Bahamut ZERO
06-30-2004, 08:06 PM
Again, as it says in the thread title. What are your fondest memories of playing any Role Playing Game? Be it story, battle wise or achievement?

For me, it would be when I fought and defeated the giant Taros in Shining Force 2. It had taken me ages to find the Achilles Sword required to do damage to him, and I felt a great satisfaction when the Hero's attack actually did DAMAGE to him as a result. :)

06-30-2004, 08:12 PM
You've certainly been a busy poster.

Let me see fav RPG moments...

they would have to be the sending and ending of FFX, the opening of Xenogears (I havn't cleared it yet) and the moment I beat Diablo. Oh yeah, and when I finally got to use the masterball I'd been saving to catch Myu-2 on my friends Pokemon.

hb smokey
06-30-2004, 10:48 PM
I'm sure that I can think of one if I actually sat down and gave it some thought, but this is what I came up with right away...

In Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (an underrated and outstanding game), the fight with Dodo and Valentia. When one of your characters attacks Valentia, her boobs shake and giggle. I was laughing so hard the first time I saw that.

07-01-2004, 03:30 AM
Originally posted by Smokey
In Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (an underrated and outstanding game), the fight with Dodo and Valentia. When one of your characters attacks Valentia, her boobs shake and giggle. I was laughing so hard the first time I saw that.

What a good game.

My favorite RPG moment was FFVI. The whole thing.

07-01-2004, 02:50 PM
The part in Grandia where Justin almost loses ...well, faith, or something. It was all rather well written, and such, and the emotional apex of the game. So, yeah!

07-02-2004, 06:41 AM
mine would most likely be when i got all 150. Now i don;t see why it was so great.

07-16-2004, 11:10 AM
For me... Its in Chrono Trigger. The moment when Crono is killed by Lavos and the whole Undersea palace is destroyed and Zeal falls making that huge tidal wave, then later when Magus asks, "Do you wish to fight me?" Chrono Trigger is awsome. ^.^

07-16-2004, 11:25 AM
I think the melodrama in Shining Force 2.

Where you defeat Lemon, and he is no longer possesed by the devils, and he runs about going "OH WOE IS ME, I WANT TO DIE!!!!" and throws himself off cliffs and stuff. But, its roffle tastic, because he cant die, due to becoming a vampire, or something. And the wizard guy is like "I am afraid that the most he will get is a very sore head ;_;"

07-16-2004, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by Magus
For me... Its in Chrono Trigger. The moment when Crono is killed by Lavos and the whole Undersea palace is destroyed and Zeal falls making that huge tidal wave, then later when Magus asks, "Do you wish to fight me?" Chrono Trigger is awsome. ^.^

*spoilers possibly*

As much as I love chrono trigger, I don't like that scene, it so important to the storyline you have to reference it have the time if you want to state a theory, and that scene started chrono cross as well as the point where you realize chrono and the party screwed everything up.

They could have made that scene better on the count it's the most important part of the story. The whole attitude seemed passive.

What actually turns out to be the coolest moments in the game:

1. When you arrive in 2300 A.D. the FIRST time you play Chrono Trigger, it's a real shocker, gives you the chills

2. I also enjoy the part where the black omen falls, that whole sequence rocks.

Ereptor Eximius
07-16-2004, 06:49 PM
Mine would have to be in Xenosaga Ep.1 when the group leaves Hyperspace to suddenly be surrounded by about a gazillion Gnosis. Best. FMV. Ever.

07-16-2004, 10:53 PM
quote: Originally posted by Melchior
2. I also enjoy the part where the black omen falls, that whole sequence rocks.

*Spoilers possibly* ;]

07-16-2004, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by Magus
quote: Originally posted by Melchior
2. I also enjoy the part where the black omen falls, that whole sequence rocks.

*Spoilers possibly* ;]

weeeeeell I think as I type sometimes, so that's a "pre-warning"

and it served it's purpose.

07-19-2004, 12:32 AM
When I beat Elmdor in FFT. KIlling him was the easy part, learning Ultima and stealing ALL of the Genji armor without any of your characters dyieng was the hard part. Took me many many hours to actually do it succesfully.

