07-03-2004, 10:17 PM
I've seen lots of opinions on this game. Eventually after I pay off my debt for graal that my dad payed, I'm gonna play something. I'm thinking about FF11. From what I've heard, it is difficult to party and the game is severely screwed, but are there good points? If I could somehow earn enough money to buy it for PC and pay the monthly price, should I? I am also waiting to see World of Warcraft, but it FF11 worth it? Please tell me.

07-04-2004, 06:29 AM
Well, first major question before anyone plays FFXI: Do you like MMORPGs (Massive Multiplayer Online RPGs)?

If you answered no, don't get FFXI. If you're not sure or you do like MMORPGs, it's something to consider indeed.

Partying in this game really depends on who you're with, what time you're playing, and all of these other factors... which is pretty much true with any MMORPG out there in the market. There are a few things that make this stand out above other MMORPGs. One is that you can be anything, you can change your job at any time, do whatever role you want if you have the right things, etc etc. Another thing is that parties are more organized and there are a few things to plan out such as Skill Chains, who is gonna do this or that, Magic Bursts.

I also felt that there were a lot of parts in FFXI that were breathtaking and just plain "wow". Not only the landscape but the potentiality of how you can become zero to hero if you plan things out correctly. With a great community and all of these nice things, it's a great game. Don't let the title "Final Fantasy" fool you though, it's really just a way to get more people to buy it... but it is something that MMORPGs fans will like... and those who like to raise stats, meet people, destroy things as well.

07-04-2004, 09:56 AM
Thanks for the input. I do like MMORPGS, and know all about FF11 being one. I also noticed you talked about all goods for FF11, but from what I've seen, FF11 has a lot of bad parts, like I've heard leveling is impossible when you get high and that people are jerks. I've also heard people will only take certain classes in parties and are really racist towards certain classes. What about that?

07-04-2004, 02:27 PM
I've actually been playing for a week or two, and i've encountered very lil of that. Of course I hear the ocaisional person calling someone else an asshole, but thats about it. So far people have been pretty friendly towards my character.

Only downside I see is lag sometimes. especially if everyone is on during one time of the day or if a lot of people are in one area.

07-04-2004, 04:55 PM
Well, depends on who you run into and what happens.

The only bad parts about partying is when you run into idiots... but that's normal for MMORPGs. It could be worse, it could be better but it depends... some people just have worse luck in parties and some are just lucky. You should really check out about the thread about parties in the other thread.

All in all, it's just the newbies that don't know what they are talking about. Seeing a Taru Warrior in the party does NOT mean he's a bad selection.

Sometimes you will be waiting for about a good hour to find a party but MMORPGs are about patience. Since everyone needs a party to level up at the later part, you'll bound to run into parties pretty fast. If the party doesn't fly, just find another one.

07-04-2004, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by Axelredmage
FF11 has a lot of bad parts, like I've heard leveling is impossible when you get high

Not true. It just takes a long time.. and if it was impossible how come there's people who are level 75?

and that people are jerks.

For every 30 people I meet in the game, maybe 1 is a jerk.

I've also heard people will only take certain classes in parties and are really racist towards certain classes. What about that?

The only job that has a super hard, complainable lack of party invites is DRG. Simply put, don't play as DRG, unless you can stand waiting long times for party invites. MNK and DRK also have a bit of trouble at later levels, purely because there's too many of them.

And perople are "racist" to certain job combinations. I wouldn't invite a WAR/WHM, because the combination is stupid and adds nothing to the party. I wouldn't invite a PLD/BRD, because the combination is stupid and adds nothing to the party. etc.

07-04-2004, 10:47 PM
There are some high level jerks though. But they're easy to deal with thanks to the blacklist and the ability to call a GM.

Evad D'Aragon
07-05-2004, 08:26 AM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture

The only job that has a super hard, complainable lack of party invites is DRG. Simply put, don't play as DRG, unless you can stand waiting long times for party invites. MNK and DRK also have a bit of trouble at later levels, purely because there's too many of them.

And perople are "racist" to certain job combinations. I wouldn't invite a WAR/WHM, because the combination is stupid and adds nothing to the party. I wouldn't invite a PLD/BRD, because the combination is stupid and adds nothing to the party. etc.

Dragoon, the only one ? Not quite. At lower levels, if you're WAR you'd best start your own parties then waiting on one because you're a dime a dozen. At higher levels, damage dealers are plentiful, like he said, although it's still manage because at this point you know a lot of people and if you're good, they will invite you. Needless to say, to get many invite you'd best be a WHM,BLM, PLD or even RDM.

Below level 30, WAR/WHM is not that bad a combo, although better for soloing and although MNK is much better. It makes a future Paladin train in the appropriate skills, but ditch it as soon as you can. WHM/WAR is plain horrible though, except for getting your first 10 levels as WHM. And you never sub matter what.

07-05-2004, 01:07 PM
I wanted to go DRG/WHM later on. But I get mixed reactions on it and the guide says its a special combo.

07-05-2004, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by Evad D'Aragon
And you never sub matter what.

