getting started cause most of the titles that few of you said i don't recognize and maybe i might have seen some titles u have not seem but thats the beauty of mainsteam anime so we can enjoy the beauty of japanese animation it maybe not in its purest form but that means EVERYONE can enjoy it and i hope people can stop the stupid beef of that anime in america it not in its purest form trust me they did it for a reason so let it go its course and see where it go if it flops then people can bitch, moan and whin about wateva people like to bitch, moan and whin about so leave it alone jus leave it be PLZ thank you and good night lol (sorry i always wanted to say that after i chat for a long time)

07-25-2004, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by kagemaru696
but thats the beauty of mainsteam anime so we can enjoy the beauty of japanese animation it maybe not in its purest form but that means EVERYONE can enjoy it and i hope people can stop the stupid beef of that anime in america it not in its purest form trust me they did it for a reason

Yes, they did it for a reason. It's called the almighty dollar.

And geez dude, you can't expect anyone to take you seriously when you don't even use punctuation.

07-25-2004, 09:20 PM
Is it really that serious? But i still got my point right?

07-26-2004, 02:03 PM
I think you might have, assuming the reader is willing to mentally insert the proper punctuations. I already addressed your point though.

As for me thinking you're that type I described, if that was the case I would have said so. I'm about as blunt as a plastic spork that way.

07-26-2004, 02:09 PM
quote: Originally posted by Odin
Seriously, the anime is meant to be enjoyed, not debated over.

Sheesh, get a fucking life.

I thought you liked debates, Odin? :(

10-01-2009, 03:11 PM
When there were few anime fans some ppl were complaining that anime weren't very popular. Now that anime are popular the same ppl are complaining that anime scene is not the hobby for few who made them different from the rest. In few words, they like to complain for everything (like Madarame from Genshiken who sees enemies everywhere :P ). When some noobs are annoying ("Naruto is the best, all other anime are nothing!"), the same annoying are some elitists ("All the new anime are garbage, the old ages were the best.").

cartoon network isn't the death of anime. it's just kind of spreading the word. i guess it can be a little better than tracking down and buying anime
Apart from that, before dowloading anime we learned about them by watching them from tv and vhs (now dvd and blu-ray). Everything begins from somewhere.

quote: Originally posted by Odin
Seriously, the anime is meant to be enjoyed, not debated over.
I second that. ;) (even thought it's not bad to debate somethimes - for for fun, of course, and not seriously) whenever Goku or Vegeta is the best XD ).

10-01-2009, 09:29 PM
Ugh. Don't revive ancient threads. This one is five years old. Most of the people involved are gone or no longer give a shit.