07-19-2004, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by PlasmaTorture
My favorite RPG moment was FFVI. The whole thing.

iconoclastic pastry
07-19-2004, 01:06 AM
I echo the above sentiment.

07-20-2004, 06:11 AM
my favourite(off the top of my head) is the battle against the yellow head gang near the end of shenmue 2

07-20-2004, 06:16 AM
Originally posted by Ndi

Originally posted by PlasmaTorture
My favorite RPG moment was FFVI. The whole thing.

07-21-2004, 10:55 AM
My favorite would have to be the sending and ending in FFX
When Sephiroth walks through the flames in FFVII
When Yuna sings 1000 words in FFX-2

08-10-2004, 03:41 PM
yea surely 1000 words sung by yuna and lenne, it was so sad how lene and ummmmm...... her boyfriend died crying. and also the ending of kingdom hearts that is also sad.

08-18-2004, 04:09 AM
I'm suprised a thread like this isn't getting any more posts. It should.

Anyhow, I have one to add � in Xenogears, when I FINALLY get elly to join my party. Utter mindless satisfaction.

08-18-2004, 08:00 AM
Mine was probably Kain's fateful decision at the end of Blood Omen, which was unquestionably one of the coolest plot twists ever.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-18-2004, 07:23 PM
Well, if we're going to call Legacy of Kain an RPG...

The end of Defiance, Kain's response to The Elder God's rant after the final battle. Best Kain line, ever.

Raziel's little remarks weren't too shabby in that game, either.

08-18-2004, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Odin
Well, if we're going to call Legacy of Kain an RPG...

I'd only call the first one an RPG.

08-18-2004, 09:48 PM
the death of aeris in ff7........

08-18-2004, 09:54 PM
the death of aeris in ff7........ i agree with you

08-18-2004, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by Melchior
1. When you arrive in 2300 A.D. the FIRST time you play Chrono Trigger, it's a real shocker, gives you the chills

man that creeped me out...

my favorite rpg moment(s)....
ffx sending movie~gave me goosebumps
ffx ending
ffx2 thousand words
chrono cross and chrono trigger~ the whole thing
when i quit xenosaga

and ummm i think thats all.

08-20-2004, 04:43 AM
Threads never die in The role playing games

Dark Adonis
08-23-2004, 12:29 AM
Getting Laharl (from Disgaea) to level 9999, took me a long time!

The Ricky
08-23-2004, 01:21 AM
mine was when I came close to beating BoF: DQ before my FUCKING D-COUNTER went to 100%.

08-25-2004, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by thaxul
the death of aeris in ff7........

same here.

08-26-2004, 08:17 PM
Wait areies dies in FF7 i neva played that but i thoght she lived cause she's in KH and KH is after FF7 is she a Ghost.... OMG

09-20-2004, 02:58 AM
when Fei and Elly finally get together in Xenogears. Simply the best written scene in any game. Play it if you don't believe me.

09-27-2004, 03:49 AM
Beating the emerald weapon in FF7. I was to lazy to get golden chocobo, so it took almost a month to beat him.

Actually, there are way too many fav. moments. Grandia 2 had one, chrono cross had one, many others.

Also, watching that annoying girl get a sword shoved through her back was great.

haryuu no
09-27-2004, 07:58 PM
when sephirothburns down nibelhelm, the end of FF IX, and 1000 word is FFX-2 there are others but i dont wanna bore u guys and girls to death!:)

Huntress Krystle
10-14-2004, 01:39 AM
as of now, i would have to say, the scene/fmv in drakengard where Angelus (the dragon) was made into a seal by the priest(not sure if he really was a priest) there, she was bleeding all over and is in so much pain, and it's the first and last time she told her name to a human (that human is Caim) and Caim's just holding onto her, weeping..he couldnt say his final words for her because he lost his voice. I absolultely love that fmv.

10-14-2004, 07:40 AM
Maybe that would be a nice choice if Drakengard was an rpg.

11-16-2004, 11:28 AM
The Final Fantasy X ending .... :( i love it

then maybe when Dagger in Final Fantasy IX cut her hair

11-16-2004, 10:37 PM
Aeris' death scene. Never actually hated a villain until that point.