BST/BRD might work to some extent... and nobody complains because you don't party with it ^^

Evad D'Aragon
07-05-2004, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture

BST/BRD might work to some extent... and nobody complains because you don't party with it ^^

lol I've yet to see that one...

And actually, I wouldn't mind having a Beastmaster ( It's not really worse than having a Summoner or Dragoon, really. ) in a party, but so many people still have incorrect information on them...Oh well.

07-05-2004, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by Evad D'Aragon

lol I've yet to see that one...

And actually, I wouldn't mind having a Beastmaster ( It's not really worse than having a Summoner or Dragoon, really. ) in a party, but so many people still have incorrect information on them...Oh well.

BRD for CHR boost, plus a song to help you and stuff...

BSTs can't really party well pre 35 though, because without release the charmed pet sucks up too much exp, so they don't use charm, and are basically an exp leech. After 35, they're good though, but most BSTs aren't LFG...

Also, BST/BRD wouldn't be a very effective combo in party.

07-07-2004, 05:01 AM
Originally posted by Evad D'Aragon

lol I've yet to see that one...

And actually, I wouldn't mind having a Beastmaster ( It's not really worse than having a Summoner or Dragoon, really. ) in a party, but so many people still have incorrect information on them...Oh well.

Summoner kicks ass if it's played well. They have some godly support abilities- ie Aerial Armor and Hasteaga, among other things.

Poor Dragoon. Nobody likes them.

07-07-2004, 09:02 PM
Thanks for all your opinions! But my mom has broken it to me that she and my stepdad have no possible way of paying me to do stuff, and my dad can't pay me much either, so unless I earn some good money when I sell my old unused games tomorrow and when I sell stuff at our garage sale, I'm pretty much toast...or if my 16 year old brother does something responsible and applies for and gets a job and works 20 hours a week at at least minimum wage, at which point, I'd have to wait 2-3 months because he's still be working towards getting a laptop, his biggest goal. Thanks for all your opinions, and I hope that one day I may be on Final Fantasy XI, living out my dream of being a tarutaru black mage.

07-16-2004, 07:08 AM
there seems to be Galka racism on some servers and Drg PT invites are ipossible at the higher levels unless you have good friends or a Static PT.

Leveling can be insanely difficult and while there are nice people, that one asshole can really ruin a day for you.

As for so many lvl 75's. the game was out in Japan for two years before it saw a US release,.

07-16-2004, 11:20 AM
Okay, my brother has a chance at a job. I'm just wondering though if this system will run FFXI.
=============================== System =================================

CPU = Intel(R) Celeron(TM) CPU 1200MHz
CPU Speed = 1198 MHz
No. of CPUs = 1
OS = Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1 Ver 5.01.2600
Version of DirectX = DirectX 9.0
Main Memory = Capacity: 254MB : Free Space: 56MB
Drive [C:\] = Local Disk Free Space: 26.61 GB (Capacity: 37.27 GB )
PlayOnline Viewer Install Path = Not installed
Tetra Master Install Path = Not installed
FINAL FANTASY XI Install Path = Not installed
Graphics Card = Intel(R) 82815 Graphics Controller
Type of Chip = Unknown Video Chip
Video Driver = i81xdnt5.dll
Version =
Updated = 10/30/2001 01:00 PM
VendorId = 0x8086
DeviceId = 0x1132
SubSysId = 0x820E11
Revision = 4
WHQLLevel = Signed(Date:Unknown)
VRAM = 4.0MB
AvailableVidMem = 4.0MB
AvailableTextureMem = 32.0MB
Sound Card = SoundMAX Digital Audio
Sound Driver = smwdm.sys
Version =
Updated = 05/27/2003 05:05 PM
Network Card = SMC EZ Card 10/100 PCI (SMC1211 Series)
Network Driver = SMC1211.SYS
Version = 1.33.0711.2001
Updated = 07/11/2001 11:06 AM
Motherboard = 07A8h
Manufacturer = Compaq
Version =
Is that good? Will FFXI run? I've already tried the benchmark and it always says there's an error when I try to start it.

08-02-2004, 02:30 AM
I don't know!!!?

If u said it wouldn't work then it won't work!

thats my advice!

Freeza Frost
08-19-2004, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by Evad D'Aragon

Dragoon, the only one ? Not quite. At lower levels, if you're WAR you'd best start your own parties then waiting on one because you're a dime a dozen. At higher levels, damage dealers are plentiful, like he said, although it's still manage because at this point you know a lot of people and if you're good, they will invite you. Needless to say, to get many invite you'd best be a WHM,BLM, PLD or even RDM.

Below level 30, WAR/WHM is not that bad a combo, although better for soloing and although MNK is much better. It makes a future Paladin train in the appropriate skills, but ditch it as soon as you can. WHM/WAR is plain horrible though, except for getting your first 10 levels as WHM. And you never sub matter what.

what do WHM, WAR, etc mean?

how easy is it to make friends and to join a team? is there a main villain? what's th object of the game? to make money and kill monsters? never played an mmorpg. no offense, but it sounds kinda boring. maybe i'll byt the pc version since there're no gamehsark cheats.

i guess i can always cancel the subscription if decide it sux or something. who likes x-2?

