07-05-2004, 09:52 PM
This is a very mysterious place and very dark. Now I am currently past Yunalesca, aboard my airship and found three new locations. Baaj and Omega are two, now I'm not quite sure which one to go first . I've explored alittle of the Omega Path, it seems pretty hard and I figured I shouldn't really be here yet. Although I've picked up some treasure's etc. Should I be somewhere else right now besides fighting Sin? (Which comes after yunalesca.)

I mean, I want to explore and try to find everything I can before I battle Sin and Yu Yevon, etc.


Bahamut ZERO
07-05-2004, 10:51 PM
Baaj is used to gain, well, a special something that is helpful during battles, or so I have heard. Maybe it'll be best if you look around there first?

You can also return to previous destinations around Spira to hunt for the Legendary Weapons and complete the side quests and stuff. (Chocobo Racing, Butterfly Catching, Thunderbolt Dodging, etc.)

:) I'd avoid the Omega Plains just for now , until your characters are super hardened.

hb smokey
07-05-2004, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by ZeiglerFigaro
<B> Baaj and Omega are two, now I'm not quite sure which one to go first . I've explored alittle of the Omega Path, it seems pretty hard and I figured I shouldn't really be here yet.

I mean, I want to explore and try to find everything I can before I battle Sin and Yu Yevon, etc. </B>

Ah, I think I see what you are getting at. Basically, after you acquire the Airship, it adds another 10+ hours of additional playtime, if you complete all the side quests. With the Airship, you can acquire the hidden aeons, hidden legendary weapons, and a bunch of other stuff.

I'll give you a breakdown of what you can do, because there are several different paths to choose from:


Hidden Aeons

With the Airship, you can now add Yojimbo, Anima, and the Magus Sisters to your aeon party.

Hidden Legendary Weapons

Basically, this one is self-explanatory. You can find each characters Legendary Weapons, and the sigils/crests necessary to unlock the weapons full potential.

Hidden World Map Locations

There are six:

Baaj Temple-This is where you can acquire Lulu's Legendary Weapon, and also an awesome aeon, Anima.

Sanubia Desert-There is only one reason to come to this desert. There is a weapon in a treasure chest for Tidus, and this weapon comes with the Double AP ability.

Besaid Falls-You may recognize this place from your visit to Besaid. You will be taken to a treasure chest with a good weapon for Kimahri, the Dragoon Lance.

Battle Site-Another area with only one treasure chest. This one contains strong armor for Lulu. It is called the Phantom Bangle, and it absorbs three types of elemental attacks. Definately worth picking up.

Mi'ihen Ruins-The last hidden area with a lone treasure chest. A weapon for Rikku, the Sonar, is inside.

Omega Ruins-This is by-far the best place in the game to level up! You can get great items from here, and you will also meet two legendary monsters.

Monster Arena-You can now devote all the time you need to capturing ten of every monster.

Now, as for Baaj or Omega Ruins first, I would go to Baaj Temple first. You won't spend nearly as much time there as you should at the Ruins. Plus, getting Lulu's Legendary Weapon, and Anima, will surely aid you for the rest of the game.

07-06-2004, 02:12 AM
Hehe, thanks guys ;) I appreciate your help, I'm new to this forum and the game. I want to know and get all I can out of this game until I buy the sequel because I'm a huge FF fan. I know there is alot of junk out there on the side quests that are useful. I think i'll search there first. Thanks again :]