07-05-2004, 04:09 PM
Ok, so I know this is an old game, but I decided to play it through again.

I cant get into Nirudes Castle. Its bloody annoying. I never remember having this problem the last time I played the game.

Basically, every guide I've come across so far has just been like "yeah, walk in through the open door in the left foot" and I'm like "oic, not open, locked, mir"

So, how the hell do I open the damn door? Any help would be appreciated.

Also: what are your thoughts on this game, and other "dungeon crawlers"? (not Zelda, because, well, yeah, its a big series).

I quite like dungeon crawlers myself, but some of the puzzles are just ridiculous. And stupid. Like Nirude and his unlockable doors >:

Bahamut ZERO
07-05-2004, 04:54 PM

This is a walkthrough, and hopefully should be able to get you through the required section.

I remember Alundra. It was a pretty cool game. The sequel sucked balls though. Majorly sucked balls. I loved the first game though.

07-05-2004, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO

This is a walkthrough, and hopefully should be able to get you through the required section.

I remember Alundra. It was a pretty cool game. The sequel sucked balls though. Majorly sucked balls. I loved the first game though.

Thanks for your help Adam, but every faq assumes that the door is open.

Unless I cant read. I will check it again anyway. Cheers!

EDIT: Yeah, thats the guide I referred to last time I got stuck in the game. Its super, and really detailed...apart from assuming that the damn door is open, and not closed!

07-07-2004, 09:21 AM
I got Alundra off Ebay recently. I rented it aaaages ago and got pretty far but I'm starting again. I really like it, something about the gameplay (especially the puzzles) actually being somewhat challenging makes it fun to play. I'm gonna try finishing it without any guides. I just think it's really fun.

That said, I'm not up to that bit yet. =\ I'll be playing it a fair bit in the next few days, it being holidays and all, so I'll let you know when I get up to it...mebbe it's something you missed and have to backtrack for or find a key or something? =/

07-09-2004, 07:00 AM
Originally posted by Bigfoot
I got Alundra off Ebay recently. I rented it aaaages ago and got pretty far but I'm starting again. I really like it, something about the gameplay (especially the puzzles) actually being somewhat challenging makes it fun to play. I'm gonna try finishing it without any guides. I just think it's really fun.

That said, I'm not up to that bit yet. =\ I'll be playing it a fair bit in the next few days, it being holidays and all, so I'll let you know when I get up to it...mebbe it's something you missed and have to backtrack for or find a key or something? =/

I'm pretty sure I haven't missed a thing. This never happened to me last time I played it.

Saying that, I did play it a hell of a long time ago, so maybe I am forgetting something?

Also: Unless you are like, the most intelligent man in the entire world, you wont end the game without a guide :x

07-09-2004, 09:59 AM
Well, I'm gonna try until I'm tearing my hair out.

Hey, someone had to have worked it out to write the guide in the first place, right? :P

Bahamut ZERO
07-09-2004, 10:10 AM
I remember the last dungeon. Moreso for me actually BUYING a magazine guide to complete the bastard. (This was before I became knowledgeable about this thing that is called "The Internet.")

Meph's right. Completing that part of the game is a bitch if you don't know how. :/

07-09-2004, 04:21 PM
I love Alundra. :/ I remember finishing the game and having everything bar one ... spell book, or something?

However, I sold the game for some completely insane reason, a fact that I regret horribly. :-(

07-13-2004, 01:28 AM
Ok, I think I'm up to the same spot and having the same problem, Meph ;_;

Is this just after you've destroyed those 2 stone head thingers and there's the two feet with the locked doors and there's no logical way to progress?

Yeah, working out puzzles is fun but getting stopped for no good reason is annoying...

I had a potential but bad explanation...could it be some sort of bug when playing this game on the PS2? Cos now I don't remember really having this problem either but that was ages ago on my PS1. I dunno. I'm gonna keep working on it. I'm gonna go exploring and see if there's some other stuff I can do instead for a while.

07-13-2004, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by Bigfoot

I had a potential but bad explanation...could it be some sort of bug when playing this game on the PS2? Cos now I don't remember really having this problem either but that was ages ago on my PS1. I dunno. I'm gonna keep working on it. I'm gonna go exploring and see if there's some other stuff I can do instead for a while.

You know, thats pretty ingenious. I originally played Alundra on PS1. I wonder if I loaded up my game on a PS1 machine, the doors might open?

I will try this, very soon, and come back with news!

EDIT: Curses! >:

It would seem that on a PS1, the doors are still impenetrable. Well, I'm totally stumped. I've wasted countless hours exploring the wilderness and consulting numerous guides. I never remember this happening before, and I'm just totally clueless now.

07-14-2004, 10:44 PM

Besides finding a bunch of other crap hidden away when I was exploring last night, I found what the problem was!

Ok, so head Northwest from the Water Mill until you find one of those lil yellow bean pots. Chuck a bean in there and go up to the next screen.

Here, you need to head to the Northeast, going up higher and higher past that bastard tree monster and the bridge with a gap in it. Go north as far as you can and you should then be able to head to the right into a lil gap in the trees: HIDDEN AREA.

So on the next screen there is another one of those big fat stone heads. Smash the crap out of it and head aaaall the way back to those doors in Nirudes feet, which should now be open. DUM DA DA DUM!

I'm glad it's not some crappy bug. I hope this works for you too. Yay.

07-15-2004, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Bigfoot

Besides finding a bunch of other crap hidden away when I was exploring last night, I found what the problem was!

Ok, so head Northwest from the Water Mill until you find one of those lil yellow bean pots. Chuck a bean in there and go up to the next screen.

Here, you need to head to the Northeast, going up higher and higher past that bastard tree monster and the bridge with a gap in it. Go north as far as you can and you should then be able to head to the right into a lil gap in the trees: HIDDEN AREA.

So on the next screen there is another one of those big fat stone heads. Smash the crap out of it and head aaaall the way back to those doors in Nirudes feet, which should now be open. DUM DA DA DUM!

I'm glad it's not some crappy bug. I hope this works for you too. Yay.

Bigfoot, let me make love to you, kthx.

Well, I dont remember this at all. And I cant be believe I over-looked it while exploring. I r teh sux =(

BUT HOORAH FOR YOU!<3333333333333333333