Darth Revan
07-04-2004, 03:30 AM
Ok, I think nearly everyone here knows my love for this game series. There's just something about this series which appeals to me. Probably my dark, sadistic twisted side, because being able to pick one character and kill a lot... let me rephrase that last part... being able to kill a great, damn many of lowly soldiers in a bloody fashion.. (yeah, sounds better like that.) really appeals to me. Heh, heh, heh.

Also, because the series is loosley based on the novel by Luo Guanzhong, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" (I'm getting my two volume set in a few days.), which is a brilliant read (Even though I only have the ebook version...). My advice to anyone who loves a good read, check this book out... NOW DAMMIT!!!!

Ahem, now that I have that out of my system... the purpose of this thread has two goals. One : How many of you here have played any in this series and what did you think of it? (A friend of mine, his brother said the DW series reminds him of the game Final Fight... only on horseback (Or elephant back.)

Two : Have you had any difficulties in getting any of the weapons? I say this last one, because I'm having a... 'difficult'... time in getting some. Namely the Shu General, Yue Ying. In either DW4 or DW4 XL, it's still hard as nails to get her level 10 weapon "Oblivion". I don't even want to go anywhere near trying to get their level 11 weapons either (Of course, in DW3 and DW3 XL, there was only intially four levels of weapons, with the fifth in DW3 XL).

There was something else I wanted to add, but it eludes me for the time being. When I think of it, I'll add it in here.

Anywayz... those are my two questions for all you Dynasty Warriors fans out there. Time to await the answers.

07-04-2004, 06:25 AM
Oooh... I remember trying to get Yue Ying's weapon... though I forgot the requirements for it. I think I spent a good 5 hours trying to get the damn thing and my friend was right there with me, laughing at me for every time I end up not getting it. :(

Anyways, the series was great but it started to get good when DW3 came out. When I first got DW2, I was kinda disappointed since it really was just building 3 stats on a character. Weapons and Items got involved and even more great stuff! Mog likes it. :D

The Ricky
07-10-2004, 05:58 AM
I've been playing DW before it was DW. It was better known as Romance of the Three Kingdoms. DW was just a bad ass spin off. That I play like it were crack or ice.

DW4: XL is a bitch trying to get LV 11 weapons. But I can't wait for DW4: Empires to come out. A mix of ROTK and DW. It'll be fucking sweet.

07-11-2004, 12:59 PM
I luv dynasty warriors! Ive only played 4 and 4-xtreme legends but they were great. Actually what I did to get Oblivion was get it in Xtreme legends Its alot easier cause you have to do different things. And remember..

SUNSHANGXIANG OWNZ YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Top Cat
07-11-2004, 04:26 PM
I've only played 2, although I'm hoping to get 4 or Xtreme Legends soonish.

Damn good game.

07-13-2004, 10:19 AM
You know me and my love of ancient history especially if it has anything to do with the far east. :)

My first game was Dynasty Warriors 2, I was totally hooked as soon as I picked up the pad and played this for the first time.

As a bouns for me I was learning more and more about Chinese history, and if you think about it not that many games can educate you as well as entertain you. XD

I only own Dynasty Warriors 3 (I haven't played DW4 yet). My favourite characters are Zhao Yun, Zhou Yu and Jiange Wei. I can't think of other faves.

I love this series.

I'm unsure about getting the extended versions, are they any good?

Darth Revan
07-14-2004, 12:02 AM
Ok, out of all of the characters in DW4, I only have the following to get their level 10 weapons of, starting with...

SHU : Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang, Huang Zhong, Yue Ying.
WEI : Xu Zhu, Xiahou Yuan, Sima Yi (I hate this guy, I really do!), Zhang He, Cao Ren.
WU : Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Sun Quan, Lu Meng, Gan Ning, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao.
Non Aligned : Dong Zhuo, Zhang Jiao, Meng Huo.

