The Ricky
07-06-2004, 11:08 AM
The reason I ask this is because to me Anime is getting kinda stale. You watch something like InuYasha and laugh at the fact that the one-liners are so horrible. "It's MY TURN!!" Then about 2 seconds later you hear "HA!! NOW IT'S MY TURN!! HAHAHAHAHA"

It just makes you wish there were more movies like Jin-Roh out there. I think it's about time for the style to evolve too. Look at the 70's style, very cartoony, 80's cartoony but realistic, 90's you could fucking dicapitate someone with the hair. I'm starting to see various styles of anime coming out with more realism.

Watch some of the shit from the Animatrix. It looks sketchy as if it were hand drawn, but used a computer to make it look a little cleaner.

I guess another thing that's starting to turn me away from Ainime and Manga, are these pompas American artists who freehand Manga characters and think they're Van Gogh's. But then look down on someone with their own original style.

Myself being an artist with my own style having to deal with these jackasses, does make me wanna turn away from Anime. And you gotta admit, a lot of anime is getting stale.

Gundam Seed, that's just Mobile Suit Gundam with different characters and art style.

I'm not trying to look down on Anime fans, cuz hell, I'm still one of them, just not as hardcore as I used to be.

Now if you have opinions, chime in your 2 cents and see what others have to say. And let's not get rude here either, k???

- Malfunction

07-06-2004, 11:24 AM
Uhm... You know, not everything is like Inu Yasha, and Jin Roh isn't the only unique anime. You'll have to look around for the series you like, series that suit your demands. Anime itself is not getting anymore repetitive than it's always been.

Certainly, long-running adventure series like Inu Yasha exist en masse. But they've always existed, and no one is forcing you to watch them. There are some quality shows, too. By the way, Inu Yasha isn't really THAT recent. I wouldn't call it recent.

Take Monster. The anime has basically just begun. A few months ago, but compared to how long it's intended to run, it's only just begun. If you haven't checked this one out, you have absolutely no right to make such a statement about anime nowadays. Because you might find that there are unique shows.

I also don't know what you mean with "the style". I usually use the plural, because there's more than one style, and of course there are some styles that don't look good, or don't look realistic, or whatever you want it to look like, but others do.
Open your eyes.

07-08-2004, 06:56 AM
Take Monster
i've never heard of it. is it only available on import cos i haven't seen it in the store?

07-08-2004, 01:45 PM
The anime is still kind of new, though. The manga is being released in France and Germany, though... and probably some more countries, but these are the two I know of.
Well, and yes, of course more series are available over import than just inside the USA, or where ever you happen to live.