08-19-2004, 09:09 AM
what do WHM, WAR, etc mean?
They're abbreviations for classes. WHM = White Mage and WAR = Warrior.

how easy is it to make friends and to join a team?
That depends on how personable you are. Making friends in a game works a lot like in real life.

is there a main villain? what's th object of the game? to make money and kill monsters?
There usually isn't a main villain in an MMORPG because the game constantly expands and evolves. The object of the game is to do whatever you want within the game's boundaries.

never played an mmorpg. no offense, but it sounds kinda boring.
Games like this are what you make of them. There's a lot of stuff to do if you're willing to seek it out. Also, the community element is what really defines an MMORPG. If you don't get into that, then this type of game isn't for you.

i guess i can always cancel the subscription if decide it sux or something.
That's true, but it would suck to spend the money buying the software if you decide pretty fast that you don't like it. You should be at least marginally sure of what you're getting into before you pay for an expensive game like this.

who likes x-2?
There's a whole forum for that.

Freeza Frost
08-19-2004, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by Prak

There usually isn't a main villain in an MMORPG because the game constantly expands and evolves. The object of the game is to do whatever you want within the game's boundaries.

That's true, but it would suck to spend the money buying the software if you decide pretty fast that you don't like it. You should be at least marginally sure of what you're getting into before you pay for an expensive game like this.

i'll just get the pc version for my laptop. sounds like fun. it sounds like a great way to spend time. i see it as a chat community where u can play a game! i wonder if a one-on-fight mode is available.

even thouh i'm a guy, i hope have a girl as a character is ok. i might get a guy. a guy hume and a girl elvaan. the ling haired one looks cute.

08-20-2004, 01:39 PM
In my opinion, NO, but its up to you.

08-23-2004, 01:39 PM
Id say yes its worth it get it!

08-25-2004, 02:14 PM
Check out this message from about Star Wars: Galaxies.

Apparently something interesting has been going on inside the world of StarWars:Galaxies. There is some sort of credit duping bug and after being heavily exploited by folks such as this "bruceleee" on the Intrepid server. Such an original name! Well apparently he and others started giving out these duped credits for nothing or were "tipping" heavily with them. Instead of trying another less extreme method first Sony banned everyone involved. Whether they knew they had these duped credits or not! So after this mass banning all sorts of friends of these people gathered in Theed (you know, Naboo?) to protest this or something. A bunch of CSRs (GMs, essentially) told them all to leave or they'd shut the whole server down! I find that part particularly amusing. So this one player, Allehe, starts acting as a reporter giving a play by play of whats going on while being randomly transported across the game. I guess some people even got teleported into space. Ouch. I guess they did shut down the server at some point when Sony made good on their threat but is now up and running again!

I read this and it just made me laugh and I thought I would share.

08-25-2004, 04:22 PM
Thanks for wasting time in my thread. If you want to post, give me your opinion. Actually, don't, I've realized there is no way for me to get FFXI.

08-25-2004, 09:02 PM
Originally posted by Axelredmage
Thanks for wasting time in my thread. If you want to post, give me your opinion. Actually, don't, I've realized there is no way for me to get FFXI.

You don't own this thread. =\

Of course, by no means is it okay to post random crap about SWG in the middle of this thread, either.

Evad D'Aragon
08-25-2004, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture

You don't own this thread. =\

Of course, by no means is it okay to post random crap about SWG in the middle of this thread, either.

Amen. Basically, so as much as we respect the rules, we are allowed to post in any thread we want.

08-26-2004, 01:44 AM
I know but I am the starter of the thread. I kind of don't want random spam in my thread, and even in an FFXI forum! He could have just posted in the overall RPG forum about this. It's just kind of a waste.

08-26-2004, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by Axelredmage
I know but I am the starter of the thread. I kind of don't want random spam in my thread, and even in an FFXI forum! He could have just posted in the overall RPG forum about this. It's just kind of a waste.

I agree; random spam is bad. The rest of your post about how you don't want anymore people talking about if the game is worth it or not is also bad.

08-26-2004, 03:52 AM
It wasn't meant to be random spam I was just saying that if your going to get a mmorpg, then FFXI was definately a better choice than Star Wars Galaxies.

08-26-2004, 01:38 PM

Don't give up on getting the game yet, you never know how some things manage to work themselves out.

If your going to get a MMORPG i've really enjoyed this one and i've heard really good things about City of Heros and obviously bad things about star wars.

Not sure what other ones are out there other than everquest and i've never played that one.

08-26-2004, 09:59 PM
I have reasons why I can't.
1. My mom can't pay me or my dad...
2. If my brother gets a job, we can' upgrade my computer due to my moms overcautiosness.
3. My upstairs computer has no way of getting to the internet. It doesn't have the right model to hook up with our wireless connection.
Add all that up and there really is no way for me to get to play online. If I win 1000$ in the poetry contest I'm in, I'm just gonna reactivate my ragnarok online account. I already played for the 15 day free trial this month.