For all the other characters, and the edit characters, I have the level 10 weapons for. The edit characters... to get their level 10 weapons was rather easy I thought, the only slightly difficult one to get was the level 10 Pike, Eclipse. To get that, you have to play the Battle of Hu Lao Gate, and kill Lu Bu. When I got it, I was using a character I had created called... don't laugh... Monkey, named after the character from the TV show Monkey and from the novel, Journey to the West. He had Lu Meng's move set.

BTW Riana, the extended versions, or the Xtreme Legends packs, personally I think are worthwhile getting, as if you're having trouble getting level 10 weapons (Which I am.), it's a little, REPEAT LITTLE bit easier to get them in the DW4 XL pack, than in the normal version of DW4. Best part though, you can load the original version (Musou mode, Free Mode and your save from DW4) so you can play it with the DW4 goodies. There's 10 new items in DW4XL (I only have 6... DRAT!), of the ones I have there's :

Charge Bracer - Withstand attacks while performing a charge attack.
Power Rune - Attack increases, but defense decreases.
Musou Armour - Not stunned by bow attacks.
War Drum - Allied morale goes up easier (Use this with a strategist - Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu or... Sima Yi)
Secret of Orbs - Orb items have greater effect.
Horseshoes - Enemies receive more damage when hit by a horse.

But in DW4XL, you also have the Legend mode, a special level, about one character from WEI, WU, SHU or the Non Aligned, to play through. Example, Legend of Zhen Ji (SHE'S MY FAV!! HER MUSOU KICKS!), starts out with Cao Pi riding up and seeing Zhen Ji attacking some soldiers, whereupon he falls in love with her, at offers her the world, if she'll join him. At the time, Zhen Ji is fighting for her first husband, Yuan Xi. You're given a choice of either joining Cao Pi (Abandoning Yuan Xi, in which case he'll send assassins after you), or staying true to Yuan Xi (In which case, Cao Pi's forces and Yuan Xi's forces will begin the battle.).

Then there's Xtreme Mode. Basically, you pick a character (If you've built them up an have their level 10 weapon, say good bye, because in Xtreme mode, you start out at level 16 and a level 1 weapon.) and journey over China, fighting in battles (About 15 mins long), building up experience and also hiring soliders and officers to join you. You can only have three soldier units (I suggest the Lady Guards, Yellow Turban Shamans and Nanman Sorcerors myself), and three officers (ANYONE from ANY of the groups. Meaning start with Wei Yan as your main character, and you could get Lu Bu, Zhou Yu and Zhang Liao to join you as officers.). Also, there are special missions to accomplish. Monster hunt, where either a supercharged Lu Bu, a squad of Juggernauts or an officer on an elephant appears, where you kill the monster, you get bonus Experience points and sometimes an item. You also have Kingdom creation missions where you create a kingdom of your own, amongst other missions. I tend to like the rescue mission, where you have to rescue a playable character from bandits (Suffice to say, I like to rescue Zhen Ji... A lot.). But these are just a few of the missions.

Also in DW4XL, you can get the level 11 weapons. These uber weapons are extremely powerful and have added effects to them. Don't ask me what they are, because I've tried numerous times to get even ONE level 11 weapon.... AND I HATES IT!!!

In DW3XL, the level 5 weapons are a pain to get as well, but a unique perspective to it, is you can play Musou mode with the non aligned characters in that as well. Also, you can have a squad of bodyguards OR have a character bodyguard. Example, I use Xiahou Dun (No surprises there) and can select someone from the Wei forces as my bodyguard (I chose Zhen Ji, but I can only choose from all of the Wei characters in Free Mode. In Musou mode, you're limited to the characters who would've been present at the battle, historically.).

As well as being able to create your own bodyguard unit, you can find weapons (Bodyguard weapons only go to level 3) and items for them (They can only have one item equipped... which sucks.).

All in all, I think the Xtreme Legends packs for DW3 and DW4 are worthwhile getting, as they have lots of tidbits in them, to bring more enjoyment to the initial game, but that's just my opinion.

My fav characters :

WEI - Xiahou Dun, Zhang Liao, Xu Huang and Zhen Ji.
SHU - Wei Yan, Pang Tong, Yue Ying.
WU - Zhou Tai, Sun Ce, Zhou Yu
Non Aligned - Lu Bu, Zhu Rong.