Alice Wonderbra
11-17-2004, 12:18 AM
that was a spoiler, Hidatoshi, and a major one at that. sure, we all like to assume that everyone knows about that little happening, but believe it or not (especially with the huge newbie numbers lately) some people don't know that major plot point in ff7, mate. mark a warning of somesort, please

not counting entire games (or ff3/6 would also be my answer), i think the ending of ff8 owns all. the best ending i have ever seen in any game ever.

11-17-2004, 01:41 PM
that was a spoiler, Hidatoshi, and a major one at that. sure, we all like to assume that everyone knows about that little happening, but believe it or not (especially with the huge newbie numbers lately) some people don't know that major plot point in ff7, mate. mark a warning of somesort, please

not counting entire games (or ff3/6 would also be my answer), i think the ending of ff8 owns all. the best ending i have ever seen in any game ever.

it does say possible spoilers oin the title doesnt it.

anyways my fav mo is the moment on suikoden2 when everyone rallies around a women named Teresa and blocks and army with weapons (the people were just villegers and had no weapons but still a good moment)

Alice Wonderbra
11-18-2004, 12:33 AM
it does say possible spoilers oin the title doesnt it.


11-18-2004, 02:10 AM
Edna: Mine would be the space scene with Squall and Rinoa in FFVIII.

Zulu: Yeah, Eyes on Me playing in the background...that's a classic.

Edna: I also like the Laguna/ Julia/ piano scene.

Terra Fire
11-18-2004, 05:59 PM
hey are you kinda split minded (controlled by 2 people) or what... anyway

my fav rpg monment it battle of the gardens (FF8) plus it's beginnig of the game.

Plus FFX when they storm Bevelle to rescue Yuna you know when they slide down the ropes and tidus flips and all that stuff.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-20-2004, 06:57 AM
new answer:
40vs40 pvp raiding in WoW for the last night of open beta.

that was amazingly good, and surprisingly not that laggy.

dark mage
12-22-2004, 04:49 PM
my greatest moment in a rpg was gettin gthe highest level for all my characters in legend of dragoon. believe me it was a challange. not to meantion the hours spend on that game. :cool:

this site got my interrest. my other name was mondesto keys but couldn't do anything because i didn't understand. now i do but my new name is dark mage. really sorry if i gave anyone a hassel of everything.

now for a face... do anyone have any ideas? really need to a face, gotta need a new face to this name.

thanks a ton

12-22-2004, 06:18 PM
My favorites included beating Legend of Dragoon and the part where we save Yuna from Bevelle. That was fun. Not to mention saving Rinoa from Outer Space.

Terra Fire
12-22-2004, 11:26 PM
Maybe the battle of the Gardens in FF8 and also saving Yuna in Bevelle like StarTsubasa said. Plus (last one) Saving Riona in space it was fun (especially on my 32nd time........i'm only jokin' it took me ,when i was 10yrs old, 12 tries but recently 2 so major improvement) anyways those are a few of my best RPG moments :)

12-23-2004, 04:51 AM
as of now, i would have to say, the scene/fmv in drakengard where Angelus (the dragon) was made into a seal by the priest(not sure if he really was a priest) there, she was bleeding all over and is in so much pain, and it's the first and last time she told her name to a human (that human is Caim) and Caim's just holding onto her, weeping..he couldnt say his final words for her because he lost his voice. I absolultely love that fmv.

yeah that was great. and Drakengard IS an rpg. pretty much shouldn't be, but labels are labels. it's only an rpg because your character levels up

i also like when Garnet cuts her hair, and when Vivi goes trance on the black waltz, and a few FFX things, and when Link gets a free sword in that cave - DUH

12-23-2004, 10:26 AM
Hmm.. So many to choose from.

I like 'Heroic' scenes like when Squall rescues Rinoa, or Cecil stands up against Zeromus even though he only has 1 hp. I also like the scenes where Something is attacking something else ( eg Bahamut attack Alexandria, or Weapon attacks junon)

I could get more specific but that'd be boring to read :) LOL

12-23-2004, 06:59 PM
for me it was either beating the crap out of Omega in FFV OR
helping my friend strategize ways to kill ruby weapon and then doing it (were soo smart)

The Ricky
12-27-2004, 10:26 AM
In the BoFV ending when THEY FINALLY KILL A RYU!!!! They did something new for once.