Zhen Ji and Pang Tong have the best Musou attacks in the game, IMO.

Furious Rose
07-14-2004, 10:17 AM
I actually disagree with you..Zhen Ji's musou is actually one of the worst! If you've noticed before she starts playing the flute for the musou there is a pause. Most enemies then have time to block thus making the musou worthless. For me the best musous were...Sun Shang Xiang(people you got to see this!), Zhou Yu(Juggle with this and theres no escape!), and maybe the Qiaos (Xiao's is kinda hard to aim though and Da's well Da's is just cool!.

07-30-2004, 01:26 PM
ive only played 3 and 4 but Zhou Yu is my best character and his musou ROCKS!!!!!

ff7 forever
07-31-2004, 01:52 AM
dynasty warriors is such a great game series when i first played i just turned to my friend and asked where he bought it. it's so much fun i can spend hours and hours just sitting in front of the tv and play dynasty warriors

Darth Revan
07-31-2004, 04:50 PM
As of 5 oclock, yesterday afternoon, I finally... FINALLY got
all of the remaining Level 10 weapons in DW4 (Although,
I play DW4 XL and load the original data, allowing Musou
and Free Mode with DW4 XL goodness) and somehow (I have NO
DAMN IDEA HOW!!) I managed to get the Obliteration weapon
(Level 11 weapon for an edit character wielding the Pike.)
and Zhen Ji's Level 11 weapon, Twilight Flute.

As I said... I have no idea how I got them. I was bored
and I thought, fuck it, I'm gonna give it a shot and try
to get at least one edit character Level 11 weapon and one
level 11 weapon for any other character.

Also, in regards to what NinjaYuffie said, about Zhen Ji
having the worst musou.. equip her with the following two
items : Raging Helm and Dragon Amulet (Use them also with
Pang Tong). With the Raging Helm, this item enables you
to do your taunt and you can't be knocked out of the taunt
until it's finished. Do the taunt and then hit the circle
button, and Zhen Ji's musou does massive damage thanks
to the extra Musou, courtesy of the Dragon Amulet. Being
surrounded by enemies, and using either Zhen Ji or Pang
Tong, and you have those two items equipped, well, you
won't be surrounded afterwards.

The Qiao sisters... I dislike these two. They're... annoying.

I'm just waiting for Dynasty Warriors 4 Empires (Which is
being released in Australia around the 30th of September,
at least that's what Electronics Boutique told me....)

ff7 forever
08-01-2004, 11:46 PM
that's cool

08-07-2004, 12:41 PM
Dynasty warriors 3 rocks!!!!!!!!!!! the guy with the
claws is good.

08-10-2004, 05:32 PM
Dun, you should know the answer to that question; after all, you were the one who got me hooked on the DW games in the first place when you gave me Dynasty Warriors 3 for the PS2 for Christmas last year! :D

Yeah, the DW games rock (although the less said about the crappy PSX/arcade original the better..). Personally, my favourite character is Zhu Rong - although tricky at first to get the hang of, once mastered she is deadly, adn every bit deserving of the title of 'Goddess of Fire'. Her Musuo attack is powerful (especially when you're on horseback), and her level 4 weapon in DW3 burns the enemy to dust!

In DW4 she's even better, with even better moves (her triangle attack is particulary wicked). The only thing I don't understand is exactly what she saw in that dumb lug Meng Huo (who both historically and in the ROTTK story was her husband). Love is blind I guess...

Can't wait for DW4 Empires!

Huntress Krystle
10-17-2004, 07:29 PM
i've only played DW3-Xtreme Legends. But how i love that game! cool characters, amazing costumes and fantastic weapons >_< a complete package.

my favorite characters are Jiang Wei (he uses that spear/pike as if it's a part of his body)(for the males), Diao Chan(i just think she's the prettiest among the girls, and i got intrigued by her purpose of joining dong zhuo's forces) and SunShangXiang (her being tomboyish makes her look tough, plus her weapon is awesome) (for the females)!

im a fan of the zhu rong and meng huo love team too!